public async static void DeleteBarrier(Context context, params PendingIntent[] pendingIntents) { string MethodName = "UpdateBarriers"; BarrierUpdateRequest.Builder builder = new BarrierUpdateRequest.Builder(); foreach (PendingIntent pendingIntent in pendingIntents) { builder.DeleteBarrier(pendingIntent); } var barrierTask = Awareness.GetBarrierClient(context).UpdateBarriersAsync(builder.Build()); try { await barrierTask; if (barrierTask.IsCompleted) { string logMessage = "Delete barrier success"; ShowToast(context, logMessage); Log.Info(MethodName, logMessage); } else { string logMessage = "Delete barrier failed"; ShowToast(context, logMessage); Log.Error(MethodName, logMessage, barrierTask.Exception); } } catch (Exception ex) { string logMessage = "Delete barrier failed"; ShowToast(context, logMessage); Log.Error(MethodName, logMessage, ex); } }
public async static void BatchBarrier(Context context, BarrierUpdateRequest.Builder builder) { string MethodName = "UpdateBarriers"; var barrierTask = Awareness.GetBarrierClient(context).UpdateBarriersAsync(builder.Build()); try { await barrierTask; if (barrierTask.IsCompleted) { string logMessage = "Batch barrier success"; ShowToast(context, logMessage); Log.Info(MethodName, logMessage); } else { string logMessage = "Batch barrier failed"; ShowToast(context, logMessage); Log.Error(MethodName, logMessage, barrierTask.Exception); } } catch (Exception ex) { string logMessage = "Batch barrier failed"; ShowToast(context, logMessage); Log.Error(MethodName, logMessage, ex); } }
public async static void AddBarrier(Context context, string label, AwarenessBarrier barrier, PendingIntent pendingIntent) { string MethodName = "UpdateBarriers"; BarrierUpdateRequest.Builder builder = new BarrierUpdateRequest.Builder(); // When the status of the registered barrier changes, pendingIntent is triggered. // label is used to uniquely identify the barrier. You can query a barrier by label and delete it. BarrierUpdateRequest request = builder.AddBarrier(label, barrier, pendingIntent).Build(); var barrierTask = Awareness.GetBarrierClient(context).UpdateBarriersAsync(request); try { await barrierTask; if (barrierTask.IsCompleted) { string logMessage = "Add barrier success"; ShowToast(context, logMessage); Log.Info(MethodName, logMessage); } else { string logMessage = "Add barrier failed"; ShowToast(context, logMessage); Log.Error(MethodName, logMessage, barrierTask.Exception); } } catch (Exception ex) { string logMessage = "Add barrier failed"; ShowToast(context, logMessage); Log.Error(MethodName, logMessage, ex); } }
private async void QueryDeviceSupportingCapabilities() { Task <CapabilityResponse> querySupportingCapabilities = Awareness.GetCaptureClient(this).QuerySupportingCapabilitiesAsync(); try { await querySupportingCapabilities; if (querySupportingCapabilities.IsCompleted && querySupportingCapabilities.Result != null) { ICapabilityStatus capabilityStatus = querySupportingCapabilities.Result.CapabilityStatus; int[] capabilities = capabilityStatus.GetCapabilities(); Log.Info("QueryDeviceSupportingCapabilities", $"capabilities code : {string.Join(" ", capabilities)}"); string logMessage = "This device supports the following awareness capabilities:\n"; foreach (int capability in capabilities) { logMessage += Constant.GetCapabilityStatus(capability) + "\n"; } log.ShowLog(logMessage); } else { Log.Error("QueryDeviceSupportingCapabilities", "Failed to get supported capabilities." + querySupportingCapabilities.Exception); log.ShowLog("Failed to get supported capabilities."); } } catch (System.Exception ex) { Log.Error("QueryDeviceSupportingCapabilities", "Failed to get supported capabilities." + ex); log.ShowLog("Failed to get supported capabilities."); } }
private void HealingRoutine() { // Check if already has a healing item var item = Me.Inventory.Search(EntityTags.Healing); if (item != null) { // Use the item item.Owner.ActivateAction(Me); } else { // If has found a healing item already if (Focus != null && Focus.TagList.HasTag(EntityTags.Healing)) { GoTo(Focus.Position); // If in range, pick the item up if (Focus.Interaction.RunInteraction(Me, Interactions.PickUp)) { ClearStatus(); } } // If hasn't found a healing item yet else { Focus = Awareness.FindNearest(EntityTags.Healing); } } }
private async void GetBehaviorStatus(object sender, EventArgs e) { string MethodName = "GetBehaviorStatus"; var behaviorTask = Awareness.GetCaptureClient(this).GetBehaviorAsync(); try { await behaviorTask; if (behaviorTask.IsCompleted && behaviorTask.Result != null) { BehaviorStatus behaviorStatus = behaviorTask.Result.BehaviorStatus; DetectedBehavior mostLikelyBehavior = behaviorStatus.MostLikelyBehavior; string logMessage = $"Most likely behavior is {Constant.GetBehavior(mostLikelyBehavior.Type)},the confidence is { mostLikelyBehavior.Confidence}"; log.ShowLog(logMessage); Log.Info(MethodName, logMessage); } else { var exception = behaviorTask.Exception; string errorMessage = $"{AwarenessStatusCodes.GetMessage(exception.GetStatusCode())}: {exception.Message}"; log.ShowLog(errorMessage); Log.Error(MethodName, errorMessage); } } catch (Exception exception) { string errorMessage = $"{AwarenessStatusCodes.GetMessage(exception.GetStatusCode())}: {exception.Message}"; log.ShowLog(errorMessage); Log.Error(MethodName, errorMessage); } }
// The CharacterAnimator calls this method, so we will do all of the AI processing within it public void UpdateInput(float elapsedTime) { // By default, have the enemy do nothing CharAnimator.CharInput.Horizontal = 0; CharAnimator.CharInput.Vertical = 0; CharAnimator.CharInput.Jump =; CharAnimator.CharInput.Attack = 0; CharAnimator.CharInput.Pickup = false; // Based off the awareness level of the enemy, it'll do 1 of 3 things bool awarenessChanged = UpdateAwareness(elapsedTime); if (awarenessChanged) { Awareness.ChangeAwareness(); } switch (Awareness.Level) { case EnemyAwareness.AwarenessLevel.Unaware: if (Settings.ShouldWander) { Wander(elapsedTime, awarenessChanged); } break; case EnemyAwareness.AwarenessLevel.Searching: Search(elapsedTime, awarenessChanged); break; case EnemyAwareness.AwarenessLevel.Chasing: Chase(elapsedTime, awarenessChanged); break; } }
public async Task <IActionResult> PutAwareness([FromRoute] int id, [FromBody] Awareness awareness) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } if (id != awareness.AutoId) { return(BadRequest()); } _context.Entry(awareness).State = EntityState.Modified; try { await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!AwarenessExists(id)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(NoContent()); }
private async void GetHeadsetStatus(object sender, EventArgs e) { string MethodName = "GetHeadsetStatus"; var headsetStatusTask = Awareness.GetCaptureClient(this).GetHeadsetStatusAsync(); try { await headsetStatusTask; if (headsetStatusTask.IsCompleted && headsetStatusTask.Result != null) { IHeadsetStatus headsetStatus = headsetStatusTask.Result.HeadsetStatus; int status = headsetStatus.Status; string logMessage = $"Headsets are {(status == HeadsetStatus.Connected ? "connected" : "disconnected")}"; log.ShowLog(logMessage); Log.Info(MethodName, logMessage); } else { var exception = headsetStatusTask.Exception; string errorMessage = $"{AwarenessStatusCodes.GetMessage(exception.GetStatusCode())}: {exception.Message}"; log.ShowLog(errorMessage); Log.Error(MethodName, errorMessage); } } catch (Exception exception) { string errorMessage = $"{AwarenessStatusCodes.GetMessage(exception.GetStatusCode())}: {exception.Message}"; log.ShowLog(errorMessage); Log.Error(MethodName, errorMessage); } }
private SenseLink EvaluateVision(Signal signal) { // 1. if it's further than the largest view cone range + 1, don't even bother to process Vector3 directionToSignal = calculateDistanceFromSignal(signal); if (directionToSignal.magnitude > maxViewConeDistance + 1) { return(null); // too far to evaluate } // 2. If it's in range find the maximum awareness for the cones that the signal intersects Awareness maxAwarenessForSignal = Awareness.None; Awareness temp; foreach (ViewCone vc in ViewCones) { temp = vc.EvaluateSignal(Position, Forward, signal); if ((int)temp > (int)maxAwarenessForSignal) { maxAwarenessForSignal = temp; } } // 3. If the signal is in a view cone raycast to see if it's visible if ((int)maxAwarenessForSignal > (int)Awareness.None) { Boolean sensed = invokeSelectedLineOfSightAlgorithm(signal); if (sensed) { return(new SenseLink(Time.time, signal, maxAwarenessForSignal, true, signal.Sense)); } } return(null); }
private async void GetLightIntensity(object sender, EventArgs e) { string MethodName = "GetLightIntensity"; var ambientLightTask = Awareness.GetCaptureClient(this).GetLightIntensityAsync(); try { await ambientLightTask; if (ambientLightTask.IsCompleted && ambientLightTask.Result != null) { IAmbientLightStatus ambientLightStatus = ambientLightTask.Result.AmbientLightStatus; string logMessage = $"Light intensity is {ambientLightStatus.LightIntensity} lux"; log.ShowLog(logMessage); Log.Info(MethodName, logMessage); } else { var exception = ambientLightTask.Exception; string errorMessage = $"{AwarenessStatusCodes.GetMessage(exception.GetStatusCode())}: {exception.Message}"; log.ShowLog(errorMessage); Log.Error(MethodName, errorMessage); } } catch (Exception exception) { string errorMessage = $"{AwarenessStatusCodes.GetMessage(exception.GetStatusCode())}: {exception.Message}"; log.ShowLog(errorMessage); Log.Error(MethodName, errorMessage); } }
private async void GetTimeCategories(object sender, EventArgs e) { string MethodName = "GetTimeCategories"; var timeCategoriesTask = Awareness.GetCaptureClient(this).GetTimeCategoriesAsync(); try { await timeCategoriesTask; if (timeCategoriesTask.IsCompleted && timeCategoriesTask.Result != null) { ITimeCategories timeCategories = timeCategoriesTask.Result.TimeCategories; foreach (int timeCode in timeCategories.GetTimeCategories()) { log.ShowLog(Constant.GetTimeCategory(timeCode)); Log.Info(MethodName, timeCode.ToString()); } } else { var exception = timeCategoriesTask.Exception; string errorMessage = $"{AwarenessStatusCodes.GetMessage(exception.GetStatusCode())}: {exception.Message}"; log.ShowLog(errorMessage); Log.Error(MethodName, errorMessage); } } catch (Exception exception) { string errorMessage = $"{AwarenessStatusCodes.GetMessage(exception.GetStatusCode())}: {exception.Message}"; log.ShowLog(errorMessage); Log.Error(MethodName, errorMessage); } }
private async void GetBluetoothStatus(object sender, EventArgs e) { string MethodName = "GetBluetoothStatus"; var bluetoothStatusTask = Awareness.GetCaptureClient(this).GetBluetoothStatusAsync(BluetoothStatus.DeviceCar); try { await bluetoothStatusTask; if (bluetoothStatusTask.IsCompleted && bluetoothStatusTask.Result != null) { IBluetoothStatus bluetoothStatus = bluetoothStatusTask.Result.BluetoothStatus; int status = bluetoothStatus.Status; string logMessage = $"The Bluetooth car stereo are {(status == BluetoothStatus.Connected ? "connected" : "disconnected")}"; log.ShowLog(logMessage); Log.Info(MethodName, logMessage); } else { var exception = bluetoothStatusTask.Exception; string errorMessage = $"{AwarenessStatusCodes.GetMessage(exception.GetStatusCode())}: {exception.Message}"; log.ShowLog(errorMessage); Log.Error(MethodName, errorMessage); } } catch (Exception exception) { string errorMessage = $"{AwarenessStatusCodes.GetMessage(exception.GetStatusCode())}: {exception.Message}"; log.ShowLog(errorMessage); Log.Error(MethodName, errorMessage); } }
static CharmLibrary() { List <Charm> Charms = Utils.LoadCharms().Charms; foreach (Charm c in Charms) { switch (c.Ability) { case Ability.Archery: { Archery.Add(c); break; } case Ability.Athletics: { Athletics.Add(c); break; } case Ability.Awareness: { Awareness.Add(c); break; } default: { break; } } } }
private async void GetLocation(object sender, EventArgs e) { string MethodName = "GetLocation"; var locationTask = Awareness.GetCaptureClient(this).GetLocationAsync(); try { await locationTask; if (locationTask.IsCompleted && locationTask.Result != null) { Location location = locationTask.Result.Location; string logMessage = $"Longtitude: {location.Longitude},Latitude: {location.Latitude}"; log.ShowLog(logMessage); Log.Info(MethodName, logMessage); } else { var exception = locationTask.Exception; string errorMessage = $"{AwarenessStatusCodes.GetMessage(exception.GetStatusCode())}: {exception.Message}"; log.ShowLog(errorMessage); Log.Error(MethodName, errorMessage); } } catch (Exception exception) { string errorMessage = $"{AwarenessStatusCodes.GetMessage(exception.GetStatusCode())}: {exception.Message}"; log.ShowLog(errorMessage); Log.Error(MethodName, errorMessage); } }
private void CombatRoutine() { // If enough time has passed since the last attack // Or the aggressor is dead if (WaitForTimer(5) || !Aggressor.IsAlive) { // Stop and forget ClearStatus(); Stop(); return; } // If already has a weapon if (Me.EquipmentSlots[0].Equipped != null && Me.EquipmentSlots[0].Equipped.TagList.HasTag(EntityTags.Weapon)) { // Move towards the aggressor GoTo(Aggressor.Position); // If close enough if (Me.DistanceTo(Aggressor) < 1.5f) { // Use the weapon Me.ActivateEquipment(); } return; } // If a weapon was found if (Focus != null) { // Give up if the weapon was picked up by something else if (Focus.IsChild) { Focus = null; return; } // Move towards the weapon GoTo(Focus.Position); // If in range, equip the weapon if (Focus.Interaction.RunInteraction(Me, Interactions.Equip)) { Focus = null; } return; } // If no weapon was found yet else { // Look for a nearby weapon Focus = Awareness.FindNearest(EntityTags.Weapon); } // If no weapon can be found, flee RunAwayFrom(Aggressor.Position); }
public SenseLink(float time, Signal signal, Awareness awareness, bool firstHand, SenseType senseType) { this.TimeLastSensed = time; this.signal = signal; this.awarenessLevel = awareness; this.FirstHand = firstHand; this.sense = senseType; }
public ViewCone(ViewCone coneToCopy) { this.FoVAngle = coneToCopy.FoVAngle; this.Range = coneToCopy.Range; this.HorizontalOffset = coneToCopy.HorizontalOffset; this.SceneColor = coneToCopy.SceneColor; this.awarenessLevel = coneToCopy.awarenessLevel; }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { Initialize(); // Initialize the entity object awareness = GetComponentInChildren<Awareness>(); brain = gameObject.AddComponent<Brain>(); brain.awareness = awareness; inventory = gameObject.AddComponent<Inventory>(); }
public void ReceiveAlert(Transform target) { if (dispossessTimerActive == false) { awarenessLevel = Awareness.Aggressive; PerformAggressiveBehavior(target); GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().color =; } }
public void ShouldFindContextWithoutExplicitlyAdding() { locator .Register(Awareness.Of(() => locator.GetInstance <ISomeService>())) .Register(Given <ISomeService> .Then <SomeService>()) .Register(Given <ITestInterface> .When <ISomeService>(i => i.SomeMethod()).Then <TestCase1>()) .Register(Given <ITestInterface> .Then <TestCase2>()); Assert.IsInstanceOf <TestCase1>(locator.GetInstance <ITestInterface>()); }
private void AggressionCooldownTimer() { aggressionCooldownTimerLeft -= Time.deltaTime; if (aggressionCooldownTimerLeft <= 0.0f) { awarenessLevel = Awareness.Unaware; aggressionCooldownTimerActive = false; } }
private string GetLevel(Awareness awareness) { if (awareness == Awareness.None) { return(""); } else { return(awareness.ToString() + " awareness"); } }
public void ReceiveAlert(Transform target) { if (dispossessTimerActive == false) { awarenessLevel = Awareness.Aggressive; PerformAggressiveBehavior(target); //JTR - change waypoint GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().color =; } }
public async Task <IActionResult> PostAwareness([FromBody] Awareness awareness) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } _context.Awareness.Add(awareness); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(CreatedAtAction("GetAwareness", new { id = awareness.AutoId }, awareness)); }
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { base.OnCreate(savedInstanceState); Xamarin.Essentials.Platform.Init(this, savedInstanceState); SetContentView(Resource.Layout.activity_main); InitializeButtons(); log = new Logger(FindViewById <LinearLayout>(Resource.Id.ll_log), FindViewById <ScrollView>(Resource.Id.sv_log), this); Awareness.GetBarrierClient(this).EnableUpdateWindow(true); QueryDeviceSupportingCapabilities(); CheckAndRequestPermissions(); }
public Action <IServiceLocator> Build() { return(serviceLocator => serviceLocator .Register(Awareness.Of(serviceLocator.GetInstance <HandlerContext>)) .Register(Given <ServiceBusRoute> .Then <ServiceBusRoute>()) .Register(Given <IHttpHandler> .When <HandlerContext>(ctx => ctx.Type == null).Then <MvcControllerHandler>()) .Register(Given <IHttpHandler> .Then <ServiceBusHandler>()) .Register(Given <ServiceBusRouteHandler> .Then <ServiceBusRouteHandler>()) .Register <Singleton>(Given <IServiceBus> .Then <ServiceBus>()) .Register(Given <TypeFinder> .Then <TypeFinder>()) .Register(Given <HandlerContext> .Then <HandlerContext>()) .Register(Given <NativeAdapter> .Then <NativeAdapter>())); }
private async void GetBeaconStatus(object sender, EventArgs e) { string MethodName = "GetBeaconStatus"; string ns = "sample namespace"; string type = "sample type"; byte[] content = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("sample"); BeaconStatusFilter filter = BeaconStatusFilter.Match(ns, type, content); var beaconTask = Awareness.GetCaptureClient(this).GetBeaconStatusAsync(filter); try { await beaconTask; if (beaconTask.IsCompleted && beaconTask.Result != null) { List <IBeaconStatusBeaconData> beaconDataList = beaconTask.Result.BeaconStatus.BeaconData.ToList(); string logMessage = string.Empty; if (beaconDataList != null && beaconDataList.Count != 0) { int i = 1; foreach (IBeaconStatusBeaconData beaconData in beaconDataList) { logMessage += $"Beacon Data {i++}\n"; logMessage += $"namespace: {beaconData.Namespace}\n"; logMessage += $"type: {beaconData.Type}\n"; logMessage += $"content: {BitConverter.ToString(beaconData.GetContent())}\n"; } } else { logMessage = "No beacon matches filters nearby."; } log.ShowLog(logMessage); Log.Info(MethodName, logMessage); } else { var exception = beaconTask.Exception; string errorMessage = $"{AwarenessStatusCodes.GetMessage(exception.GetStatusCode())}: {exception.Message}"; log.ShowLog(errorMessage); Log.Error(MethodName, errorMessage); } } catch (Exception exception) { string errorMessage = $"{AwarenessStatusCodes.GetMessage(exception.GetStatusCode())}: {exception.Message}"; log.ShowLog(errorMessage); Log.Error(MethodName, errorMessage); } }
private void LookForFoodRoutine() { // If already found food if (Focus != null) { // Give up if the target was picked up by something else if (Focus.IsChild) { ClearStatus(); return; } // If aware of the food if (IsAware) { // Wait until the "notice" animation has finished before chasing the food if (WaitForAnimation(AnimNoticeHash)) { GoTo(Focus.Position); // If in range, pick the food up if (Focus.Interaction.RunInteraction(Me, Interactions.PickUp)) { ClearStatus(); ResetTimer(); return; } } } // If not yet aware of the food, play the "notice" animation else { Me.FlipTo(Focus.Position); PlayAnimation(AnimNoticeHash); IsAware = true; } } // If hasn't found food already else { Stop(); // Look for food after the grace period has passed if (WaitForTimer(0.5f)) { Focus = Awareness.FindNearest(EntityTags.Food); } } }
public void DecreaseAwareness() { switch (awarenessLevel) { case Awareness.Low: awarenessLevel = Awareness.None; break; case Awareness.Medium: awarenessLevel = Awareness.Low; break; case Awareness.High: awarenessLevel = Awareness.Medium; break; } }
public void IncreaseAwareness() { switch (awarenessLevel) { case Awareness.Low: awarenessLevel = Awareness.Medium; break; case Awareness.Medium: awarenessLevel = Awareness.High; break; case Awareness.High: break; } // When increasing awareness the time also has to be reset to avoid premature cooldown TimeLastSensed = Time.time; }
protected void FixedUpdate() { // We don't want to update if the player is possessed. if (dispossessTimerActive == false) { // Retrieve a list of objects that are in the enemies alarmed zone. Collider2D[] inSight = Physics2D.OverlapCircleAll(transform.position, alarmedThreshold); // For every object that the enemy has the potential to see... foreach (Collider2D seenObject in inSight) { // If the player is within the enemy's alarmed zone... if (seenObject.gameObject.tag.Equals("Player")) { // Calculate the direction between the enemy and the player. Vector3 direction = (seenObject.transform.position - transform.position).normalized; float angle = CalculateAngle(transform.up, direction); // If the angle between the enemy and the player is within the // enemy's line of sight... SimpleAI2D.Facing facing = GetComponent<SimpleAI2D>().facing; // Yikes... if (((facing == SimpleAI2D.Facing.down) && (angle <= (-90 - sightAngle)) || (angle >= (90 + sightAngle))) || ((facing == SimpleAI2D.Facing.up) && (angle >= (-90 + sightAngle)) && (angle <= (90 - sightAngle))) || ((facing == SimpleAI2D.Facing.left) && (angle <= (0 - sightAngle)) && (angle >= (-180 + sightAngle))) || ((facing == SimpleAI2D.Facing.right) && (angle >= (0 + sightAngle)) && (angle <= (180 - sightAngle)))) { // Make a layer mask to ignore the enemy layer when raycasting. // Bit shift the index of the layer (8) to get a bit mask int layerMask = 1 << 8; // This would cast rays only against colliders in layer 8. // But instead we want to collide against everything except layer 8. // The ~ operator inverts a bitmask. layerMask = ~layerMask; // Check to see if anything is between the enemy and the player. RaycastHit2D hit = Physics2D.Raycast(transform.position, direction, Mathf.Infinity, layerMask); if (debug) { // In alarmed zone, but not yet seen. Color rayColor =; if (awarenessLevel == Awareness.Alarmed) { rayColor = Color.yellow; } else if (awarenessLevel == Awareness.Aggressive) { rayColor =; } Debug.DrawRay(transform.position, direction * hit.distance, rayColor); } // If there is nothing between the enemy and the player... if (hit.collider.gameObject.tag.Equals("Player")) { if (awarenessLevel == Awareness.Unaware) { // Make the enemy alarmed. awarenessLevel = Awareness.Alarmed; alarmedTimerActive = true; PerformAlarmedBehavior(seenObject.transform); } else if (awarenessLevel == Awareness.Aggressive) { PerformAggressiveBehavior(seenObject.transform); } } // Otherwise something interrupted the enemy's line of sight, but // the enemy was merely alarmed. else if (awarenessLevel == Awareness.Alarmed) { // Reset the enemy's level of awareness. awarenessLevel = Awareness.Unaware; alarmedTimerActive = false; alarmedTimerLeft = alarmedStateLength; } // Otherwise something interrupted the enemy's line of sight, but // they are still aggressive. We should start the aggression cooldown. // The enemy should be aggressive but not be in an aggression cooldown. else if (awarenessLevel == Awareness.Aggressive && aggressionCooldownTimerActive == false) { aggressionCooldownTimerActive = true; aggressionCooldownTimerLeft = aggressionCooldownLength; } } } } } }
private void AlarmedTimer() { alarmedTimerLeft -= Time.deltaTime; float timeUp = 0.0f; // If the player is posessing someone, increase the time left on the timer. if (GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").GetComponent<PlayerPossession>().possessed != null) { timeUp = -5.0f; } if (alarmedTimerLeft <= timeUp) { awarenessLevel = Awareness.Aggressive; alarmedTimerActive = false; } }
protected override void OnStart() { awarenessLevel = Awareness.Unaware; alarmedTimerLeft = alarmedStateLength; aggressionCooldownTimerLeft = aggressionCooldownLength; if (alarmedThreshold < aggressiveThreshold) { print ("'alarmedThreshold' should be greater than 'aggressiveThreshold'"); } if (waypoints.Count > 0) { currentWaypoint = 0; } foreach (Transform waypoint in waypoints) { waypoint.gameObject.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().sprite = null; } }