Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void Controls()
            float v = CrossPlatformInputManager.GetAxis("Vertical");
            float h = CrossPlatformInputManager.GetAxis("Horizontal");

            carController.Move(v, h, 0, 0);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void FixedUpdate()
            if (pathfinder.target != null)

            if (m_Target == null || !m_Driving)
                // Car should not be moving,
                // use handbrake to stop
                m_CarController.Move(0, 0, -1f, 1f);
                Vector3 fwd = transform.forward;
                if (m_CarController.Speed.magnitude > m_CarController.MaxSpeed * 0.1f)
                    fwd = m_CarController.Speed;

                float desiredSpeed = m_CarController.MaxSpeed;

                // now it's time to decide if we should be slowing down...
                switch (m_BrakeCondition)
                case BrakeCondition.TargetDirectionDifference:
                    // the car will brake according to the upcoming change in direction of the target. Useful for route-based AI, slowing for corners.

                    // check out the angle of our target compared to the current direction of the car
                    float approachingCornerAngle = Vector3.Angle(m_Target.forward, fwd);

                    // also consider the current amount we're turning, multiplied up and then compared in the same way as an upcoming corner angle
                    float spinningAngle = m_CarController.AngularSpeed.magnitude * m_CautiousAngularVelocityFactor;

                    // if it's different to our current angle, we need to be cautious (i.e. slow down) a certain amount
                    float cautiousnessRequired = Mathf.InverseLerp(0, m_CautiousMaxAngle,
                    desiredSpeed = Mathf.Lerp(m_CarController.MaxSpeed, m_CarController.MaxSpeed * m_CautiousSpeedFactor,

                case BrakeCondition.TargetDistance:
                    // the car will brake as it approaches its target, regardless of the target's direction. Useful if you want the car to
                    // head for a stationary target and come to rest when it arrives there.

                    // check out the distance to target
                    Vector3 delta = m_Target.position - transform.position;
                    float   distanceCautiousFactor = Mathf.InverseLerp(m_CautiousMaxDistance, 0, delta.magnitude);

                    // also consider the current amount we're turning, multiplied up and then compared in the same way as an upcoming corner angle
                    float spinningAngle = m_CarController.AngularSpeed.magnitude * m_CautiousAngularVelocityFactor;

                    // if it's different to our current angle, we need to be cautious (i.e. slow down) a certain amount
                    float cautiousnessRequired = Mathf.Max(
                        Mathf.InverseLerp(0, m_CautiousMaxAngle, spinningAngle), distanceCautiousFactor);
                    desiredSpeed = Mathf.Lerp(m_CarController.MaxSpeed, m_CarController.MaxSpeed * m_CautiousSpeedFactor,

                case BrakeCondition.NeverBrake:

                // Evasive action due to collision with other cars:

                // our target position starts off as the 'real' target position
                Vector3 offsetTargetPos = m_Target.position;

                // if are we currently taking evasive action to prevent being stuck against another car:
                if (Time.time < m_AvoidOtherCarTime)
                    // slow down if necessary (if we were behind the other car when collision occured)
                    desiredSpeed *= m_AvoidOtherCarSlowdown;

                    // and veer towards the side of our path-to-target that is away from the other car
                    offsetTargetPos += m_Target.right * m_AvoidPathOffset;
                    // no need for evasive action, we can just wander across the path-to-target in a random way,
                    // which can help prevent AI from seeming too uniform and robotic in their driving
                    offsetTargetPos += m_Target.right *
                                       (Mathf.PerlinNoise(Time.time * m_LateralWanderSpeed, m_RandomPerlin) * 2 - 1) *

                // use different sensitivity depending on whether accelerating or braking:
                float accelBrakeSensitivity = (desiredSpeed < m_CarController.Speed.magnitude)
                                                                                                  ? m_BrakeSensitivity
                                                                                                  : m_AccelSensitivity;

                // decide the actual amount of accel/brake input to achieve desired speed.
                accel = Mathf.Clamp((desiredSpeed - m_CarController.Speed.magnitude) * accelBrakeSensitivity, -1, 1);

                // add acceleration 'wander', which also prevents AI from seeming too uniform and robotic in their driving
                // i.e. increasing the accel wander amount can introduce jostling and bumps between AI cars in a race
                accel *= (1 - m_AccelWanderAmount) +
                         (Mathf.PerlinNoise(Time.time * m_AccelWanderSpeed, m_RandomPerlin) * m_AccelWanderAmount);

                // calculate the local-relative position of the target, to steer towards
                Vector3 localTarget = transform.InverseTransformPoint(offsetTargetPos);

                // work out the local angle towards the target
                float targetAngle = Mathf.Atan2(localTarget.x, localTarget.z) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;

                // get the amount of steering needed to aim the car towards the target
                steer = Mathf.Clamp(targetAngle * m_SteerSensitivity, -1, 1) * Mathf.Sign(m_CarController.Speed.magnitude);

                // feed input to the car controller.
                m_CarController.Move(steer, accel, accel, 0f);

                // if appropriate, stop driving when we're close enough to the target.
                if (m_StopWhenTargetReached && localTarget.magnitude < m_ReachTargetThreshold)
                    m_Driving = false;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private void Update()
            if (pathfinder.Target == null)
                forwardAmount = 0f;
                turnAmount    = 0f;

                float distanceToTarget = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, targetPosition);

                if (distanceToTarget > reachedTargetDistance)
                    // Still too far, keep going
                    Vector3 dirToMovePosition = (targetPosition - transform.position).normalized;
                    float   dot = Vector3.Dot(transform.forward, dirToMovePosition);

                    if (dot > 0)
                        // Target in front
                        forwardAmount = 1f;

                        if (distanceToTarget < stoppingDistance && carController.Speed.magnitude > stoppingSpeed)
                            // Within stopping distance and moving forward too fast
                            forwardAmount = -1f;
                        // Target behind
                        if (distanceToTarget > reverseDistance)
                            // Too far to reverse
                            forwardAmount = 1f;
                            forwardAmount = -1f;

                    var forward = (forwardAmount > 0) ? transform.forward : transform.forward * -1f;

                    float angleToDir = Vector3.SignedAngle(forward, dirToMovePosition, Vector3.up);
                    turnAmount = Mathf.Clamp(angleToDir * m_SteerSensitivity, -1, 1);
                    // Reached target
                    if (carController.Speed.magnitude > 15f)
                        forwardAmount = -1f;
                        forwardAmount = 0f;
                    turnAmount = 0f;

            carController.Move(forwardAmount, turnAmount, 0, 0);