Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void AuditTrailKeyValue()
            City city = new City
                Name      = "Ahmedabad",
                State     = "GU",
                Latitude  = 10.65m,
                Longitude = 11.50m,
                CreatedBy = Fixture.CurrentUserId

            //cleanup auditTrail table

            Repository <City> cityRepo = new Repository <City>(Fixture.Connection);

            //add record
            var id = cityRepo.Add(city);

            //now update record
            city.State     = "MH";
            city.UpdatedBy = Fixture.CurrentUserId;

            //update again
            city.CountryId = 1;
            city.UpdatedBy = Fixture.CurrentUserId;

            //read history
            var cityHistory = cityRepo.ReadHistory(id);

            Assert.Equal(3, cityHistory.Count());
            Assert.Equal(0, cityHistory.First().CountryId);
            Assert.Equal("GU", cityHistory.First().State);

            Assert.Equal(0, cityHistory.ElementAt(1).CountryId);
            Assert.Equal("MH", cityHistory.ElementAt(1).State);

            Assert.Equal(1, cityHistory.Last().CountryId);
            Assert.Equal("MH", cityHistory.Last().State);

            var auditRepo = new AuditTrailKeyValueRepository <City>(Fixture.Connection);
            var history   = auditRepo.ReadAllAuditTrail(id);

            Assert.Equal(3, history.Count());
            Assert.Equal("GU", history.First().lstAuditTrailDetail.Find(h => h.ColumnName == "State").NewValue);
            Assert.Null(history.First().lstAuditTrailDetail.Find(h => h.ColumnName == "State").OldValue);

            Assert.Equal("MH", history.ElementAt(1).lstAuditTrailDetail.Find(h => h.ColumnName == "State").NewValue);
            Assert.Equal("GU", history.ElementAt(1).lstAuditTrailDetail.Find(h => h.ColumnName == "State").OldValue);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void AuditTrailKeyValueNoEntityBase()
            string strComplex = "So far, we've been writing regular ex&nbsp;pressions that partially match pieces across all the text. " +
                                "Sometimes this isn't desirable, imagine for example we wanted to match the word \"success\"" +
                                "in a log file. We certainly don't want that pattern to match a line that says \"Error: unsuccessful operation\"! " +
                                "That is why it is often best practice to write as specific regular expressions as possible to ensure that we don't get false " +
                                "positives when matching against real world text. One way to tighten our patterns is to define a pattern that describes both the" +
                                "start and the end of the line using the special ^ (hat)and $ (dollar sign) metacharacters." +
                                "In the example above, we can use the pattern ^ success to match only a line that begins with the word \"success\", but not the line " +
                                "Error: unsuccessful operation\". And if you combine both the hat and the dollar sign, you create a pattern that matches the whole line " +
                                "completely at the beginning and end.";

            Employee emp = new Employee
                EmployeeName = strComplex,
                Department   = "RJ",
                DOB          = null,


            Repository <Employee> empRepo = new Repository <Employee>(Fixture.Connection);

            //add record
            var id = empRepo.Add(emp);

            //read history
            var empHistory = empRepo.ReadHistory(id);

            Assert.Equal(strComplex, empHistory.First().EmployeeName);
            Assert.Equal("RJ", empHistory.First().Department);

            AuditTrailKeyValueRepository <Employee> auditRepo = new AuditTrailKeyValueRepository <Employee>(Fixture.Connection);

            //read history
            var history = auditRepo.ReadAllAuditTrail(id);

            Assert.Equal(strComplex, history.First().lstAuditTrailDetail.Find(p => p.ColumnName == "EmployeeName").NewValue);
            Assert.Equal("RJ", history.First().lstAuditTrailDetail.Find(p => p.ColumnName == "Department").NewValue);
            Assert.Null(history.First().lstAuditTrailDetail.Find(p => p.ColumnName == "DOB"));