Ejemplo n.º 1
        // Create an authentication request.
        private XmlElement CreateAuthnRequest()
            // Create some URLs to identify the service provider to the identity provider.
            // As we're using the same endpoint for the different bindings, add a query string parameter
            // to identify the binding.
            string issuerURL = CreateAbsoluteURL("~/");
            string assertionConsumerServiceURL = CreateAssertionConsumerServiceURL();

            // Create the authentication request.
            AuthnRequest authnRequest = new AuthnRequest();
            authnRequest.Destination = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["idpssoURL"];
            authnRequest.Issuer = new Issuer(issuerURL);
            authnRequest.ForceAuthn = false;
            authnRequest.NameIDPolicy = new NameIDPolicy(null, null, true);
            authnRequest.ProtocolBinding = idpToSPBindingRadioButtonList.SelectedValue;
            authnRequest.AssertionConsumerServiceURL = assertionConsumerServiceURL;

            // Serialize the authentication request to XML for transmission.
            XmlElement authnRequestXml = authnRequest.ToXml();

            // Don't sign if using HTTP redirect as the generated query string is too long for most browsers.
            if (spToIdPBindingRadioButtonList.SelectedValue != SAMLIdentifiers.BindingURIs.HTTPRedirect) {
                // Sign the authentication request.
                X509Certificate2 x509Certificate = (X509Certificate2) Application[Global.SPX509Certificate];

                SAMLMessageSignature.Generate(authnRequestXml, x509Certificate.PrivateKey, x509Certificate);

            return authnRequestXml;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        // Create an authentication request.
        private XmlElement CreateAuthnRequest()
            // Create some URLs to identify the service provider to the identity provider.
            // As we're using the same endpoint for the different bindings, add a query string parameter
            // to identify the binding.
            string issuerURL = CreateAbsoluteURL("~/");
            string assertionConsumerServiceURL = CreateAssertionConsumerServiceURL();

            // Create the authentication request.
            AuthnRequest authnRequest = new AuthnRequest();

            authnRequest.Destination                 = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["idpssoURL"];
            authnRequest.Issuer                      = new Issuer(issuerURL);
            authnRequest.ForceAuthn                  = false;
            authnRequest.NameIDPolicy                = new NameIDPolicy(null, null, true);
            authnRequest.ProtocolBinding             = idpToSPBindingRadioButtonList.SelectedValue;
            authnRequest.AssertionConsumerServiceURL = assertionConsumerServiceURL;

            // Serialize the authentication request to XML for transmission.
            XmlElement authnRequestXml = authnRequest.ToXml();

            // Don't sign if using HTTP redirect as the generated query string is too long for most browsers.
            if (spToIdPBindingRadioButtonList.SelectedValue != SAMLIdentifiers.BindingURIs.HTTPRedirect)
                // Sign the authentication request.
                X509Certificate2 x509Certificate = (X509Certificate2)Application[Global.SPX509Certificate];

                SAMLMessageSignature.Generate(authnRequestXml, x509Certificate.PrivateKey, x509Certificate);

Ejemplo n.º 3
        //private readonly IStoreSamlCertificates _certificates;

        //public Test(IStoreSamlCertificates certificatesStore)
        //    _certificates = certificatesStore;

        //private X509Certificate2 GetCertificate()
        //    var store = new X509Store(StoreName.My, StoreLocation.LocalMachine);
        //    try
        //    {
        //    //< add key = "SamlTestServiceProviderEntityId" value = "https://develop.ucosmic.com/sign-on/saml/2" />
        //    //< add key = "SamlTestCertificateThumbprint" value = "1945D599DF7F3B3D6513C87A8CDDF4CE6E0899B6" />
        //              store.Open(OpenFlags.ReadOnly);
        //        var certificates = store.Certificates.Find(X509FindType.FindByThumbprint, "1945D599DF7F3B3D6513C87A8CDDF4CE6E0899B6", false);
        //        if (certificates.Count < 1)
        //        {
        //            throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format(
        //                "Could not find certificate with thumbprint '{0}' in My LocalMachine store.",
        //                    "1945D599DF7F3B3D6513C87A8CDDF4CE6E0899B6"));
        //        }
        //        return certificates[0];
        //    }
        //    finally
        //    {
        //        store.Close();
        //    }

        public void SendAuthnRequest(string idpLocation, Saml2SsoBinding idpBinding,
                                     string fromSpEntityId, string returnUrl, HttpContextBase httpContext)
            // Create the authentication request.
            var authnRequest = new AuthnRequest
                Destination  = idpLocation,
                Issuer       = new Issuer(fromSpEntityId),
                ForceAuthn   = true,
                NameIDPolicy = new NameIDPolicy(null, null, true),

            // Serialize the authentication request to XML for transmission.
            var authnRequestXml = authnRequest.ToXml();

            // Don't sign if using HTTP redirect as the generated query string is too long for most browsers.
            //if (idpBinding != Saml2SsoBinding.HttpRedirect)
            //    // Sign the authentication request.
            //    var signingCertificate = _certificates.GetSigningCertificate();
            //    SAMLMessageSignature.Generate(authnRequestXml, signingCertificate.PrivateKey, signingCertificate);

            // Create and cache the relay state so we remember which SP resource the user wishes to access after SSO.
            //SAML.HttpContext = httpContext;
            string relayState = null;

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(returnUrl))
                relayState = RelayStateCache.Add(new RelayState(returnUrl, null));

            var privateKey = @"MIIDUDCCAjgCCQDZl9Be7/58pTANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADBqMQswCQYDVQQGEwJH QjERMA8GA1UECAwIU29tZXJzZXQxDTALBgNVBAcMBEJhdGgxHDAaBgNVBAoME0Jh dGggU3BhIFVuaXZlcnNpdHkxGzAZBgNVBAMMEmF1dGguYmF0aHNwYS5hYy51azAe Fw0xNzA2MTIxMjMxMjNaFw0zNzA2MDcxMjMxMjNaMGoxCzAJBgNVBAYTAkdCMREw DwYDVQQIDAhTb21lcnNldDENMAsGA1UEBwwEQmF0aDEcMBoGA1UECgwTQmF0aCBT cGEgVW5pdmVyc2l0eTEbMBkGA1UEAwwSYXV0aC5iYXRoc3BhLmFjLnVrMIIBIjAN BgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAw54yhGaNi9/5YADBiGWn33YcQNAI f6jagUt7uc/XTcTMoHrirLNftACRzhLXS049fwe48EC6xITe5PWNbiglEXyLmnBF KMOCN7dXDCPWKhSe9vBA2b6+2BS22jAi255WhDj65u4j1+Rg5i0r5E/YLwvG5YAw i9aKSHvvwFwy8Gwo7O3viMqlKsIKx+VV3SfC70NhvtCPh1aHbECfXr05kx5KYXnO UZRZHVLdzG9XP1+BawFcY+kFcflK9uNHUD/i36gCO0X2KciwWWHrmI5ZSR4tymUv FYAIiPklFReOqXUgj0v8pS/NqxKrRzZZWPwbTieJBS0GTt6YvCrQZVnzXQIDAQAB MA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAA4IBAQBO7NZbRXUfdaICB33BuAwOxsaXaSBkEI6tgZLx wAI/gmOEy639DxWGFuhoUeMhl9B3w5COes7VNvgy9Dl/QaZLH9p3pTBwtc92nN2J U3S4MPdGhtXXKud2DiQuGYtTnp48wbphfAGQDKhz6RI3gionZyHBOkV6Fx5XvSVj Oa7DRfawg951TKGP3OpKI4vuY3kb4hW7XEFfcCEQOcaCujckSwxU6QaI7DnDGP+O wdBmfdEj9Ey37nM0qrzI5cjTz51xJ9c0oNd3+abiGzzL7L7N+AfRVcECowo5l63j vNXAI2IiTocKRsZIWg8qn0pFts3vr7afzJMY6ZQsISwD4fLg";
            var bytes      = privateKey.GetType();

            // Send the authentication request to the identity provider over the configured binding.
            switch (idpBinding)
            case Saml2SsoBinding.HttpPost:
                ServiceProvider.SendAuthnRequestByHTTPPost(httpContext.Response, idpLocation, authnRequestXml, relayState);

            case Saml2SsoBinding.HttpRedirect:
                var encryptionCertificate = new X509Certificate2();
                //var encryptionCertificate = GetCertificate();
                ServiceProvider.SendAuthnRequestByHTTPRedirect(httpContext.Response, idpLocation, authnRequestXml, relayState,

                throw new NotSupportedException(string.Format(
                                                    "The binding is currently not supported."));
        public void SendAuthnRequest(string idpLocation, Saml2SsoBinding idpBinding,
                                     string fromSpEntityId, string returnUrl, HttpContextBase httpContext)
            // Create the authentication request.
            var authnRequest = new AuthnRequest
                Destination  = idpLocation,
                Issuer       = new Issuer(fromSpEntityId),
                ForceAuthn   = false,
                NameIDPolicy = new NameIDPolicy(null, null, true),

            // Serialize the authentication request to XML for transmission.
            var authnRequestXml = authnRequest.ToXml();

            // Don't sign if using HTTP redirect as the generated query string is too long for most browsers.
            if (idpBinding != Saml2SsoBinding.HttpRedirect)
                // Sign the authentication request.
                var signingCertificate = _certificates.GetSigningCertificate();
                SAMLMessageSignature.Generate(authnRequestXml, signingCertificate.PrivateKey, signingCertificate);

            // Create and cache the relay state so we remember which SP resource the user wishes to access after SSO.
            SAML.HttpContext = httpContext;
            string relayState = null;

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(returnUrl))
                relayState = RelayStateCache.Add(new RelayState(returnUrl, null));

            // Send the authentication request to the identity provider over the configured binding.
            switch (idpBinding)
            case Saml2SsoBinding.HttpPost:
                ServiceProvider.SendAuthnRequestByHTTPPost(httpContext.Response, idpLocation, authnRequestXml, relayState);

            case Saml2SsoBinding.HttpRedirect:
                var encryptionCertificate = _certificates.GetEncryptionCertificate();
                ServiceProvider.SendAuthnRequestByHTTPRedirect(httpContext.Response, idpLocation, authnRequestXml, relayState,

                throw new NotSupportedException(string.Format(
                                                    "The '{0}' binding is currently not supported.", idpBinding.AsUriString()));
        public void SendAuthnRequest(string idpLocation, Saml2SsoBinding idpBinding,
            string fromSpEntityId, string returnUrl, HttpContextBase httpContext)
            // Create the authentication request.
            var authnRequest = new AuthnRequest
                Destination = idpLocation,
                Issuer = new Issuer(fromSpEntityId),
                ForceAuthn = false,
                NameIDPolicy = new NameIDPolicy(null, null, true),

            // Serialize the authentication request to XML for transmission.
            var authnRequestXml = authnRequest.ToXml();

            // Don't sign if using HTTP redirect as the generated query string is too long for most browsers.
            if (idpBinding != Saml2SsoBinding.HttpRedirect)
                // Sign the authentication request.
                var signingCertificate = _certificates.GetSigningCertificate();
                SAMLMessageSignature.Generate(authnRequestXml, signingCertificate.PrivateKey, signingCertificate);

            // Create and cache the relay state so we remember which SP resource the user wishes to access after SSO.
            SAML.HttpContext = httpContext;
            string relayState = null;
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(returnUrl))
                relayState = RelayStateCache.Add(new RelayState(returnUrl, null));

            // Send the authentication request to the identity provider over the configured binding.
            switch (idpBinding)
                case Saml2SsoBinding.HttpPost:
                    ServiceProvider.SendAuthnRequestByHTTPPost(httpContext.Response, idpLocation, authnRequestXml, relayState);

                case Saml2SsoBinding.HttpRedirect:
                    var encryptionCertificate = _certificates.GetEncryptionCertificate();
                    ServiceProvider.SendAuthnRequestByHTTPRedirect(httpContext.Response, idpLocation, authnRequestXml, relayState,

                    throw new NotSupportedException(string.Format(
                        "The '{0}' binding is currently not supported.", idpBinding.AsUriString()));
Ejemplo n.º 6
        static void Main(string[] args)
            try {
#if DOTNET45
                // Register the SHA-256 cryptographic algorithm.
                // Only supported in .NET 4.5 and above.
                CryptoConfig.AddAlgorithm(typeof(RSAPKCS1SHA256SignatureDescription), "http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmldsig-more#rsa-sha256");

                // Load the certificate and private key for signature generation.
                X509Certificate2 x509Certificate = new X509Certificate2("idp.pfx", "password");

                // Create a basic SAML assertion and serialize it to XML.
                SAMLAssertion samlAssertion = new SAMLAssertion();
                samlAssertion.Issuer = new Issuer("test");
                XmlElement samlAssertionElement = samlAssertion.ToXml();

                // Sign the SAML assertion using SHA-256 for the digest and signature algorithms.
                SAMLAssertionSignature.Generate(samlAssertionElement, x509Certificate.PrivateKey, x509Certificate, null, "http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#sha256", "http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmldsig-more#rsa-sha256");
                Console.WriteLine("Signed SAML assertion: {0}", samlAssertionElement.OuterXml);

                // Verify the signature.
                bool verified = SAMLAssertionSignature.Verify(samlAssertionElement);
                Console.WriteLine("Signature verified: {0}", verified);

                // The HTTP-redirect doesn't use XML signatures so check it separately.
                // Create a basic authn request and serialize it to XML.
                AuthnRequest authnRequest = new AuthnRequest();
                authnRequest.Issuer = new Issuer("test");
                XmlElement authnRequestElement = authnRequest.ToXml();

                // Create the HTTP-redirect URL included the SHA-256 signature.
                string url = HTTPRedirectBinding.CreateRequestRedirectURL("http://www.test.com", authnRequestElement, null, x509Certificate.PrivateKey, HTTPRedirectBinding.SignatureAlgorithms.RSA_SHA256);

                string relayState = null;
                bool   signed     = false;

                // Retrieve the authn request from the HTTP-redirect URL and verify the signature.
                HTTPRedirectBinding.GetRequestFromRedirectURL(url, out authnRequestElement, out relayState, out signed, x509Certificate.PublicKey.Key);

            catch (Exception exception) {
                // If signature generation/verification fails then most likely the .NET CLR security update
                // hasn't been installed and configured correctly or the inbuilt .NET SHA-256 support hasn't been initialized.
Ejemplo n.º 7
        static void Main(string[] args)
            try {
            #if DOTNET45
                // Register the SHA-256 cryptographic algorithm.
                // Only supported in .NET 4.5 and above.
                CryptoConfig.AddAlgorithm(typeof(RSAPKCS1SHA256SignatureDescription), "http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmldsig-more#rsa-sha256");

                // Load the certificate and private key for signature generation.
                X509Certificate2 x509Certificate = new X509Certificate2("idp.pfx", "password");

                // Create a basic SAML assertion and serialize it to XML.
                SAMLAssertion samlAssertion = new SAMLAssertion();
                samlAssertion.Issuer = new Issuer("test");
                XmlElement samlAssertionElement = samlAssertion.ToXml();

                // Sign the SAML assertion using SHA-256 for the digest and signature algorithms.
                SAMLAssertionSignature.Generate(samlAssertionElement, x509Certificate.PrivateKey, x509Certificate, null, "http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#sha256", "http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmldsig-more#rsa-sha256");
                Console.WriteLine("Signed SAML assertion: {0}", samlAssertionElement.OuterXml);

                // Verify the signature.
                bool verified = SAMLAssertionSignature.Verify(samlAssertionElement);
                Console.WriteLine("Signature verified: {0}", verified);

                // The HTTP-redirect doesn't use XML signatures so check it separately.
                // Create a basic authn request and serialize it to XML.
                AuthnRequest authnRequest = new AuthnRequest();
                authnRequest.Issuer = new Issuer("test");
                XmlElement authnRequestElement = authnRequest.ToXml();

                // Create the HTTP-redirect URL included the SHA-256 signature.
                string url = HTTPRedirectBinding.CreateRequestRedirectURL("http://www.test.com", authnRequestElement, null, x509Certificate.PrivateKey, HTTPRedirectBinding.SignatureAlgorithms.RSA_SHA256);

                string relayState = null;
                bool signed = false;

                // Retrieve the authn request from the HTTP-redirect URL and verify the signature.
                HTTPRedirectBinding.GetRequestFromRedirectURL(url, out authnRequestElement, out relayState, out signed, x509Certificate.PublicKey.Key);

            catch (Exception exception) {
                // If signature generation/verification fails then most likely the .NET CLR security update
                // hasn't been installed and configured correctly or the inbuilt .NET SHA-256 support hasn't been initialized.
Ejemplo n.º 8
        private static void SignAndVerify(X509Certificate2 x509Certificate, string digestMethod, string signatureMethod)
                Console.WriteLine("Testing signature generation and verification using \"{0}\".", signatureMethod);

                // Create a basic SAML assertion and serialize it to XML.
                SAMLAssertion samlAssertion = new SAMLAssertion();
                samlAssertion.Issuer = new Issuer("test");
                XmlElement samlAssertionElement = samlAssertion.ToXml();

                // Sign the SAML assertion using the specified digest and signature methods.
                SAMLAssertionSignature.Generate(samlAssertionElement, x509Certificate.PrivateKey, x509Certificate, null, digestMethod, signatureMethod);

                // Verify the signature.
                bool verified = SAMLAssertionSignature.Verify(samlAssertionElement);

                if (!verified)
                    throw new Exception("The XML signature failed to verify.");

                // The HTTP-redirect doesn't use XML signatures so check it separately.
                // Create a basic authn request and serialize it to XML.
                AuthnRequest authnRequest = new AuthnRequest();
                authnRequest.Issuer = new Issuer("test");
                XmlElement authnRequestElement = authnRequest.ToXml();

                // Create the HTTP-redirect URL included the signature.
                string url = HTTPRedirectBinding.CreateRequestRedirectURL("http://www.test.com", authnRequestElement, null, x509Certificate.PrivateKey, signatureMethod);

                string relayState = null;
                bool   signed     = false;

                // Retrieve the authn request from the HTTP-redirect URL and verify the signature.
                HTTPRedirectBinding.GetRequestFromRedirectURL(url, out authnRequestElement, out relayState, out signed, x509Certificate.PublicKey.Key);

                Console.WriteLine("Signature generation and verification using \"{0}\" was successful.", signatureMethod);

            catch (Exception exception)
                Console.WriteLine("Signature generation and verification using \"{0}\" failed.", signatureMethod);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        private XmlElement CreateAuthnRequest()
            // Create the authentication request.
            AuthnRequest authnRequest = new AuthnRequest();

            authnRequest.Destination  = "https://login.microsoftonline.com/021af3dc-d776-4348-8539-7eab9f6ce3fb/saml2";// Configuration.SingleSignOnServiceURL;
            authnRequest.Issuer       = new Issuer("http://localhost/WebDrawer");
            authnRequest.ForceAuthn   = false;
            authnRequest.NameIDPolicy = new NameIDPolicy(null, null, true);

            // Serialize the authentication request to XML for transmission.
            XmlElement authnRequestXml = authnRequest.ToXml();

Ejemplo n.º 10
        // Create an authentication request.
        private XmlElement CreateAuthnRequest()
            // Create the authentication request.
            AuthnRequest authnRequest = new AuthnRequest();

            authnRequest.Destination  = Configuration.SingleSignOnServiceURL;
            authnRequest.Issuer       = new Issuer(CreateAbsoluteURL("~/"));
            authnRequest.ForceAuthn   = false;
            authnRequest.NameIDPolicy = new NameIDPolicy(null, null, true);

            // Serialize the authentication request to XML for transmission.
            XmlElement authnRequestXml = authnRequest.ToXml();

            // Don't sign if using HTTP redirect as the generated query string is too long for most browsers.
            if (Configuration.SingleSignOnServiceBinding != SAMLIdentifiers.Binding.HTTPRedirect)
                // Sign the authentication request.
                X509Certificate2 x509Certificate = (X509Certificate2)Application[Global.SPX509Certificate];

                SAMLMessageSignature.Generate(authnRequestXml, x509Certificate.PrivateKey, x509Certificate);

Ejemplo n.º 11
        // Create an authentication request.
        private XmlElement CreateAuthnRequest()
            // Create the authentication request.
            AuthnRequest authnRequest = new AuthnRequest();
            authnRequest.Destination = Configuration.SingleSignOnServiceURL;
            authnRequest.Issuer = new Issuer(Configuration.Issuer);
            authnRequest.ForceAuthn = false;
            authnRequest.NameIDPolicy = new NameIDPolicy(null, null, true);

            // Serialize the authentication request to XML for transmission.
            XmlElement authnRequestXml = authnRequest.ToXml();

            // Don't sign if using HTTP redirect as the generated query string is too long for most browsers.
            if (Configuration.SingleSignOnServiceBinding != SAMLIdentifiers.Binding.HTTPRedirect) {
                // Sign the authentication request.
                X509Certificate2 x509Certificate = (X509Certificate2)Application[Global.SPX509Certificate];

                SAMLMessageSignature.Generate(authnRequestXml, x509Certificate.PrivateKey, x509Certificate);

            return authnRequestXml;
Ejemplo n.º 12
        //private readonly IStoreSamlCertificates _certificates;

        //public Test(IStoreSamlCertificates certificatesStore)
        //    _certificates = certificatesStore;

        //private X509Certificate2 GetCertificate()
        //    var store = new X509Store(StoreName.My, StoreLocation.LocalMachine);
        //    try
        //    {
        //    //< add key = "SamlTestServiceProviderEntityId" value = "https://develop.ucosmic.com/sign-on/saml/2" />
        //    //< add key = "SamlTestCertificateThumbprint" value = "1945D599DF7F3B3D6513C87A8CDDF4CE6E0899B6" />
        //              store.Open(OpenFlags.ReadOnly);
        //        var certificates = store.Certificates.Find(X509FindType.FindByThumbprint, "1945D599DF7F3B3D6513C87A8CDDF4CE6E0899B6", false);
        //        if (certificates.Count < 1)
        //        {
        //            throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format(
        //                "Could not find certificate with thumbprint '{0}' in My LocalMachine store.",
        //                    "1945D599DF7F3B3D6513C87A8CDDF4CE6E0899B6"));
        //        }
        //        return certificates[0];
        //    }
        //    finally
        //    {
        //        store.Close();
        //    }

        public void SendAuthnRequest(string idpLocation, Saml2SsoBinding idpBinding,
                                     string fromSpEntityId, string returnUrl, HttpContextBase httpContext)
            // Create the authentication request.
            var authnRequest = new AuthnRequest
                Destination  = idpLocation,
                Issuer       = new Issuer(fromSpEntityId),
                ForceAuthn   = true,
                NameIDPolicy = new NameIDPolicy(null, null, true),

            // Serialize the authentication request to XML for transmission.
            var authnRequestXml = authnRequest.ToXml();

            // Don't sign if using HTTP redirect as the generated query string is too long for most browsers.
            //if (idpBinding != Saml2SsoBinding.HttpRedirect)
            //    // Sign the authentication request.
            //    var signingCertificate = _certificates.GetSigningCertificate();
            //    SAMLMessageSignature.Generate(authnRequestXml, signingCertificate.PrivateKey, signingCertificate);

            // Create and cache the relay state so we remember which SP resource the user wishes to access after SSO.
            //SAML.HttpContext = httpContext;
            string relayState = null;

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(returnUrl))
                relayState = RelayStateCache.Add(new RelayState(returnUrl, null));

            // Send the authentication request to the identity provider over the configured binding.
            switch (idpBinding)
            case Saml2SsoBinding.HttpPost:
                ServiceProvider.SendAuthnRequestByHTTPPost(httpContext.Response, idpLocation, authnRequestXml, relayState);

            case Saml2SsoBinding.HttpRedirect:

                StreamReader  sr        = new StreamReader(@"C:\Users\vladi\Source\Repos\othmankh\ShibTesting\SamlProject\App_Data\encrypted_private_key.pem");
                PemReader     pr        = new PemReader(sr, new PasswordFinder("WRONG_PASSWORD"));
                RSAParameters rsaParams = DotNetUtilities.ToRSAParameters((RsaPrivateCrtKeyParameters)pr.ReadObject());

                RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa = new RSACryptoServiceProvider();

                var encryptionCertificate = new X509Certificate2();
                encryptionCertificate.PrivateKey = rsa;

                ServiceProvider.SendAuthnRequestByHTTPRedirect(httpContext.Response, idpLocation, authnRequestXml, relayState, encryptionCertificate.PrivateKey);

                throw new NotSupportedException(string.Format(
                                                    "The binding is currently not supported."));