public override string LoadAccountKey(string wallet, string address, string key, IDbConnectorService dbservice, string pubkey = "", string password = "", string name = "", bool storeInDb = true, bool isItMainAccountKey = false, bool alreadyEncrypted = false, EncryptionKeyType type = EncryptionKeyType.BasicSecurity)
                if (EconomyMainContext.Wallets.TryGetValue(wallet, out var w))
                    if (w.Accounts.TryGetValue(address, out var account))
                        if (isItMainAccountKey)
                            // todo load already encrypted key
                            account.AccountKey = new Security.EncryptionKey(key, password);
                            account.AccountKey.RelatedItemId = account.Id;
                            account.AccountKey.Type          = Security.EncryptionKeyType.AccountKey;
                            account.AccountKeyId             = account.AccountKey.Id;
                            account.AccountKey.PublicKey     = account.Address;

                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(password))
                                account.AccountKey.PasswordHash = Security.SecurityUtil.HashPassword(password);

                            account.AccountKey.Name = name;

                            if (EconomyMainContext.WorkWithDb)

                            account.AccountKeyId = account.AccountKey.Id;

                            if (EconomyMainContext.WorkWithDb)

                            EncryptionKey k = null;
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(key) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(pubkey))
                                // validate the key pair if it is correct combination of RSA keys
                                    if (type != EncryptionKeyType.AccountKey)
                                        if (alreadyEncrypted)
                                            var kd = SymetricProvider.DecryptString(password, key);
                                            if (kd != null)
                                                key = kd;

                                        var m = AsymmetricProvider.EncryptString("test", pubkey);
                                        var r = AsymmetricProvider.DecryptString(m, key);
                                        if (r != "test")
                                            throw new Exception("Key pair is not valid RSA key pair!");

                                    k = new EncryptionKey(key, password);
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    throw new Exception("Key pair is not valid RSA key pair!");
                            else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(key) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(pubkey))
                                if (alreadyEncrypted)
                                    var kd = SymetricProvider.DecryptString(password, key);
                                    if (kd != null)
                                        k = new Security.EncryptionKey(kd, password);
                                    k = new Security.EncryptionKey(key, password);
                                    k.LoadNewKey(key, fromDb: true);
                            else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pubkey) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(key))
                                // create enc object
                                k           = new Security.EncryptionKey("passtest", password, true); // this can be used for testing the password
                                k.PublicKey = pubkey;
                            else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(key) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(pubkey))
                                // obtain new RSA key pair
                                var keypair = Security.AsymmetricProvider.GenerateNewKeyPair();
                                // create enc object
                                k           = new EncryptionKey(keypair.PrivateKey, password);
                                k.PublicKey = keypair.PublicKey;
                                throw new Exception("Strange input!");

                            k.RelatedItemId = account.Id;
                            k.Type          = Security.EncryptionKeyType.BasicSecurity;

                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(password))
                                k.PasswordHash = Security.SecurityUtil.HashPassword(password);

                            k.Name = name;

                            if (EconomyMainContext.WorkWithDb)

                            if (isItMainAccountKey)
                                account.AccountKeyId = account.AccountKey.Id;

                                if (EconomyMainContext.WorkWithDb)

            catch (Exception ex)
                log.Error("Cannot load key to the account!", ex);

            return("Load Account Key - ERROR");
        public static async Task <string> SendMessage(SendMessageDto dto)
            if (EconomyMainContext.Wallets.TryGetValue(dto.WalletId, out var wallet))
                if (wallet.Accounts.TryGetValue(dto.SenderAddress, out var account))
                    var txdto = new SendTokenTxData();

                    txdto.Amount = 1;
                    txdto.Id     = TokenId;     // token ID - todo MSGT
                    txdto.Symbol = TokenSymbol; // token symbol - todo MSGT

                    txdto.UseRPCPrimarily = false;
                    txdto.Password        = dto.AccountPassword;
                    txdto.SenderAddress   = dto.SenderAddress;
                    txdto.ReceiverAddress = dto.ReceiverAddress;

                    // prepare the message to send

                    if (dto.InitMessage)
                        // for init message lets create new uid
                        txdto.Metadata.Add("MessageStreamUID", Guid.NewGuid().ToString());
                        // for not init message message stream uid must be filled
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dto.MessageStreamUID))
                            txdto.Metadata.Add("MessageStreamUID", dto.MessageStreamUID.ToString());
                            throw new Exception("Cannot send message - this is not set as init message but no MessageStreamUID was provided!");

                    var msg         = string.Empty;
                    var prevmsgdata = string.Empty;
                    var prevmsg     = string.Empty;
                    var prevtxid    = string.Empty;

                    if (!dto.InitMessage)
                        var pretoken = await NeblioTransactionHelpers.TokenMetadataAsync(TokenTypes.NTP1, TokenId, dto.TokenTxId);

                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pretoken.TxId))
                            throw new Exception("Cannot send message - Cannot find previous message token metadata!");

                        if (pretoken.MetadataAvailable)
                            if (pretoken.Metadata.TryGetValue("PrevTxId", out var prevtxidfrommeta))
                                prevtxid = prevtxidfrommeta;

                            IToken prepretoken = null;
                            if (pretoken.Metadata.TryGetValue("InitMessage", out var prevmsginit))
                                if (prevmsginit != "true")
                                    prepretoken = await NeblioTransactionHelpers.TokenMetadataAsync(TokenTypes.NTP1, TokenId, prevtxid);

                                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(prepretoken.TxId))
                                        throw new Exception("Cannot send message - Cannot find pre-previous message token metadata and previous message is not init message!");

                            if (pretoken.Metadata.TryGetValue("MessageData", out var prevmsgdatafromMeta))
                                prevmsgdata = prevmsgdatafromMeta;

                                if (prepretoken != null)
                                    if (prepretoken.MetadataAvailable)
                                        if (prepretoken.Metadata.TryGetValue("SenderPubKey", out var preprevtokenReceiverKey))
                                            var accEncKey = account.AccountKeys.FirstOrDefault(k => k.PublicKey == preprevtokenReceiverKey);
                                            if (accEncKey != null)
                                                    // dencrypt my prevoious message just when I know that it will be encrypt before send
                                                    // if this will not happen, the prevmsgdata will contain original data from token metadata which can be encrypted
                                                    if (pretoken.Metadata.ContainsKey("SenderPubKey"))
                                                        var decprevmsg = AsymmetricProvider.DecryptString(prevmsgdata, accEncKey.GetEncryptedKey(dto.Password));

                                                        prevmsgdata = decprevmsg;
                                                catch (Exception ex)
                                                    throw new Exception("Cannot send message - Cannot decrypt prevouis message, requeired keuy is not correct format!");

                            // if sender sent in previous message pubkey he wants to encrypt the message before sending
                            if (pretoken.Metadata.TryGetValue("SenderPubKey", out var receiverpubkey))
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(receiverpubkey))
                                        // encrypt new message
                                        msg = AsymmetricProvider.EncryptString(dto.Message, receiverpubkey);
                                        // encrypt prevoius message
                                        prevmsg = AsymmetricProvider.EncryptString(prevmsgdata, receiverpubkey);
                                    catch (Exception ex)
                                        throw new Exception("Cannot send message - Cannot encrypt the message, probably wrong Key");
                                    throw new Exception("Cannot send message - Required key is not correct format!");
                                // if he dont want to encrypt message just copy
                                msg = dto.Message;
                                // if he dont want encrypted message copy previous message too
                                // but if that message was encrypted before witout his new encryption request it will not be provided in decrypted form and he cannot read it
                                // this is because i dont want to publish my encrypted previous message if this transfer will not be encrypted
                                prevmsg = prevmsgdata;

                    var senderPUB = string.Empty;
                    if (dto.Encrypt)
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dto.KeyId))
                            var key = account.AccountKeys.FirstOrDefault(k => k.Id.ToString() == dto.KeyId);
                            if (key != null)
                                senderPUB = key.PublicKey;
                                // if encryption is required token metadata will contains sender pub key
                                txdto.Metadata.Add("SenderPubKey", senderPUB);

                    if (msg == null)
                        msg = string.Empty;

                    if (dto.InitMessage)
                        txdto.Metadata.Add("InitMessage", "true");
                        msg = dto.Message;
                        txdto.Metadata.Add("InitMessage", "false");

                    txdto.Metadata.Add("PrevTxId", dto.TokenTxId);
                    txdto.Metadata.Add("PreviousMessage", prevmsg);
                    txdto.Metadata.Add("MessageData", msg);

                    var res = await NeblioTransactionHelpers.SendNTP1TokenAPI(txdto, 50000);

                    throw new Exception("Cannot send message - Cannot find the Account!");
                throw new Exception("Cannot send message - Cannot find the wallet!");