Ejemplo n.º 1
        private static bool UsesFun(Axiom axiom, Function fun)
            var visitor = new FunctionIsReferencedVisitor(fun);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void AddAxiom(Axiom axiom)
            string axiomName = QKeyValue.FindStringAttribute(axiom.Attributes, "name");

            if (axiomName == null)
            var previous = (Axiom)axioms[axiomName];

            if (previous == null)
                axioms.Add(axiomName, axiom);
                var r = (Axiom)SelectNonExtern(axiom, previous);
                if (r == null)
                    Error(axiom, "more than one declaration of axiom name: {0}", axiomName);
                    axioms[axiomName] = r;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void TestAddCardAddsTheCardToThePalette()
            // ARRANGE
            IAxiom        axiom = new Axiom();
            IList <ICard> cards = new List <ICard>
                new Card(Colour.Orange, Number.Three, axiom),
                new Card(Colour.Blue, Number.Seven, axiom),
                new Card(Colour.Red, Number.One, axiom)
            ICard    card    = new Card(Colour.Violet, Number.Four, axiom);
            IPalette palette = new Palette(cards);

            // ACT

            // ASSERT
            Assert.AreEqual(expected: cards.Count + 1, actual: palette.Cards.Count);

            bool found = palette.Cards
                         .Where(c => c.Colour == card.Colour)
                         .Any(c => c.Number == card.Number);

            Assert.IsTrue(found, "Card exists");
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public override void AddAxiom(Axiom ax, string attributes)
            //Contract.Requires(ax != null);
            base.AddAxiom(ax, attributes);

Ejemplo n.º 5
        public void AssertParseMethod042()
            // Arrange
            const string text = @"Awaiting authorization permits with work Description ""Some description"".";

            var sentences = SentenceParser.Parse(new Parser(text));

            // Act
            var actual = EvisionLanguageProcessor.Processor.Parse(sentences.First());

            // Assert
            var expected = new QueryDefinition
                Target     = "permit",
                Properties = new List <AttributeDefinition>
                    new AttributeDefinition(Create(TokenKind.None, "state", -1), new MultipartToken
                        CreateToken(TokenKind.None, "Awaiting", 0),
                        CreateToken(TokenKind.None, "authorization", 1),
                    new AttributeDefinition(new MultipartToken
                        CreateToken(TokenKind.None, "work", 4),
                        CreateToken(TokenKind.None, "Description", 5),
                    }, Create(TokenKind.None, "\"Some description\"", 6)),

            Axiom.AssertAreEqual(expected, actual);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void AssertParseMethod018()
            // Arrange
            const string text = @"permits of type Cold worK .";

            var sentences = SentenceParser.Parse(new Parser(text));

            // Act
            var actual = EvisionLanguageProcessor.Processor.Parse(sentences.First());

            // Assert
            var expected = new QueryDefinition
                Target     = "permit",
                Properties = new List <AttributeDefinition>
                    new AttributeDefinition(Create(TokenKind.None, "type", 2), new MultipartToken
                        CreateToken(TokenKind.None, "Cold", 3),
                        CreateToken(TokenKind.None, "worK", 4),

            Axiom.AssertAreEqual(expected, actual);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public void AssertParseMethod034()
            // Arrange
            const string text = @"awaiting authorization Permits signEd last week.";

            var sentences = SentenceParser.Parse(new Parser(text));

            // Act
            var actual = EvisionLanguageProcessor.Processor.Parse(sentences.First());

            // Assert
            var expected = new QueryDefinition
                Target     = "permit",
                Properties = new List <AttributeDefinition>
                    new AttributeDefinition(Create(TokenKind.None, "state", -1), new MultipartToken
                        CreateToken(TokenKind.None, "awaiting", 0),
                        CreateToken(TokenKind.None, "authorization", 1),
                    new AttributeDefinition(Create(TokenKind.None, "signEd", 3), new MultipartToken
                        CreateToken(TokenKind.None, "last", 4),
                        CreateToken(TokenKind.None, "week", 5),

            Axiom.AssertAreEqual(expected, actual);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public void AssertParseMethod041()
            // Arrange
            const string text = @"awaiting authorization Isolations signEd one year ago titled a.";

            var sentences = SentenceParser.Parse(new Parser(text));

            // Act
            var actual = EvisionLanguageProcessor.Processor.Parse(sentences.First());

            // Assert
            var expected = new QueryDefinition
                Target     = "isolation",
                Properties = new List <AttributeDefinition>
                    new AttributeDefinition(Create(TokenKind.None, "state", -1), new MultipartToken
                        CreateToken(TokenKind.None, "awaiting", 0),
                        CreateToken(TokenKind.None, "authorization", 1),
                    new AttributeDefinition(Create(TokenKind.None, "signEd", 3), new MultipartToken
                        CreateToken(TokenKind.None, "one", 4),
                        CreateToken(TokenKind.None, "year", 5),
                        CreateToken(TokenKind.None, "ago", 6),
                    new AttributeDefinition(Create(TokenKind.None, "titled", 7), Create(TokenKind.None, "a", 8)),

            Axiom.AssertAreEqual(expected, actual);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public void TestAddNullCardThrowsArgumentNullException()
            // ARRANGE
            IAxiom  axiom  = new Axiom();
            ICanvas canvas = new Canvas(axiom);

            // ACT
            ArgumentNullException argumentNullException = null;

            catch (ArgumentNullException ex)
                argumentNullException = ex;

            if (argumentNullException != null)

            // ASSERT
Ejemplo n.º 10
 private static void GenAxioms(Formula target, HashSet <Formula> formulas, Axiom a, Inference inference, HashSet <Formula> newF)
     foreach (var f1 in formulas)
         foreach (var f2 in formulas)
             foreach (var f3 in formulas)
                 var f = SubstituteInFormula(a, f1, f2, f3);
                 if (f.Equals(target) == false)
                     var ok = true;
                     lock (inference)
                         ok = inference.Push(f);
                     if (ok)
                         ParseFormula(f, newF);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public void TestScoringCards()
            // ARRANGE
            IAxiom axiom = new Axiom();

            IList <ICard> cards = new List <ICard>
                new Card(Colour.Blue, Number.Five, axiom),
                new Card(Colour.Red, Number.Seven, axiom),
                new Card(Colour.Green, Number.Seven, axiom),
                new Card(Colour.Blue, Number.Two, axiom),

            IRule redRule = new RedRule();

            IPalette palette = new Palette(cards);

            // ACT
            IList <ICard> scoringCards = redRule.ScoringCards(palette);

            // ASSERT
            Assert.AreEqual(expected: 1, scoringCards.Count);
            ICard card = scoringCards.Single();

            Assert.AreEqual(Colour.Red, card.Colour);
            Assert.AreEqual(Number.Seven, card.Number);
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public void AssertParseMethod033()
            // Arrange
            const string text = @"coLd woRk Permits signEd five days ago.";

            var sentences = SentenceParser.Parse(new Parser(text));

            // Act
            var actual = EvisionLanguageProcessor.Processor.Parse(sentences.First());

            // Assert
            var expected = new QueryDefinition
                Target     = "permit",
                Properties = new List <AttributeDefinition>
                    new AttributeDefinition(Create(TokenKind.None, "type", -1), new MultipartToken
                        CreateToken(TokenKind.None, "coLd", 0),
                        CreateToken(TokenKind.None, "woRk", 1),
                    new AttributeDefinition(Create(TokenKind.None, "signEd", 3), new MultipartToken
                        CreateToken(TokenKind.None, "five", 4),
                        CreateToken(TokenKind.None, "days", 5),
                        CreateToken(TokenKind.None, "ago", 6),

            Axiom.AssertAreEqual(expected, actual);
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public void AssertParseMethod003()
            // Arrange
            const string text = @"Permits with title ""Some Title"" signed by evision and in state ""c""";

            var sentences = SentenceParser.Parse(new Parser(text));

            // Act
            var actual = EvisionLanguageProcessor.Processor.Parse(sentences.First());

            // Assert
            var expected = new QueryDefinition
                Target     = "permit",
                Properties = new List <AttributeDefinition>
                    new AttributeDefinition(Create(TokenKind.None, "title", 2), Create(TokenKind.None, "\"Some Title\"", 3)),
                    new AttributeDefinition(new MultipartToken
                        CreateToken(TokenKind.None, "signed", 4),
                        CreateToken(TokenKind.Owner, "by", 5),
                    }, Create(TokenKind.None, "evision", 6)),
                    new AttributeDefinition(Create(TokenKind.None, "state", 9), Create(TokenKind.None, "\"c\"", 10)),

            Axiom.AssertAreEqual(expected, actual);
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public void TestScore()
            // ARRANGE
            IAxiom axiom = new Axiom();

            IList <ICard> cards = new List <ICard>
                new Card(Colour.Blue, Number.Five, axiom),
                new Card(Colour.Red, Number.Seven, axiom),
                new Card(Colour.Red, Number.Six, axiom),
                new Card(Colour.Red, Number.Two, axiom),
                new Card(Colour.Green, Number.Seven, axiom),
                new Card(Colour.Blue, Number.Two, axiom),

            IRule greenRule = new GreenRule(axiom);

            IPalette palette = new Palette(cards);

            // ACT
            IRuleScore ruleScore = greenRule.Score(palette);

            // ASSERT
            Assert.AreEqual(expected: 3, actual: ruleScore.NumberOfCards);
            Assert.AreEqual(Colour.Red, ruleScore.TopCard.Colour);
            Assert.AreEqual(Number.Six, ruleScore.TopCard.Number);
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public void TestScoringCards()
            // ARRANGE
            IAxiom axiom = new Axiom();

            IList <ICard> cards = new List <ICard>
                new Card(Colour.Blue, Number.Five, axiom),
                new Card(Colour.Red, Number.Four, axiom),
                new Card(Colour.Green, Number.Four, axiom),
                new Card(Colour.Blue, Number.Two, axiom),

            IList <ICard> expectedScoringCards = new List <ICard>
                new Card(Colour.Red, Number.Four, axiom),
                new Card(Colour.Green, Number.Four, axiom),

            IRule orangeRule = new OrangeRule();

            IPalette palette = new Palette(cards);

            // ACT
            IList <ICard> scoringCards = orangeRule.ScoringCards(palette);

            // ASSERT
            Assert.AreEqual(expected: 2, scoringCards.Count);

            foreach (ICard card in expectedScoringCards)
                Assert.IsTrue(scoringCards.Any(c => c.CompareTo(card) == 0), card.ToString());
Ejemplo n.º 16
        private static void GenAxiom(Inference inference, List <Formula> formulas, HashSet <Formula> allFormulas,
                                     Formula target, Axiom a)
            foreach (var f1 in formulas)
                foreach (var f2 in formulas)
                    foreach (var f3 in formulas)
                        var f = SubstituteInFormula(a, f1, f2, f3);
                        if (f.Equals(target))
                        bool ok;
                        lock (inference)
                            if (inference.Contains(target))
                            ok = inference.Push(f);

                        lock (allFormulas)
                            if (ok)
                                ParseFormula(f, allFormulas);
Ejemplo n.º 17
        public void TestAddDuplicateCardThrowsAnException()
            // ARRANGE
            IAxiom        axiom = new Axiom();
            IList <ICard> cards = new List <ICard>
                new Card(Colour.Orange, Number.Three, axiom),
                new Card(Colour.Blue, Number.Seven, axiom),
                new Card(Colour.Red, Number.One, axiom)
            ICard    duplicateCard = new Card(Colour.Orange, Number.Three, axiom);
            IPalette palette       = new Palette(cards);

            // ACT
            ArgumentException argumentException = null;

            catch (ArgumentException ex)
                argumentException = ex;

            // ASSERT
            if (argumentException != null)

            Assert.IsNotNull(argumentException, "Expected exception not thrown");
Ejemplo n.º 18
 public virtual Axiom VisitAxiom(Axiom node)
     Contract.Requires(node != null);
     Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result <Axiom>() != null);
     node.Expr = this.VisitExpr(node.Expr);
Ejemplo n.º 19
    void Start()
        vector       = new Vector();
        savedVectors = new List <Vector>();

        allRules = new List <RuleSet>();

        axiom = Rule.GetRulesFromString("I");

        sizeLine         = Random.Range(2f, 7.5f);
        widthLine        = Random.Range(sizeLine / 2, sizeLine * 2);
        angle            = Random.Range(40f, 80f);
        widthScaleFactor = Random.Range(0.9f, 0.98f);

        rules = new RuleSet();
        rules.AddRule('I', "FS");
        rules.AddRule('S', "[[F-F+&SF*]F&[^F+F-FS]]");

        rules = new RuleSet();
        rules.AddRule('I', "FFS");
        rules.AddRule('S', "F[+F&-F+F-F^F*][-^&F+[F-F^F&+^F*]*]");

        foreach (Rule r in axiom)
Ejemplo n.º 20
    /// <summary>method <c>CacheGenerationalInstructions</c> Final generation string is calculated and cached globally in the script  </summary>
    void CacheGenerationalInstructions()
        currentString = Axiom.ToString(); //start with the base axiom
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

        for (int i = 0; i < CurrentIteration; i++)
            foreach (char c in currentString)
                if (isStochastic)
                    sb.Append(ApplyStochasticProbablity(c)); //append randomised character set
                    sb.Append(parcelableRules.ContainsKey(c) ? parcelableRules[c] : c.ToString()); //append default character

            currentString = sb.ToString();
            sb.Clear(); //temp string to add is cleared

        preloadedInstructions = currentString; //instructions are updated

        if (isStochastic)
            isStochastic = false; //to stop continual generation this value is stopped until clicked from the HUD script
Ejemplo n.º 21
        public void TestCompareToNullThrowsException()
            // ARRANGE
            IAxiom     axiom         = new Axiom();
            ICard      topCard       = new Card(Colour.Green, Number.Four, axiom);
            const int  numberOfCards = 4;
            IRuleScore ruleScore     = new RuleScore(numberOfCards, topCard);

            // ACT
            ArgumentNullException argumentNullException = null;
            int comparison = 99;

                comparison = ruleScore.CompareTo(null);
            catch (ArgumentNullException exception)
                argumentNullException = exception;

            // ASSERT
            if (argumentNullException != null)

            Assert.AreEqual(expected: 99, actual: comparison);
        public static Expr Extract(Expr expr, Program program, List <Axiom> axioms)
            Contract.Requires(expr != null && program != null && !program.TopLevelDeclarationsAreFrozen && axioms != null);

            if (expr is LiteralExpr)

            var extractor = new FunctionExtractor();

            var body = extractor.VisitExpr(expr);

            var name         = program.FreshExtractedFunctionName();
            var originalVars = extractor.Substitutions.Keys.ToList();
            var formalInArgs = originalVars.Select(v => new Formal(Token.NoToken, new TypedIdent(Token.NoToken, extractor.Substitutions[v].Name, extractor.Substitutions[v].TypedIdent.Type), true)).ToList <Variable>();
            var formalOutArg = new Formal(Token.NoToken, new TypedIdent(Token.NoToken, name + "$result$", expr.Type), false);
            var func         = new Function(Token.NoToken, name, formalInArgs, formalOutArg);


            var boundVars = originalVars.Select(k => extractor.Substitutions[k]);
            var axiomCall = new NAryExpr(Token.NoToken, new FunctionCall(func), boundVars.Select(b => new IdentifierExpr(Token.NoToken, b)).ToList <Expr>());

            axiomCall.Type           = expr.Type;
            axiomCall.TypeParameters = SimpleTypeParamInstantiation.EMPTY;
            var eq = LiteralExpr.Eq(axiomCall, body);

            eq.Type           = body.Type;
            eq.TypeParameters = SimpleTypeParamInstantiation.EMPTY;
            if (0 < formalInArgs.Count)
                var forallExpr = new ForallExpr(Token.NoToken, boundVars.ToList <Variable>(), new Trigger(Token.NoToken, true, new List <Expr> {
                }), eq);
                body = forallExpr;
                forallExpr.Attributes = new QKeyValue(Token.NoToken, "weight", new List <object> {
                    new LiteralExpr(Token.NoToken, Basetypes.BigNum.FromInt(30))
                }, null);
                body.Type = Type.Bool;
                body = eq;

            var axiom = new Axiom(Token.NoToken, body);

            func.DefinitionAxiom = axiom;

            var call = new NAryExpr(Token.NoToken, new FunctionCall(func), originalVars.Select(v => new IdentifierExpr(Token.NoToken, v)).ToList <Expr>());

            call.Type           = expr.Type;
            call.TypeParameters = SimpleTypeParamInstantiation.EMPTY;
Ejemplo n.º 23
 void Update()
     if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space))
         axiom = LSystem.Iterate(axiom, this);
Ejemplo n.º 24
        public void TestRunsAreOfCorrectLength(int index, int expectedLength)
            // ACT
            IAxiom axiom = new Axiom();

            // ASSERT
            Assert.IsTrue(index < axiom.Runs.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedLength, axiom.Runs[index].Length);
Ejemplo n.º 25
		void Input_KeyDown(object sender, Axiom.Input.KeyEventArgs e)
			if (e.Key == KeyCodes.Escape)

			Core.BrowserManager[_browserId].KeyDown(CreateWebKeyboardEvent(e, WebKeyType.KeyDown));
Ejemplo n.º 26
        public override void CheckMouseButtonPressed( Axiom.Input.MouseButtons button, out bool isPressed )
            isPressed = false;

            if ( button == Axiom.Input.MouseButtons.Left || _gpState.IsButtonDown( XInput.Buttons.A ) )
                isPressed = true;

            if ( button == Axiom.Input.MouseButtons.Right || _gpState.IsButtonDown( XInput.Buttons.B ) )
                isPressed = true;
Ejemplo n.º 27
 private Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Keys Convert( Axiom.Input.KeyCodes key )
     switch ( key )
         case Axiom.Input.KeyCodes.G:
             return Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Keys.G;
             return Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Keys.BrowserFavorites;
Ejemplo n.º 28
        public override void CheckMouseButtonPressed( Axiom.Input.MouseButtons button, out bool isPressed )
            isPressed = false;

            if ( button == Axiom.Input.MouseButtons.Left && _mouseState.LeftButton == Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.ButtonState.Pressed )
                isPressed = true;

            if ( button == Axiom.Input.MouseButtons.Right && _mouseState.RightButton == Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.ButtonState.Pressed )
                isPressed = true;
Ejemplo n.º 29
		WebKeyboardEvent CreateWebKeyboardEvent(Axiom.Input.KeyEventArgs e, WebKeyType type)
			return new WebKeyboardEvent()
				IsSystemKey = false,
				Type = type,
				Modifiers = AwesomiumUtil.ConvertModifierKeys(e.Modifiers),
				VirtualKeyCode = AwesomiumUtil.ConvertKeyCodesToVirtualKey(e.Key)

Ejemplo n.º 30
        public void TestConstructor()
            // ARRANGE
            IAxiom axiom = new Axiom();

            // ACT
            ICanvas actualCanvas = new Canvas(axiom);

            // ASSERT
        private FilterViewModel CreateFilterViewModel(string propertyName, string startValue, string endValue = "", Axiom.Common.Enumerations.FilterCondition condition = Axiom.Common.Enumerations.FilterCondition.Equals)
            FilterViewModel filter = new FilterViewModel();
            filter.PropertyName = propertyName;
            filter.StartValue = startValue;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(endValue))
                filter.EndValue = endValue;
            filter.WhereCondition = Axiom.Common.Enumerations.PredicateCondition.And;
            filter.FilterCondition = condition;

            return filter;
Ejemplo n.º 32
        public void TestConstructor()
            // ARRANGE
            IAxiom axiom = new Axiom();

            // ACT
            IRule greenRule = new GreenRule(axiom);

            // ASSERT
            Assert.AreEqual("Most even cards wins", greenRule.Description);
            Assert.AreEqual(Colour.Green, greenRule.Colour);
Ejemplo n.º 33
		WebKeyboardEvent CreateWebKeyboardEvent(Axiom.Input.KeyEventArgs e)
			return new WebKeyboardEvent()
				IsSystemKey = false,
				Text = new ushort[] { (ushort)e.KeyChar, 0, 0, 0 },
				Type = WebKeyType.Char,
				Modifiers = AwesomiumUtil.ConvertModifierKeys(e.Modifiers),
				VirtualKeyCode = VirtualKey.UNKNOWN

Ejemplo n.º 34
        public void TestConstructor()
            // ARRANGE
            IAxiom axiom = new Axiom();

            // ACT
            IRule indigoRule = new IndigoRule(axiom);

            // ASSERT
            Assert.AreEqual("Most cards in a run", indigoRule.Description);
            Assert.AreEqual(Colour.Indigo, indigoRule.Colour);
		protected void CompleteDefInfo( GLenum glType, Axiom.Graphics.GpuProgramParameters.GpuConstantDefinition defToUpdate )
			//Decode unifrom size and type
			//Note GLSL ES never packs rows into float4's (from an API perspective anyway)
			//therefore all values are tight in the buffer
			switch ( glType )
				case GLenum.Float:
					defToUpdate.ConstantType = GpuProgramParameters.GpuConstantType.Float1;
				case GLenum.FloatVec2:
					defToUpdate.ConstantType = GpuProgramParameters.GpuConstantType.Float2;
				case GLenum.FloatVec3:
					defToUpdate.ConstantType = GpuProgramParameters.GpuConstantType.Float3;
				case GLenum.FloatVec4:
					defToUpdate.ConstantType = GpuProgramParameters.GpuConstantType.Float4;
				case GLenum.Sampler2D:
					defToUpdate.ConstantType = GpuProgramParameters.GpuConstantType.Sampler2D;
				case GLenum.SamplerCube:
					defToUpdate.ConstantType = GpuProgramParameters.GpuConstantType.SamplerCube;
				case GLenum.Int:
					defToUpdate.ConstantType = GpuProgramParameters.GpuConstantType.Int1;
				case GLenum.IntVec2:
					defToUpdate.ConstantType = GpuProgramParameters.GpuConstantType.Int2;
				case GLenum.IntVec3:
					defToUpdate.ConstantType = GpuProgramParameters.GpuConstantType.Int3;
				case GLenum.IntVec4:
					defToUpdate.ConstantType = GpuProgramParameters.GpuConstantType.Int4;
				case GLenum.FloatMat2:
					defToUpdate.ConstantType = GpuProgramParameters.GpuConstantType.Matrix_2X2;
				case GLenum.FloatMat3:
					defToUpdate.ConstantType = GpuProgramParameters.GpuConstantType.Matrix_3X3;
				case GLenum.FloatMat4:
					defToUpdate.ConstantType = GpuProgramParameters.GpuConstantType.Unknown;
					defToUpdate.ConstantType = GpuProgramParameters.GpuConstantType.Unknown;
			//GL doesn't pad
			defToUpdate.ElementSize = Axiom.Graphics.GpuProgramParameters.GpuConstantDefinition.GetElementSize( defToUpdate.ConstantType, false );
Ejemplo n.º 36
        public void TestRunsPopulated()
            // ARRANGE
            const int expectedRunCount = 21;

            // ACT
            IAxiom axiom = new Axiom();

            // ASSERT
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedRunCount, axiom.Runs.Count);
        public void TestInitialNumberOfCardsInPalette()
            // ASSERT
            const int expectedInitialNumberOfCardsInPalette = 1;

            // ACT
            IAxiom axiom = new Axiom();
            int    actualInitialNumberOfCardsInPalette = axiom.InitialNumberOfCardsInPalette;

            // ASSERT
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedInitialNumberOfCardsInPalette, actualInitialNumberOfCardsInPalette);
Ejemplo n.º 38
        public void TestForEachColourReturnsCorrectRule(Colour colour)
            // ARRANGE
            IAxiom axiom = new Axiom();

            // ACT
            IRule actualRule = axiom.GetRule(colour);

            // ASSERT
            Assert.AreEqual(colour, actualRule.Colour);
Ejemplo n.º 39
        public override void CheckKeyPressed( Axiom.Input.KeyCodes key, out bool isPressed )
            isPressed = false;

            if ( key == Axiom.Input.KeyCodes.Escape || ( _gpState.IsButtonDown( XInput.Buttons.Back ) ) )
                isPressed = true;

            XFG.Input.Keys xnaKey = Convert( key );

            isPressed = !_keyboardState.IsKeyUp( xnaKey );
        ///    Should be called by HardwareBufferManager
        public HardwarePixelBuffer(int width, int height, int depth,
								   Axiom.Media.PixelFormat format, BufferUsage usage, 
								   bool useSystemMemory, bool useShadowBuffer)
            : base(usage, useSystemMemory, useShadowBuffer)
            this.width = width;
            this.height = height;
            this.depth = depth;
            this.format = format;
            // Default
            rowPitch = width;
            slicePitch = height * width;
            sizeInBytes = height * width * depth * PixelUtil.GetNumElemBytes(format);
Ejemplo n.º 41
		void Input_KeyUp(object sender, Axiom.Input.KeyEventArgs e)
			Core.BrowserManager[_browserId].KeyUp(CreateWebKeyboardEvent(e, WebKeyType.KeyUp));

            if (e.Key == KeyCodes.A)
                _sceneNode.Rotate(new Vector3(0, 1, 0), 10f);
            if ( e.Key == KeyCodes.D)
                _sceneNode.Rotate(new Vector3(0, 1, 0), -1f);

Ejemplo n.º 42
 private Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Keys Convert( Axiom.Input.KeyCodes key )
     switch ( key )
         case Axiom.Input.KeyCodes.Escape:
             return Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Keys.Escape;
         case Axiom.Input.KeyCodes.G:
             return Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Keys.G;
         case Axiom.Input.KeyCodes.A:
             return Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Keys.A;
         case Axiom.Input.KeyCodes.S:
             return Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Keys.S;
         case Axiom.Input.KeyCodes.D:
             return Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Keys.D;
         case Axiom.Input.KeyCodes.W:
             return Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Keys.W;
             return Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Keys.Execute;
Ejemplo n.º 43
		/// <summary>
		///   Resolve uniform auto constant parameter with associated real data of this program
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="autoType"> The auto type of the desired parameter </param>
		/// <param name="type"> The desried data type of the auto parameter </param>
		/// <param name="data"> The data to associate with the auto parameter </param>
		/// <param name="size"> number of elements in the parameter </param>
		/// <returns> parameter instance in case of that resolve operation succeeded, otherwise null </returns>
		public UniformParameter ResolveAutoParameterReal( GpuProgramParameters.AutoConstantType autoType,
		                                                  Axiom.Graphics.GpuProgramParameters.GpuConstantType type,
		                                                  Real data, int size )
			UniformParameter param = null;

			//check if parameter already exists
			param = GetParameterByAutoType( autoType );
			if ( param != null )
				if ( param.IsAutoConstantRealParameter && param.AutoConstantRealData == data )
					param.Size = Axiom.Math.Utility.Max( size, param.Size );
					return param;

			//Create new parameter
			param = new UniformParameter( autoType, data, size, type );
			AddParameter( param );

			return param;
Ejemplo n.º 44
		public void OnUpdateInput(Axiom.Input.InputReader inputReader)

Ejemplo n.º 45
		public void Initialise(Axiom.Core.Root item)

			_root = item;
Ejemplo n.º 46
		public override void NotifyCurrentCamera( Axiom.Core.Camera camera )
			// Do nothing
Ejemplo n.º 47
 /** Updates the level of detail to be used for rendering this PagingLandScapeRenderable based on the passed in Camera
 public override void NotifyCurrentCamera( Axiom.Core.Camera cam )
     PagingLandscape.Camera plsmcam = (PagingLandscape.Camera) (cam);
     this.isVisible = (init && loaded && plsmcam.GetVisibility(tileSceneNode.WorldAABB));
     //			this.isVisible = (init && loaded );
 public abstract void GetWorldTransforms(Axiom.MathLib.Matrix4[] matrices);
Ejemplo n.º 49
		protected void _setProgramParameter( GpuProgramType type, String paramName, Axiom.Math.Vector3 value )
			_setProgramParameter( type, paramName, value, sizeof( float ) * 3 );
Ejemplo n.º 50
        public override void NotifyCurrentCamera(Axiom.Core.Camera cam)

            if (((Camera)(cam)).IsObjectVisible(this.worldAABB))
                isVisible = true;
                isVisible = false;
Ejemplo n.º 51
 protected override void SetPosition(Axiom.MathLib.Vector3 newposition)
     threeDsound.Position = new Vector3(newposition.x, newposition.y, newposition.z);
Ejemplo n.º 52
 protected override void SetConeDirection(Axiom.MathLib.Vector3 direction)
     Axiom.MathLib.Vector3 vector = direction;
     threeDsound.ConeOrientation = new Vector3(vector.x, vector.y, vector.z);
Ejemplo n.º 53
		protected override Resource _create( string name, ulong handle, string group, bool isManual, IManualResourceLoader loader, Axiom.Collections.NameValuePairList createParams )
			return new Mesh( this, name, handle, group, isManual, loader );
Ejemplo n.º 54
		private void _getVertices( ref Vector3[] points, Axiom.Animating.Bone bone )
			Vector3 boneBase = bone.DerivedPosition;
			foreach ( Axiom.Animating.Bone childBone in bone.Children )
				// The tip of the bone:
				Vector3 boneTip = childBone.DerivedPosition;
				// the base of the bone
				Vector3 arm = boneTip - boneBase;
				Vector3 perp1 = arm.Perpendicular();
				Vector3 perp2 = arm.Cross( perp1 );
				float boneLen = arm.Length;
				int offset = 6 * childBone.Handle;
				points[ offset + 0 ] = boneTip;
				points[ offset + 1 ] = boneBase;
				points[ offset + 2 ] = boneBase + boneLen / 10 * perp1;
				points[ offset + 3 ] = boneBase + boneLen / 10 * perp2;
				points[ offset + 4 ] = boneBase - boneLen / 10 * perp1;
				points[ offset + 5 ] = boneBase - boneLen / 10 * perp2;
				_getVertices( ref points, childBone );
Ejemplo n.º 55
		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="terrain"></param>
		private void InitBlendMaps( Axiom.Components.Terrain.Terrain terrain )

			TerrainLayerBlendMap blendMap0 = terrain.GetLayerBlendMap( 1 );
			TerrainLayerBlendMap blendMap1 = terrain.GetLayerBlendMap( 2 );
			Real minHeight0 = 70;
			Real fadeDist0 = 40;
			Real minHeight1 = 70;
			Real fadeDist1 = 15;

			float[] pBlend1 = blendMap1.BlendPointer;
			int blendIdx = 0;
			for ( ushort y = 0; y < terrain.LayerBlendMapSize; y++ )
				for ( ushort x = 0; x < terrain.LayerBlendMapSize; x++ )
					float tx = 0;
					float ty = 0;
					blendMap0.ConvertImageToTerrainSpace( x, y, ref tx, ref ty );
					Real height = terrain.GetHeightAtTerrainPosition( tx, ty );
					Real val = ( height - minHeight0 ) / fadeDist0;
					val = Utility.Clamp( val, 0, 1 );

					val = ( height - minHeight1 ) / fadeDist1;
					val = Utility.Clamp( val, 0, 1 );
					pBlend1[ blendIdx++ ] = val;

Ejemplo n.º 56
 public override void CheckKeyPressed( Axiom.Input.KeyCodes key, out bool isPressed )
     isPressed = false;
     XFG.Input.Keys xnaKey = Convert( key );
     isPressed = _keyboardState.IsKeyDown( xnaKey );
Ejemplo n.º 57
 public override float GetSquaredViewDepth(Axiom.Core.Camera camera)
     // Use squared length to avoid square root
     return (this.ParentNode.DerivedPosition - camera.DerivedPosition).LengthSquared;
Ejemplo n.º 58
		public static bool GetReal( AbstractNode node, out Axiom.Math.Real retVal )
			return Scripting.Compiler.ScriptCompiler.Translator.getReal( node, out retVal );
Ejemplo n.º 59
		public override void GetWorldTransforms( Axiom.Math.Matrix4[] matrices )
			// return identity matrix to prevent parent transforms
			matrices[ 0 ] = Matrix4.Identity;
		/// <summary>
		///   Populate a list of uniforms based on GLSL ES source.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="src"> Reference to the source code </param>
		/// <param name="constantDefs"> The defs to populate (will not be cleared before adding, clear it yourself before calling this if that's what you want). </param>
		/// <param name="fileName"> The file name this came from, for logging errors </param>
		public void ExtractConstantDefs( string src, Axiom.Graphics.GpuProgramParameters.GpuNamedConstants constantDefs, string fileName )
			// Parse the output string and collect all uniforms
			// NOTE this relies on the source already having been preprocessed
			// which is done in GLSLESProgram::loadFromSource
			string line;
			int currPos = src.IndexOf( "uniform" );
			while ( currPos != -1 )
				var def = new GpuProgramParameters.GpuConstantDefinition();
				string paramName = string.Empty;

				//Now check for using the word 'uniform' in a larger string & ignore
				bool inLargerString = false;
				if ( currPos != 0 )
					char prev = src[ currPos - 1 ];
					if ( prev != ' ' && prev != '\t' && prev != '\r' && prev != '\n' && prev != ';' )
						inLargerString = true;
				if ( !inLargerString && currPos + 7 < src.Length )
					char next = src[ currPos + 7 ];
					if ( next != ' ' && next != '\t' && next != '\r' && next != '\n' )
						inLargerString = true;

				//skip uniform 
				currPos += 7;

				if ( !inLargerString )
					//find terminatiing semicolon
					int endPos = -1;
					for ( int i = 0; i < src.Length; i++ )
						if ( src[ i ] == ';' )
							endPos = i;
					if ( endPos == -1 )
						//problem, missing semicolon, abort
					line = src.Substring( currPos, endPos - currPos );

					//remove spaces before opening square braces, otherwise the following split() can split the line at inapppropriate
					//places (e.g. "vec3 sometihng [3]" won't work).

					for ( int sqp = line.IndexOf( "[" ); sqp != -1; sqp = line.IndexOf( " [" ) )
						line.Remove( sqp, 1 );
					string[] parts = line.Split( '\t', '\r', '\n' );

					foreach ( string i in parts )
						//Is this a type
						if ( this.typeEnumMap.ContainsKey( i ) )
							this.CompleteDefInfo( this.typeEnumMap[ i ], def );
							//If this is not a type, and not empty, it should be a name
							string trim = i.Trim();
							if ( trim.Length == 0 )

							//Skip over precision keywords
							if ( trim == "lowp" || trim == "mediump" || trim == "highp" )

							int arrayStart = -1;
							for ( int j = 0; j < trim.Length; j++ )
								if ( trim[ j ] == '[' )
									arrayStart = j;
							if ( arrayStart != -1 )
								//potential name (if butted up to array)
								string name = trim.Substring( 0, arrayStart );
								name = name.Trim();
								if ( name.Length > 0 )
									paramName = name;

								int arrayEnd = -1;
								for ( int k = 0; k < trim.Length; k++ )
									if ( trim[ k ] == ']' )
										arrayEnd = k;
								string arrayDimTerm = trim.Substring( arrayStart + 1, arrayEnd - arrayStart - 1 );
								arrayDimTerm = arrayDimTerm.Trim();
								// the array term might be a simple number or it might be
								// an expression (e.g. 24*3) or refer to a constant expression
								// we'd have to evaluate the expression which could get nasty
								// Ogre TODO
								def.ArraySize = int.Parse( arrayDimTerm );
								paramName = trim;
								def.ArraySize = 1;

							//Name should be after the type, so complete def and add
							//We do this now so that comma-seperated params will do
							//this part once for each name mentioned
							if ( def.ConstantType == GpuProgramParameters.GpuConstantType.Unknown )
								Axiom.Core.LogManager.Instance.Write( "Problem parsing the following GLSL Uniform: " + line + " in file " + fileName );
								//next uniform

							//Complete def and add
							//increment physical buffer location
							def.LogicalIndex = 0; // not valid in GLSL
							if ( def.IsFloat )
								def.PhysicalIndex = constantDefs.FloatBufferSize;
								constantDefs.FloatBufferSize += def.ArraySize * def.ElementSize;
								def.PhysicalIndex = constantDefs.IntBufferSize;
								constantDefs.IntBufferSize += def.ArraySize * def.ElementSize;
							constantDefs.Map.Add( paramName, def );
				//Find next one
				currPos = src.IndexOf( "uniform" );