public async void AddCardsToDecksTable(string assistedCardId, int quantity)
            // DecksTable lastEntry = (from x in _context.DecksTable where assistedCardId == x.CardId select x.Id).FirstOrDefault();

            AssistedDeckViewModel assistedDeck = new AssistedDeckViewModel();
            var deckStatus = HttpContext.Session.GetString("AssistedDeck") ?? "EmptySession";

            if (deckStatus != "EmptySession")
                assistedDeck = System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Deserialize <AssistedDeckViewModel>(deckStatus);

            for (int i = 0; i < quantity; i++)
                DecksTable deckTable    = new DecksTable();
                var        userId       = FindUserId();
                var        idCollection = (from x in _context.CardsTable where assistedCardId == x.CardId select x.Id).FirstOrDefault();

                deckTable.CardId    = idCollection;
                deckTable.AspUserId = userId;
                deckTable.DeckName  = assistedDeck.DeckName;
                deckTable.Quantity  = 1;
                if (quantity > 1)
                    deckTable.ColorIdentity = "L";

        public async Task <IActionResult> AdvanceCreatureManaCurve()
            ScryfallDAL dl       = new ScryfallDAL();
            string      identity = FindPlayerType();

            AssistedDeckViewModel assistedDeck = OpenSession();

            string assistedDeckJSON = "";


            //Checks if all points on the mana curve have been filled out. Once they have, creatures portion of deck
            //being true should now be true, so f converted t at position 5, and information is returned to index. this will
            //update the button status from red to green and indicate that this portion is taken care of.
            if (assistedDeck.CurvePosition >= assistedDeck.CurveData.Count())
                assistedDeck.DeckStatus = assistedDeck.DeckStatus.Substring(0, 4) + "t";
                assistedDeckJSON        = System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Serialize(assistedDeck);
                HttpContext.Session.SetString("AssistedDeck", assistedDeckJSON);
                return(View("Index", assistedDeck));

            assistedDeck.ErrorMessage = $"You need to select exactly {assistedDeck.CurveData[assistedDeck.CurvePosition]} creatures of this mana level.";

            assistedDeck.CardSearch = await dl.GetSearch($"id:{identity.ToLower()}+t:\"Creature\"+cmc={assistedDeck.CurvePosition+2}{RemoveDuplicatesFromEndpoint(assistedDeck.DeckName)}", FindPlayerBudget());

            assistedDeck.Creatures = assistedDeck.CurveData[assistedDeck.CurvePosition];
            assistedDeckJSON       = System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Serialize(assistedDeck);
            HttpContext.Session.SetString("AssistedDeck", assistedDeckJSON);

            return(View("FindCreatures", assistedDeck));
        public async Task <IActionResult> AddCreaturesIfValid()
            var SelectedCard = new List <string>();

            using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(Request.Body, Encoding.UTF8))
                var x = await reader.ReadToEndAsync();

                SelectedCard = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <string> >(x);

            AssistedDeckViewModel assistedDeck = OpenSession();
            int creatureCount = assistedDeck.CurveData[assistedDeck.CurvePosition];

            if (SelectedCard.Count() != creatureCount)
                foreach (string card in SelectedCard)
                    await Task.Run(() => AddCardsToCardsTable(card));

                    await Task.Run(() => AddCardsToDecksTable(card, 1));

        public async Task <IActionResult> StartCreatures()
            //This List displays how many creatures should be chosen at each mana value along a mana curve.
            List <int> cardCurveData = new List <int>()

            //Opens session, stores card curve data, then re-serializes as assistedDeckJSON. This assisted deck is then passed to the view
            AssistedDeckViewModel assistedDeck = OpenSession();

            assistedDeck.CurveData    = cardCurveData;
            assistedDeck.ErrorMessage = $"You need to select exactly {assistedDeck.CurveData[assistedDeck.CurvePosition]} creatures of this mana level.";

            //Reserialize the session, so that the information can be saved.
            string assistedDeckJSON = System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Serialize(assistedDeck);

            HttpContext.Session.SetString("AssistedDeck", assistedDeckJSON);

            //Taps into the DAL inorder to connect to scryfall endpoints for returning creatures that cost 2 mana
            ScryfallDAL dl       = new ScryfallDAL();
            string      identity = FindPlayerType();

            assistedDeck.CardSearch = await dl.GetSearch($"id:{identity.ToLower()}+t:\"Creature\"+cmc={assistedDeck.CurvePosition+2}{RemoveDuplicatesFromEndpoint(assistedDeck.DeckName)}", FindPlayerBudget());

            return(View("FindCreatures", assistedDeck));
        //This method validates the card amount, then adds them to the deck/cards table before returning to
        public async Task <IActionResult> ValidateSelectedCards(int menu)
            AssistedDeckViewModel assistedDeck = OpenSession();

            var ids = new List <string>();

            using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(Request.Body, Encoding.UTF8))
                var x = await reader.ReadToEndAsync();

                ids = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <string> >(x);
            if (menu == 0)
                if (ids.Count() != 10)
                assistedDeck.DeckStatus = "t" + assistedDeck.DeckStatus.Substring(1);
            else if (menu == 1)
                if (ids.Count() != 10)
                assistedDeck.DeckStatus = assistedDeck.DeckStatus.Substring(0, 1) + "t" + assistedDeck.DeckStatus.Substring(2);
            else if (menu == 2)
                if (ids.Count() != 5)
                assistedDeck.DeckStatus = assistedDeck.DeckStatus.Substring(0, 2) + "t" + assistedDeck.DeckStatus.Substring(3);
            else if (menu == 3)
                if (ids.Count() != 5)
                assistedDeck.DeckStatus = assistedDeck.DeckStatus.Substring(0, 3) + "t" + assistedDeck.DeckStatus.Substring(4);

            foreach (string card in ids)
                await Task.Run(() => AddCardsToCardsTable(card));

                await Task.Run(() => AddCardsToDecksTable(card, 1));

            string assistedDeckJSON = System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Serialize(assistedDeck);

            HttpContext.Session.SetString("AssistedDeck", assistedDeckJSON);

        public AssistedDeckViewModel OpenSession()
            AssistedDeckViewModel assistedDeck = new AssistedDeckViewModel();
            var deckStatus = HttpContext.Session.GetString("AssistedDeck") ?? "EmptySession";

            if (deckStatus != "EmptySession")
                assistedDeck = System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Deserialize <AssistedDeckViewModel>(deckStatus);
        public async Task <IActionResult> FindDraw(AssistedDeckViewModel assistedDeck)
            AssistedDeckViewModel session = OpenSession();
            string      identity          = FindPlayerType();
            ScryfallDAL dl = new ScryfallDAL();

            assistedDeck.CardSearch = await dl.GetSearch($"id:{identity.ToLower()}+o:draw{RemoveDuplicatesFromEndpoint(session.DeckName)}", FindPlayerBudget());

            assistedDeck.ErrorMessage = "You need to select exactly 10 card draw sources.";
        public async Task <IActionResult> FindSingleRemoval(AssistedDeckViewModel assistedDeck)
            AssistedDeckViewModel session = OpenSession();
            ScryfallDAL           dl      = new ScryfallDAL();
            string identity = FindPlayerType();

            assistedDeck.CardSearch = await dl.GetSearch($"id:{identity.ToLower()}+o:\"destroy\"+t:\"instant\"ort:\"sorcery\"{RemoveDuplicatesFromEndpoint(session.DeckName)}", FindPlayerBudget());

            assistedDeck.ErrorMessage = "You need to select exactly 5 single target removal.";
        public async Task <IActionResult> FindRamp(AssistedDeckViewModel assistedDeck)
            AssistedDeckViewModel session = OpenSession();
            string      identity          = FindPlayerType();
            ScryfallDAL dl = new ScryfallDAL();

            assistedDeck.CardSearch = await dl.GetSearch($"id:{identity.ToLower()}+produces<={FindPlayerType()}c+-t:\"Land\"{RemoveDuplicatesFromEndpoint(session.DeckName)}", FindPlayerBudget());

            assistedDeck.ErrorMessage = "You need to select exactly 10 sources of ramp.";
            //ramp goes to draw from the view
        public async void CreateDeckName(int commanderId, string colorId)
            AssistedDeckViewModel assistedDeck = new AssistedDeckViewModel();
            var deckStatus = HttpContext.Session.GetString("AssistedDeck") ?? "EmptySession";

            if (deckStatus != "EmptySession")
                assistedDeck = System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Deserialize <AssistedDeckViewModel>(deckStatus);
            string     assistedDeckName = "";
            DecksTable deckTable        = new DecksTable();

            string userName = FindUserId();

            int deckNumber = (from n in _context.DecksTable where n.AspUserId == userName select n.DeckName).Count();

            assistedDeckName        = ($"assistedDeck_{deckNumber + 1}");
            assistedDeck.DeckName   = assistedDeckName;
            assistedDeck.DeckStatus = "fffff";
            assistedDeck.Creatures  = 5;
            string assistedDeckJSON = System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Serialize(assistedDeck);

            HttpContext.Session.SetString("AssistedDeck", assistedDeckJSON);

            deckTable.DeckName      = assistedDeckName;
            deckTable.CardId        = commanderId;
            deckTable.AspUserId     = userName;
            deckTable.Quantity      = 1;
            deckTable.ColorIdentity = colorId;

Ejemplo n.º 11
        public async Task <IActionResult> SaveChanges()
            var ids = new List <string>();

            using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(Request.Body, Encoding.UTF8))
                var x = await reader.ReadToEndAsync();

                ids = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <string> >(x);

            AssistedDeckViewModel assistedDeck = new AssistedDeckViewModel();
            var deckStatus = HttpContext.Session.GetString("AssistedDeck") ?? "EmptySession";

            if (deckStatus != "EmptySession")
                assistedDeck = System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Deserialize <AssistedDeckViewModel>(deckStatus);

        public async Task <IActionResult> UpdateBudget(string budget)
            decimal budgetParse = 0;

                budgetParse = decimal.Parse(budget);
                return(View("Budget", "Please enter a valid dollar amount."));

            AspNetUsers user = _context.AspNetUsers.Find(FindUserId());

            user.Budget = decimal.Parse(budget);
            _context.Entry(user).State = Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.EntityState.Modified;

            AssistedDeckViewModel assistedDeck = OpenSession();

            return(View("Index", assistedDeck));
        public IActionResult DeckList()
            AssistedDeckViewModel assistedDeck = new AssistedDeckViewModel();
            var deckStatus = HttpContext.Session.GetString("AssistedDeck") ?? "EmptySession";

            if (deckStatus != "EmptySession")
                assistedDeck = System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Deserialize <AssistedDeckViewModel>(deckStatus);
            CardsTable cd = new CardsTable();
            string     id = FindUserId();

            List <DecksTable> deckList = (from d in _context.DecksTable
                                          where d.AspUserId == id && d.DeckName == assistedDeck.DeckName
                                          select d).ToList();
            List <CardsTable> cardlist = new List <CardsTable>();

            CombinedDeckViewModel combo = new CombinedDeckViewModel();

            for (int i = 0; i < deckList.Count; i++)

            float   cmc  = 0;
            decimal?cost = 0;

            foreach (CardsTable card in cardlist)
                cmc  += card.Cmc;
                cost += card.CardPrice;

                if (card.TypeLine.Contains("Creature"))
                    combo.creatureCount += 1;
                if (card.TypeLine.Contains("Instant"))
                    combo.instantCount += 1;
                if (card.TypeLine.Contains("Sorcery"))
                    combo.sorceryCount += 1;
                if (card.TypeLine.Contains("Artifact") && !card.TypeLine.Contains("Creature") && !card.TypeLine.Contains("Enchantment"))
                    combo.artifactCount += 1;
                if (card.TypeLine.Contains("Enchantment") && !card.TypeLine.Contains("Creature") && !card.TypeLine.Contains("Artifact"))
                    combo.enchantmentCount += 1;
                if (card.TypeLine.Contains("Land") && !card.TypeLine.Contains("Creature") && !card.TypeLine.Contains("Artifact") && !card.TypeLine.Contains("Enchantment"))
                    combo.landCount += 1;
            combo.DeckCost = cost?.ToString("C2");

            combo.Search     = cardlist;
            combo.deckObject = deckList;

        public IActionResult Index()
            AssistedDeckViewModel assistedDeck = OpenSession();
