Ejemplo n.º 1
    // Event Handlers:

    private void Asteroid_AsteroidDestroyed(Asteroid asteroid, Vector2 asteroidDeathPosition)
        // stop tracking the asteroid as it no-longer exists

        // if the last asteroid was destroyed, send an alert so the next wave can begin
        if (trackedAsteroids.Count == 0 && asteroid.AsteroidSize == AsteroidSizes.Small)
            if (AllAsteroidsDestroyed != null)

        // if the asteroid was small, we don't need to do anything atm
        if (asteroid.AsteroidSize == AsteroidSizes.Small)

        // get the new asteroid size based on the size of the one which died
        AsteroidSizes newAsteroidSize = asteroid.AsteroidSize + 1;

        // spawn the number of asteroids that the asteroid splits into on death
        for (int i = 0; i < asteroidSplitAmount; i++)
            // here, we are slightly adjusting the angle of velocity so the asteroids direction changes
            // this is randomised so the new asteroids head in their own directions
            Quaternion velocityAdjustment = Quaternion.AngleAxis(Random.Range(-MAXIMUM_VELOCITY_ADJUSTMENT, MAXIMUM_VELOCITY_ADJUSTMENT), asteroid.transform.forward);
            Vector3    adjustedVelocity   = velocityAdjustment * asteroid.AsteroidVelocity;

            SpawnNewAsteroid(newAsteroidSize, asteroidDeathPosition, adjustedVelocity * ASTEROID_VELOCITY_MODIFIER);
Ejemplo n.º 2
    // Private Methods:

    private void SpawnNewAsteroid(AsteroidSizes newAsteroidSize, Vector2 newAsteroidSpawnPosition, Vector2 newAsteroidVelocity)
        // find a random asteroid based on the size of asteroid we are to spawn
        Asteroid newAsteroid = null;

        switch (newAsteroidSize)
        case AsteroidSizes.Large:
            newAsteroid = largeAsteroids[Random.Range(0, largeAsteroids.Count)];

        case AsteroidSizes.Medium:
            newAsteroid = mediumAsteroids[Random.Range(0, mediumAsteroids.Count)];

        case AsteroidSizes.Small:
            newAsteroid = smallAsteroids[Random.Range(0, smallAsteroids.Count)];

        // if we reach this point and the asteroid is still null, something has gone wrong and it must be corrected
        if (newAsteroid == null)
            throw new Exception("The asteroid was not initialised correctly.");

        // generate some random values for spawn offset and starting rotation for a bit of variety with the asteroids
        Vector2    asteroidSpawnOffset      = Random.insideUnitCircle * ASTEROID_SPAWN_MODIFIER;
        Quaternion asteroidStartingRotation = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0, 0, Random.Range(0, 360)));

        // instantiate the new asteroid, initialise it, then begin to track it
        newAsteroid = Instantiate(newAsteroid, newAsteroidSpawnPosition + asteroidSpawnOffset, asteroidStartingRotation, spawnedAsteroidsContainer);
        newAsteroid.Init(newAsteroidSize, newAsteroidVelocity);
Ejemplo n.º 3
    //Returns a random asteroid prefab of the specified size
    private GameObject GetAsteroidPrefab(AsteroidSizes Size)
        //Select one of the prefabs of the specified size at random
        int MaxSelection = Size == AsteroidSizes.Small ? 5 : 2;
        int Selection    = Random.Range(0, MaxSelection);

        //Return it from the prefab list
        return(Size == AsteroidSizes.Small ? SmallPrefabs[Selection] :
               Size == AsteroidSizes.Medium ? MediumPrefabs[Selection] :
Ejemplo n.º 4
    //Spawns an asteroid at a specified location
    public void SpawnAsteroid(AsteroidSizes Size, Vector3 Location)
        //Ignore this function call if there is already the maximum number of asteroids active
        if (ActiveAsteroids.Count > MaxAsteroidCount)

        //Select one of the prefabs of the given size at random, and spawn it in at the given location
        GameObject RandomPrefab   = GetAsteroidPrefab(Size);
        Quaternion RandomRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0f, 0f, Random.Range(-360f, 360f));
        GameObject AsteroidSpawn  = Instantiate(RandomPrefab, Location, RandomRotation);

        //Add it to the tracking list with all the others
Ejemplo n.º 5
    public void playAsteroidCollision(AsteroidSizes size)
        switch (size)
        case AsteroidSizes.Small:

        case AsteroidSizes.Medium:

        case AsteroidSizes.Large:
Ejemplo n.º 6
    //Spawns 2 smaller sizes asteroids near the previous ones location
    private void SpawnFragments(AsteroidSizes Size, Vector3 SpawnPos)
        //Ignore this function call if the maximum amount of asteroids already exist
        if (ActiveAsteroids.Count >= MaxAsteroidCount)

        //Get a random direction to offset the spawns from the destroyed asteroids previous location
        Vector3 SpawnDirection = new Vector3(Random.Range(-1f, 1f), Random.Range(-1f, 1f), 0f).normalized;

        //Get two locations where each fragment will be spawned in at
        Vector3 FirstSpawnPos  = SpawnPos + SpawnDirection * (Size == AsteroidSizes.Medium ? HalfMediumSpaceNeeded : HalfSmallSpaceNeeded);
        Vector3 SecondSpawnPos = SpawnPos - SpawnDirection * (Size == AsteroidSizes.Medium ? HalfMediumSpaceNeeded : HalfSmallSpaceNeeded);

        //When the fragments are spawned in, they should be pushed away from the point of the explosion
        Vector3 FirstSpawnExplosionDirection  = Vector3.Normalize(FirstSpawnPos - SpawnPos);
        float   FirstSpawnExplosionForce      = Random.Range(FragmentExplosionForce.x, FragmentExplosionForce.y);
        Vector3 SecondSpawnExplosionDirection = Vector3.Normalize(SecondSpawnPos - SpawnPos);
        float   SecondSpawnExplosionForce     = Random.Range(FragmentExplosionForce.x, FragmentExplosionForce.y);

        //Get two random rotations to apply to the asteroids when spawning them in
        Quaternion FirstSpawnRotation  = Quaternion.Euler(0f, 0f, Random.Range(-360f, 360f));
        Quaternion SecondSpawnRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0f, 0f, Random.Range(-360f, 360f));

        //Grab random prefabs to spawn in for each fragment
        GameObject FirstPrefab  = GetAsteroidPrefab(Size);
        GameObject SecondPrefab = GetAsteroidPrefab(Size);

        //Spawn in the first prefab and add it to the tracking list with all the others
        GameObject FirstSpawn = Instantiate(FirstPrefab, FirstSpawnPos, FirstSpawnRotation);

        FirstSpawn.GetComponent <AsteroidDrift>().ApplyExplosionForce(FirstSpawnExplosionDirection * FirstSpawnExplosionForce);

        //Spawn and track the 2nd prefab if adding the first one didnt cause us to reach the max asteroid count
        if (ActiveAsteroids.Count < MaxAsteroidCount)
            GameObject SecondSpawn = Instantiate(SecondPrefab, SecondSpawnPos, SecondSpawnRotation);
            SecondSpawn.GetComponent <AsteroidDrift>().ApplyExplosionForce(SecondSpawnExplosionDirection * SecondSpawnExplosionForce);
Ejemplo n.º 7
    //Destroys an asteroid and removes it from the active list, continues to the next level if there are no asteroids left
    public void DestroyAsteroid(GameObject Asteroid)
        //Remove the asteroid from the active tracking list
        if (ActiveAsteroids.Contains(Asteroid))

        //Store the asteroids size and position, then destroy it
        AsteroidSizes AsteroidSize = Asteroid.GetComponent <AsteroidSize>().MySize;
        Vector3       AsteroidPos  = Asteroid.transform.position;


        //If the asteroid was large or medium, spawn a couple smaller asteroids nearby the destroyed asteroids location
        if (AsteroidSize == AsteroidSizes.Large)
            SpawnFragments(AsteroidSizes.Medium, AsteroidPos);
        else if (AsteroidSize == AsteroidSizes.Medium)
            SpawnFragments(AsteroidSizes.Small, AsteroidPos);

        //Play sound effect and award points for destroying the asteroid
        GameState.Instance.IncreaseScore((int)(AsteroidSize == AsteroidSizes.Large ? ScoreValues.LargeAsteroid :
                                               AsteroidSize == AsteroidSizes.Medium ? ScoreValues.MediumAsteroid :

        //Continue onto the next level if they are no more asteroids left
        if (ActiveAsteroids.Count <= 0)