protected void loadDropLocal(string cCodLocal) { ILocal IService = new ILocal(); BELocal BE = new BELocal(); BE.codLocal = cCodLocal; ddlLocales.DataSource = IService.IGetLocal(BE); ddlLocales.DataValueField = "codLocal"; ddlLocales.DataTextField = "nomLocal"; ddlLocales.DataBind(); }
public List <BELocal> GetLocal(BELocal local) { try { List <BELocal> lstLocal = new List <BELocal>(); BELocal beLocal = new BELocal(); using (DbCommand dbCmd = dbSQL.GetStoredProcCommand("SP_GET_LOCAL")) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(local.codLocal)) { dbSQL.AddInParameter(dbCmd, "@codLocal", DbType.String, DBNull.Value); } else { dbSQL.AddInParameter(dbCmd, "@codLocal", DbType.String, local.codLocal); } using (IDataReader dataReader = dbSQL.ExecuteReader(dbCmd)) { int index0 = dataReader.GetOrdinal("respuesta"); int index1 = dataReader.GetOrdinal("codLocal"); int index2 = dataReader.GetOrdinal("nomLocal"); object[] values = new object[dataReader.FieldCount]; while (dataReader.Read()) { dataReader.GetValues(values); beLocal = new BELocal(); beLocal.codLocal = values[index1] == DBNull.Value ? string.Empty : values[index1].ToString(); beLocal.nomLocal = values[index2] == DBNull.Value ? string.Empty : values[index2].ToString(); lstLocal.Add(beLocal); } } return(lstLocal); } } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionManager.SaveError("Ocurrio un error al obtener los locales", string.Empty, string.Empty, ex, "GetPeriodos", true, false); return(null); } finally { } }
protected void loadDropLocal(string cCodLocal) { ILocal IService = new ILocal(); BELocal BE = new BELocal(); BEUser BEuser = new BEUser(); BEuser = (BEUser)Session["LoginUser"]; if (BEuser.codRol == "3") { BE.codLocal = string.Empty; } else { BE.codLocal = cCodLocal; } ddlLocales.DataSource = IService.IGetLocal(BE); ddlLocales.DataValueField = "codLocal"; ddlLocales.DataTextField = "nomLocal"; ddlLocales.DataBind(); }
public List <BELocal> GetLocalBL(BELocal local) { LocalDA DA = new LocalDA(); return(DA.GetLocal(local)); }
public List <BELocal> IGetLocal(BELocal local) { LocalBL getLocalBL = new LocalBL(); return(getLocalBL.GetLocalBL(local)); }
protected void Btn_Compras_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { ILocal IService2 = new ILocal(); BELocal BE = new BELocal(); BEUser beh = new BEUser(); List <BELocal> lstLocal = new List <BELocal>(); beh = (BEUser)Session["LoginUser"]; BE.codLocal = beh.codLocal; BEPeriodoEmpresa_Mant beExport = new BEPeriodoEmpresa_Mant(); string[] fecha = DevolverAnioMes(this.ddlPeriodos.SelectedItem.Text); if (beh.codRol != "3") { beExport.codLocal = beh.codLocal; lstLocal = IService2.IGetLocal(BE); } else { beExport.mes = fecha[0]; beExport.anioProces = fecha[1]; } string nomlocal = string.Empty; foreach (BELocal localUser in lstLocal) { nomlocal = localUser.nomLocal; } IExportar IService = new IExportar(); beExport.codPeriodo = this.ddlPeriodos.SelectedValue; //beExport.x = this.ddlPeriodos.SelectedItem.Text; //beExport.nombre = nomlocal; beExport.Ruta = "C:/C" + "20114803228" + devolverFecha(this.ddlPeriodos.SelectedItem.Text) + ".txt"; File.Delete("C:/C" + "20114803228" + devolverFecha(this.ddlPeriodos.SelectedItem.Text) + ".txt"); this.Lbl_Compras.Text = IService.IExporCompra(beExport); Lbl_Compras.Visible = true; String FileName = "C" + "20114803228" + devolverFecha(this.ddlPeriodos.SelectedItem.Text) + ".txt"; String FilePath = "C:/C" + "20114803228" + devolverFecha(this.ddlPeriodos.SelectedItem.Text) + ".txt"; //Replace this System.Web.HttpResponse response = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response; response.ClearContent(); response.Clear(); response.ContentType = "text/plain"; response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + FileName + ";"); response.TransmitFile(FilePath); response.Flush(); response.End(); string path = "C:/C" + "20114803228" + devolverFecha(this.ddlPeriodos.SelectedItem.Text) + ".txt"; //get physical file path from server string name = Path.GetFileName(path); //get file name string ext = Path.GetExtension(path); //get file extension string type = ""; // set known types based on file extension if (ext != null) { switch (ext.ToLower()) { case ".htm": case ".html": type = "text/HTML"; break; case ".txt": type = "text/plain"; break; case ".GIF": type = "image/GIF"; break; case ".pdf": type = "Application/pdf"; break; case ".doc": case ".rtf": type = "Application/msword"; break; Default: type = ""; break; } } Response.AppendHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=" + name); if (type != "") { Response.ContentType = type; } Response.WriteFile(path); Response.End(); //give POP to user for file downlaod } catch (Exception ex) { lblError.Text = ex.Message; } }