Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void axFramerControl1_OnDocumentOpened(object sender, AxDSOFramer._DFramerCtlEvents_OnDocumentOpenedEvent e)
            Document document = e.document as Document;

            document.ActiveWindow.DisplayRulers            = false;
            document.ActiveWindow.DisplayRightRuler        = false;
            document.ActiveWindow.DisplayVerticalRuler     = false;
            document.ActiveWindow.DisplayScreenTips        = false;
            document.Application.DisplayAlerts             = WdAlertLevel.wdAlertsNone;
            document.ActiveWindow.View.ShowBookmarks       = true;
            document.ActiveWindow.ActivePane.DisplayRulers = false;
            document.ActiveWindow.View.DisplaySmartTags    = false;

            //disable word commandbars
                //test debug.write

                /*Debug.Listeners.Add(new TextWriterTraceListener(Console.Out));
                 * Debug.AutoFlush = true;
                 * Debug.Indent();
                 * Debug.WriteLine(Name.ToString());
                 * Debug.Unindent();*/

                Document wordDoc = document as Document;

                //Disable Text popup menu(while right click on the word client area).
                //Index is 78, in word 2003.
                //Name=Text Index=78 Type=msoBarTypePopup
                //The reason disable this first is when word started, we right click word
                //client area at once, the text popup menu perhaps still enable at this moment.
                wordDoc.CommandBars[78].Enabled = false;
                wordDoc.CommandBars[78].Visible = false;

                //this course cost a few time, disable all tool bars, menu bars.
                for (int i = 1; i <= wordDoc.CommandBars.Count; i++)
                    wordDoc.CommandBars[i].Enabled = false;
                    wordDoc.CommandBars[i].Visible = false;
            catch (Exception)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 void axFramerControl1_OnDocumentOpened(object sender, AxDSOFramer._DFramerCtlEvents_OnDocumentOpenedEvent e)
     fileName = e.file;