Ejemplo n.º 1
        internal List <B2b_com_pro> BindingWarrantProlist(int Pageindex, int Pagesize, string Key, int Agentid, int Warrant_type, int bindingcomid, int comid, out int totalcount, int Agentlevel = 0)
            B2bComProData prodata = new B2bComProData();

            var condition = "com_id in (select comid from agent_warrant where agentid = " + Agentid + " and comid = " + bindingcomid + " and warrant_state=1) and server_type in (1,11,14,9,10) and pro_state=1 ";

            condition = condition + " and not source_type in (4)";//导入产品,不能再次导入
            if (Warrant_type == 2)
                condition = condition + " and not source_type in (3) and server_type !=11";//倒码产品不能让倒码分销商导入 ,倒码分销不能导入实物产品

            if (Agentlevel != 0)
                if (Agentlevel == 1)
                    condition = condition + "  and (   agent1_price>0 or id in (select proid from b2b_com_pro_Speci where speci_agent1_price>0) ) ";//1级分销不能=0
                if (Agentlevel == 2)
                    condition = condition + " and (   agent2_price>0 or id in (select proid from b2b_com_pro_Speci where speci_agent2_price>0) )";//2级分销不能=0
                if (Agentlevel == 3)
                    condition = condition + " and (   agent3_price>0 or id in (select proid from b2b_com_pro_Speci where speci_agent3_price>0) )";//3级分销不能=0
            if (Key != "")
                condition = condition + " and pro_name like '%" + Key + "%'";//3级分销不能=0
            //产品新增加显示设置  1.全部2分销3微信4.官网5.微信和官网
            condition += " and (viewmethod in (1,2) or id in (select proid from b2b_agent_prowarrant where Agentid=" + Agentid + " and comid=" + comid + "))  and not id in(select bindingid from b2b_com_pro where com_id = " + comid + ")";

            var cmd = sqlHelper.PrepareStoredSqlCommand("proc_ListPage");

            cmd.PagingCommand1("b2b_com_pro", "*", "id desc ", "", Pagesize, Pageindex, "", condition);

            List <B2b_com_pro> list = new List <B2b_com_pro>();

            using (var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                while (reader.Read())
                    list.Add(new B2b_com_pro
                        Id          = reader.GetValue <int>("id"),
                        Com_id      = reader.GetValue <int>("com_id"),
                        Pro_name    = reader.GetValue <string>("pro_name"),
                        Pro_state   = reader.GetValue <int>("pro_state"),
                        Server_type = reader.GetValue <int>("server_type"),
                        Pro_type    = reader.GetValue <int>("pro_type"),
                        Source_type = reader.GetValue <int>("Source_type"),
                        Pro_Remark  = reader.GetValue <string>("pro_Remark"),
                        Pro_start   = reader.GetValue <DateTime>("pro_start"),
                        Pro_end     = reader.GetValue <DateTime>("pro_end"),
                        Face_price  = reader.GetValue <decimal>("face_price"),

                        Advise_price      = reader.GetValue <decimal>("advise_price"),
                        Agentsettle_price = reader.GetValue <decimal>("agentsettle_price"),

                        Agent1_price = reader.GetValue <decimal>("Agent1_price"),
                        Agent2_price = reader.GetValue <decimal>("Agent2_price"),
                        Agent3_price = reader.GetValue <decimal>("Agent3_price"),

                        ThatDay_can        = reader.GetValue <int>("ThatDay_can"),
                        Thatday_can_day    = reader.GetValue <int>("Thatday_can_day"),
                        Service_Contain    = reader.GetValue <string>("service_Contain"),
                        Service_NotContain = reader.GetValue <string>("service_NotContain"),
                        Precautions        = reader.GetValue <string>("Precautions"),
                        Tuan_pro           = reader.GetValue <int>("tuan_pro"),
                        Zhixiao            = reader.GetValue <int>("zhixiao"),
                        Agentsale          = reader.GetValue <int>("agentsale"),
                        Createtime         = reader.GetValue <DateTime>("createtime"),
                        Createuserid       = reader.GetValue <int>("createuserid"),
                        Projectid          = reader.GetValue <int>("Projectid"),
                        Imgurl             = reader.GetValue <int>("imgurl"),
                        ProValidateMethod  = reader.GetValue <string>("ProValidateMethod"),
                        Appointdata        = reader.GetValue <int>("Appointdata"),
                        Iscanuseonsameday  = reader.GetValue <int>("Iscanuseonsameday"),

                        Pro_youxiaoqi = prodata.GetPro_Youxiaoqi(reader.GetValue <DateTime>("pro_start"), reader.GetValue <DateTime>("pro_end"), reader.GetValue <string>("ProValidateMethod"), reader.GetValue <int>("Appointdata"), reader.GetValue <int>("Iscanuseonsameday"))
            totalcount = int.Parse(cmd.Parameters[0].Value.ToString());
Ejemplo n.º 2
        internal List <B2b_com_pro> UnWarrantProlist(int Pageindex, int Pagesize, string Key, int Agentid, int Warrant_type, int comid, out int totalcount, int Agentlevel = 0, int projectid = 0, string viewmethod = "")
            B2bComProData prodata = new B2bComProData();

            var condition = "com_id in (select id from b2b_company where id = " + comid + " and lp=1) and server_type in (1,2,8,10,11) and pro_state=1 and convert(varchar(10),pro_end,120)>='" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'";

            if (Agentlevel != 0)
                if (Agentlevel == 1)
                    condition = condition + " and (   agent1_price>0 or server_type in (2,8))";//1级分销不能=0
                if (Agentlevel == 2)
                    condition = condition + " and (   agent2_price>0 or server_type in (2,8))";//2级分销不能=0
                if (Agentlevel == 3)
                    condition = condition + " and (   agent3_price>0 or server_type in (2,8))";//3级分销不能=0
            if (Key != "")
                condition = condition + " and pro_name like '%" + Key + "%'";//3级分销不能=0
            //产品新增加显示设置  1.全部2分销3微信4.官网5.微信和官网
            if (viewmethod != "")
                condition += " and viewmethod in (1,2)";
            if (projectid != 0)
                condition += " and projectid =" + projectid;

            var cmd = sqlHelper.PrepareStoredSqlCommand("proc_ListPage");

            cmd.PagingCommand1("b2b_com_pro", "*", "id desc ", "", Pagesize, Pageindex, "", condition);

            List <B2b_com_pro> list = new List <B2b_com_pro>();

            using (var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                while (reader.Read())
                    list.Add(new B2b_com_pro
                        Id          = reader.GetValue <int>("id"),
                        Com_id      = reader.GetValue <int>("com_id"),
                        Pro_name    = reader.GetValue <string>("pro_name"),
                        Pro_state   = reader.GetValue <int>("pro_state"),
                        Server_type = reader.GetValue <int>("server_type"),
                        Pro_type    = reader.GetValue <int>("pro_type"),
                        Source_type = reader.GetValue <int>("Source_type"),
                        Pro_Remark  = reader.GetValue <string>("pro_Remark"),
                        Pro_start   = reader.GetValue <DateTime>("pro_start"),
                        Pro_end     = reader.GetValue <DateTime>("pro_end"),
                        Face_price  = reader.GetValue <decimal>("face_price"),

                        Advise_price      = reader.GetValue <decimal>("advise_price"),
                        Agentsettle_price = reader.GetValue <decimal>("agentsettle_price"),

                        Agent1_price = reader.GetValue <decimal>("Agent1_price"),
                        Agent2_price = reader.GetValue <decimal>("Agent2_price"),
                        Agent3_price = reader.GetValue <decimal>("Agent3_price"),

                        ThatDay_can        = reader.GetValue <int>("ThatDay_can"),
                        Thatday_can_day    = reader.GetValue <int>("Thatday_can_day"),
                        Service_Contain    = reader.GetValue <string>("service_Contain"),
                        Service_NotContain = reader.GetValue <string>("service_NotContain"),
                        Precautions        = reader.GetValue <string>("Precautions"),
                        Tuan_pro           = reader.GetValue <int>("tuan_pro"),
                        Zhixiao            = reader.GetValue <int>("zhixiao"),
                        Agentsale          = reader.GetValue <int>("agentsale"),
                        Createtime         = reader.GetValue <DateTime>("createtime"),
                        Createuserid       = reader.GetValue <int>("createuserid"),
                        Projectid          = reader.GetValue <int>("Projectid"),
                        Imgurl             = reader.GetValue <int>("imgurl"),
                        ProValidateMethod  = reader.GetValue <string>("ProValidateMethod"),
                        Appointdata        = reader.GetValue <int>("Appointdata"),
                        Iscanuseonsameday  = reader.GetValue <int>("Iscanuseonsameday"),

                        Pro_youxiaoqi = prodata.GetPro_Youxiaoqi(reader.GetValue <DateTime>("pro_start"), reader.GetValue <DateTime>("pro_end"), reader.GetValue <string>("ProValidateMethod"), reader.GetValue <int>("Appointdata"), reader.GetValue <int>("Iscanuseonsameday")),
                        Pro_explain   = reader.GetValue <string>("Pro_explain"),
                        Ispanicbuy    = reader.GetValue <int>("ispanicbuy"),
            totalcount = int.Parse(cmd.Parameters[0].Value.ToString());