public async Task TestTokenIteration(IList<Token> expectedTokens)
            using (var tokenIterator = new AsyncLATokenIterator(expectedTokens.AsAsync()))
                for (var i = 0; i < expectedTokens.Count; i++)
                    Assert.That(await tokenIterator.MoveNextAsync(), Is.True, "Move next i={0}", i);
                    var current = await tokenIterator.CurrentAsync();
                    Assert.That(current, Is.EqualTo(expectedTokens[i]), "Current i={0} expected={1} is={2}",
                        i, expectedTokens[i], current);

                    var la = await tokenIterator.LookAheadAsync();
                    var expectedLA = i + 1 < expectedTokens.Count ? expectedTokens[i + 1] : Token.EOF;
                    Assert.That(la, Is.EqualTo(expectedLA), "Lookahead i={0} expected={1} is={2}",
                        i, expectedLA, la);
 public async Task TestSupportResetting(IList <Item> expectedTokens)
     using (var tokenIterator = new AsyncLATokenIterator(expectedTokens.AsAsync()))
         if (tokenIterator.SupportsResetting)
             var isEmpty = true;
             while (await tokenIterator.MoveNextAsync())
                 isEmpty = false;
             Assert.That(tokenIterator.MoveNextAsync(), Is.EqualTo(isEmpty), "Has element after resetting is not empty");
             Assert.That(tokenIterator.Reset, Throws.InvalidOperationException);
        public async Task TestTokenIteration(IList <Item> expectedTokens)
            using (var tokenIterator = new AsyncLATokenIterator(expectedTokens.AsAsync()))
                for (var i = 0; i < expectedTokens.Count; i++)
                    Assert.That(await tokenIterator.MoveNextAsync(), Is.True, "Move next i={0}", i);
                    var current = await tokenIterator.CurrentAsync();

                    Assert.That(current, Is.EqualTo(expectedTokens[i]), "Current i={0} expected={1} is={2}",
                                i, expectedTokens[i], current);

                    var la = await tokenIterator.LookAheadAsync();

                    var expectedLA = i + 1 < expectedTokens.Count ? expectedTokens[i + 1] : Item.EOF;
                    Assert.That(la, Is.EqualTo(expectedLA), "Lookahead i={0} expected={1} is={2}",
                                i, expectedLA, la);
 public async Task TestSupportResetting(IList<Token> expectedTokens)
     using (var tokenIterator = new AsyncLATokenIterator(expectedTokens.AsAsync()))
         if (tokenIterator.SupportsResetting)
             var isEmpty = true;
             while (await tokenIterator.MoveNextAsync())
                 isEmpty = false;
             Assert.That(tokenIterator.MoveNextAsync(), Is.EqualTo(isEmpty), "Has element after resetting is not empty");
             Assert.That(tokenIterator.Reset, Throws.InvalidOperationException);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private static async Task MainAsync(string[] args, CancellationToken token)
            // the following program produces a parse table for the following grammar
            // for infix expressions, and appropriately applies operator precedence of
            // the + - * / operators, otherwise evaluating the leftmost operations first
            // S' -> e
            // e -> i
            // e -> ( e )
            // e -> e * e
            // e -> e / e
            // e -> e + e
            // e -> e - e
            var grammar = new Grammar(
                new[] {"S'", "e", "+", "-", "*", "/", "i", "(", ")"},
                new PrecedenceGroup(Derivation.None,
                                    //S' -> e
                                    new Production(0, (_, x) => x[0], 1),
                                    //e -> i
                                    new Production(1, (_, x) => x.Length == 1 ? x[0] : null, 6),
                                    //e -> ( e )
                                    new Production(1,
                                                   (_, x) => x[1].ContentType == ContentType.Nested ? x[1].Nested : null,
                                                   7, 1, 8)
                new PrecedenceGroup(Derivation.LeftMost,
                                    //e -> e * e
                                    new Production(1, RewriteConstBinaryExpr, 1, 4, 1),
                                    //e -> e / e
                                    new Production(1, RewriteConstBinaryExpr, 1, 5, 1)
                // productions are left associative and bind less tightly than * or /
                new PrecedenceGroup(Derivation.LeftMost,
                                    //e -> e + e
                                    new Production(1, RewriteConstBinaryExpr, 1, 2, 1),
                                    //e -> e - e
                                    new Production(1, RewriteConstBinaryExpr, 1, 3, 1)

            // generate the parse table
            var parser = new Parser(grammar);
            var debugger = new Debug(parser, Console.Write, Console.Error.Write);


            var parseTime = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();
            // (24 / 12) + 2 * (3-4)
            var inputSource = new[]
                    new Token(6, 2),
                    new Token(2, "+"),
                    new Token(7, "("),
                    new Token(6, 0),
                    new Token(4, "*"),
                    new Token(6, int.MaxValue),
                    new Token(8, ")")
            var inputSource = TestLarge();
            Token result;
            using (var tokenIterator = new AsyncLATokenIterator(inputSource.AsAsync()))
                result = await parser.ParseInputAsync(tokenIterator, debugger, allowRewriting: true);
            var timeElapsed = string.Format("{0} ms", parseTime.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds);
                string.Format("Accept ({0}): ", timeElapsed),
                string.Format("Error while parsing ({0}): ", timeElapsed),
Ejemplo n.º 6
        private static async Task MainAsync(string[] args, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            // the following program produces a parse table for the following grammar
            // for infix expressions, and appropriately applies operator precedence of
            // the + - * / operators, otherwise evaluating the leftmost operations first
            // S' -> e
            // e -> i
            // e -> ( e )
            // e -> e * e
            // e -> e / e
            // e -> e + e
            // e -> e - e

            var grammar = new Grammar(
                new PrecedenceGroup(Derivation.None,
                                    //S' -> e
                                    new Production((int)SymbolId.Result, (_, x) => x[0], (int)SymbolId.Expr),
                                    //e -> i
                                    new Production((int)SymbolId.Expr, (_, x) => x.Length == 1 ? x[0] : null, (int)SymbolId.Integer),
                                    //e -> ( e )
                                    new Production((int)SymbolId.Expr,
                                                   (_, x) => x[1].ContentType == ContentType.Nested ? x[1].Nested : null,
                                                   (int)SymbolId.LeftParen, (int)SymbolId.Expr, (int)SymbolId.RightParen)
                new PrecedenceGroup(Derivation.LeftMost,
                                    //e -> e * e
                                    new Production((int)SymbolId.Expr, RewriteConstBinaryExpr, (int)SymbolId.Expr, (int)SymbolId.Times, (int)SymbolId.Expr),
                                    //e -> e / e
                                    new Production((int)SymbolId.Expr, RewriteConstBinaryExpr, (int)SymbolId.Expr, (int)SymbolId.Divide, (int)SymbolId.Expr)
                // productions are left associative and bind less tightly than * or /
                new PrecedenceGroup(Derivation.LeftMost,
                                    //e -> e + e
                                    new Production((int)SymbolId.Expr, RewriteConstBinaryExpr, (int)SymbolId.Expr, (int)SymbolId.Plus, (int)SymbolId.Expr),
                                    //e -> e - e
                                    new Production((int)SymbolId.Expr, RewriteConstBinaryExpr, (int)SymbolId.Expr, (int)SymbolId.Minus, (int)SymbolId.Expr)

            // generate the parse table
            var parser   = new Parser(grammar);
            var debugger = new Debug(parser, Console.Write, Console.Error.Write);


            var parseTime = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();

            Collection <PSParseError> syntaxErrors;
            var  inputSource = PSParser.Tokenize("(24 / 12) + 2 * (3-4)", out syntaxErrors).Select(PSTokenToItem);
            Item result;

            using (var tokenIterator = new AsyncLATokenIterator(inputSource.AsAsync()))
                result = await parser.ParseInputAsync(tokenIterator, debugger);
            var timeElapsed = string.Format("{0} ms", parseTime.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds);

                string.Format("Accept ({0}): ", timeElapsed),
                string.Format("Error while parsing ({0}): ", timeElapsed),
Ejemplo n.º 7
        private static async Task MainAsync(string[] args, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var grammar = new Grammar(
                   P(S.Ast, S.Syntax),

                   PSL(S.Syntax, S.Rule),
                   PSL(S.Syntax, S.Rule, S.Syntax),

                   PR(S.Rule, (pLHS, pRHS) => Tuple.Create(pRHS[0].Content, pRHS[2]), S.RuleName, S.DefineOp, S.Clauses, S.RuleEnd)
                   PSL(S.Clauses, S.Terms),
                   PSL(S.Clauses, S.Terms, S.OrOp, S.Clauses),

                   PL(S.Terms, MakeMetaTerm, S.Term),
                   PL(S.Terms, MakeMetaTerm, S.Term, S.TermSep, S.Terms)
                   P(S.Term, S.Literal),
                   P(S.Term, S.RuleName),
                   PR(S.Term, (pLHS, pRHS) => MakeMetaTerm(null))
                   PR(S.RuleName, MakeQuotedString, S.RuleLiteralLeft, S.RuleCharacters, S.RuleLiteralRight),
                   PR(S.RuleCharacters, MakeQuotedString, S.RuleCharacter),
                   PR(S.RuleCharacters, MakeQuotedString, S.RuleCharacter, S.RuleCharacters)
                   PR(S.Literal, MakeQuotedString, S.DoubleQuote, S.TextInDoubleQuotes, S.DoubleQuote),
                   PR(S.TextInDoubleQuotes, MakeQuotedString, S.CharacterInDoubleQuotes),
                   PR(S.TextInDoubleQuotes, MakeQuotedString, S.CharacterInDoubleQuotes, S.TextInDoubleQuotes)
                   PR(S.Literal, MakeQuotedString, S.SingleQuote, S.TextInSingleQuotes, S.SingleQuote),
                   PR(S.TextInSingleQuotes, MakeQuotedString, S.CharacterInSingleQuotes),
                   PR(S.TextInSingleQuotes, MakeQuotedString, S.CharacterInSingleQuotes, S.TextInSingleQuotes)

            // generate the parse table
            var parser    = new Parser(grammar);
            var debugger  = new Debug(parser, Console.Write, Console.Error.Write);
            var parseTime = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();

            Func <string, Regex> compileRegex =
                p => new Regex("^" + (p.StartsWith("[") || p.Length <= 2
                                          ? p
                                          : (p.Substring(0, 2) + "(" + p.Substring(2) + "|$)")),
                               RegexOptions.CultureInvariant |

            Func <S, string, string, Tuple <int, Regex, string> > triple =
                (pSymbol, pPattern, pState) => Tuple.Create((int)pSymbol, compileRegex(pPattern), pState);

            Func <S, string, Tuple <int, Regex, string> > pair =
                (pSymbol, pPattern) => triple(pSymbol, pPattern, null);

            const string doubleQuoteState = "double";
            const string singleQuoteState = "single";

            const string doubleQuoteMarker = @"[""]";
            const string singleQuoteMarker = "[']";
            const string commonSet         = "-A-Za-z0-9_";
            const string symbolSet         = @"| !#$%&()*+,./:;\\<=>?@[\]^`{|}~";

            var lexerTable =
                new Dictionary <string, Tuple <int, Regex, string>[]>
                    AsyncRegexLexer.RootState, new[]
                        triple(S.DoubleQuote, doubleQuoteMarker, doubleQuoteState),
                        triple(S.SingleQuote, singleQuoteMarker, singleQuoteState),
                        pair(S.RuleCharacter, "[" + commonSet + "]"),
                        pair(S.DefineOp, "::="),
                        pair(S.OrOp, "[|]"),
                        pair(S.RuleLiteralLeft, "[<]"),
                        pair(S.RuleLiteralRight, "[>]"),
                        pair(S.RuleEnd, "[.]"),
                        pair(S.TermSep, "[,]"),
                        triple(S.EOL, @"[\r]?[\n]", AsyncRegexLexer.Ignore),
                        triple(S.WS, @"[ \t]", AsyncRegexLexer.Ignore)
                    doubleQuoteState, new[]
                        triple(S.DoubleQuote, doubleQuoteMarker, AsyncRegexLexer.PopState),
                        pair(S.CharacterInDoubleQuotes, "[" + commonSet + symbolSet + "'" + "]")
                    singleQuoteState, new[]
                        triple(S.SingleQuote, singleQuoteMarker, AsyncRegexLexer.PopState),
                        pair(S.CharacterInSingleQuotes, "[" + commonSet + symbolSet + "\"" + "]")
            Item result;

            using (var charIterator = new AsyncLACharIterator(new StringReader(BNF)))
                using (var regexLexer = new AsyncRegexLexer(charIterator, lexerTable))
                    using (var tokenIterator = new AsyncLATokenIterator(regexLexer))
                        result = await parser.ParseInputAsync(tokenIterator, debugger);
            var timeElapsed = string.Format("{0} ms", parseTime.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds);

                string.Format("Accept ({0}): ", timeElapsed),
                string.Format("Error while parsing ({0}): ", timeElapsed),