public IHttpActionResult Put(AssessorPreferredLocation assessorPreferredLocation, int assessorPreferredLocationId = 0)
            OperationStatus operationStatus = new OperationStatus()
                ServiceMethod = "PUT", ServiceName = "UpdateAssessorPreferredLocation", RequestProcessed = false, RequestSuccessful = false

            if (assessorPreferredLocation != null)
                if (assessorPreferredLocationId > 0)
                    //Comment : Here set value of assessorPreferredLocationId into DTO object and then call Update method
                    assessorPreferredLocation.Id = assessorPreferredLocationId;

                    operationStatus = GetAssessorPreferredLocationDbService().UpdatePreferredLocation(assessorPreferredLocation);
                    operationStatus.Messages.Add(new Message()
                        DTOName = "AssessorPreferredLocation", DTOProperty = "", MessageType = MessageType.SystemError, Text = "Please  use POST method to create object."

        private Int64 SubmitAssessorPreferredLocations(AssessorPreferredLocation data)
            var parameterList = new List <System.Data.IDbDataParameter>
                new SqlParameter()
                    ParameterName = "@Id", Value = data.Id, SqlDbType = SqlDbType.BigInt
                new SqlParameter()
                    ParameterName = "@AssessorId", Value = data.AssessorId, SqlDbType = SqlDbType.BigInt
                new SqlParameter()
                    ParameterName = "@CityId", Value = data.CityId, SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Int

                //5S Params
                new SqlParameter()
                    ParameterName = "@CreatedBy", Value = data.CreatedBy, SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Int
                new SqlParameter()
                    ParameterName = "@ModifiedBy", Value = data.ModifiedBy, SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Int
                new SqlParameter()
                    ParameterName = "@IsActive", Value = data.IsActive, SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Bit

                new SqlParameter()
                    ParameterName = "AssessorId", SqlDbType = SqlDbType.BigInt, Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue

            //Comment : Here get DbConnector object
            var rowEffeted = GetDbConnector().ExecuteNonQuery("MaintainAssessorPreferredLocations", QueryCommandType.StoredProcedure, parameterList);

            //if successfully executed
            if (rowEffeted > 0)
                Int64 assessorId = Convert.ToInt32(parameterList[parameterList.Count() - 1].Value);
                //LoggingService.Instance.Fatal(string.Format("Unable to add user :{0}{1}", Environment.NewLine, object));

        OperationStatus IAssessorPreferredLocationDbService.AddPreferredLocation(AssessorPreferredLocation data)
            OperationStatus operationStatus = new OperationStatus()
                RequestProcessed = false, RequestSuccessful = false

            #region Comment : Here Add/Create details

                #region Supply data object for DB insertion

                //Comment : Here record id which is being effected at db level
                Int64 effectedRecordId = SubmitAssessorPreferredLocations(data);

                //if successfully executed
                if (effectedRecordId > 0)
                    //Comment : Here if data has been "successfully submitted" then capture those details
                    operationStatus.RequestProcessed  = true;
                    operationStatus.RequestSuccessful = true;
                    operationStatus.ServiceName       = "AddAssessorPreferredLocation";
                    operationStatus.ServiceMethod     = "POST";
                    operationStatus.AffectedIds.Add(new AffectedId()
                        DTOName = "AssessorPreferredLocation", DTOProperty = "AssessorId", IdValue = effectedRecordId.ToString(), OperationType = OperationType.POST
                    //LoggingService.Instance.Fatal(string.Format("Unable to add user :{0}{1}", Environment.NewLine, object));

            catch (Exception ex)
                operationStatus.RequestProcessed  = true;
                operationStatus.RequestSuccessful = false;
                operationStatus.Messages.Add(new Message()
                    DTOName = "AssessorPreferredLocation", DTOProperty = "", MessageType = MessageType.SystemError, Text = ex.Message


        public IHttpActionResult Post(AssessorPreferredLocation assessor)
            OperationStatus operationStatus = new OperationStatus()
                ServiceMethod = "POST", ServiceName = "AddAssessorPreferredLocation", RequestProcessed = false, RequestSuccessful = false

            if (assessor != null)
                if (assessor.Id == 0)
                    operationStatus = GetAssessorPreferredLocationDbService().AddPreferredLocation(assessor);
                    operationStatus.Messages.Add(new Message()
                        DTOName = "AssessorPreferredLocation", DTOProperty = "", MessageType = MessageType.SystemError, Text = "Please  use PUT method to update state of object."
