Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Find all playlists in this account.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="howMany">
        /// Number of videos returned (-1 will return all) defaults to -1
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="sortBy">
        /// The field by which to sort (defaults to CREATION_DATE)
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="sortOrder">
        /// The direction by which to sort (default to DESC)
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="video_fields">
        /// A comma-separated list of the fields you wish to have populated in the videos contained in the returned object. Passing null populates with all fields. (defaults to all)
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="custom_fields">
        /// A comma-separated list of the custom fields you wish to have populated in the videos contained in the returned object. Passing null populates with all fields. (defaults to all)
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="playlist_fields">
        /// A comma-separated list of the fields you wish to have populated in the playlists contained in the returned object. Passing null populates with all fields.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// Returns a BCQueryResult item
        /// </returns>
        public BCQueryResult FindAllPlaylists(int howMany, BCSortByType sortBy, BCSortOrderType sortOrder, List <VideoFields> video_fields, List <String> custom_fields, List <string> playlist_fields, MediaDeliveryTypeEnum media_delivery)
            Dictionary <String, String> reqparams = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            //Build the REST parameter list
            reqparams.Add("command", "find_all_playlists");
            reqparams.Add("sort_order", sortOrder.ToString());
            reqparams.Add("sort_by", sortBy.ToString());
            reqparams.Add("media_delivery", media_delivery.ToString());
            if (howMany >= 0)
                reqparams.Add("page_size", howMany.ToString());
            if (playlist_fields != null)
                reqparams.Add("playlist_fields", Implode(playlist_fields));
            if (video_fields != null)
                reqparams.Add("video_fields", video_fields.ToFieldString());
            if (custom_fields != null)
                reqparams.Add("custom_fields", Implode(custom_fields));

            BCQueryResult qr = MultipleQueryHandler(reqparams, BCObjectType.playlists, Account);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieve multiple playlists based on their publisher-assigned reference ids.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reference_ids">
        /// The reference ids of the playlists we'd like to retrieve.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="video_fields">
        /// A comma-separated list of the fields you wish to have populated in the videos contained in the returned object. Passing null populates with all fields. (defaults to all)
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="custom_fields">
        /// A comma-separated list of the custom fields you wish to have populated in the videos contained in the returned object. Passing null populates with all fields. (defaults to all)
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="playlist_fields">
        /// A comma-separated list of the fields you wish to have populated in the playlists contained in the returned object. Passing null populates with all fields.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// Returns a BCQueryResult item
        /// </returns>
        public BCQueryResult FindPlaylistsByReferenceIds(List <string> reference_ids, List <VideoFields> video_fields, List <string> custom_fields, List <PlaylistFields> playlist_fields, MediaDeliveryTypeEnum media_delivery)
            Dictionary <String, String> reqparams = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            //Build the REST parameter list
            reqparams.Add("command", "find_playlists_by_reference_ids");
            reqparams.Add("reference_ids", Implode(reference_ids));
            reqparams.Add("media_delivery", media_delivery.ToString());
            if (playlist_fields != null)
                reqparams.Add("playlist_fields", playlist_fields.ToFieldString());
            if (video_fields != null)
                reqparams.Add("video_fields", video_fields.ToFieldString());
            if (custom_fields != null)
                reqparams.Add("custom_fields", Implode(custom_fields));

            BCQueryResult qr = MultipleQueryHandler(reqparams, BCObjectType.playlists, Account);

Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Given the id of a player, returns all the playlists assigned to that player.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="player_id">
        /// The player id whose playlists we want to return.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="howMany">
        /// The number of videos to return (-1 will return all) defaults to -1
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="video_fields">
        /// A comma-separated list of the fields you wish to have populated in the videos contained in the returned object. Passing null populates with all fields. (defaults to all)
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="custom_fields">
        /// A comma-separated list of the custom fields you wish to have populated in the videos contained in the returned object. Passing null populates with all fields. (defaults to all)
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="playlist_fields">
        /// A comma-separated list of the fields you wish to have populated in the playlists contained in the returned object. Passing null populates with all fields.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// Returns a BCQueryResult item
        /// </returns>
        public BCQueryResult FindPlaylistsForPlayerId(long player_id, int howMany, List <VideoFields> video_fields, List <string> custom_fields, List <PlaylistFields> playlist_fields, MediaDeliveryTypeEnum media_delivery)
            Dictionary <String, String> reqparams = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            //Build the REST parameter list
            reqparams.Add("command", "find_playlists_for_player_id");
            reqparams.Add("player_id", player_id.ToString());
            reqparams.Add("media_delivery", media_delivery.ToString());
            if (howMany >= 0)
                reqparams.Add("page_size", howMany.ToString());
            if (playlist_fields != null)
                reqparams.Add("playlist_fields", playlist_fields.ToFieldString());
            if (video_fields != null)
                reqparams.Add("video_fields", video_fields.ToFieldString());
            if (custom_fields != null)
                reqparams.Add("custom_fields", Implode(custom_fields));

            BCQueryResult qr = MultipleQueryHandler(reqparams, BCObjectType.playlists, Account);

Ejemplo n.º 4
        private static void MakeRequest(BCQueryResult qr, Dictionary <string, string> reqparams, BCObjectType itemType, BCAccount account)
            QueryResultPair qrp = BCAPIRequest.ExecuteRead(reqparams, account);

            qrp.JsonResult = qrp.JsonResult.Replace("\"items\":", "\"" + itemType.ToString() + "\":");
            qr.Merge(JSON.Converter.Deserialize <BCQueryResult>(qrp.JsonResult));
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public static string[] GetAllVideos(BCAPI api, int pageNumber, string query)
            string[] result = null;

            if (api != null)
                List <BrightcoveSDK.VideoFields> videoSearchFields = new List <VideoFields>();
                int           itemsPerPage = 50;
                int           itemCount    = 0;
                BCQueryResult videos       = null;


                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query))
                    query = query.Trim();
                    query = string.Empty;

                if (query.Length == 0)
                    videos = api.FindAllVideos(itemsPerPage, BCSortByType.MODIFIED_DATE, BCSortOrderType.DESC, null, null, MediaDeliveryTypeEnum.DEFAULT, pageNumber, true);
                    videos = api.FindVideosByText(query, itemsPerPage, BCSortByType.MODIFIED_DATE, BCSortOrderType.DESC, null, null, MediaDeliveryTypeEnum.DEFAULT, pageNumber, true);

                if (videos != null)
                    itemCount = videos.TotalCount;

                result = new string[videos.TotalCount];

                for (int i = 0; i < videos.Videos.Count; i++)
                    BCVideo video = videos.Videos[i];

                    if (i < itemsPerPage)
                        result[i] = string.Format(@"{{ ""id"":{0}, ""name"":'{1}', ""thumbnailURL"":'{2}' }}",
                                                  video.id, Util.FixParam(video.name), Util.FixParam(video.thumbnailURL));
                        result[i] = "null";

Ejemplo n.º 6
        private static BCQueryResult MultipleQueryHandler(Dictionary <String, String> reqparams, BCObjectType itemType, BCAccount account)
            //Get the JSon reader returned from the APIRequest
            BCQueryResult qr = new BCQueryResult();

            qr.TotalCount = 0;

            int defaultPageSize = 100;

            if (!reqparams.ContainsKey("page_size"))               // if page size is not set than set it
                reqparams.Add("page_size", defaultPageSize.ToString());
                qr.MaxToGet = -1;
            else                 // else parse it
                qr.MaxToGet     = Convert.ToInt32(reqparams["page_size"]);
                defaultPageSize = qr.MaxToGet;

            MakeRequest(qr, reqparams, itemType, account);
            if (!reqparams.ContainsKey("page_number"))               // if page number is not set then pass make recursive calls
                reqparams.Add("page_number", "0");

                //make sure you get the correct page num
                int    modifier   = (qr.MaxToGet.Equals(-1)) ? qr.TotalCount : qr.MaxToGet;
                double maxPageNum = (qr.TotalCount > 0) ? Math.Ceiling((double)(modifier / defaultPageSize)) : 0;

                //if there are more to get move to next page and keep getting them
                for (int pageNum = 1; pageNum <= maxPageNum; pageNum++)
                    //update page each iteration
                    reqparams["page_number"] = pageNum.ToString();
                    MakeRequest(qr, reqparams, itemType, account);

                if (itemType.Equals(BCObjectType.videos))
                    //trim if specified
                    if (qr.Videos.Count > qr.MaxToGet && !qr.MaxToGet.Equals(-1) && qr.MaxToGet < qr.TotalCount)
                        List <BCVideo> vidTemp = qr.Videos.GetRange(0, Convert.ToInt32(qr.MaxToGet));

Ejemplo n.º 7
        public static string[] GetAllPlaylists(BCAPI api, int pageNumber, string query)
            string[] result = null;

            if (api != null)
                int           itemsPerPage = 50;
                int           itemCount    = 0;
                BCQueryResult playlists    = null;

                // Cannot search playlists yet, but in the future use "query" -ACA 9/12/2011
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query))
                    query = query.Trim().ToLower();
                    query = string.Empty;

                playlists = api.FindAllPlaylists(itemsPerPage, BCSortByType.MODIFIED_DATE, BCSortOrderType.DESC, null, null, Util.PlaylistBrowseFields, MediaDeliveryTypeEnum.DEFAULT, pageNumber, true);

                if (playlists != null)
                    itemCount = playlists.TotalCount;

                result = new string[playlists.TotalCount];

                for (int i = 0; i < playlists.Playlists.Count; i++)
                    if (i < itemsPerPage)
                        BCPlaylist playlist = playlists.Playlists[i];

                        result[i] = string.Format(@"{{ ""id"":{0}, ""name"":'{1}', ""thumbnailURL"":'{2}' }}",
                                                  playlist.id, Util.FixParam(playlist.name), Util.FixParam(playlist.thumbnailURL));
                        result[i] = "null";

Ejemplo n.º 8
        public BCQueryResult GetResults(string query)
            this._pageNumber = Util.ParseInt(Request.QueryString[Util.PagingKey]);

            if (this.bcApi != null)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(query))
                    this.result = this.bcApi.FindAllVideos(this._itemsPerPage, BCSortByType.MODIFIED_DATE, BCSortOrderType.DESC, null, null, MediaDeliveryTypeEnum.DEFAULT, this._pageNumber, true);
                    List <string> customFields = null;

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(CustomFields))
                        string[] fields = CustomFields.Split(",".ToCharArray());

                        customFields = new List <string>(fields.Length);

                        foreach (string field in fields)

                    //this.result = this.bcApi.SearchVideos(-1, null, Util.GetVideoSearchFields("*" + query + "*"), null, BCSortOrderType.DESC, false,
                    //    null, null, MediaDeliveryTypeEnum.DEFAULT);
                    this.result = this.bcApi.FindVideosByText(query, this._itemsPerPage, BCSortByType.MODIFIED_DATE, BCSortOrderType.DESC, null, customFields, MediaDeliveryTypeEnum.DEFAULT, this._pageNumber, true);

                if (this.result != null)
                    this._itemCount = this.result.TotalCount;

Ejemplo n.º 9
        public override void Deprecated_Page_Load()
            if (this.bcApi == null)

            this._changedPlaylist = false;
            bool isNewPlaylist = false;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form["playlistId"]))
                PlaylistId = Request.Form["playlistId"];
            else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["playlistid"]))
                PlaylistId = Request.QueryString["playlistid"];

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["cancel"]))


            if (this.IsPostBack)
                BCPlaylist playlistObj = null;

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(PlaylistId) || (PlaylistId == "0"))
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form["playlistName"]))
                        playlistObj           = AddPlaylist();
                        this._changedPlaylist = true;
                        isNewPlaylist         = true;

                if (!this.IsAdmin)
                    message.InnerHtml = "<p class=\"error\">ERROR: user " + this.CurrentUser.LoginName + " is not an administrator</p>";

                if (this.IsAdmin && (this._playlistId > 0))
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form["deletePlaylist"]))
                        RPCResponse response = this.bcApi.DeletePlaylist(this._playlistId);

                        if (response.error.message != null)
                            message.InnerHtml = "<p class=\"error\">ERROR: " + response.error.message + "</p>";
                            this._playlistId  = 0;
                            this._changedPlaylist = true;
                    else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form["videos"]))
                        if (!UpdatePlaylist(isNewPlaylist, playlistObj))
                            this._playlistId = 0;

                        this._changedPlaylist = true;
                        this._changedPlaylist = true;

                if (this._changedPlaylist)
                    Response.Redirect(Request.FilePath + "?close=1");

                    this._videoIdList = GetVideosInPlaylist(PlaylistId);
                this._videoIdList = GetVideosInPlaylist(PlaylistId);

                if (this._playlistId > 0)

            int           pageNumber = Util.ParseInt(Request.QueryString[Util.PagingKey]);
            BCQueryResult result     = this.bcApi.FindAllPlaylists(this._itemsPerPage, BCSortByType.MODIFIED_DATE, BCSortOrderType.DESC, null, null, Util.PlaylistBrowseFields, MediaDeliveryTypeEnum.DEFAULT, pageNumber, true);

            if ((result != null) && (result.Playlists.Count > 0))
                this._itemCount = result.TotalCount;

                foreach (BCPlaylist item in result.Playlists)
                    message.InnerHtml += string.Format(
                        @"<div class=""playlistRow"" playlistId=""{0}"">
                            <input type=""checkbox"" value=""{0}"" style=""display:none;"" />
                            <div class=""thumbnail""><a href=""{8}""><img src=""{7}"" border=""0""/></a></div>
                            <div class=""playlist"">
                                <a href=""{8}"">{1}</a><br />
                                <span class=""playlistVideoCount"" val=""{3}"">{3}</span>
                                <span class=""playlistType"" val=""{2}"">{6}</span>
                                <span class=""playlistTags"" val=""{4}"">{4}</span>
                            </div><a class=""playlistEdit"" href=""{5}"">Edit</a>
                        item.id, item.name, item.playlistType.ToString(), item.videos.Count.ToString(),
                        item.filterTags.ToDelimitedString(","), string.Format(this.EditPlaylistLink, item.id),
                        GetPlaylistTypeDisplay(item.playlistType.ToString()), item.thumbnailURL, string.Format(this.PlayVideoLink, item.id));

                message.InnerHtml += Util.GetPaging(pageNumber, this._itemsPerPage, this._itemCount, Request.FilePath);
                message.InnerHtml += "No playlists";
        private static BCQueryResult MultipleQueryHandler(Dictionary <String, String> reqparams, BCObjectType itemType, AccountConfigElement account)
            //Get the JSon reader returned from the APIRequest
            BCQueryResult qr = new BCQueryResult();

            qr.TotalCount = 0;

            try {
                //set some global request paramameters
                if (!reqparams.ContainsKey("page_number"))
                    reqparams.Add("page_number", "0");

                //set if not set or
                if (!reqparams.ContainsKey("page_size"))
                    qr.MaxToGet = -1;
                    qr.MaxToGet = Convert.ToInt32(reqparams["page_size"]);

                //get initial query
                double maxPageNum = 0;

                QueryResultPair qrp = BCAPIRequest.ExecuteRead(reqparams, account);
                //convert the result for deserialization
                qrp.JsonResult = qrp.JsonResult.Replace("\"items\":", "\"" + itemType.ToString() + "\":");
                qr.Merge(JSON.Converter.Deserialize <BCQueryResult>(qrp.JsonResult));

                //make sure you get the correct page num
                if (qr.TotalCount > 0)
                    //if you want all use the total count to calculate the number of pages
                    if (qr.MaxToGet.Equals(-1))
                        maxPageNum = Math.Ceiling((double)(qr.TotalCount / 100));
                    //or just use the max you want to calculate the number of pages
                        maxPageNum = Math.Ceiling((double)(qr.MaxToGet / 100));

                //if there are more to get move to next page and keep getting them
                for (int pageNum = 1; pageNum <= maxPageNum; pageNum++)
                    //update page each iteration
                    reqparams["page_number"] = pageNum.ToString();

                    QueryResultPair qrp2 = BCAPIRequest.ExecuteRead(reqparams, account);
                    //convert the result for deserialization
                    qrp2.JsonResult = qrp2.JsonResult.Replace("\"items\":", "\"" + itemType.ToString() + "\":");
                    qr.Merge(JSON.Converter.Deserialize <BCQueryResult>(qrp2.JsonResult));

                //sorting on our end

                if (itemType.Equals(BCObjectType.videos) && reqparams.ContainsKey("sort_by"))
                    if (reqparams["sort_by"].Equals("PUBLISH_DATE"))
                    else if (reqparams["sort_by"].Equals("PLAYS_TOTAL"))
                    else if (reqparams["sort_by"].Equals("PLAYS_TRAILING_WEEK"))
                    else if (reqparams["sort_by"].Equals("MODIFIED_DATE"))

                    //if they want asc
                    if (reqparams["sort_order"].Equals("DESC"))

                    //trim if specified
                    if (qr.Videos.Count > qr.MaxToGet && !qr.MaxToGet.Equals(-1) && qr.MaxToGet < qr.TotalCount)
                        List <BCVideo> vidTemp = qr.Videos.GetRange(0, Convert.ToInt32(qr.MaxToGet));

            catch (Exception ex) {
                throw new Exception(ex.ToString());

Ejemplo n.º 11
        public static string[] GetAllPlaylists(BCAPI api, int pageNumber, string query, string order, string sort)
            string[] result = null;

            if (api != null)
                int               itemsPerPage    = 50;
                int               itemCount       = 0;
                BCQueryResult     playlists       = null;
                List <BCPlaylist> playListsSorted = new List <BCPlaylist>();
                // Cannot search playlists yet, but in the future use "query" -ACA 9/12/2011
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query))
                    query = query.Trim().ToLower();
                    query = string.Empty;

                playlists = api.FindAllPlaylists(itemsPerPage, getSort(sort), getOrder(order), null, null, Util.PlaylistBrowseFields, MediaDeliveryTypeEnum.DEFAULT, pageNumber, true);
                if (sort != null)
                    if (sort.Equals("display name"))
                        if (order.Equals("ascending"))
                            playListsSorted = playlists.Playlists.OrderBy(i => i.name).ToList();
                            playListsSorted = playlists.Playlists.OrderByDescending(i => i.name).ToList();

                if (playListsSorted != null)
                    if (playListsSorted.Count == 0)
                        playListsSorted = playlists.Playlists;

                if (playlists != null)
                    itemCount = playListsSorted.Count;

                result = new string[playListsSorted.Count];

                for (int i = 0; i < playListsSorted.Count; i++)
                    if (i < itemsPerPage)
                        BCPlaylist playlist = playListsSorted[i];

                        result[i] = string.Format(@"{{ ""id"":{0}, ""name"":'{1}', ""thumbnailURL"":'{2}' }}",
                                                  playlist.id, Util.FixParam(playlist.name), Util.FixParam(playlist.thumbnailURL));
                        result[i] = "null";

Ejemplo n.º 12
        public static string[] GetAllVideos(BCAPI api, int pageNumber, string query, string order, string sort)
            string[] result = null;

            if (api != null)
                List <BrightcoveSDK.VideoFields> videoSearchFields = new List <VideoFields>();
                int            itemsPerPage = 50;
                int            itemCount    = 0;
                BCQueryResult  videos       = null;
                List <BCVideo> videosSorted = new List <BCVideo>();


                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query))
                    query = query.Trim();
                    query = string.Empty;

                if (query.Length == 0)
                    videos = api.FindAllVideos(itemsPerPage, getSort(sort), getOrder(order), null, null, MediaDeliveryTypeEnum.DEFAULT, pageNumber, true);
                    videos = api.FindVideosByText(query, itemsPerPage, getSort(sort), getOrder(order), null, null, MediaDeliveryTypeEnum.DEFAULT, pageNumber, true);

                if (videos != null)
                    itemCount = videos.TotalCount;
                if (sort != null)
                    if (sort.Equals("display name"))
                        if (order.Equals("ascending"))
                            videosSorted = videos.Videos.OrderBy(i => i.name).ToList();
                            videosSorted = videos.Videos.OrderByDescending(i => i.name).ToList();

                if (videosSorted != null)
                    if (videosSorted.Count == 0)
                        videosSorted = videos.Videos;

                result = new string[videosSorted.Count];

                for (int i = 0; i < videosSorted.Count; i++)
                    BCVideo video = videosSorted[i];

                    if (i < itemsPerPage)
                        result[i] = string.Format(@"{{ ""id"":{0}, ""name"":'{1}', ""thumbnailURL"":'{2}' }}",
                                                  video.id, Util.FixParam(video.name), Util.FixParam(video.thumbnailURL));
                        result[i] = "null";
