Ejemplo n.º 1
        public ActionResult AssociateRemittance(int?AssociateId, DateTime?Date)
            // current user
            var userid      = User.Identity.GetUserId();
            var currentuser = db.Users.Where(x => x.Id == userid).FirstOrDefault();

            // get settings
            var settings = db.Settings.FirstOrDefault();

            // focus date
            var focusDate = Date.Value.Date;

            // week
            int week = Helpers.DateTimeExtensions.GetWeekNumberOfYear(focusDate);

            // days and period end date
            var periodEndDate = focusDate.AddDays(6);

            // get associate
            var associate = db.Associates.Where(x => x.Id == AssociateId).FirstOrDefault();

            // own vehicle deduct price
            double deductOwnVechileAmount = 0;

            if (associate != null)
                if (associate.OwnVehicle)
                    deductOwnVechileAmount = settings.OwnVehicleDeductionPrice;

                // get routes
                var getroutes = db.RouteAllocations.Where(x => x.AssociateId == associate.Id && x.RouteDate >= focusDate && x.RouteDate <= periodEndDate && x.Active == true && x.Deleted == false);

                // routes
                var routes = (from x in getroutes
                              select new AssociateRemittanceViewModel.Route
                    Id = x.Id,
                    RouteDate = x.RouteDate,
                    //RouteType1 = x.RouteType + (x.RouteType2 != "0" ? " / " + x.RouteType2 : "") + (x.RouteType3 != "0" ? " / " + x.RouteType3 : ""),
                    //RouteCode = x.RouteCode + (x.RouteCode2 != "0" ? " / " + x.RouteCode2 : "") + (x.RouteCode3 != "0" ? " / " + x.RouteCode3 : ""),
                    RouteType1 = x.RouteType1,
                    RouteCode1 = x.RouteCode1,
                    RouteExtra = (x.RouteType2 != "0" ?
                                  x.RouteType2 == "SupportAd1" ||
                                  x.RouteType2 == "SupportAd2" ||
                                  x.RouteType2 == "SupportAd3" ? "Support" : x.RouteType2 : "") +
                                 (x.RouteType3 != "0" ? " / " +
                                  x.RouteType3 == "SupportAd1" ||
                                  x.RouteType3 == "SupportAd2" ||
                                  x.RouteType3 == "SupportAd3" ? "Support" : x.RouteType3 : "") +
                                 (x.RouteType4 != "0" ? " / " +
                                  x.RouteType4 == "SupportAd1" ||
                                  x.RouteType4 == "SupportAd2" ||
                                  x.RouteType4 == "SupportAd3" ? "Support" : x.RouteType4 : "") +
                                 (x.RouteType5 != "0" ? " / " +
                                  x.RouteType5 == "SupportAd1" ||
                                  x.RouteType5 == "SupportAd2" ||
                                  x.RouteType5 == "SupportAd3" ? "Support" : x.RouteType5 : ""),
                    //RouteExtra = (x.RouteType2 != "0" ? x.RouteType2 + " (" + x.RouteCode2 + ")" : "") + (x.RouteType3 != "0" ? " / " + x.RouteType3 + " (" + x.RouteCode3 + ")" : ""),
                    //Depot = x.Associate.Depot.Name,
                    Depot = x.Depot.Name,
                    Mileage = x.Mileage,
                    Byod = x.BYODPrice,
                    //RouteRate = x.RoutePrice1 + x.RoutePrice2 + x.RoutePrice3,
                    RouteRate = x.RoutePrice1,
                    RouteExtraRate = x.RoutePrice2 + x.RoutePrice3,
                    FuelSupport = x.Mileage * settings.Mileage1MileSBL,
                    SubTotal = (x.BYODPrice + x.RoutePrice1 + x.RoutePrice2 + x.RoutePrice3 + (x.Mileage * settings.Mileage1MileSBL)),
                    AllocationStatus = x.AllocationStatus,
                    AuthPayroll = x.AuthPayroll,
                    AuthPoc = x.AuthPoc,
                    AuthAdmin = x.AuthAdmin,
                }).OrderBy(x => x.RouteDate).ToList();

                // get charges
                var getcharges = db.Charges.Where(x => x.AssociateId == associate.Id && x.Date >= focusDate && x.Date <= periodEndDate && x.Active == true && x.Deleted == false);

                // credits
                var credits = (from x in getcharges
                               where x.SetAsCredit == true
                               select new AssociateRemittanceViewModel.Credit
                    CreditDate = x.Date,
                    Description = x.Description,
                    CreditAmount = x.Amount

                // deductions
                var deductions = (from x in getcharges
                                  where x.SetAsCredit == false
                                  select new AssociateRemittanceViewModel.Deduction
                    DeductionDate = x.Date,
                    Description = x.Description,
                    DeductionAmount = x.Amount

                // subrentals

                var holidays = getroutes.Where(x => x.AllocationStatus == "HOLIDAY").ToList();

                var getsubrentals = db.SubRentals.Where(x =>
                                                        x.AssociateId == associate.Id &&
                                                        x.DateRented <= periodEndDate &&
                                                        //((x.DateReturned >= focusDate && x.DateReturned <= periodEndDate) || (!x.DateReturned.HasValue)) &&
                                                        ((x.DateReturned >= focusDate) || (!x.DateReturned.HasValue)) &&
                                                        x.Active == true &&
                                                        x.Deleted == false);

                var subrentals1 = (from x in getsubrentals
                                   select new AssociateRemittanceViewModel.SubRental
                    DateRented = x.DateRented,
                    DateReturned = x.DateReturned,
                    VanName = x.Vehicle.Make + " - " + x.Vehicle.Model + " - " + x.Vehicle.Registration,
                    VanRentalDays = 0,
                    VanRentalDescription = "",
                    VanRentalPrice = x.VanRentalPrice,
                    InsuranceDescription = "",
                    InsurancePrice = x.InsurancePrice,
                    GoodsInTransitDescription = "",
                    GoodsInTransitPrice = x.GoodsInTransitPrice,
                    PublicLiabilityDescription = "",
                    PublicLiabilityPrice = x.PublicLiabilityPrice,
                    SubRentalAmount = x.RentalPrice
                }).AsEnumerable().Select(s => new AssociateRemittanceViewModel.SubRental
                    DateRented    = s.DateRented,
                    DateReturned  = s.DateReturned,
                    VanName       = s.VanName,
                    VanRentalDays = s.DateRented < focusDate && !s.DateReturned.HasValue ? (periodEndDate - focusDate).Days + 1 - (holidays.Where(y => y.RouteDate >= focusDate && y.RouteDate <= periodEndDate).Count()) :
                                    s.DateRented >= focusDate && !s.DateReturned.HasValue ? (periodEndDate - s.DateRented).Value.Days + 1 - (holidays.Where(y => y.RouteDate >= s.DateRented && y.RouteDate <= periodEndDate).Count()) :
                                    s.DateRented < focusDate && s.DateReturned.HasValue ? s.DateReturned <= periodEndDate ? (s.DateReturned - focusDate).Value.Days + 1 - (holidays.Where(y => y.RouteDate >= focusDate && y.RouteDate <= s.DateReturned).Count()) : (periodEndDate - focusDate).Days + 1 - (holidays.Where(y => y.RouteDate >= focusDate && y.RouteDate <= periodEndDate).Count()) :
                                    s.DateRented >= focusDate && s.DateReturned.HasValue ? s.DateReturned <= periodEndDate ? (s.DateReturned - s.DateRented).Value.Days + 1 - (holidays.Where(y => y.RouteDate >= s.DateRented && y.RouteDate <= s.DateReturned).Count()) : (periodEndDate - s.DateRented).Value.Days + 1 - (holidays.Where(y => y.RouteDate >= s.DateRented && y.RouteDate <= periodEndDate).Count()) : 0,
                    VanRentalDescription       = "Van Rental: " + s.VanName,
                    VanRentalPrice             = s.VanRentalPrice,
                    InsuranceDescription       = "Insurance: " + s.VanName,
                    InsurancePrice             = s.InsurancePrice,
                    GoodsInTransitDescription  = "Goods in Transit: " + s.VanName,
                    GoodsInTransitPrice        = s.GoodsInTransitPrice,
                    PublicLiabilityDescription = "Public Liability: " + s.VanName,
                    PublicLiabilityPrice       = s.PublicLiabilityPrice,
                    SubRentalAmount            = s.SubRentalAmount

                var subrentals = (from x in subrentals1
                                  select new AssociateRemittanceViewModel.SubRental
                    DateRented = x.DateRented,
                    DateReturned = x.DateReturned,
                    VanName = x.VanName,
                    VanRentalDays = x.VanRentalDays,
                    VanRentalDescription = x.VanRentalDescription,
                    VanRentalPrice = x.VanRentalPrice,
                    InsuranceDescription = x.InsuranceDescription,
                    InsurancePrice = x.InsurancePrice,
                    GoodsInTransitDescription = x.GoodsInTransitDescription,
                    GoodsInTransitPrice = x.GoodsInTransitPrice,
                    PublicLiabilityDescription = x.PublicLiabilityDescription,
                    PublicLiabilityPrice = x.PublicLiabilityPrice,
                    SubRentalAmount = x.SubRentalAmount
                }).AsEnumerable().Select(s => new AssociateRemittanceViewModel.SubRental
                    DateRented    = s.DateRented,
                    DateReturned  = s.DateReturned,
                    VanName       = s.VanName,
                    VanRentalDays = s.VanRentalDays,
                    VanRentalDescription       = s.VanRentalDescription,
                    VanRentalPrice             = ((s.VanRentalPrice / 7) * s.VanRentalDays),
                    InsuranceDescription       = s.InsuranceDescription,
                    InsurancePrice             = ((s.InsurancePrice / 7) * s.VanRentalDays),
                    GoodsInTransitDescription  = s.GoodsInTransitDescription,
                    GoodsInTransitPrice        = ((s.GoodsInTransitPrice / 7) * s.VanRentalDays),
                    PublicLiabilityDescription = s.PublicLiabilityDescription,
                    PublicLiabilityPrice       = ((s.PublicLiabilityPrice / 7) * s.VanRentalDays),
                    SubRentalAmount            = ((s.SubRentalAmount / 7) * s.VanRentalDays),

                 * int vanRentalDays = getroutes.Where(x => x.AllocationStatus != "HOLIDAY").Count();
                 * var getsubrentals = db.SubRentals.Where(x => x.AssociateId == associate.Id && ((x.DateReturned >= focusDate && x.DateReturned <= periodEndDate) || (!x.DateReturned.HasValue)) && x.Active == true && x.Deleted == false);
                 * var subrentals1 = new List<AssociateRemittanceViewModel.SubRental>();
                 * foreach (var x in getsubrentals)
                 * {
                 *  subrentals1.Add(new AssociateRemittanceViewModel.SubRental
                 *  {
                 *      VanRentalDays = vanRentalDays,
                 *      VanRentalDescription = "Van Rental: " + x.Vehicle.Make + " - " + x.Vehicle.Model + " - " + x.Vehicle.Registration,
                 *      VanRentalPrice = ((x.VanRentalPrice / 7) * vanRentalDays),
                 *      InsuranceDescription = "Insurance: " + x.Vehicle.Make + " - " + x.Vehicle.Model + " - " + x.Vehicle.Registration,
                 *      InsurancePrice = ((x.InsurancePrice / 7) * vanRentalDays),
                 *      GoodsInTransitDescription = "Goods in Transit: " + x.Vehicle.Make + " - " + x.Vehicle.Model + " - " + x.Vehicle.Registration,
                 *      GoodsInTransitPrice = ((x.GoodsInTransitPrice / 7) * vanRentalDays),
                 *      PublicLiabilityDescription = "Public Liability: " + x.Vehicle.Make + " - " + x.Vehicle.Model + " - " + x.Vehicle.Registration,
                 *      PublicLiabilityPrice = ((x.PublicLiabilityPrice / 7) * vanRentalDays),
                 *      SubRentalAmount = ((x.RentalPrice / 7) * vanRentalDays)
                 *  });
                 * }
                 * var subrentals = (from x in subrentals1.ToList()
                 *                select new AssociateRemittanceViewModel.SubRental
                 *                {
                 *                    VanRentalDays = x.VanRentalDays,
                 *                    VanRentalDescription = x.VanRentalDescription,
                 *                    VanRentalPrice = x.VanRentalPrice,
                 *                    InsuranceDescription = x.InsuranceDescription,
                 *                    InsurancePrice = x.InsurancePrice,
                 *                    GoodsInTransitDescription = x.GoodsInTransitDescription,
                 *                    GoodsInTransitPrice = x.GoodsInTransitPrice,
                 *                    PublicLiabilityDescription = x.PublicLiabilityDescription,
                 *                    PublicLiabilityPrice = x.PublicLiabilityPrice,
                 *                    SubRentalAmount = x.SubRentalAmount
                 *                }).AsEnumerable().Select(s => new AssociateRemittanceViewModel.SubRental
                 *                {
                 *                    VanRentalDays = s.VanRentalDays,
                 *                    VanRentalDescription = s.VanRentalDescription,
                 *                    VanRentalPrice = s.VanRentalPrice,
                 *                    InsuranceDescription = s.InsuranceDescription,
                 *                    InsurancePrice = s.InsurancePrice,
                 *                    GoodsInTransitDescription = s.GoodsInTransitDescription,
                 *                    GoodsInTransitPrice = s.GoodsInTransitPrice,
                 *                    PublicLiabilityDescription = s.PublicLiabilityDescription,
                 *                    PublicLiabilityPrice = s.PublicLiabilityPrice,
                 *                    SubRentalAmount = s.SubRentalAmount
                 *                }).ToList();
                 * int vanRentalDays = getroutes.Where(x => x.AllocationStatus != "HOLIDAY").Count();
                 * var getsubrentals = db.SubRentals.Where(x => x.AssociateId == associate.Id && ((x.DateReturned >= focusDate && x.DateReturned <= periodEndDate) || (!x.DateReturned.HasValue)) && x.Active == true && x.Deleted == false);
                 * var subrentals = (from x in getsubrentals
                 *                select new AssociateRemittanceViewModel.SubRental
                 *                {
                 *                    VanRentalDays = vanRentalDays,
                 *                    VanRentalDescription = "Van Rental: " + x.Vehicle.Make + " - " + x.Vehicle.Model + " - " + x.Vehicle.Registration,
                 *                    VanRentalPrice = ((x.VanRentalPrice / 7) * vanRentalDays),
                 *                    InsuranceDescription = "Insurance: " + x.Vehicle.Make + " - " + x.Vehicle.Model + " - " + x.Vehicle.Registration,
                 *                    InsurancePrice = ((x.InsurancePrice / 7) * vanRentalDays),
                 *                    GoodsInTransitDescription = "Goods in Transit: " + x.Vehicle.Make + " - " + x.Vehicle.Model + " - " + x.Vehicle.Registration,
                 *                    GoodsInTransitPrice = ((x.GoodsInTransitPrice / 7) * vanRentalDays),
                 *                    PublicLiabilityDescription = "Public Liability: " + x.Vehicle.Make + " - " + x.Vehicle.Model + " - " + x.Vehicle.Registration,
                 *                    PublicLiabilityPrice = ((x.PublicLiabilityPrice / 7) * vanRentalDays),
                 *                    SubRentalAmount = ((x.RentalPrice / 7) * vanRentalDays)
                 *                }).ToList();
                 * var getsubrentals = db.SubRentals.Where(x => x.AssociateId == associate.Id && ((x.DateReturned >= focusDate && x.DateReturned <= periodEndDate) || (!x.DateReturned.HasValue)) && x.Active == true && x.Deleted == false);
                 * var subrentals = new List<AssociateRemittanceViewModel.SubRental>();
                 * foreach (var rental in getsubrentals)
                 * {
                 *  string vanName = rental.Vehicle.Make + " - " + rental.Vehicle.Model + " - " + rental.Vehicle.Registration;
                 *  string rentalDates = "";
                 *  int rentalDays = 0;
                 *  for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
                 *  {
                 *      DateTime checkDate = focusDate.AddDays(i);
                 *      if (getroutes.Where(x => x.RouteDate == checkDate && x.AllocationStatus == "HOLIDAY").Count() == 0)
                 *      {
                 *          if ((rental.DateRented <= checkDate && !rental.DateReturned.HasValue) || rental.DateReturned == checkDate)
                 *          {
                 *              rentalDates = rentalDates + String.Format("{0:dd/MM} ", checkDate.Date);
                 *              rentalDays = rentalDays + 1;
                 *          }
                 *      }
                 *  }
                 *  subrentals.Add(new AssociateRemittanceViewModel.SubRental
                 *  {
                 *      VanRentalDates = rentalDates,
                 *      VanRentalDays = rentalDays,
                 *      VanRentalDescription = "Van Rental: " + vanName,
                 *      VanRentalPrice = ((rental.VanRentalPrice / 7) * rentalDays),
                 *      InsuranceDescription = "Insurance: " + vanName,
                 *      InsurancePrice = ((rental.InsurancePrice / 7) * rentalDays),
                 *      GoodsInTransitDescription = "Goods in Transit: " + vanName,
                 *      GoodsInTransitPrice = ((rental.GoodsInTransitPrice / 7) * rentalDays),
                 *      PublicLiabilityDescription = "Public Liability: " + vanName,
                 *      PublicLiabilityPrice = ((rental.PublicLiabilityPrice / 7) * rentalDays),
                 *      SubRentalAmount = ((rental.RentalPrice / 7) * rentalDays)
                 *  });
                 * }
                 * subrentals = subrentals.ToList();
                 * //int vanRentalDays = getroutes.Where(x => x.AllocationStatus != "HOLIDAY").Count();
                 * //var subRentals = associate.SubRentals.Where(x => ((x.DateReturned >= focusDate && x.DateReturned <= periodEndDate) || (x.DateReturned == null)) && x.Active && x.Deleted == false).ToList();
                 * var subrentals2 = (from x in getsubrentals
                 *                select new AssociateRemittanceViewModel.SubRental
                 *                {
                 *                    VanRentalDays = vanRentalDays,
                 *                    VanRentalDescription = "Van Rental: " + x.Vehicle.Make + " - " + x.Vehicle.Model + " - " + x.Vehicle.Registration,
                 *                    VanRentalPrice = ((x.VanRentalPrice / 7) * vanRentalDays),
                 *                    InsuranceDescription = "Insurance: " + x.Vehicle.Make + " - " + x.Vehicle.Model + " - " + x.Vehicle.Registration,
                 *                    InsurancePrice = ((x.InsurancePrice / 7) * vanRentalDays),
                 *                    GoodsInTransitDescription = "Goods in Transit: " + x.Vehicle.Make + " - " + x.Vehicle.Model + " - " + x.Vehicle.Registration,
                 *                    GoodsInTransitPrice = ((x.GoodsInTransitPrice / 7) * vanRentalDays),
                 *                    PublicLiabilityDescription = "Public Liability: " + x.Vehicle.Make + " - " + x.Vehicle.Model + " - " + x.Vehicle.Registration,
                 *                    PublicLiabilityPrice = ((x.PublicLiabilityPrice / 7) * vanRentalDays),
                 *                    SubRentalAmount = ((x.RentalPrice / 7) * vanRentalDays)
                 *                }).ToList();

                // extra deductions
                var extradeductions = (from x in getroutes
                                       where x.FuelChargePrice > 0
                                       select new AssociateRemittanceViewModel.ExtraDeduction
                    DeductionDate = x.RouteDate,
                    Description = "Fuel Charge",
                    DeductionAmount = x.FuelChargePrice

                // charge claims
                List <AssociateRemittanceViewModel.ChargeClaim> chargeclaims = new List <AssociateRemittanceViewModel.ChargeClaim>();
                //var getchargeclaims = db.ChargeClaims.Where(x => x.AssociateId == associate.Id && x.DateFirstInstalment <= focusDate && x.DateLastInstalment <= periodEndDate && x.Active == true && x.Deleted == false);
                var getchargeclaims = db.ChargeClaims.Where(x => x.AssociateId == associate.Id && x.Active == true && x.Deleted == false);
                foreach (var charge in getchargeclaims)
                    int    instalments = charge.NumberOfInstalments;
                    double amount      = charge.Amount / charge.NumberOfInstalments;
                    for (int i = 0; i < instalments; i++)
                        int      weekdate       = 7 * charge.WeekFrequency * i;
                        string   description    = charge.Description + " (" + (charge.WeekFrequency == 1 ? "Every " + charge.WeekFrequency + " week" : "Every " + charge.WeekFrequency + " weeks") + ": " + (i + 1) + "/" + charge.NumberOfInstalments + ")";
                        DateTime instalmentdate = charge.DateFirstInstalment.AddDays(weekdate);
                        if (instalmentdate >= focusDate && instalmentdate <= periodEndDate)
                            chargeclaims.Add(new AssociateRemittanceViewModel.ChargeClaim
                                Id = charge.Id,
                                ChargeClaimDate   = instalmentdate,
                                ChargeClaimAmount = amount,
                                Description       = description

                // charge pcn
                List <AssociateRemittanceViewModel.ChargePcn> chargepcns = new List <AssociateRemittanceViewModel.ChargePcn>();
                var getchargepcns = db.ChargePcns.Where(x => x.AssociateId == associate.Id && x.Active == true && x.Deleted == false);
                foreach (var charge in getchargepcns)
                    int    instalments = charge.NumberOfInstalments;
                    double amount      = (charge.PcnFee + charge.AdminFee) / charge.NumberOfInstalments;
                    for (int i = 0; i < instalments; i++)
                        int      weekdate       = 7 * charge.WeekFrequency * i;
                        string   description    = charge.Description + " (" + (charge.WeekFrequency == 1 ? "Every " + charge.WeekFrequency + " week" : "Every " + charge.WeekFrequency + " weeks") + ": " + (i + 1) + "/" + charge.NumberOfInstalments + ")";
                        DateTime instalmentdate = charge.DateFirstInstalment.AddDays(weekdate);
                        if (instalmentdate >= focusDate && instalmentdate <= periodEndDate)
                            chargepcns.Add(new AssociateRemittanceViewModel.ChargePcn
                                Id              = charge.Id,
                                ChargePcnDate   = instalmentdate,
                                ChargePcnAmount = amount,
                                Description     = description

                var sumMileage        = routes.Sum(x => x.Mileage);
                var sumByod           = routes.Sum(x => x.Byod);
                var sumRouteRate      = routes.Sum(x => x.RouteRate);
                var sumRouteExtraRate = routes.Sum(x => x.RouteExtraRate);
                var sumFuelSupport    = routes.Sum(x => x.FuelSupport);
                var sumSubTotal     = routes.Sum(x => x.SubTotal);
                var sumCreditAmount = credits.Sum(x => x.CreditAmount);
                var sumDeductionAmount      = deductions.Sum(x => x.DeductionAmount);
                var sumSubRentalAmount      = subrentals.Sum(x => x.SubRentalAmount);
                var sumExtraDeductionAmount = extradeductions.Sum(x => x.DeductionAmount);
                var sumChargeClaimAmount    = chargeclaims.Sum(x => x.ChargeClaimAmount);
                var sumChargePcnAmount      = chargepcns.Sum(x => x.ChargePcnAmount);
                var totalCredits    = sumSubTotal + sumCreditAmount;
                var totalDeductions = sumDeductionAmount + sumSubRentalAmount + sumExtraDeductionAmount + sumChargeClaimAmount + sumChargePcnAmount;
                var total = totalCredits - totalDeductions;

                var viewModel = new AssociateRemittanceViewModel
                    AssociateId = associate.Id,
                    WeekNumber  = week,
                    SblRemittanceBusinessName      = settings.SblRemittanceBusinessName,
                    SblRemittanceBusinessVatNumber = settings.SblRemittanceBusinessVatNumber,
                    SblRemittanceThankYouMessage   = settings.SblRemittanceThankYouMessage,
                    SblRemittanceBusinessAddress   = settings.SblRemittanceBusinessAddress,
                    SblRemittanceBusinessCity      = settings.SblRemittanceBusinessCity,
                    SblRemittanceBusinessPostcode  = settings.SblRemittanceBusinessPostcode,
                    AssociateName     = associate.Name,
                    AssociateAddress  = associate.Address,
                    AssociateCity     = associate.City,
                    AssociatePostcode = associate.Postcode,
                    AssociatePhone    = associate.Mobile,
                    AssociateEmail    = associate.Email,
                    RemittanceDate    = periodEndDate,
                    DueDate           = periodEndDate.AddDays(28),
                    FromDate          = focusDate,
                    SumMileage        = sumMileage,
                    SumByod           = sumByod,
                    SumRouteRate      = sumRouteRate,
                    SumRouteExtraRate = sumRouteExtraRate,
                    SumFuelSupport    = sumFuelSupport,
                    SumSubTotal       = sumSubTotal,
                    Routes            = routes,
                    SumCreditAmount = sumCreditAmount,
                    Credits         = credits,
                    SumDeductionAmount = sumDeductionAmount,
                    Deductions         = deductions,
                    SumSubRentalAmount = sumSubRentalAmount,
                    SubRentals         = subrentals,
                    SumExtraDeductionAmount = sumExtraDeductionAmount,
                    ExtraDeductions         = extradeductions,
                    SumChargeClaimAmount = sumChargeClaimAmount,
                    ChargeClaims         = chargeclaims,
                    SumChargePcnAmount = sumChargePcnAmount,
                    ChargePcns         = chargepcns,
                    TotalDeductions = totalDeductions,
                    TotalCredits    = totalCredits,
                    Total           = total,

                if (viewModel == null)


Ejemplo n.º 2
        public ActionResult AssociateReceipt(int?AssociateId, DateTime?Date)
            // current user
            var userid      = User.Identity.GetUserId();
            var currentuser = db.Users.Where(x => x.Id == userid).FirstOrDefault();

            // get settings
            var settings = db.Settings.FirstOrDefault();

            // focus date
            var focusDate = Date.Value.Date;

            // week
            int week = Helpers.DateTimeExtensions.GetWeekNumberOfYear(focusDate);

            // days and period end date
            var periodEndDate = focusDate.AddDays(6);

            // get associate
            var associate = db.Associates.Where(x => x.Id == AssociateId).FirstOrDefault();

            // own vehicle deduct price
            double deductOwnVechileAmount = 0;

            if (associate != null)
                if (associate.OwnVehicle)
                    deductOwnVechileAmount = settings.OwnVehicleDeductionPrice;

                // get routes
                var getroutes = db.RouteAllocations.Where(x => x.AssociateId == associate.Id && x.RouteDate >= focusDate && x.RouteDate <= periodEndDate && x.Active == true && x.Deleted == false);

                // routes
                var routes = (from x in getroutes
                              select new AssociateRemittanceViewModel.Route
                    Id = x.Id,
                    RouteDate = x.RouteDate,
                    //RouteType1 = x.RouteType + (x.RouteType2 != "0" ? " / " + x.RouteType2 : "") + (x.RouteType3 != "0" ? " / " + x.RouteType3 : ""),
                    //RouteCode = x.RouteCode + (x.RouteCode2 != "0" ? " / " + x.RouteCode2 : "") + (x.RouteCode3 != "0" ? " / " + x.RouteCode3 : ""),
                    RouteType1 = x.RouteType1,
                    RouteCode1 = x.RouteCode1,
                    RouteExtra = (x.RouteType2 != "0" ?
                                  x.RouteType2 == "SupportAd1" ||
                                  x.RouteType2 == "SupportAd2" ||
                                  x.RouteType2 == "SupportAd3" ? "Support" : x.RouteType2 : "") +
                                 (x.RouteType3 != "0" ? " / " +
                                  x.RouteType3 == "SupportAd1" ||
                                  x.RouteType3 == "SupportAd2" ||
                                  x.RouteType3 == "SupportAd3" ? "Support" : x.RouteType3 : "") +
                                 (x.RouteType4 != "0" ? " / " +
                                  x.RouteType4 == "SupportAd1" ||
                                  x.RouteType4 == "SupportAd2" ||
                                  x.RouteType4 == "SupportAd3" ? "Support" : x.RouteType4 : "") +
                                 (x.RouteType5 != "0" ? " / " +
                                  x.RouteType5 == "SupportAd1" ||
                                  x.RouteType5 == "SupportAd2" ||
                                  x.RouteType5 == "SupportAd3" ? "Support" : x.RouteType5 : ""),
                    //RouteExtra = (x.RouteType2 != "0" ? x.RouteType2 + " (" + x.RouteCode2 + ")" : "") + (x.RouteType3 != "0" ? " / " + x.RouteType3 + " (" + x.RouteCode3 + ")" : ""),
                    //Depot = x.Associate.Depot.Name,
                    Depot = x.Depot.Name,
                    Mileage = x.Mileage,
                    Byod = x.BYODPrice,
                    //RouteRate = x.RoutePrice1 + x.RoutePrice2 + x.RoutePrice3,
                    RouteRate = x.RoutePrice1,
                    RouteExtraRate = x.RoutePrice2 + x.RoutePrice3,
                    FuelSupport = x.Mileage * settings.Mileage1MileSBL,
                    SubTotal = (x.BYODPrice + x.RoutePrice1 + x.RoutePrice2 + x.RoutePrice3 + (x.Mileage * settings.Mileage1MileSBL)),
                    AllocationStatus = x.AllocationStatus,
                    AuthPayroll = x.AuthPayroll,
                    AuthPoc = x.AuthPoc,
                    AuthAdmin = x.AuthAdmin,
                }).OrderBy(x => x.RouteDate).ToList();

                // get charges
                var getcharges = db.Charges.Where(x => x.AssociateId == associate.Id && x.Date >= focusDate && x.Date <= periodEndDate && x.Active == true && x.Deleted == false);

                // credits
                var credits = (from x in getcharges
                               where x.SetAsCredit == true
                               select new AssociateRemittanceViewModel.Credit
                    CreditDate = x.Date,
                    Description = x.Description,
                    CreditAmount = x.Amount

                // deductions
                var deductions = (from x in getcharges
                                  where x.SetAsCredit == false
                                  select new AssociateRemittanceViewModel.Deduction
                    DeductionDate = x.Date,
                    Description = x.Description,
                    DeductionAmount = x.Amount

                // subrentals

                var holidays = getroutes.Where(x => x.AllocationStatus == "HOLIDAY").ToList();

                var getsubrentals = db.SubRentals.Where(x =>
                                                        x.AssociateId == associate.Id &&
                                                        x.DateRented <= periodEndDate &&
                                                        //((x.DateReturned >= focusDate && x.DateReturned <= periodEndDate) || (!x.DateReturned.HasValue)) &&
                                                        ((x.DateReturned >= focusDate) || (!x.DateReturned.HasValue)) &&
                                                        x.Active == true &&
                                                        x.Deleted == false);

                var subrentals1 = (from x in getsubrentals
                                   select new AssociateRemittanceViewModel.SubRental
                    DateRented = x.DateRented,
                    DateReturned = x.DateReturned,
                    VanName = x.Vehicle.Make + " - " + x.Vehicle.Model + " - " + x.Vehicle.Registration,
                    VanRentalDays = 0,
                    VanRentalDescription = "",
                    VanRentalPrice = x.VanRentalPrice,
                    InsuranceDescription = "",
                    InsurancePrice = x.InsurancePrice,
                    GoodsInTransitDescription = "",
                    GoodsInTransitPrice = x.GoodsInTransitPrice,
                    PublicLiabilityDescription = "",
                    PublicLiabilityPrice = x.PublicLiabilityPrice,
                    SubRentalAmount = x.RentalPrice
                }).AsEnumerable().Select(s => new AssociateRemittanceViewModel.SubRental
                    DateRented    = s.DateRented,
                    DateReturned  = s.DateReturned,
                    VanName       = s.VanName,
                    VanRentalDays = s.DateRented < focusDate && !s.DateReturned.HasValue ? (periodEndDate - focusDate).Days + 1 - (holidays.Where(y => y.RouteDate >= focusDate && y.RouteDate <= periodEndDate).Count()) :
                                    s.DateRented >= focusDate && !s.DateReturned.HasValue ? (periodEndDate - s.DateRented).Value.Days + 1 - (holidays.Where(y => y.RouteDate >= s.DateRented && y.RouteDate <= periodEndDate).Count()) :
                                    s.DateRented < focusDate && s.DateReturned.HasValue ? s.DateReturned <= periodEndDate ? (s.DateReturned - focusDate).Value.Days + 1 - (holidays.Where(y => y.RouteDate >= focusDate && y.RouteDate <= s.DateReturned).Count()) : (periodEndDate - focusDate).Days + 1 - (holidays.Where(y => y.RouteDate >= focusDate && y.RouteDate <= periodEndDate).Count()) :
                                    s.DateRented >= focusDate && s.DateReturned.HasValue ? s.DateReturned <= periodEndDate ? (s.DateReturned - s.DateRented).Value.Days + 1 - (holidays.Where(y => y.RouteDate >= s.DateRented && y.RouteDate <= s.DateReturned).Count()) : (periodEndDate - s.DateRented).Value.Days + 1 - (holidays.Where(y => y.RouteDate >= s.DateRented && y.RouteDate <= periodEndDate).Count()) : 0,
                    VanRentalDescription       = "Van Rental: " + s.VanName,
                    VanRentalPrice             = s.VanRentalPrice,
                    InsuranceDescription       = "Insurance: " + s.VanName,
                    InsurancePrice             = s.InsurancePrice,
                    GoodsInTransitDescription  = "Goods in Transit: " + s.VanName,
                    GoodsInTransitPrice        = s.GoodsInTransitPrice,
                    PublicLiabilityDescription = "Public Liability: " + s.VanName,
                    PublicLiabilityPrice       = s.PublicLiabilityPrice,
                    SubRentalAmount            = s.SubRentalAmount

                var subrentals = (from x in subrentals1
                                  select new AssociateRemittanceViewModel.SubRental
                    DateRented = x.DateRented,
                    DateReturned = x.DateReturned,
                    VanName = x.VanName,
                    VanRentalDays = x.VanRentalDays,
                    VanRentalDescription = x.VanRentalDescription,
                    VanRentalPrice = x.VanRentalPrice,
                    InsuranceDescription = x.InsuranceDescription,
                    InsurancePrice = x.InsurancePrice,
                    GoodsInTransitDescription = x.GoodsInTransitDescription,
                    GoodsInTransitPrice = x.GoodsInTransitPrice,
                    PublicLiabilityDescription = x.PublicLiabilityDescription,
                    PublicLiabilityPrice = x.PublicLiabilityPrice,
                    SubRentalAmount = x.SubRentalAmount
                }).AsEnumerable().Select(s => new AssociateRemittanceViewModel.SubRental
                    DateRented    = s.DateRented,
                    DateReturned  = s.DateReturned,
                    VanName       = s.VanName,
                    VanRentalDays = s.VanRentalDays,
                    VanRentalDescription       = s.VanRentalDescription,
                    VanRentalPrice             = ((s.VanRentalPrice / 7) * s.VanRentalDays),
                    InsuranceDescription       = s.InsuranceDescription,
                    InsurancePrice             = ((s.InsurancePrice / 7) * s.VanRentalDays),
                    GoodsInTransitDescription  = s.GoodsInTransitDescription,
                    GoodsInTransitPrice        = ((s.GoodsInTransitPrice / 7) * s.VanRentalDays),
                    PublicLiabilityDescription = s.PublicLiabilityDescription,
                    PublicLiabilityPrice       = ((s.PublicLiabilityPrice / 7) * s.VanRentalDays),
                    SubRentalAmount            = ((s.SubRentalAmount / 7) * s.VanRentalDays),

                // extra deductions
                var extradeductions = (from x in getroutes
                                       where x.FuelChargePrice > 0
                                       select new AssociateRemittanceViewModel.ExtraDeduction
                    DeductionDate = x.RouteDate,
                    Description = "Fuel Charge",
                    DeductionAmount = x.FuelChargePrice

                var sumMileage        = routes.Sum(x => x.Mileage);
                var sumByod           = routes.Sum(x => x.Byod);
                var sumRouteRate      = routes.Sum(x => x.RouteRate);
                var sumRouteExtraRate = routes.Sum(x => x.RouteExtraRate);
                var sumFuelSupport    = routes.Sum(x => x.FuelSupport);
                var sumSubTotal     = routes.Sum(x => x.SubTotal);
                var sumCreditAmount = credits.Sum(x => x.CreditAmount);
                var sumDeductionAmount      = deductions.Sum(x => x.DeductionAmount);
                var sumSubRentalAmount      = subrentals.Sum(x => x.SubRentalAmount);
                var sumExtraDeductionAmount = extradeductions.Sum(x => x.DeductionAmount);
                var totalCredits    = sumSubTotal + sumCreditAmount;
                var totalDeductions = sumDeductionAmount + sumSubRentalAmount + sumExtraDeductionAmount;
                var total = totalCredits - totalDeductions;

                var viewModel = new AssociateRemittanceViewModel
                    AssociateId = associate.Id,
                    WeekNumber  = week,
                    SblRemittanceBusinessName      = settings.SblRemittanceBusinessName,
                    SblRemittanceBusinessVatNumber = settings.SblRemittanceBusinessVatNumber,
                    SblRemittanceThankYouMessage   = settings.SblRemittanceThankYouMessage,
                    SblRemittanceBusinessAddress   = settings.SblRemittanceBusinessAddress,
                    SblRemittanceBusinessCity      = settings.SblRemittanceBusinessCity,
                    SblRemittanceBusinessPostcode  = settings.SblRemittanceBusinessPostcode,
                    AssociateName     = associate.Name,
                    AssociateAddress  = associate.Address,
                    AssociateCity     = associate.City,
                    AssociatePostcode = associate.Postcode,
                    AssociatePhone    = associate.Mobile,
                    AssociateEmail    = associate.Email,
                    RemittanceDate    = periodEndDate,
                    DueDate           = periodEndDate.AddDays(28),
                    FromDate          = focusDate,
                    SumMileage        = sumMileage,
                    SumByod           = sumByod,
                    SumRouteRate      = sumRouteRate,
                    SumRouteExtraRate = sumRouteExtraRate,
                    SumFuelSupport    = sumFuelSupport,
                    SumSubTotal       = sumSubTotal,
                    Routes            = routes,
                    SumCreditAmount = sumCreditAmount,
                    Credits         = credits,
                    SumDeductionAmount = sumDeductionAmount,
                    Deductions         = deductions,
                    SumSubRentalAmount = sumSubRentalAmount,
                    SubRentals         = subrentals,
                    SumExtraDeductionAmount = sumExtraDeductionAmount,
                    ExtraDeductions         = extradeductions,
                    TotalDeductions = totalDeductions,
                    TotalCredits    = totalCredits,
                    Total           = total,

                if (viewModel == null)

