public OpDescrTriplet Add(int prec, string sassoc, string name, bool user) { AssocType assoc = AssocType.None; OpDescrTriplet triplet; try { assoc = (AssocType)Enum.Parse(typeof(AssocType), sassoc); } catch { IO.Error("Illegal operator associativity '{0}'", sassoc); } if (prec < 0 || prec > 1200) { IO.Error("Illegal precedence value {0} for operator '{1}'", prec, name); } if (TryGetValue(name, out triplet)) // operator exists -- modify its properties { triplet.Assign(name, prec, assoc, user); } else { this[name] = triplet = new OpDescrTriplet(name, prec, assoc, user); } return(triplet); }
public void Assign(string name, int prec, AssocType assoc, bool user) { AssocGroup fixType = GetFixType(assoc); od = triplet[(int)fixType]; od.Name = (name == "','") ? "," : name; od.Prec = prec; od.Assoc = assoc; od.User = user; od.IsInfix = (fixType == AssocGroup.Infix); od.IsPrefix = (fixType == AssocGroup.Prefix); od.IsPostfix = (fixType == AssocGroup.Postfix); od.LeftRelOp = (assoc == AssocType.yfx || assoc == AssocType.fy || assoc == AssocType.yf) ? RelOp.LE : RelOp.LT; od.RightRelOp = (assoc == AssocType.xfy || assoc == AssocType.fy || assoc == AssocType.yf) ? RelOp.LE : RelOp.LT; // An operator can be either prefix or postfix, but not both. In addition, it can be infix. if (fixType == AssocGroup.Prefix) { triplet[(int)AssocGroup.Postfix].Undefine(); } else if (fixType == AssocGroup.Postfix) { triplet[(int)AssocGroup.Prefix].Undefine(); } }
public void CopyValuesFrom(BaseTerm t) { functor = t.functor; args = t.args; termType = t.termType; assocType = t.assocType; precedence = t.precedence; }
public void Undefine() { name = null; prec = -1; assoc = AssocType.None; user = false; leftRelOp = rightRelOp = RelOp.None; isInfix = false; isPrefix = false; isPostfix = false; }
internal Oper(AssocType assoc, TokenType type, int level, ParseDelegate parseFunc = null, CombineDelegate combineFunc = null) : this(assoc, type, level) { if (parseFunc != null) { Parse = parseFunc; } if (combineFunc != null) { Combine = combineFunc; } }
public OpDescrTriplet(string name, int prec, AssocType assoc, bool user) { = name; triplet = new OperatorDescr[3]; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { triplet[i] = new OperatorDescr(); } Assign(name, prec, assoc, user); }
public void Unassign(string name, AssocType assoc) { AssocGroup fixType = GetFixType(assoc); od = triplet[(int)fixType]; if (od == null || od.Assoc == AssocType.None) { IO.Error("Operator '{0}' does not have an association type '{1}'", name, assoc); } triplet[(int)fixType].Undefine(); }
public OperatorDescr AddPrologOperator(int prec, string type, string name, bool user) { AssocType assoc = AssocType.None; try { assoc = (AssocType)Enum.Parse(typeof(AssocType), type); } catch { IO.Error("Illegal operator type '{0}'", type); } if (prec < 0 || prec > 1200) { IO.Error("Illegal precedence value {0} for operator '{1}'", prec, name); } TerminalDescr td; OpDescrTriplet triplet; if (terminalTable.Find(name, out td)) { // some operator symbols (:-, -->, +, ...) already exist prior to their op/3 definition if (td.Payload == null) { td.Payload = opTable.Add(prec, type, name, user); td.IVal = Operator; } else // no need to add it -- just change its properties { ((OpDescrTriplet)td.Payload).Assign(name, prec, assoc, user); td.IVal = Operator; } triplet = (OpDescrTriplet)td.Payload; } else // new operator { triplet = opTable.Add(prec, type, name, user); terminalTable.Add(name, Operator, triplet); } return(triplet [assoc]); }
static AssocGroup GetFixType(AssocType assoc) { switch (assoc) { case AssocType.xfx: case AssocType.xfy: case AssocType.yfx: return(AssocGroup.Infix); case AssocType.fx: case AssocType.fy: return(AssocGroup.Prefix); case AssocType.xf: case AssocType.yf: return(AssocGroup.Postfix); } throw new ApplicationException("Illegal call to GetFixType"); }
public void RemovePrologOperator(string type, string name, bool user) { AssocType assoc = AssocType.None; try { assoc = (AssocType)Enum.Parse(typeof(AssocType), type); } catch { IO.Error("Illegal operator type '{0}'", type); } TerminalDescr td; if (terminalTable.Find(name, out td) && td.Payload != null) { if (!user) { IO.Error("Undefine of operator ({0}, {1}) not allowed", type, name); } else { ((OpDescrTriplet)td.Payload).Unassign(name, assoc); foreach (OperatorDescr od in ((OpDescrTriplet)td.Payload)) { if (od.IsDefined) { return; } } terminalTable.Remove(name); // name no longer used } } else // unknown operator { IO.Error("Operator not found: ({0}, {1})", type, name); } }
public OperatorDescr this[AssocType assoc] { get { return(triplet[(int)GetFixType(assoc)]); } }
public TermNode ToGoalList(int stackSize, int level) // called during execution (when there is a stack) { TermNode result = null; BaseTerm t0, t1; TermType tt = this.TermType; AssocType at = this.AssocType; int pr = this.Precedence; if (this is Cut) { if (stackSize == 0) { return(new TermNode(this, null, level)); } else { return(new TermNode(new Cut(stackSize), null, level)); } } switch (this.Functor as string) { case PrologParser.IMPLIES: t0 = Arg(0); if (!t0.IsCallable) { IO.Error("Illegal predicate head: {0}", t0); } t1 = Arg(1); result = new TermNode(t0, t1.ToGoalList(stackSize, level)); break; case PrologParser.DCGIMPL: t0 = Arg(0); if (!t0.IsCallable) { IO.Error("Illegal DCG head: {0}", t0); } t1 = Arg(1); result = new TermNode(t0, t1.ToGoalList(stackSize, level)); break; case PrologParser.COMMA: t0 = Arg(0); t1 = Arg(1); result = t0.ToGoalList(stackSize, level); result.Append(t1.ToGoalList(stackSize, level)); break; case PrologParser.DOT: t0 = Arg(0); t1 = Arg(1); result = (new CompoundTerm("consult", new ListTerm(t0, t1))).ToGoalList(stackSize, level); break; case PrologParser.CURL: t0 = Arg(0); result = t0.ToGoalList(stackSize, level); break; default: if (this.IsVar) { result = new TermNode(new CompoundTerm("meta$call", this), null, level); } else if (this.IsCallable) { result = new TermNode(this, null, level); } else { IO.Error("Illegal term {0} in goal list", this); } break; } return(result); }
protected BaseTerm() // base() constructor { assocType = AssocType.None; precedence = 0; }
public BaseToken() { = AssocType.None; }
internal Oper(AssocType assoc, TokenType type, int level) { this.assoc = assoc; this.type = type; this.level = level; switch (assoc) { case AssocType.BinaryLeft: case AssocType.BinaryRight: switch (type) { case TokenType.GT: Parse = _parse_gt; break; case TokenType.LT: Parse = _parse_lt; break; default: Parse = _parse; break; } Combine = _combine_binary; break; case AssocType.PostfixDot: this.assoc = AssocType.Postfix; Parse = _parse_postfix_dot; Combine = _combine_postfix_dot; break; case AssocType.PostfixColon: this.assoc = AssocType.Postfix; Parse = _parse_postfix_colon; Combine = _combine_postfix_colon; break; case AssocType.BinaryDot: this.assoc = AssocType.BinaryLeft; Parse = _parse; Combine = _combine_binary_dot; break; case AssocType.BinaryColon: this.assoc = AssocType.BinaryLeft; Parse = _parse; Combine = _combine_binary_colon; break; case AssocType.PostfixCall: this.assoc = AssocType.Postfix; Parse = _parse_postfix_call; Combine = _combine_postfix_call; break; case AssocType.PostfixIndex: this.assoc = AssocType.Postfix; Parse = _parse_postfix_index; Combine = _combine_postfix_index; break; case AssocType.BinaryAssign: this.assoc = AssocType.BinaryRight; Parse = _parse; Combine = _combine_binary_assign; break; case AssocType.BinaryAssignOp: this.assoc = AssocType.BinaryRight; Parse = _parse; Combine = _combine_binary_assign_op; break; case AssocType.BinaryLogic: this.assoc = AssocType.BinaryLeft; Parse = _parse; Combine = _combine_binary_logic; break; case AssocType.Postfix: Parse = _parse; Combine = _combine_postfix; break; case AssocType.Prefix: Parse = _parse; Combine = _combine_prefix; break; case AssocType.PostfixAssign: this.assoc = AssocType.Postfix; Parse = _parse; Combine = _combine_postfix_assign; break; case AssocType.PrefixAssign: this.assoc = AssocType.Prefix; Parse = _parse; Combine = _combine_prefix_assign; break; case AssocType.PostfixIs: this.assoc = AssocType.Postfix; Parse = _parse_is_as; Combine = _combine_postfix_is; break; case AssocType.PostfixAsType: this.assoc = AssocType.Postfix; Parse = _parse_is_as; Combine = _combine_postfix_as_type; break; case AssocType.PrefixCast: this.assoc = AssocType.Prefix; Parse = _parse; Combine = _combine_prefix_cast; break; case AssocType.PrefixRuntimeId: this.assoc = AssocType.Prefix; Parse = _parse; Combine = _combine_prefix_runtime_id; break; case AssocType.BinaryAlias: this.assoc = AssocType.BinaryLeft; Parse = _parse_alias; Combine = _combine_binary_alias; break; case AssocType.BinarySubstr: this.assoc = AssocType.BinaryLeft; Parse = _parse; Combine = _combine_binary_substr; break; case AssocType.None: Parse = _parse_empty; Combine = null; break; } }