Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <param name="dstAddr">domain or IPv4</param>
        public AddrField(string dstAddr)
            dstAddr = Guard.NotNullOrEmptyOrWhitespace(nameof(dstAddr), dstAddr, true);

            var atyp = new AtypField();


            Atyp = atyp;

            byte[] bytes;
            if (atyp == AtypField.DomainName)
                // https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1928.txt
                // the address field contains a fully-qualified domain name.  The first
                // octet of the address field contains the number of octets of name that
                // follow, there is no terminating NUL octet.
                var domainBytes    = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(dstAddr);              // Tor only knows ASCII, UTF8 results in general SOCKS server failure
                var numberOfOctets = domainBytes.Length;
                if (numberOfOctets > 255)
                    throw new FormatException($"{nameof(dstAddr)} can be maximum 255 octets. Actual: {numberOfOctets} octets. Value: {dstAddr}.");

                bytes = ByteHelpers.Combine(new byte[] { (byte)numberOfOctets }, domainBytes);
            else if (atyp == AtypField.IPv4)
                // the address is a version-4 IP address, with a length of 4 octets
                var parts = dstAddr.Split(".", StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                if (parts.Length != 4 || parts.Any(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace))
                    throw new FormatException($"{nameof(dstAddr)} must be have 4 parts. Actual: {parts.Length} parts. Value: {dstAddr}.");

                bytes = new byte[4];
                for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    if (int.TryParse(parts[i], out int partInt))
                        if (partInt < 0 || partInt > 255)
                            throw new FormatException($"Every part of {nameof(dstAddr)} must be between 0 and 255. The {i}. part is invalid: {partInt}. Value of {nameof(dstAddr)}: {dstAddr}");
                        bytes[i] = (byte)partInt;
                        throw new FormatException($"Could not parse the {i}. part of {nameof(dstAddr)} to int. Invalid part: {partInt}. Value of {nameof(dstAddr)}: {dstAddr}.");
                throw new NotSupportedException($"{nameof(atyp)} is not supported. Value: {atyp}.");

            Bytes = bytes;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public TorSocks5Request(byte[] bytes)
            Guard.NotNullOrEmpty(nameof(bytes), bytes);
            Guard.MinimumAndNotNull($"{nameof(bytes)}.{nameof(bytes.Length)}", bytes.Length, 6);

            Ver     = new VerField(bytes[0]);
            Cmd     = new CmdField(bytes[1]);
            Rsv     = new RsvField(bytes[2]);
            Atyp    = new AtypField(bytes[3]);
            DstAddr = new AddrField(bytes[4..^ 2]);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public TorSocks5Response(byte[] bytes)
            Guard.NotNullOrEmpty(nameof(bytes), bytes);
            Guard.MinimumAndNotNull($"{nameof(bytes)}.{nameof(bytes.Length)}", bytes.Length, smallest: 6);

            Ver     = new VerField(bytes[0]);
            Rep     = new RepField(bytes[1]);
            Rsv     = new RsvField(bytes[2]);
            Atyp    = new AtypField(bytes[3]);
            BndAddr = new AddrField(bytes[4..^ 2]);
        public override void FromBytes(byte[] bytes)
            Guard.NotNullOrEmpty(nameof(bytes), bytes);
            Guard.MinimumAndNotNull($"{nameof(bytes)}.{nameof(bytes.Length)}", bytes.Length, 6);

            Ver = new VerField(bytes[0]);

            Rep = new RepField();

            Rsv = new RsvField();

            Atyp = new AtypField(bytes[3]);

            BndAddr = new AddrField();
            BndAddr.FromBytes(bytes[4..^ 2]);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public override void FromBytes(byte[] bytes)
            Guard.NotNullOrEmpty(nameof(bytes), bytes);
            Guard.MinimumAndNotNull($"{nameof(bytes)}.{nameof(bytes.Length)}", bytes.Length, 6);

            Ver = new VerField();

            Cmd = new CmdField();

            Rsv = new RsvField();

            Atyp = new AtypField();

            DstAddr = new AddrField();
            DstAddr.FromBytes(bytes.Skip(4).Take(bytes.Length - 4 - 2).ToArray());

            DstPort = new PortField();
            DstPort.FromBytes(bytes.Skip(bytes.Length - 2).ToArray());