Ejemplo n.º 1
        private async Task <AzureQueueDataManager> GetTableManager(string qName)
            AzureQueueDataManager manager = new AzureQueueDataManager(qName, DeploymentId, TestDefaultConfiguration.DataConnectionString);
            await manager.InitQueueAsync();

Ejemplo n.º 2
        private async Task <AzureQueueDataManager> GetTableManager(string qName)
            AzureQueueDataManager manager = new AzureQueueDataManager(qName, DeploymentId, StorageTestConstants.DataConnectionString);
            await manager.InitQueueAsync();

        private async Task <AzureQueueDataManager> GetTableManager(string qName, TimeSpan?visibilityTimeout = null)
            AzureQueueDataManager manager = new AzureQueueDataManager(this.loggerFactory, qName, DeploymentId, TestDefaultConfiguration.DataConnectionString, visibilityTimeout);
            await manager.InitQueueAsync();

Ejemplo n.º 4
 public Task Initialize(TimeSpan timeout)
     if (queue != null) // check in case we already shut it down.
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private async Task <AzureQueueDataManager> GetTableManager(string qName, TimeSpan?visibilityTimeout = null)
            AzureQueueDataManager manager = new AzureQueueDataManager(this.loggerFactory, $"{qName}-{DeploymentId}", new AzureQueueOptions {
                MessageVisibilityTimeout = visibilityTimeout
            await manager.InitQueueAsync();

        public async Task QueueMessageBatchAsync <T>(Guid streamGuid, String streamNamespace, IEnumerable <T> events, StreamSequenceToken token, Dictionary <string, object> requestContext)
            if (events == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("events", "Trying to QueueMessageBatchAsync null data.");
            //int count = events.Count();
            //if (count != 1)
            //    throw new OrleansException("Trying to QueueMessageBatchAsync a batch of more than one event. " +
            //                               "SimpleAzureQueueAdapter does not support batching. Instead, you can batch in your application code.");

            object data     = events.First();
            bool   isBytes  = data is byte[];
            bool   isString = data is string;

            if (data != null && !isBytes && !isString)
                throw new OrleansException(
                              "Trying to QueueMessageBatchAsync a type {0} which is not a byte[] and not string. " +
                              "SimpleAzureQueueAdapter only supports byte[] or string.", data.GetType()));

            if (Queue == null)
                var tmpQueue = new AzureQueueDataManager(this.loggerFactory, QueueName, DataConnectionString);
                await tmpQueue.InitQueueAsync();

                if (Queue == null)
                    Queue = tmpQueue;
            CloudQueueMessage cloudMsg = null;

            if (isBytes)
                //new CloudQueueMessage(byte[]) not supported in netstandard
                cloudMsg = new CloudQueueMessage(null as string);
                cloudMsg.SetMessageContent2(data as byte[]);
            else if (isString)
                cloudMsg = new CloudQueueMessage(data as string);
            else if (data == null)
                // It's OK to pass null data. why should I care?
                cloudMsg = new CloudQueueMessage(null as string);
            await Queue.AddQueueMessage(cloudMsg);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public async Task QueueMessageBatchAsync <T>(Guid streamGuid, String streamNamespace, IEnumerable <T> events)
            var queueId = streamQueueMapper.GetQueueForStream(streamGuid);
            AzureQueueDataManager queue;

            if (!Queues.TryGetValue(queueId, out queue))
                var tmpQueue = new AzureQueueDataManager(queueId.ToString(), DeploymentId, DataConnectionString);
                await tmpQueue.InitQueueAsync();

                queue = Queues.GetOrAdd(queueId, tmpQueue);
            var cloudMsg = AzureQueueBatchContainer.ToCloudQueueMessage(streamGuid, streamNamespace, events);
            await queue.AddQueueMessage(cloudMsg);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public async Task QueueMessageBatchAsync <T>(StreamId streamId, IEnumerable <T> events, StreamSequenceToken token, Dictionary <string, object> requestContext)
            if (events == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("events", "Trying to QueueMessageBatchAsync null data.");

            object data     = events.First();
            bool   isBytes  = data is byte[];
            bool   isString = data is string;

            if (data != null && !isBytes && !isString)
                throw new OrleansException(
                              "Trying to QueueMessageBatchAsync a type {0} which is not a byte[] and not string. " +
                              "SimpleAzureQueueAdapter only supports byte[] or string.", data.GetType()));

            if (Queue == null)
                var tmpQueue = new AzureQueueDataManager(this.loggerFactory, options.QueueName,
                                                         new AzureQueueOptions {
                    ConnectionString = options.ConnectionString, ServiceUri = options.ServiceUri, TokenCredential = options.TokenCredential
                await tmpQueue.InitQueueAsync();

                if (Queue == null)
                    Queue = tmpQueue;

            string cloudMsg = null;

            if (isBytes)
                cloudMsg = Convert.ToBase64String(data as byte[]);
            else if (isString)
                cloudMsg = data as string;

            await Queue.AddQueueMessage(cloudMsg);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public async Task QueueMessageBatchAsync <T>(Guid streamGuid, String streamNamespace, IEnumerable <T> events, StreamSequenceToken token, Dictionary <string, object> requestContext)
            if (token != null)
                throw new ArgumentException("AzureQueue stream provider currebtly does not support non-null StreamSequenceToken.", "token");
            var queueId = streamQueueMapper.GetQueueForStream(streamGuid, streamNamespace);
            AzureQueueDataManager queue;

            if (!Queues.TryGetValue(queueId, out queue))
                var tmpQueue = new AzureQueueDataManager(queueId.ToString(), DeploymentId, DataConnectionString);
                await tmpQueue.InitQueueAsync();

                queue = Queues.GetOrAdd(queueId, tmpQueue);
            var cloudMsg = AzureQueueBatchContainer.ToCloudQueueMessage(streamGuid, streamNamespace, events, requestContext);
            await queue.AddQueueMessage(cloudMsg);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public async Task QueueMessageBatchAsync <T>(StreamId streamId, IEnumerable <T> events, StreamSequenceToken token, Dictionary <string, object> requestContext)
            if (token != null)
                throw new ArgumentException("AzureQueue stream provider currently does not support non-null StreamSequenceToken.", nameof(token));
            var queueId = streamQueueMapper.GetQueueForStream(streamId);
            AzureQueueDataManager queue;

            if (!Queues.TryGetValue(queueId, out queue))
                var tmpQueue = new AzureQueueDataManager(this.loggerFactory, this.streamQueueMapper.PartitionToAzureQueue(queueId), queueOptions);
                await tmpQueue.InitQueueAsync();

                queue = Queues.GetOrAdd(queueId, tmpQueue);
            var cloudMsg = this.dataAdapter.ToQueueMessage(streamId, events, null, requestContext);
            await queue.AddQueueMessage(cloudMsg);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public async Task QueueMessageBatchAsync <T>(Guid streamGuid, string streamNamespace, IEnumerable <T> events, StreamSequenceToken token, Dictionary <string, object> requestContext)
            if (token != null)
                throw new ArgumentException("AzureQueue stream provider currently does not support non-null StreamSequenceToken.", nameof(token));
            var queueId = streamQueueMapper.GetQueueForStream(streamGuid, streamNamespace);
            AzureQueueDataManager queue;

            if (!Queues.TryGetValue(queueId, out queue))
                var tmpQueue = new AzureQueueDataManager(this.loggerFactory, queueId.ToString(), ServiceId, DataConnectionString, MessageVisibilityTimeout);
                await tmpQueue.InitQueueAsync();

                queue = Queues.GetOrAdd(queueId, tmpQueue);
            var cloudMsg = this.dataAdapter.ToCloudQueueMessage(streamGuid, streamNamespace, events, requestContext);
            await queue.AddQueueMessage(cloudMsg);
        public async Task AQ_Standalone_3_CreateDelete()
            queueName = "Test-3-".ToLower() + Guid.NewGuid();
            AzureQueueDataManager manager = await GetTableManager(queueName);

            await manager.InitQueueAsync();

            await manager.DeleteQueue();

            AzureQueueDataManager manager2 = await GetTableManager(queueName);

            await manager2.InitQueueAsync();

            await manager2.DeleteQueue();

            AzureQueueDataManager manager3 = await GetTableManager(queueName);

            await manager3.DeleteQueue();

            await manager3.DeleteQueue();

            await manager3.DeleteQueue();
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public Task Initialize(TimeSpan timeout)