Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a Spine.AtlasRegion from a UnityEngine.Sprite.</summary>
        public static AtlasRegion ToAtlasRegion(this Sprite s, AtlasPage page)
            if (page == null)
                throw new System.ArgumentNullException("page", "page cannot be null. AtlasPage determines which texture region belongs and how it should be rendered. You can use material.ToSpineAtlasPage() to get a shareable AtlasPage from a Material, or use the sprite.ToAtlasRegion(material) overload.");
            var region = s.ToAtlasRegion();

            region.page = page;
Ejemplo n.º 2
    public void Load(AtlasPage page, String path)
        // tsteil - added ToLower()
        String   name     = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path).ToLower();
        Material material = null;

        // tsteil added support for mask mat
        Material materialMask = null;

        // tsteil - changed to not use foreach
        //foreach (Material other in atlasAsset.materials) {
        var mats = atlasAsset.materials;

        for (int i = 0, n = mats.Length; i < n; ++i)
            var other = mats[i];

            if (other.mainTexture == null)
                Debug.LogError("Material is missing texture: " + other.name, other);
            // tsteil - added ToLower()
            if (other.mainTexture.name.ToLower() == name)
                //Debug.LogWarning("found mat: " + other.name + ", " + other.mainTexture.name + ", " + path);
                material = other;

                // tsteil - mask mat
                if (atlasAsset.materialsMask != null && atlasAsset.materialsMask.Length > i)
                    materialMask = atlasAsset.materialsMask[i];

        if (material == null)
            Debug.LogError("Material with texture name \"" + name + "\" not found for atlas asset: " + atlasAsset.name, atlasAsset);
        page.rendererObject     = material;
        page.rendererObjectMask = materialMask;

        // Very old atlas files expected the texture's actual size to be used at runtime.
        if (page.width == 0 || page.height == 0)
            page.width  = material.mainTexture.width;
            page.height = material.mainTexture.height;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void Load(AtlasPage page, String path)
            var image  = ContentLoader.Load <Image>(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path));
            var shader =
                ContentLoader.Create <Shader>(new ShaderCreationData(ShaderFlags.Position2DColoredTextured));
            var material = new Material(shader, image);

            page.rendererObject = material;
            Size size = material.DiffuseMap.PixelSize;

            page.width  = (int)size.Width;
            page.height = (int)size.Height;
        public static RegionAttachment ToRegionAttachment(this Sprite sprite, AtlasPage page, float rotation = 0f)
            if (sprite == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("sprite");
            if (page == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("page");
            AtlasRegion region = sprite.ToAtlasRegion(page);
            float       scale  = 1f / sprite.pixelsPerUnit;

            return(region.ToRegionAttachment(sprite.name, scale, rotation));
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a RegionAttachment based on a sprite. This method creates a real, usable AtlasRegion. That AtlasRegion uses the AtlasPage provided./// </summary>
        public static RegionAttachment ToRegionAttachment(this Sprite sprite, AtlasPage page)
            if (sprite == null)
                throw new System.ArgumentNullException("sprite");
            if (page == null)
                throw new System.ArgumentNullException("page");
            var region        = sprite.ToAtlasRegion(page);
            var unitsPerPixel = 1f / sprite.pixelsPerUnit;

            return(region.ToRegionAttachment(sprite.name, unitsPerPixel));
        /// <summary>
        /// 通过Material创建AtlasPage
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The atlas page by material.</returns>
        /// <param name="material">Material.</param>
        public static AtlasPage GetAtlasPageByMaterial(Material material)
            AtlasPage page = new AtlasPage {
                rendererObject = material,
                name           = material.name
            Texture texture = material.mainTexture;

            if (texture != null)
                page.width  = texture.width;
                page.height = texture.height;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public static AtlasPage ToSpineAtlasPage(this Material m)
            AtlasPage page = new AtlasPage {
                rendererObject = m,
                name           = m.name
            Texture mainTexture = m.mainTexture;

            if (mainTexture != null)
                page.width  = mainTexture.width;
                page.height = mainTexture.height;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        protected virtual void Awake()
            foreach (var entry in statesAndAnimations)

            BoxCollider         = GetComponent <BoxCollider>();
            BoxCollider.enabled = false;
            SkeletonAnimation   = GetComponent <SkeletonAnimation>();

            _applyPMA  = SkeletonAnimation.pmaVertexColors;
            _shader    = _applyPMA ? Shader.Find(DefaultPMAShader) : Shader.Find(DefaultStraightAlphaShader);
            _material  = new Material(_shader);
            _atlasPage = _material.ToSpineAtlasPage();
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public static AtlasPage ToSpineAtlasPage(this Material m)
            AtlasPage atlasPage = new AtlasPage();

            atlasPage.rendererObject = m;
            atlasPage.name           = m.name;
            AtlasPage atlasPage2  = atlasPage;
            Texture   mainTexture = m.mainTexture;

            if (mainTexture != null)
                atlasPage2.width  = mainTexture.width;
                atlasPage2.height = mainTexture.height;
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public void Load(AtlasPage page, string path)
            String name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path);

            //Shader sar = Resources.Load<Shader>("spine/Shaders/Spine-Skeleton");
            //Material[] mats = new Material[atlasAsset.materials.Length];
            //int i = 0;
            //foreach (Material other in atlasAsset.materials)
            //    Material mat = new Material(sar);
            //    mat.mainTexture = other.mainTexture;

            //    mats[i] = mat;
            //    i++;

            //atlasAsset.materials = mats;

            Material material = null;

            foreach (Material other in atlasAsset.RuntimeMaterial)
                if (other.mainTexture == null)
                    Debug.LogError("Material is missing texture: " + other.name, other);
                if (other.mainTexture.name == name)
                    material = other;
            if (material == null)
                Debug.LogError("Material with texture name \"" + name + "\" not found for atlas asset: " + atlasAsset.name, atlasAsset);
            page.rendererObject = material;

            // Very old atlas files expected the texture's actual size to be used at runtime.
            if (page.width == 0 || page.height == 0)
                page.width  = material.mainTexture.width;
                page.height = material.mainTexture.height;
Ejemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new Spine.AtlasPage from a UnityEngine.Material. If the material has a preassigned texture, the page width and height will be set.</summary>
        public static AtlasPage ToSpineAtlasPage(this Material m)
            var newPage = new AtlasPage {
                rendererObject = m,
                name           = m.name

            var t = m.mainTexture;

            if (t != null)
                newPage.width  = t.width;
                newPage.height = t.height;

Ejemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the specified page.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="page">The page.</param>
        /// <param name="path">The path.</param>
        public void Load(AtlasPage page, string path)
            var material = new StandardMaterial()
                LightingEnabled   = false,
                DiffusePath       = path,
                VertexColorEnable = true


            var texture = material.Diffuse;

            page.rendererObject = material;
            page.width          = texture.Width;
            page.height         = texture.Height;
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads spine texture from the specified WZ path
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="page"></param>
        /// <param name="path"></param>
        public void Load(AtlasPage page, string path)
            WzObject frameNode = this.ParentNode[path];

            if (frameNode == null)

            WzCanvasProperty canvasProperty = null;

            WzImageProperty imageChild = (WzImageProperty)ParentNode[path];

            if (imageChild is WzUOLProperty uolProperty)
                WzObject uolLink = uolProperty.LinkValue;

                if (uolLink is WzCanvasProperty uolPropertyLink)
                    canvasProperty = uolPropertyLink;
                    // other unimplemented prop?
            else if (imageChild is WzCanvasProperty property)
                canvasProperty = property;

            if (canvasProperty != null && graphicsDevice != null)
                WzCanvasProperty linkImgProperty = (WzCanvasProperty)canvasProperty.GetLinkedWzImageProperty();
                WzPngProperty    pngProperty     = linkImgProperty.PngProperty;

                Texture2D tex = new Texture2D(graphicsDevice, pngProperty.Width, pngProperty.Height, false, linkImgProperty.PngProperty.GetXNASurfaceFormat());

                pngProperty.ParsePng(true, tex);

                page.rendererObject = tex;
                page.width          = pngProperty.Width;
                page.height         = pngProperty.Height;
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public void Load(AtlasPage page, string path)
            //	Spine passes a string made with Path.Combine(), which is dumb. We never need to use backslashes. Ever.
            var filename = path.Replace('\\', '/');

            filename = filename.TrimStart('.');
            filename = string.Format("{0}{1}", folder, filename);

            var texture = Library.GetTexture(filename);

            texture.Smooth      = true;
            page.rendererObject = texture;

            var size = texture.Size;

            page.width  = (int)size.X;
            page.height = (int)size.Y;
Ejemplo n.º 15
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new Spine AtlasRegion according to a Unity UV Rect (x-right, y-up, uv-normalized).</summary>
        static AtlasRegion UVRectToAtlasRegion(Rect uvRect, string name, AtlasPage page, float offsetX, float offsetY, bool rotate,
                                               int originalWidth, int originalHeight)
            var tr = UVRectToTextureRect(uvRect, page.width, page.height);
            var rr = tr.SpineUnityFlipRect(page.height);

            int x = (int)rr.x, y = (int)rr.y;
            int w, h;

            if (rotate)
                w = (int)rr.height;
                h = (int)rr.width;
                w = (int)rr.width;
                h = (int)rr.height;

            return(new AtlasRegion {
                page = page,
                name = name,

                u = uvRect.xMin,
                u2 = uvRect.xMax,
                v = uvRect.yMax,
                v2 = uvRect.yMin,

                index = -1,

                width = w,
                originalWidth = originalWidth,
                height = h,
                originalHeight = originalHeight,
                offsetX = offsetX,
                offsetY = offsetY,
                x = x,
                y = y,

                rotate = rotate
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public void Load(AtlasPage page, string path)
            String   name     = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path);
            Material material = null;

            foreach (Material other in atlasAsset.materials)
                if (other.mainTexture == null)
                    // cwc 换装动态加载图片,初始化时材质的贴图引用为空,正常
//					Debug.LogError("Material is missing texture: " + other.name, other);
                    string[] s = other.name.Split('_');
                    if (s.Length > 1 && string.Compare(s[s.Length - 1], name) == 0)
                        material = other;
                else if (other.mainTexture.name == name)
                    material = other;

            if (material == null)
                    "Material with texture name \"" + name + "\" not found for atlas asset: " + atlasAsset.name,

            page.rendererObject = material;

            // Very old atlas files expected the texture's actual size to be used at runtime.
            if (page.width == 0 || page.height == 0)
                page.width  = material.mainTexture.width;
                page.height = material.mainTexture.height;
        public void Load(AtlasPage page, String path)
            var ccTexture = CCApplication.SharedApplication.TextureCache.AddImage(path);

            if (texture == null)
                using (Stream stream = CCFileUtils.GetFileStream(path))
                    texture = Util.LoadTexture(CCDrawManager.GraphicsDevice, stream);
                texture = ccTexture.XNATexture;

            page.rendererObject = texture;
            page.width          = texture.Width;
            page.height         = texture.Height;
Ejemplo n.º 18
        public static AtlasRegion ToAtlasRegionPMAClone(this Texture2D t, Shader shader, TextureFormat textureFormat = TextureFormat.RGBA32, bool mipmaps = false, Material materialPropertySource = null)
            Material material = new Material(shader);

            if (materialPropertySource != null)
                material.shaderKeywords = materialPropertySource.shaderKeywords;
            Texture2D clone = t.GetClone(applyImmediately: false, textureFormat, mipmaps);

            clone.name           = t.name + "-pma-";
            material.name        = t.name + shader.name;
            material.mainTexture = clone;
            AtlasPage   page        = material.ToSpineAtlasPage();
            AtlasRegion atlasRegion = clone.ToAtlasRegion(shader);

            atlasRegion.page = page;
Ejemplo n.º 19
        protected AtlasRegion CloneAtlasRegionWithMaterial(AtlasRegion originalRegion, List <ReplacementMaterial> replacementMaterials)
            var      newRegion = originalRegion.Clone();
            Material material  = null;

            foreach (var replacement in replacementMaterials)
                if (replacement.pageName == originalRegion.page.name)
                    material = replacement.material;

            AtlasPage originalPage = originalRegion.page;
            var       newPage      = originalPage.Clone();

            newPage.rendererObject = material;
            newRegion.page         = newPage;
Ejemplo n.º 20
        public void Load(AtlasPage page, string path)
            IntPtr tmp = SDL_image.IMG_Load(path);

            tmp = SDL.SDL_ConvertSurfaceFormat(tmp, SDL.SDL_PIXELFORMAT_ABGR8888, 0);
            SDL.SDL_Surface surface = Marshal.PtrToStructure <SDL.SDL_Surface>(tmp);

            var textureIdList = new uint[1];

            _gl.GenTextures(1, textureIdList);
            var textureId = textureIdList[0];

            _gl.BindTexture(OpenGL.GL_TEXTURE_2D, textureId);
            _gl.TexImage2D(OpenGL.GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, OpenGL.GL_RGBA, surface.w, surface.h, 0, OpenGL.GL_RGBA, OpenGL.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, surface.pixels);
            _gl.TexParameter(OpenGL.GL_TEXTURE_2D, OpenGL.GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, OpenGL.GL_LINEAR);
            _gl.TexParameter(OpenGL.GL_TEXTURE_2D, OpenGL.GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, OpenGL.GL_LINEAR);


            page.rendererObject = textureId;
Ejemplo n.º 21
        public static AtlasRegion ToAtlasRegionPMAClone(this Texture2D t, Shader shader, TextureFormat textureFormat = 4, bool mipmaps = false, Material materialPropertySource = null)
            Material m = new Material(shader);

            if (materialPropertySource != null)
                m.shaderKeywords = materialPropertySource.shaderKeywords;
            Texture2D texture = t.GetClone(false, textureFormat, mipmaps);

            texture.name  = t.name + "-pma-";
            m.name        = t.name + shader.name;
            m.mainTexture = texture;
            AtlasPage   page   = m.ToSpineAtlasPage();
            AtlasRegion region = texture.ToAtlasRegion(shader, 0.01f, null);

            region.page = page;
Ejemplo n.º 22
    public void Load(AtlasPage page, String path)
        String   name     = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path);
        Material material = null;

        foreach (Material other in atlasAsset.materials)
            if (other.mainTexture.name == name)
                material = other;
        if (material == null)
            Debug.LogWarning("Material with texture name \"" + name + "\" not found for atlas asset: " + atlasAsset.name, atlasAsset);
        page.rendererObject = material;
        page.width          = material.mainTexture.width;
        page.height         = material.mainTexture.height;
Ejemplo n.º 23
        private static AtlasRegion UVRectToAtlasRegion(Rect uvRect, string name, AtlasPage page, float offsetX, float offsetY, bool rotate)
            Rect rect  = UVRectToTextureRect(uvRect, page.width, page.height);
            Rect rect2 = rect.SpineUnityFlipRect(page.height);
            int  x     = (int)rect2.x;
            int  y     = (int)rect2.y;
            int  num;
            int  num2;

            if (rotate)
                num  = (int)rect2.height;
                num2 = (int)rect2.width;
                num  = (int)rect2.width;
                num2 = (int)rect2.height;
            AtlasRegion atlasRegion = new AtlasRegion();

            atlasRegion.page           = page;
            atlasRegion.name           = name;
            atlasRegion.u              = uvRect.xMin;
            atlasRegion.u2             = uvRect.xMax;
            atlasRegion.v              = uvRect.yMax;
            atlasRegion.v2             = uvRect.yMin;
            atlasRegion.index          = -1;
            atlasRegion.width          = num;
            atlasRegion.originalWidth  = num;
            atlasRegion.height         = num2;
            atlasRegion.originalHeight = num2;
            atlasRegion.offsetX        = offsetX;
            atlasRegion.offsetY        = offsetY;
            atlasRegion.x              = x;
            atlasRegion.y              = y;
            atlasRegion.rotate         = rotate;
        /// <summary>
        /// 通过Texture2D创建AtlasRegion
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The atlas region by texture.</returns>
        /// <param name="texture">Texture.</param>
        /// <param name="shader">Shader.</param>
        /// <param name="scale">Scale.</param>
        /// <param name="material">Material.</param>
        public static AtlasRegion GetAtlasRegionByTexture(Texture2D texture, Shader shader, float scale, Material material = null)
            Material tempMaterial = new Material(shader);

            if (material != null)
                tempMaterial.shaderKeywords = material.shaderKeywords;
            tempMaterial.mainTexture = texture;
            AtlasPage   page        = GetAtlasPageByMaterial(tempMaterial);
            float       width       = texture.width;
            float       height      = texture.height;
            AtlasRegion atlasRegion = new AtlasRegion();

            atlasRegion.name   = texture.name;
            atlasRegion.index  = -1;
            atlasRegion.rotate = false;
            Vector2 boundsMin = Vector2.zero, boundsMax = new Vector2(width, height) * scale;

            atlasRegion.width          = (int)width;
            atlasRegion.originalWidth  = (int)width;
            atlasRegion.height         = (int)height;
            atlasRegion.originalHeight = (int)height;
            atlasRegion.offsetX        = width * (0.5f - InverseLerp(boundsMin.x, boundsMax.x, 0));
            atlasRegion.offsetY        = height * (0.5f - InverseLerp(boundsMin.y, boundsMax.y, 0));

            // Use the full area of the texture.
            atlasRegion.u  = 0;
            atlasRegion.v  = 1;
            atlasRegion.u2 = 1;
            atlasRegion.v2 = 0;
            atlasRegion.x  = 0;
            atlasRegion.y  = 0;

            atlasRegion.page = page;
Ejemplo n.º 25
            public void Load(AtlasPage page, string path)
                var frameNode = this.TopNode.FindNodeByPath(path);

                if (frameNode == null || frameNode.Value == null)

                while (frameNode.Value is Wz_Uol)
                    frameNode = ((Wz_Uol)frameNode.Value).HandleUol(frameNode);
                var linkNode = frameNode.GetLinkedSourceNode(PluginManager.FindWz);
                var texture = BaseLoader.Load <Texture2D>(linkNode);

                page.rendererObject = texture;
                page.width          = texture.Width;
                page.height         = texture.Height;
Ejemplo n.º 26
        private static AtlasRegion UVRectToAtlasRegion(Rect uvRect, string name, AtlasPage page, float offsetX, float offsetY, bool rotate)
            int  height;
            int  width;
            Rect rect2 = UVRectToTextureRect(uvRect, page.width, page.height).SpineUnityFlipRect(page.height);
            int  x     = (int)rect2.x;
            int  y     = (int)rect2.y;

            if (rotate)
                height = (int)rect2.height;
                width  = (int)rect2.width;
                height = (int)rect2.width;
                width  = (int)rect2.height;
            return(new AtlasRegion {
                page = page,
                name = name,
                u = uvRect.xMin,
                u2 = uvRect.xMax,
                v = uvRect.yMax,
                v2 = uvRect.yMin,
                index = -1,
                width = height,
                originalWidth = height,
                height = width,
                originalHeight = width,
                offsetX = offsetX,
                offsetY = offsetY,
                x = x,
                y = y,
                rotate = rotate
Ejemplo n.º 27
        public static AtlasRegion ToAtlasRegion(this Texture2D t, Shader shader, float scale = 0.01f, Material materialPropertySource = null)
            Material material = new Material(shader);

            if (materialPropertySource != null)
                material.shaderKeywords = materialPropertySource.shaderKeywords;
            material.mainTexture = t;
            AtlasPage   page        = material.ToSpineAtlasPage();
            float       num         = t.width;
            float       num2        = t.height;
            AtlasRegion atlasRegion = new AtlasRegion();

            atlasRegion.name   = t.name;
            atlasRegion.index  = -1;
            atlasRegion.rotate = false;
            Vector2 zero   = Vector2.zero;
            Vector2 vector = new Vector2(num, num2) * scale;

            atlasRegion.width          = (int)num;
            atlasRegion.originalWidth  = (int)num;
            atlasRegion.height         = (int)num2;
            atlasRegion.originalHeight = (int)num2;
            atlasRegion.offsetX        = num * (0.5f - InverseLerp(zero.x, vector.x, 0f));
            atlasRegion.offsetY        = num2 * (0.5f - InverseLerp(zero.y, vector.y, 0f));
            atlasRegion.u    = 0f;
            atlasRegion.v    = 1f;
            atlasRegion.u2   = 1f;
            atlasRegion.v2   = 0f;
            atlasRegion.x    = 0;
            atlasRegion.y    = 0;
            atlasRegion.page = page;
Ejemplo n.º 28
        public static AtlasRegion ToAtlasRegion(this Texture2D t, Shader shader, float scale = 0.01f, Material materialPropertySource = null)
            Material m = new Material(shader);

            if (materialPropertySource != null)
                m.shaderKeywords = materialPropertySource.shaderKeywords;
            m.mainTexture = t;
            AtlasPage   page   = m.ToSpineAtlasPage();
            float       width  = t.width;
            float       height = t.height;
            AtlasRegion region = new AtlasRegion {
                name   = t.name,
                index  = -1,
                rotate = false
            Vector2 zero    = Vector2.zero;
            Vector2 vector2 = new Vector2(width, height) * scale;

            region.width          = (int)width;
            region.originalWidth  = (int)width;
            region.height         = (int)height;
            region.originalHeight = (int)height;
            region.offsetX        = width * (0.5f - InverseLerp(zero.x, vector2.x, 0f));
            region.offsetY        = height * (0.5f - InverseLerp(zero.y, vector2.y, 0f));
            region.u    = 0f;
            region.v    = 1f;
            region.u2   = 1f;
            region.v2   = 0f;
            region.x    = 0;
            region.y    = 0;
            region.page = page;
		/// <summary>
		/// Creates a new Spine.AtlasPage from a UnityEngine.Material. If the material has a preassigned texture, the page width and height will be set.</summary>
		public static AtlasPage ToSpineAtlasPage (this Material m) {
			var newPage = new AtlasPage {
				rendererObject = m,
				name = m.name

			var t = m.mainTexture;
			if (t != null) {
				newPage.width = t.width;
				newPage.height = t.height;

			return newPage;
		/// <summary>
		/// Creates a RegionAttachment based on a sprite. This method creates a real, usable AtlasRegion. That AtlasRegion uses the AtlasPage provided./// </summary>
		public static RegionAttachment ToRegionAttachment (this Sprite sprite, AtlasPage page) {
			if (sprite == null) throw new System.ArgumentNullException("sprite");
			if (page == null) throw new System.ArgumentNullException("page");
			var region = sprite.ToAtlasRegion(page);
			var unitsPerPixel = 1f / sprite.pixelsPerUnit;
			return region.ToRegionAttachment(sprite.name, unitsPerPixel);
		/// <summary>
		/// Creates a Spine.AtlasRegion from a UnityEngine.Sprite.</summary>
		public static AtlasRegion ToAtlasRegion (this Sprite s, AtlasPage page) {
			if (page == null) throw new System.ArgumentNullException("page", "page cannot be null. AtlasPage determines which texture region belongs and how it should be rendered. You can use material.ToSpineAtlasPage() to get a shareable AtlasPage from a Material, or use the sprite.ToAtlasRegion(material) overload.");
			var region = s.ToAtlasRegion();
			region.page = page;
			return region;
Ejemplo n.º 32
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new Spine AtlasRegion according to a Unity UV Rect (x-right, y-up, uv-normalized).</summary>
        static AtlasRegion UVRectToAtlasRegion(Rect uvRect, AtlasRegion referenceRegion, AtlasPage page)
            var tr = UVRectToTextureRect(uvRect, page.width, page.height);
            var rr = tr.SpineUnityFlipRect(page.height);

            int x = (int)rr.x, y = (int)rr.y;
            int w, h;

            if (referenceRegion.degrees == 90 || referenceRegion.degrees == 270)
                w = (int)rr.height;
                h = (int)rr.width;
                w = (int)rr.width;
                h = (int)rr.height;

            int originalW = Mathf.RoundToInt((float)w * ((float)referenceRegion.originalWidth / (float)referenceRegion.width));
            int originalH = Mathf.RoundToInt((float)h * ((float)referenceRegion.originalHeight / (float)referenceRegion.height));
            int offsetX   = Mathf.RoundToInt((float)referenceRegion.offsetX * ((float)w / (float)referenceRegion.width));
            int offsetY   = Mathf.RoundToInt((float)referenceRegion.offsetY * ((float)h / (float)referenceRegion.height));

            if (referenceRegion.degrees == 270)
                w = (int)rr.width;
                h = (int)rr.height;

            float u  = uvRect.xMin;
            float u2 = uvRect.xMax;
            float v  = uvRect.yMax;
            float v2 = uvRect.yMin;

            return(new AtlasRegion {
                page = page,
                name = referenceRegion.name,

                u = u,
                u2 = u2,
                v = v,
                v2 = v2,

                index = -1,

                width = w,
                originalWidth = originalW,
                height = h,
                originalHeight = originalH,
                offsetX = offsetX,
                offsetY = offsetY,
                x = x,
                y = y,

                rotate = referenceRegion.rotate,
                degrees = referenceRegion.degrees
Ejemplo n.º 33
 public void Load(AtlasPage page, String path)
     page.width  = material.mainTexture.width;
     page.height = material.mainTexture.height;
		/// <summary>
		/// Creates a new Spine AtlasRegion according to a Unity UV Rect (x-right, y-up, uv-normalized).</summary>
		static AtlasRegion UVRectToAtlasRegion (Rect uvRect, string name, AtlasPage page, float offsetX, float offsetY, bool rotate) {			
			var tr  = UVRectToTextureRect(uvRect, page.width, page.height);
			var rr = tr.SpineUnityFlipRect(page.height);
			int w = (int)rr.width, h = (int)rr.height, x = (int)rr.x, y = (int)rr.y;
			return new AtlasRegion {
				page = page,
				name = name,

				u = uvRect.xMin,
				u2 = uvRect.xMax,
				v = uvRect.yMax,
				v2 = uvRect.yMin,

				index = -1,

				width = w,
				originalWidth = w,
				height = h,
				originalHeight = h,
				offsetX = offsetX,
				offsetY = offsetY,
				x = x,
				y = y,

				rotate = rotate