public GetEntityGraphQLType(
            IEntityDescriptor descriptor,
            IIndex <IEntityDescriptor, EntityGraphQLType> entityTypesByDescriptor,
            IIndex <IEntityDescriptor, IRepository> repositoriesByDescriptor)
            Name         = descriptor.Name.Camelize();
            Description  = $"Query a single {descriptor.Name.Humanize(LetterCasing.LowerCase)}";
            ResolvedType = entityTypesByDescriptor[descriptor];
            Arguments    = new QueryArguments
                new QueryArgument(new NonNullGraphType(new IdGraphType()))
                    Name        = "id",
                    Description = $"The ID of the {descriptor.Name.Humanize(LetterCasing.LowerCase)}",

            var repository = repositoriesByDescriptor[descriptor];

            Resolver = new AsyncFieldResolver <Option <IEntity> >(async resolveContext =>
                // TODO: optimize
                var id       = resolveContext.GetArgument <Guid>("id");
                var entities = await repository.__UNSAFE__ListAsync(resolveContext.CancellationToken);
                return(entities.FirstOrNone(e => e.Id == id));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public ContentItemsFieldType(string contentItemName, ISchema schema)
            Name = "ContentItems";

            Type = typeof(ListGraphType <ContentItemType>);

            var whereInput   = new ContentItemWhereInput(contentItemName);
            var orderByInput = new ContentItemOrderByInput(contentItemName);

            Arguments = new QueryArguments(
                new QueryArgument <ContentItemWhereInput> {
                Name = "where", Description = "filters the content items", ResolvedType = whereInput
                new QueryArgument <ContentItemOrderByInput> {
                Name = "orderBy", Description = "sort order", ResolvedType = orderByInput
                new QueryArgument <IntGraphType> {
                Name = "first", Description = "the first n content items", ResolvedType = new IntGraphType()
                new QueryArgument <IntGraphType> {
                Name = "skip", Description = "the number of content items to skip", ResolvedType = new IntGraphType()
                new QueryArgument <PublicationStatusGraphType> {
                Name = "status", Description = "publication status of the content item", ResolvedType = new PublicationStatusGraphType(), DefaultValue = PublicationStatusEnum.Published

            Resolver = new AsyncFieldResolver <IEnumerable <ContentItem> >(Resolve);

            schema.RegisterType <PublicationStatusGraphType>();
        public ListEntitiesGraphQLType(
            IEntityDescriptor descriptor,
            IIndex <IEntityDescriptor, EntityGraphQLType> entityTypesByDescriptor,
            IIndex <IEntityDescriptor, IRepository> repositoriesByDescriptor)
            Name         = descriptor.Name.Pluralize().Camelize();
            Description  = $"Query all {descriptor.Name.Pluralize().Humanize(LetterCasing.LowerCase)}";
            ResolvedType = new ListGraphType(new NonNullGraphType(entityTypesByDescriptor[descriptor]));

            var repository = repositoriesByDescriptor[descriptor];

            Resolver = new AsyncFieldResolver <IEnumerable <IEntity> >(resolveContext =>
        public DynamicMutationType(IGraphQlTypePool graphTypePool, IEnumerable <Type> types)
            Name        = "Mutations";
            Description = "Contains the mutation of the graphql api";

            foreach (var type in types)
                if (!type.IsClass || type.IsInterface)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Invalid subscription type");

                // work with the methods
                var methods = type.GetMethods(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly)
                              .Where(x => x.GetAttribute <IgnoreAttribute>() == null);

                foreach (var method in methods)
                    if (method.Name == nameof(GraphNodeType <object> .OnCreateAsync) ||

                    var descriptionAttr = method.GetAttribute <DescriptionAttribute>();
                    var fieldNameAttr   = method.GetAttribute <NameAttribute>();

                    IGraphType     graphType;
                    IFieldResolver resolver;
                    if (method.ReturnType.IsGenericType && method.ReturnType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Task <>))
                        var awaitableReturnType = method.ReturnType.GetGenericArguments()[0];
                        graphType = graphTypePool.GetGraphType(awaitableReturnType);
                        resolver  = new AsyncFieldResolver <object>(async c =>
                            var task = GraphQlHelpers.ExecuteResolverFunction(method, c, type, true);

                            var resultProp = task.GetType().GetProperty(nameof(Task <object> .Result));
                            var result     = resultProp.GetValue(task);

                        graphType = graphTypePool.GetGraphType(method.ReturnType);
                        resolver  = new FuncFieldResolver <object>(c => GraphQlHelpers.ExecuteResolverFunction(method, c, type, true));

                    var isNonNull = method.GetAttribute <NonNullAttribute>() != null;

                    // create field
                    var field = new FieldType()
                        Arguments    = GraphQlHelpers.GetArguments(graphTypePool, method),
                        Name         = fieldNameAttr == null ? method.Name : fieldNameAttr.Name,
                        Description  = descriptionAttr?.Description ?? DocXmlHelper.DocReader.GetMemberComments(method).Summary,
                        ResolvedType = isNonNull ? new NonNullGraphType(graphType) : graphType,
                        Resolver     = resolver

                    // add the .net type of this field in the metadata
                    field.Metadata["type"] = method;

                    var metadatas = Attribute.GetCustomAttributes(type, typeof(MetadataAttribute));
                    foreach (MetadataAttribute metadata in metadatas)
                        Metadata[metadata.Key] = metadata.Value;

Ejemplo n.º 5
        FieldType BuildSingleField <TSource, TReturn>(
            string name,
            Func <ResolveEfFieldContext <TDbContext, TSource>, IQueryable <TReturn> > resolve,
            Func <ResolveEfFieldContext <TDbContext, TSource>, TReturn, Task>?mutate,
            IEnumerable <QueryArgument>?arguments,
            bool nullable,
            where TReturn : class
            Guard.AgainstWhiteSpace(nameof(name), name);

            graphType ??= GraphTypeFinder.FindGraphType <TReturn>(nullable);

            var hasId = keyNames.ContainsKey(typeof(TReturn));

                Name = name,
                Type = graphType,
                Description = description,

                Arguments = ArgumentAppender.GetQueryArguments(arguments, hasId, false),

                Resolver = new AsyncFieldResolver <TSource, TReturn?>(
                    async context =>
                    var efFieldContext = BuildContext(context);

                    var names = GetKeyNames <TReturn>();

                    var query = resolve(efFieldContext);
                    if (disableTracking)
                        query = query.AsNoTracking();

                    query = includeAppender.AddIncludes(query, context);
                    query = query.ApplyGraphQlArguments(context, names, false);
                    var single = await query.SingleOrDefaultAsync(context.CancellationToken);

                    if (single != null)
                        if (await efFieldContext.Filters.ShouldInclude(context.UserContext, single))
                            if (mutate != null)
                                await mutate.Invoke(efFieldContext, single);

                            return single;

                    if (nullable)
                        return null;

                    throw new ExecutionError("Not found");
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public DynamicGraphType(IGraphQlTypePool graphTypePool, Type type)
            //if (!typeof(GraphNodeType<>).IsAssignableFrom(type))
            //    throw new ArgumentException("The type is not of type GraphNodeType<>");

            // get the name
            var nameArgument = type.GetAttribute <TypeNameAttribute>();
            var name         = nameArgument == null ? type.Name : nameArgument.Name;

            // set type name
            Name = name;

            // Generate fields -----------------------------------------------
            // start with the properties
            var properties = type
                             // Get all properties with getters
                             .GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.SetProperty | BindingFlags.GetProperty)
                             // ignore the ones that have the ignore attribute
                             .Where(x => x.GetAttribute <IgnoreFieldAttribute>() == null);

            foreach (var property in properties)
                var graphType       = graphTypePool.GetGraphType(property.PropertyType);
                var descriptionAttr = property.GetAttribute <FieldDescriptionAttribute>();
                var fieldNameAttr   = property.GetAttribute <FieldNameAttribute>();
                var isNonNull       = property.GetAttribute <NonNullFieldAttribute>() != null;

                // create field
                var field = new FieldType()
                    Name         = fieldNameAttr == null ? property.Name : fieldNameAttr.Name,
                    Description  = descriptionAttr?.Description,
                    ResolvedType = isNonNull ? new NonNullGraphType(graphType) : graphType,
                    Resolver     = new FuncFieldResolver <object>(c => property.GetValue(c.Source))


            // work with the methods
            var methods = type.GetMethods(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly)
                          .Where(x => x.GetAttribute <IgnoreFieldAttribute>() == null);

            foreach (var method in methods)
                if (method.Name == nameof(GraphNodeType <object> .OnCreateAsync) ||

                var descriptionAttr = method.GetAttribute <FieldDescriptionAttribute>();
                var fieldNameAttr   = method.GetAttribute <FieldNameAttribute>();

                IGraphType     graphType;
                IFieldResolver resolver;
                if (method.IsGenericMethod && method.ReturnType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Task <>))
                    var awaitableReturnType = method.ReturnType.GetGenericArguments()[0];
                    graphType = graphTypePool.GetGraphType(awaitableReturnType);
                    resolver  = new AsyncFieldResolver <object>(c =>
                        var task = ExecuteResolverFunction(method, c);
                        return(task as Task <object>);
                    graphType = graphTypePool.GetGraphType(method.ReturnType);
                    resolver  = new FuncFieldResolver <object>(c => ExecuteResolverFunction(method, c));

                var isNonNull = method.GetAttribute <NonNullFieldAttribute>() != null;

                // create field
                var field = new FieldType()
                    Arguments    = GetArguments(graphTypePool, method),
                    Name         = fieldNameAttr == null ? method.Name : fieldNameAttr.Name,
                    Description  = descriptionAttr?.Description,
                    ResolvedType = isNonNull ? new NonNullGraphType(graphType) : graphType,
                    Resolver     = resolver
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public DynamicGraphType(IGraphQlTypePool graphTypePool, Type type, bool isRoot = false)
            if (!type.IsClass || type.IsInterface)
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid object type");

            // get the name
            var nameAttr = type.GetAttribute <NameAttribute>();
            var descAttr = type.GetAttribute <DescriptionAttribute>();

            // set type name and description
            Name        = nameAttr?.Name ?? type.Name;
            Description = descAttr?.Description ?? DocXmlHelper.DocReader.GetTypeComments(type).Summary;

            // set the type metadata
            Metadata["type"] = type;

                // sets the custom metadatas
                var metadatas = Attribute.GetCustomAttributes(type, typeof(MetadataAttribute));
                foreach (MetadataAttribute metadata in metadatas)
                    Metadata[metadata.Key] = metadata.Value;

            // Check for interfaces
            var interfaces = type.GetNotDerivedInterfaces();

            // Add all the interface that this implement
            foreach (var intrfce in interfaces)
                AddResolvedInterface(graphTypePool.GetGraphType(intrfce) as IInterfaceGraphType);

            // Implementing isTypeOf in the case this type implement an interface
            IsTypeOf = obj => obj.GetType() == type;

            // Generate fields -----------------------------------------------
            // start with the properties
            var properties = type
                             // Get all properties with getters
                             .GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.SetProperty | BindingFlags.GetProperty)
                             // ignore the ones that have the ignore attribute
                             .Where(x => x.GetAttribute <IgnoreAttribute>() == null);

            foreach (var property in properties)
                var graphType       = graphTypePool.GetGraphType(property.PropertyType);
                var descriptionAttr = property.GetAttribute <DescriptionAttribute>();
                var fieldNameAttr   = property.GetAttribute <NameAttribute>();
                var isNonNull       = property.GetAttribute <NonNullAttribute>() != null;

                // create field
                var field = new FieldType()
                    Name         = fieldNameAttr == null ? property.Name : fieldNameAttr.Name,
                    Description  = descriptionAttr?.Description ?? DocXmlHelper.DocReader.GetMemberComments(property).Summary,
                    ResolvedType = isNonNull ? new NonNullGraphType(graphType) : graphType,
                    Resolver     = new FuncFieldResolver <object>(c => GraphQlHelpers.GetFinalValue(property.GetValue(GraphQlHelpers.GetSourceInstance(c, type, isRoot)))),

                // add the .net type of this field in the metadata
                field.Metadata["type"] = property;

                var metadatas = Attribute.GetCustomAttributes(type, typeof(MetadataAttribute));
                foreach (MetadataAttribute metadata in metadatas)
                    Metadata[metadata.Key] = metadata.Value;


            // work with the methods
            var methods = type.GetMethods(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly)
                          .Where(x => x.GetAttribute <IgnoreAttribute>() == null);

            // for each method public
            foreach (var method in methods)
                if (method.Name == nameof(GraphNodeType <object> .OnCreateAsync) ||

                var descriptionAttr = method.GetAttribute <DescriptionAttribute>();
                var fieldNameAttr   = method.GetAttribute <NameAttribute>();

                IGraphType     graphType;
                IFieldResolver resolver;
                if (method.ReturnType.IsGenericType && method.ReturnType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Task <>))
                    var awaitableReturnType = method.ReturnType.GetGenericArguments()[0];
                    graphType = graphTypePool.GetGraphType(awaitableReturnType);
                    resolver  = new AsyncFieldResolver <object>(async c =>
                        var task = GraphQlHelpers.ExecuteResolverFunction(method, c, type, isRoot);

                        var resultProp = task.GetType().GetProperty(nameof(Task <object> .Result));
                        var result     = resultProp.GetValue(task);

                    graphType = graphTypePool.GetGraphType(method.ReturnType);
                    resolver  = new FuncFieldResolver <object>(c => GraphQlHelpers.ExecuteResolverFunction(method, c, type, isRoot));

                var isNonNull = method.GetAttribute <NonNullAttribute>() != null;

                // create field
                var field = new FieldType()
                    Arguments    = GraphQlHelpers.GetArguments(graphTypePool, method),
                    Name         = fieldNameAttr == null ? method.Name : fieldNameAttr.Name,
                    Description  = descriptionAttr?.Description ?? DocXmlHelper.DocReader.GetMemberComments(method).Summary,
                    ResolvedType = isNonNull ? new NonNullGraphType(graphType) : graphType,
                    Resolver     = resolver

                // add the .net type of this field in the metadata
                field.Metadata["type"] = method;

                var metadatas = Attribute.GetCustomAttributes(type, typeof(MetadataAttribute));
                foreach (MetadataAttribute metadata in metadatas)
                    Metadata[metadata.Key] = metadata.Value;
