private static void IsEnabledChangedCallback(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            AyTableView atv     = d as AyTableView;
            var         listBox = atv.RowsPresenter;

            if (listBox != null)
                if ((bool)e.NewValue)
                    if (atv.SelectionMode == AyTableViewSelectionMode.Single)
                        atv.SelectionMode = AyTableViewSelectionMode.Multiple;

                    attachedControls.Add(listBox, new AyTableViewSelector(listBox, atv));
                    AyTableViewSelector selector;
                    if (attachedControls.TryGetValue(listBox, out selector))
Ejemplo n.º 2
        protected override void OnIsItemsHostChanged(bool oldIsItemsHost, bool newIsItemsHost)
            base.OnIsItemsHostChanged(oldIsItemsHost, newIsItemsHost);

            var rowPresenter = AyTableViewUtils.FindParent <AyTableViewCellsPresenter>(this);

            if (rowPresenter != null)
                rowPresenter.CellsPanel = this;
                ParentTableView         = rowPresenter.ParentTableView;
                this.Style = ParentTableView.CellsPanelStyle;
 private AyTableViewSelector(AyTableViewRowsPresenter listBox, AyTableView tv)
     this.listBox = listBox;
     this.twv     = tv;
     if (this.listBox.IsLoaded)
         // We need to wait for it to be loaded so we can find the
         // child controls.
         this.listBox.Loaded += this.OnListBoxLoaded;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void PrepareRow(AyTableView parent, object dataItem)
            ParentTableView = parent;
            Focusable       = ParentTableView.CellNavigation == false;
            Item            = dataItem;
            var scp   = ParentTableView.SelectedCellsPresenter;
            var _cRow = ParentTableView.IndexOfRow(this);

            IsAlterRowLine = (_cRow + 1) % 2 == 0;
            if (scp != null)
                if (ParentTableView.SelectionMode == AyTableViewSelectionMode.Single)
                    isMouseLeftDown = 2;
                    IsSelected      = ParentTableView.IndexOfRow(scp) == _cRow;
                    isMouseLeftDown = 1;
        public void PrepareCell(AyTableViewCellsPresenter parent, int idx)
            ParentCellsPresenter = parent;
            ParentTableView      = parent.ParentTableView;

            var column = ParentTableView.Columns[idx];

            //IsSelected = ParentCellsPresenter.IsSelected() && (ParentTableView.FocusedColumnIndex == column.ColumnIndex);

            if (_column != column)
                _column    = column;
                this.Width = column.Width;
                BindingOperations.ClearBinding(this, WidthProperty);
                BindingOperations.SetBinding(this, WidthProperty, column.WidthBinding);
                Focusable = ParentTableView.CellNavigation;
                BindingOperations.ClearBinding(this, ColumnFocusBrushProperty);
                BindingOperations.SetBinding(this, ColumnFocusBrushProperty, new Binding {
                    Source = _column, Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay, Path = new PropertyPath("ColumnFocusBrush")