Ejemplo n.º 1
/// <summary>
/// Build the query that is executed to retrieve the summarized target data and optional structure data
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>

        void BuildQuery(string title)
            int qid = SS.I.ServicesIniFile.ReadInt("SpillTheBeansToolModelQuery", -1);

            if (qid < 0)
                throw new Exception("SpillTheBeansToolModelQuery not defined");

            Query q = QbUtil.ReadQuery(qid);

            if (q == null)
                throw new Exception("Failed to read SpillTheBeansToolModelQuery: " + qid);

            AssertMx.IsDefined(KeyQc?.Criteria, "KeyQc.Criteria");

            ParsedSingleCriteria psc = MqlUtil.ParseSingleCriteria(KeyQc?.Criteria);             // parse key criteria

            Query = q;             // save for later use

Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize with associated command line control
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="commandLineControl"></param>

        public static QuickSearchPopup Initialize(
            MRUEdit commandLineControl,
            Form parentForm,
            ContentsTreeControl contentstree)
            QuickSearchPopup qsp = null;

            AssertMx.IsNotNull(commandLineControl, "CommandLineControl");
            AssertMx.IsNotNull(parentForm, "ParentForm");

            foreach (Control c in parentForm.Controls)             // see if already exists
                if (c is QuickSearchPopup)
                    qsp = c as QuickSearchPopup;

            bool newPopup = false;

            if (qsp == null)             // need to create new popup in parent form
                qsp = new QuickSearchPopup();
                newPopup = true;

            qsp.Initialize2(commandLineControl, parentForm, contentstree, newPopup);

Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Ignore criteria because they are used as parameters for formatting Rgroup table
        /// not as search criteria.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mt"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>

        public override bool IgnoreCriteria(
            MetaTable mt)
            AssertMx.IsNotNull(SpecificBroker, "SpecificBroker");

Ejemplo n.º 4
        internal void SetupColumnsTab()
            QueryColumn  qc  = null;
            ColumnMapMsx map = null;

            AssertMx.IsNotNull(SVP, "ViewManager");
            //AssertMx.IsNotNull(SVP.BaseQuery, "ViewQuery");


            // Id column

            //IdColumnQc = CurrentMap.ColumnMapCollection.GetQueryColumnForSpotfireColumnName(V.IdColumnName);
            //if (IdColumnQc == null)
            //	IdColumnQc = SVP.BaseQuery.GetFirstMatchingQueryColumn(MetaColumnType.CompoundId, mustBeSelected: true);
            //IdColumnSelector.Setup(SVP, IdColumnQc, EditValueChanged);

            // Focus Column

            //FocusColumnQc = CurrentMap.ColumnMapCollection.GetQueryColumnForSpotfireColumnName(V.FocusColumnName);
            //if (FocusColumnQc == null)
            //	FocusColumnQc = SVP.BaseQuery.GetFirstMatchingQueryColumn(MetaColumnType.Structure, mustBeSelected: true);
            //FocusColumnSelector.Setup(SVP, FocusColumnQc, EditValueChanged);

            // Horizontal & vertical chart setups

            SetupCondFormatRulesFromColorCodingItems(HorizontalGradientBarChartControl, V.SelectedColumns, CondFormatStyle.ColorScale);
            SetupCondFormatRulesFromColorCodingItems(VerticalBarChartControl, V.FeatureColumns, CondFormatStyle.ColorSet);

Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Execute a chunk of JavaScript, wait for completion & return response
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="script"></param>

        public static object ExecuteScript(
            KekuleJsWinFormsBrowserMsft KekuleJsBrowser,
            string script)
            //if (DebugMx.True) return new JavascriptResponse(); // disable - debug

            Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            if (KekuleJsBrowser?.Browser?.Document == null)
                AssertMx.IsNotNull(KekuleJsBrowser?.Browser?.Document, "KekuleJsBrowser?.Browser?.Document");

            WebBrowser browser = KekuleJsBrowser.Browser;

            if (Debug)
                DebugLog.Message("Script: " + script + KekuleJsBrowser.IdText);

            object result = browser.Document.InvokeScript("execScript", new Object[] { script, "JavaScript" });

            if (Debug)
                DebugLog.StopwatchMessage("Script complete, Time: ", sw);

Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Try to get the row at the given index from the buffer or cache
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cursor"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>

        public bool TryToGetNextRow(
            VoArrayListCursor cursor)
            object[] vo = null;

            int ri = cursor.Position + 1;

            AssertMx.IsTrue(ri >= 0, "Invalid row index:" + ri);

            if (ri >= TotalRowCount)
                if (DebugCaching)
                    DebugLog.Message(string.Format("Row {0} not in cache or buffer (cacheSize: {1}, bufferSize: {2})", ri, RowsWrittenToCache, RowBuffer.Count));

                return(false);                // not in collection

            vo = GetRow(ri);
            cursor.CurrentRow = vo;
            cursor.Position   = ri;

Ejemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// NextRow - Return the next matching row value object
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>

        public override Object[] NextRow()
            AssertMx.IsNotNull(SpecificBroker, "SpecificBroker");

            Object[] row = SpecificBroker.NextRow();
Ejemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Do a quick validation on a node to be sure the key document links are defined
        /// </summary>

        public void ValidateNode()
            AssertMx.IsNotNull(App, "App");
            AssertMx.IsNotNull(App?.Document, "App.Document");
            AssertMx.IsNotNull(App?.Document?.DataManager, "App.Document.DataManager");
            AssertMx.IsNotNull(App?.Document?.DataManager?.TableCollection, "App.Document.TableCollection");
            AssertMx.IsNotNull(App?.Document?.Pages, "App.Document.Pages");
Ejemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// GetFormValues
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tso"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>

        public bool GetFormValues(
            QueryColumn tso)
            QueryColumn qc = QueryColumn;

            AssertMx.IsNotNull(qc, "QueryColumn");

Ejemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Build query to get summarization detail for RgroupMatrix data element
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mt"></param>
        /// <param name="mc"></param>
        /// <param name="resultId">act_code.compound_id</param>
        /// <returns></returns>

        public override Query GetDrilldownDetailQuery(
            MetaTable mt,
            MetaColumn mc,
            int level,
            string resultId)
            AssertMx.IsNotNull(SpecificBroker, "SpecificBroker");

            Query q = SpecificBroker.GetDrilldownDetailQuery(mt, mc, level, resultId);

Ejemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Setup the control for specified view
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="view"></param>

        public void Setup(
            DataTableMapMsx dataTableMap,
            EventHandler callerEditValueChangedEventHandler = null)
            InSetup      = true;
            DataTableMap = dataTableMap;

            CallerEditValueChangedHandler = callerEditValueChangedEventHandler;

            QueryTablesComboBox.Text         = "";
            QueryTablesComboBox.SelectedItem = null;

            ComboBoxItemCollection items = QueryTablesComboBox.Properties.Items;


            QueryTablesComboBox.Text = "";

            AssertMx.IsNotNull(Query, "Query");

            foreach (QueryTable qtEnum in Query.Tables)
                items.Add(new ComboBoxItem(new LabeledUiItem(qtEnum.ActiveLabel, qtEnum)));



            QueryTable qt = DataTableMap?.QueryTable;

            if (dataTableMap.IsMappedToSingleQueryTable)
                QueryTablesComboBox.Text         = qt.ActiveLabel;
                QueryTablesComboBox.SelectedItem = new LabeledUiItem(qt.ActiveLabel, qt);

            else if (dataTableMap.IsMappedToAllQueryTables)             // if cols are mapped assume all tables
                QueryTablesComboBox.Text         = AllTablesItem.Label;
                QueryTablesComboBox.SelectedItem = AllTablesItem;

            else             // not mapped to any tables
                QueryTablesComboBox.Text         = NoTablesItem.Label;
                QueryTablesComboBox.SelectedItem = NoTablesItem;

            InSetup = false;

Ejemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Indexer into pages
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cpi"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>

        public ResultsPage this[int cpi]
                AssertMx.IsTrue(cpi >= 0 && cpi < Pages.Count);

                AssertMx.IsTrue(cpi >= 0 && cpi < Pages.Count);
                Pages[cpi] = value;
Ejemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Get/set a single element in the ItemArray object array by col name
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="columnName"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>

        public object this[string columnName]
                int index = Table.Columns.IndexOf(columnName);
                AssertMx.IsTrue(index >= 0, "Column not found: " + columnName);
                int index = Table.Columns.IndexOf(columnName);
                AssertMx.IsTrue(index >= 0, "Column not found: " + columnName);
                this[index] = value;
Ejemplo n.º 14
        /// CopyCriteriaToKeyQueryCritera  (Query.KeyCriteria has precedence over QC.Critera)

        public void CopyCriteriaToQueryKeyCritera(
            Query query)
            AssertMx.IsNotNull(query, "Query");

            string criteria = Criteria;
            string colName  = MetaColumnName + " ";            // prepend metacolumn name if not done yet

            if (Lex.StartsWith(criteria, colName))             // remove col name
                criteria = criteria.Substring(colName.Length);
            query.KeyCriteria = criteria;

            query.KeyCriteriaDisplay = CriteriaDisplay;
Ejemplo n.º 15
        /// <summary>
        /// Adding a new SasMap view to an existing query
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>

        public DialogResult ShowInitialViewSetupDialog(
            QueryColumn sasQc,
            Query baseQuery)
            MetaTable    mt;
            QueryColumn  qc = null;
            DialogResult dr;

            AssertMx.IsNotNull(sasQc, "SasQc");
            AssertMx.IsNotNull(SasQuery, "SasMapQuery");

            SasQc     = sasQc;
            BaseQuery = baseQuery;

            Parms = GetParmsFromQueryColumnCriteria(SasQc);

            qc = BaseQuery?.GetFirstKeyColumn();
            if (qc == null)
                qc = QueryTable.GetDefaultRootQueryTable()?.KeyQueryColumn;
            qc = qc.Clone();

            Parms.KeyCriteriaQc = qc;             // assign QC with undefined criteria

            QueryManager  refQm       = (baseQuery.QueryManager as QueryManager);
            List <string> resultsKeys = refQm?.DataTableManager?.ResultsKeys;

            if (resultsKeys != null && resultsKeys.Count > 0)
                string listText = Csv.JoinCsvString(resultsKeys);
                qc.CriteriaDisplay = CidList.FormatAbbreviatedCidListForDisplay(qc, listText);
                qc.Criteria        = qc.MetaColumn.Name + " IN (" + listText + ")";

            Parms.EndpointMc = BaseQuery?.GetFirstResultColumnByPriority(true)?.MetaColumn;             // pick the highest priority result column as the default endpoint

            dr = Edit();
            if (dr == DialogResult.OK)
                StoreParmsInQueryColumnCriteria(Parms, SasQc);

Ejemplo n.º 16
        /// <summary>
        /// Read in all of the rows that have been cached
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>

        public List <object[]> ReadCachedRows()
            AssertMx.IsTrue(File.Exists(CacheFilePath), "CacheFilePath doesn't exist");
            FileStream   fs = File.Open(CacheFilePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite);
            BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(fs);

            List <object[]> cachedRows = new List <object[]>();           // in-memory buffer list of rows

            for (int ri = 0; ri < RowsWrittenToCache; ri++)
                object[] vo = VoArray.ReadBinaryVoArray(br, VoaLength);

            br.Close();             // close reader and the underlying stream

Ejemplo n.º 17
        /// <summary>
        /// CopyCriteriaFromKeyQueryCritera - Query.KeyCriteria has precedence over QC.Critera
        /// </summary>

        public void CopyCriteriaFromQueryKeyCriteria(
            Query query)
            AssertMx.IsNotNull(query, "Query");

            Criteria        = query.KeyCriteria;
            CriteriaDisplay = query.KeyCriteriaDisplay;

            if (Lex.IsUndefined(Criteria))
                return;                                        // undefined
            string colName = MetaColumnName + " ";             // prepend metacolumn name if not done yet

            if (!Lex.StartsWith(Criteria, colName))
                Criteria = colName + Criteria;

Ejemplo n.º 18
        /// <summary>
        /// Invoke the editor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="qc">QueryColumn to edit</param>
        /// <returns></returns>

        public static bool Edit(
            QueryColumn qc)
            AssertMx.IsNotNull(qc, "qc");

            if (Instance == null)
                Instance = new CriteriaCompoundId();

            new JupyterGuiConverter().ConvertFormOrUserControl(Instance);

            if (qc.IsKey)             // if key col be sure qc is in sync with Query.KeyCriteria

            if (qc.Criteria.Trim().StartsWith("=") && qc.MetaColumn != null)
                qc.Criteria = qc.MetaColumnName + " " + qc.Criteria;

            Instance.Qc = qc;

            DialogResult dr = Instance.ShowDialog(SessionManager.ActiveForm);

            if (dr == DialogResult.OK)
                if (qc.IsKey)                 // if key col then update Query.KeyCriteria
Ejemplo n.º 19
        /// <summary>
        /// Edit the Cids criteris
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>

        bool EditCids()
            QueryColumn qc = QueryColumn;

            AssertMx.IsNotNull(qc, "QueryColumn");

            if (!CriteriaEditor.GetCompoundIdCriteria(qc))

            if (Lex.IsDefined(qc.CriteriaDisplay))
                Cids.Text = qc.CriteriaDisplay;

                Cids.Text = qc.Criteria;

Ejemplo n.º 20
        /// <summary>
        /// Search a single file
        /// </summary>

        void SearchSingleFile(int fi)
            StructSearchMatch sm = null;

            AssertMx.IsNotNull(FpDao, "FpDao");

            List <StructSearchMatch> matchList = FileMatchLists[fi];

            AssertMx.IsNotNull(matchList, "matchList");

            OpenBitSet queryObs = new OpenBitSet(QueryFpLongArray, QueryFpLongArray.Length);

            AssertMx.IsNotNull(queryObs, "queryObs");

            OpenBitSet dbObs = new OpenBitSet(QueryFpLongArray, QueryFpLongArray.Length);             // gets set to DB fp for intersect

            AssertMx.IsNotNull(dbObs, "dbObs");

            FileStream fs = FileStreamReaders[fi];

            AssertMx.IsNotNull(fs, "fs");

            ReadFingerprintRecArgs a = new ReadFingerprintRecArgs();

            a.Initialize(fs, QueryFpLongArray.Length);

                while (true)
                    bool readOk = FpDao.ReadRawFingerprintRec(a);
                    if (!readOk)

                    //if (IsSrcCidMatch("03435269", a)) a = a;  // debug

                    dbObs.Bits = a.fingerprint;
                    int   commonCnt = (int)dbObs.Cardinality();
                    float simScore  = commonCnt / (float)(a.cardinality + QueryFpCardinality - commonCnt);

                    if (simScore >= MinimumSimilarity)
                        sm            = ReadFingerprintRec_To_StructSearchMatch(a);
                        sm.SearchType = StructureSearchType.MolSim;
                        sm.MatchScore = simScore;


            catch (Exception ex)
                string msg = ex.Message;
                msg += string.Format("\r\nfi: {0}, fs.Name: {1}, sm: {2}", fi, fs.Name, sm != null ? sm.Serialize() : "");
                DebugLog.Message(DebugLog.FormatExceptionMessage(ex, msg));
                throw new Exception(msg, ex);

Ejemplo n.º 21
        /// <summary>
        /// ExecuteSearch
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="queryMol"></param>

        public List <StructSearchMatch> ExecuteSearch(
            IAtomContainer queryMol)
            AssertMx.IsTrue(FingerprintType == FingerprintType.MACCS || FingerprintType == FingerprintType.Circular,
                            "Invalid FingerprintType: " + FingerprintType);

            QueryMol = queryMol;

            BitSetFingerprint fp =             // generate a fingerprint
                                   CdkMol.BuildBitSetFingerprintForLargestFragment(queryMol, FingerprintType);

            QueryFpCardinality = fp.cardinality();
            QueryFpLongArray   = fp.asBitSet().toLongArray();

            MatchList       = new List <StructSearchMatch>();
            ThreadException = null;

            foreach (string databaseName in FingerprintDbMx.Databases)             // loop on all databases
                int srcId = -1;
                if (Lex.Contains(databaseName, "corp"))
                    if (!GetCorpSim)
                    srcId = StructSearchMatch.CorpDbId;

                else if (Lex.Contains(databaseName, "chembl"))
                    if (!GetChemblSim)
                    srcId = StructSearchMatch.ChemblDbId;

                if (Debug)
                    DebugLog.Message("Starting sim search on " + databaseName + " database");

                FpDao = new FingerprintDao(databaseName, FingerprintType);

                if (!FpDao.DataFilesExist())
                    continue;                                          // no files for this database
                FileStreamReaders = FpDao.OpenReaders();
                FileMatchLists    = new List <StructSearchMatch> [FileStreamReaders.Length];
                for (int i1 = 0; i1 < FileMatchLists.Length; i1++)
                    FileMatchLists[i1] = new List <StructSearchMatch>();

                DateTime t0 = DateTime.Now;

                if (UseMultipleThreads)

                double et = TimeOfDay.Delta(ref t0);


                List <StructSearchMatch> matchList = MergeIndividualFileMatchLists();

                if (KeysToExclude != null || SearchKeySubset != null)                 // filter by any allowed/disallowed keys
                    List <StructSearchMatch> matchList2 = new List <StructSearchMatch>();

                    foreach (StructSearchMatch m0 in matchList)
                        if (KeysToExclude != null && KeysToExclude.Contains(m0.SrcCid))

                        if (SearchKeySubset != null && !SearchKeySubset.Contains(m0.SrcCid))


                    matchList = matchList2;


                //int removeCount = matchList.Count - MaxHits; // limit to maxhits per database
                //if (removeCount > 0)
                //	matchList.RemoveRange(MaxHits, removeCount);

                //foreach (StructSearchMatch ssm0 in matchList)
                //	if (ssm0.SrcId != srcId) ssm0.SrcId = srcId; // debug


                double et2 = TimeOfDay.Delta(ref t0);

                string msg =
                    string.Format("Search complete (" + databaseName + ").Time : {0:0.00} ", et) +
                    string.Format("{0} Hits: ", FileMatchLists[0].Count);

                if (Debug)

                for (int hi = 0; hi < 5 && hi < FileMatchLists[0].Count; hi++)
                    StructSearchMatch sm = FileMatchLists[0][hi];
                    msg += sm.SrcCid + string.Format(" = {0:0.00}, ", sm.MatchScore);
            }             // database loop

            if (ThreadException != null)
                throw new Exception(ThreadException.Message, ThreadException);

            MatchList.Sort(             // sort by decreasing sim value
                delegate(StructSearchMatch p1, StructSearchMatch p2)
                { return(p2.MatchScore.CompareTo(p1.MatchScore)); });

            if (MaxHits > 0 && MatchList.Count > MaxHits)             // remove hits beyond maximum if defined
                MatchList.RemoveRange(MaxHits, MatchList.Count - MaxHits);

Ejemplo n.º 22
        /// <summary>
        /// Setup the form for display
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cid"></param>
        /// <param name="qm"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>

        bool SetupForm(
            string cid,
            QueryManager qm)
            AssertMx.IsDefined(cid, "Compound Id (CorpId)");

            SelectedCid = cid;
            PreviousCid = cid;

            RootTable = CompoundId.GetRootMetaTableFromCid(cid);

            Qm          = null;    // no query context
            SourceQuery = null;
            CurrentBaseQueryCidHitList = null;

            if (qm != null)             // if querymanager defined then base the related data query on the "current" query
                Qm          = qm;       // setup query context
                SourceQuery = qm.Query;
                RootTable   = qm.Query.RootMetaTable;

                if (qm.Query != null && qm.Query.Mode == QueryMode.Browse)                 // if browsing current base query results then get that cid list
                    CurrentBaseQueryCidHitList = Qm.DataTableManager.GetMostCompleteResultsKeyList();

            //else throw new Exception("Parameters not defined");

            //if (Lex.IsUndefined(SelectedCid) &&
            // (Qm == null || Qm.MoleculeGrid == null || Qm.MoleculeGrid.Helpers == null))
            //	return false;


            // Current Cid

            //if (Qm != null)
            //	SelectedCid = Qm.MoleculeGrid.Helpers.GetCidForSelectedCell();

            SelectedCid = CompoundId.Format(SelectedCid);
            CidCtl.Text = SelectedCid;

            // Marked cid count

            MarkedCidsList = null;
            if (Qm?.MoleculeGrid != null)
                CidList cl = Qm.MoleculeGrid.GetMarkedList();
                if (cl != null)
                    MarkedCidsList = cl.ToStringList();

            int selCnt = (MarkedCidsList != null ? MarkedCidsList.Count : 0);

            MarkedCidsCheckEdit.Text    = "Selected compound Ids (" + FormatCidListForDisplay(MarkedCidsList) + ")";
            MarkedCidsCheckEdit.Enabled = (selCnt > 0);
            if (selCnt == 0 && MarkedCidsCheckEdit.Checked)
                CurrentCidCheckEdit.Checked = true;

            // All Cid count

            int allCnt = (CurrentBaseQueryCidHitList != null ? CurrentBaseQueryCidHitList.Count : 0);

            AllCidsCheckEdit.Text    = "All Ids in the current result set (" + FormatCidListForDisplay(CurrentBaseQueryCidHitList) + ")";
            AllCidsCheckEdit.Enabled = (allCnt > 0);
            if (selCnt == 0 && AllCidsCheckEdit.Checked)
                CurrentCidCheckEdit.Checked = true;

            // Structure

            MoleculeMx cs = new MoleculeMx();

            if (Lex.IsDefined(SelectedCid))
                cs = MoleculeUtil.SelectMoleculeForCid(SelectedCid);


            // MRU list


Ejemplo n.º 23
        /// <summary>
        /// GetFpFileName
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fi"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string GetFpFileName(int fi)
            AssertMx.IsTrue(FingerprintType == FingerprintType.MACCS || FingerprintType == FingerprintType.Circular);

            return(ServicesDirs.BinaryDataDir + @"\Fingerprints\" + DatabaseName + FingerprintFileNameToken + string.Format(@"Fingerprints{0:00}", fi));
Ejemplo n.º 24
        /// <summary>
        /// Run the query
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="browseExistingResults">If true browse existing results</param>
        /// <returns></returns>

        public string RunQuery3(
            ResultsFormat rf,
            bool saveHitlist,
            bool browseExistingResults)
            Query        modifiedQuery;
            QueryTable   qt;
            QueryColumn  qc;
            ResultsTable rt;
            ResultsField rfld;
            MetaTable    mt;
            MetaColumn   mc;
            string       txt, msg;
            DialogResult dr;
            bool         success;
            CellGraphic  cg;
            Lex          lex = new Lex();
            string       tempfile, tok, command, unrecognizedCommand, response;
            int          ti, gi, rc, i1, i2;

            // Begin execution

            if (rf == null)
                throw new Exception("QueryExec.Run - Null ResultsFormat");

            if (ResultsFormatter == null)
                throw new Exception("QueryExec.Run - Null ResultsFormatter");

            if (rf.Segments == null)
                throw new Exception("QueryExec.Run - Null ResultsFormat.Segments");

            if (Query == null)
                throw new Exception("QueryExec.Run - Null Rf.Query");

            if (Query.Tables == null || Query.Tables.Count <= 0)
                throw new QueryException("QueryExec.Run - No Query Tables");

            QueryManager qm = QueryManager;

            ReturnMsg = "";

            //bool useExistingQueryEngine = Rf.ParentQe != null;
            //bool useExistingDataTable = Query.BrowseExistingResultsWhenOpened && Query.SerializeResults &&
            //  qm.DataTable != null && qm.DataTable.Rows.Count > 0;

                //if (Math.Sqrt(4) == 2) throw new Exception("test"); // debug

                if (!browseExistingResults)                 // normal open of search
                    Progress.Show("Analyzing query...");    // put up a status message to the user as soon as possible to let them know something is happening...

                    dr = ValidateQuery(Query);
                    if (dr == DialogResult.Cancel)


                    if (rf.OutputDestination == OutputDest.WinForms)                     // update access stats if grid

                    Query.ResultsDataTable = null;                     // be sure to get new results

                    qm = BuildQueryManager(Query, rf);

                    Query.ResetViewStates();                     // reset state of views for proper operation

                    if (Rf.ParentQe == null)                     // open search unless using existing query engine
                        if (!ExecuteSearch(saveHitlist))         // returns false if cancelled by user

                    if ((ResultsKeys == null || ResultsKeys.Count == 0) &&                      // nothing for search
                        !Query.Preview &&
                        !MqlUtil.SingleStepExecution(Query) &&
                        qm.DataTable.Rows.Count == 0 &&
                        // if (!Rf.PopupDisplay)
                        if (qm.StatusBarManager != null)
                        // if (QueryEngine.Cancelled) return ""; // cancelled by user
                        msg = "No data have been found that matches your query.";
                        if (ResultsFormat.PopupOutputFormContext && !ResultsFormat.SuppressNoDataMessage)
                            MessageBoxMx.Show(msg, "Search Result",
                                              MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
                            return("Command EditQuery");                            // return to edit query menu

                    //if (ResultsFormat.PopupDisplay)
                    //  SessionManager.DisplayStatusMessage("Retrieving data...");
                    //else Progress.Show("Retrieving data...", UmlautMobius.Value, true, "Cancelling Retrieval...");

                    //Progress.Show("Retrieving data...", UmlautMobius.String, true, "Cancelling Retrieval...");
                    Progress.Hide();                     // hide progress - "Retrieving data..." message now appears as bottom line of grid

                    if (ResultsFormat.Grid)
                        if (ResultsFormat.SessionOutputFormContext)              // if normal main session form grid display, set browse mode & view state
                            Query.ResetViewStates();                             // reset view state for all views
                            QbUtil.SetMode(QueryMode.Browse, Query);

                            if (ResultsFormat.Query.LogicType == QueryLogicType.And)                             // log grid query by logic type
                                UsageDao.LogEvent("QueryGridAnd", "");
                            else if (ResultsFormat.Query.LogicType == QueryLogicType.Or)
                                UsageDao.LogEvent("QueryGridOr", "");
                            else if (ResultsFormat.Query.LogicType == QueryLogicType.Complex)
                                UsageDao.LogEvent("QueryGridComplex", "");

                        else if (ResultsFormat.PopupOutputFormContext)                         // create popup window & configure
                            //MoleculeGridPanel.ConfigureAndShow(qm, null);

                        else if (ResultsFormat.ToolOutputFormContext)
                            ContainerControl    cc;
                            QueryResultsControl qrc = ResultsFormat.OutputContainerControl as QueryResultsControl;
                            AssertMx.IsTrue(qrc != null, "ResultsFormat.OutputContainerControl must be a QueryResultsControl");
                            if (!WindowsHelper.FindContainerControl(qrc, typeof(ToolResultsContainer), out cc))
                                throw new Exception("ToolResultsContainer not found");

                            ToolResultsContainer trc = cc as ToolResultsContainer;

                            throw new Exception("Invalid OutputformContext: " + ResultsFormat.OutputFormContext);

                else                 // reentering display switch to browse tab
                    QbUtil.SetMode(QueryMode.Browse, Query);

                response = ResultsFormatter.BeginFormatting(browseExistingResults); // format the data

                if (ResultsFormat.SessionOutputFormContext)                         // normal display
                    if (MqlUtil.SingleStepExecution(Query))
                    {                     // be sure hit count display is up to date
                        if (ResultsKeys != null)
                            if (qm.StatusBarManager != null)

                    if (saveHitlist)
                        CidList hitList = new CidList(ResultsKeys);
                        rc = CidListCommand.WriteCurrentList(hitList);

            }             // end of surrounding try

            catch (Exception ex)
                if (ex is UserQueryException)                 // exception that can occur from user error
                    throw new UserQueryException(ex.Message, ex);

                    msg = DebugLog.FormatExceptionMessage(ex);
                    if (!Lex.Contains(msg, "QueryLogged:"))                     // exception & query
                        QueryEngine.LogExceptionAndSerializedQuery(msg, Query);
                        ServicesLog.Message(msg);                      // just log exception
                    throw new Exception(ex.Message, ex);               // pass it up
Ejemplo n.º 25
        public static bool Edit(
            QueryColumn qc)
            AssertMx.IsNotNull(qc, "qc");
            MetaColumn mc = qc.MetaColumn;

            if (Instance == null)
                Instance = new CriteriaYesNo();

            new JupyterGuiConverter().ConvertFormOrUserControl(Instance);

            Instance.Text        = "Search criteria for " + qc.ActiveLabel;
            Instance.Prompt.Text = "Select a search option for " + qc.ActiveLabel + " from the list below.";

            ParsedSingleCriteria psc = MqlUtil.ParseSingleCriteria(qc.Criteria);

            if (psc == null)
                psc = new ParsedSingleCriteria();                          // no criteria
            if (Lex.Eq(psc.Value, "Y"))
                Instance.YesCheckEdit.Checked = true;

            else if (Lex.Eq(psc.Value, "N"))
                Instance.NoCheckEdit.Checked = true;

                Instance.None.Checked = true;

            DialogResult dr = Instance.ShowDialog(SessionManager.ActiveForm);

            if (dr == DialogResult.OK)
                if (Instance.YesCheckEdit.Checked)
                    qc.CriteriaDisplay = "= Y";
                    qc.Criteria        = mc.Name + " = 'Y'";

                else if (Instance.NoCheckEdit.Checked)
                    qc.CriteriaDisplay = "= N";
                    qc.Criteria        = mc.Name + " = 'N'";

                else if (Instance.None.Checked)
                    qc.CriteriaDisplay = "";
                    qc.Criteria        = "";


Ejemplo n.º 26
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the next value for the sequence (MySQL)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="seqName"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>

        public static long NextValLongMySQL(
            string seqName)
            string sql;
            long   nextVal;

            SequenceDao seqDao = Lookup(seqName);

            Queue <long> seqQueue = seqDao.Queue;

            if (seqQueue.Count > 0)
                nextVal = seqQueue.Dequeue();

            int count = (seqDao.CacheSize > 0 ? seqDao.CacheSize : 1);

            int t0 = TimeOfDay.Milliseconds();

            DbCommandMx seqCmd = new DbCommandMx();

            seqCmd.MxConn = DbConnectionMx.GetConnection("MySql_Mobius");              // "MySql_Mobius_Sequences"

            sql = String.Format(
                @"update mbs_owner.mbs_sequences 
			set value = last_insert_id(value) + {0}
			where name = '{1}'"            , count, seqName.ToUpper());


            int updCount = seqCmd.ExecuteNonReader();

            if (updCount <= 0)
                throw new Exception("Error updating sequence (may not exist): " + seqName);

            sql = "select last_insert_id()";             // gets value before update above
            seqCmd.PrepareUsingDefinedConnection(sql, null);
            DbDataReader rdr = seqCmd.ExecuteReader();

            bool readOk = rdr.Read();

            AssertMx.IsTrue(readOk, "readOk");
            long value = rdr.GetInt64(0);


            nextVal = value + 1;             // return this one now

            long v2 = value + 2;             // next value
            long vn = value + count;         // last value

            for (long vi = v2; vi <= vn; vi++)

            t0 = TimeOfDay.Milliseconds() - t0;
            //			DebugLog.Message("Read sequence, set size = " + seqQueue.Count.ToString() + ", Time(ms) = " + t0.ToString());
Ejemplo n.º 27
        /// <summary>
        /// Close broker & release resources
        /// </summary>

        public override void Close()
            AssertMx.IsNotNull(SpecificBroker, "SpecificBroker");

Ejemplo n.º 28
		/// <summary>
		/// Read input data from database
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="smp">
		/// <returns></returns>

		List<CompoundStructureActivityData> ReadData(
			SasMapParms smp)
			MetaColumn activityMc = smp.EndpointMc;
			QueryColumn keyCriteriaQc = smp.KeyCriteriaQc;

			AssertMx.IsNotNull(activityMc, "mc");
			AssertMx.IsNotNull(keyCriteriaQc, "keyCriteriaQc");

			MetaTable mt, mt2;
			MetaColumn mc2 = null;

			Query q = new Query();
			mt = activityMc.MetaTable;
			QueryTable qt = new QueryTable(mt);
			if (mt.SummarizedExists && !mt.UseSummarizedData)
			{ // retrieve summarized data if exists 
				mt2 = MetaTableCollection.Get(mt.Name + MetaTable.SummarySuffix);
				if (mt2 != null)
					mc2 = mt2.GetMetaColumnByName(activityMc.Name);
					if (mc2 == null) mc2 = mt2.GetMetaColumnByLabel(activityMc.Label);

				if (mc2 != null) // same column available in summarized?
					mt = mt2;
					activityMc = mc2;

			q.KeyCriteriaDisplay = SMP.KeyCriteriaQc.CriteriaDisplay;

			QueryColumn qc = qt.GetQueryColumnByName(activityMc.Name);
			qc.Selected = true;

			QueryEngine qe = new QueryEngine();
			List<string> keyList = qe.ExecuteQuery(q); // note that keylist may be empty if single-step query

			HashSet<string> keySet = new HashSet<string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

			List<CompoundStructureActivityData> data = new List<CompoundStructureActivityData>();

			int rowCount = 0;
			while (true)
				object[] vo = qe.NextRow();
				if (vo == null) break;
				CompoundStructureActivityData cd = new CompoundStructureActivityData();
				string cid = (string)vo[0];
				cd.Cid = cid;
				keySet.Add(cid); // accumulate keys

				object val = vo[2];
				if (NullValue.IsNull(val)) continue;
				if (val is double)
					cd.Activity = (double)val;
				else if (val is Int32)
					cd.Activity = (Int32)val;

				else if (val is NumberMx)
					NumberMx nex = val as NumberMx;
					cd.Activity = nex.Value;

				else if (val is QualifiedNumber)
					QualifiedNumber qn = val as QualifiedNumber;
					cd.Activity = qn.NumberValue;
					//if (qn.Qualifier != null && qn.Qualifier != "" && qn.Qualifier != "=")
					//	continue; // (don't want to do this since may filter out good data (e.g. IC50 <0.0001))

				else continue;

				if (cd.Activity == NullValue.NullNumber) continue;


			// Retrieve structures

			keyList = new List<string>(keySet);
			Dictionary<string, MoleculeMx> csDict = MoleculeUtil.SelectMoleculesForCidList(keyList, qt.MetaTable); // get the structures in a single step

			// Add structures and build/store fingerprints to data

			DebugLog.Message("========== Fingerprints ============");

			foreach (CompoundStructureActivityData cd in data)

				if (!csDict.ContainsKey(cd.Cid) || csDict[cd.Cid] == null) continue;

				if (cd.Cid == "111" || cd.Cid == "222") csDict = csDict; // debug

				MoleculeMx cs = csDict[cd.Cid];
				cd.Structure = cs;

				FingerprintType fpType = FingerprintType.Circular;
				int fpSubtype = -1;

				if (SMP.SimilarityType == SimilaritySearchType.ECFP4) // some issue with ECFP4?
					fpType = FingerprintType.Circular;
					fpSubtype = CircularFingerprintType.ECFP4;

				else if (SMP.SimilarityType == SimilaritySearchType.Normal)
					fpType = FingerprintType.MACCS;

				cd.BitsetFingerprint = cs.BuildBitSetFingerprint(fpType, fpSubtype);
				if (cd.BitsetFingerprint == null) continue; // couldn't build fingerprint (e.g. no structure)

				if (Debug) DebugLog.Message(cd.Cid + ": " + Lex.Join(CdkMolUtil.GetBitSet(cd.BitsetFingerprint), ", "));

			return data;
Ejemplo n.º 29
        /// <summary>
        /// Try to get the row at the given index from the buffer or cache
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ri"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public object[] GetRow(
            int ri)
            object[] vo = null;

            if (ri < 0 || ri >= TotalRowCount)
                string msg = string.Format("Row {0} not in cache or buffer (cacheSize: {1}, bufferSize: {2})", ri, RowsWrittenToCache, RowBuffer.Count);
                throw new InvalidDataException(msg);

            // See if in buffer

            if (ri >= RowsWrittenToCache)
                vo = (object[])RowBuffer[ri - RowsWrittenToCache];

                if (DebugCaching)
                    DebugLog.Message(string.Format("Row: {0} in Buffer (cacheSize: {1}, bufferSize: {2})", ri, RowsWrittenToCache, RowBuffer.Count));


            // Get from cache

            if (ri < CacheReaderPosition + 1)             // if already read past this then close current cursor

            if (CacheReader == null)             // need to open reader?
                AssertMx.IsNotNull(CacheWriter, "CacheWriter");
                AssertMx.IsTrue(File.Exists(CacheFilePath), "CacheFilePath doesn't exist");

                FileStream fs = File.Open(CacheFilePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite);
                CacheReader         = new BinaryReader(fs);
                CacheReaderPosition = -1;

                if (DebugCaching)
                    DebugLog.Message("Opening cache reader");

            while (CacheReaderPosition + 1 <= ri)             // read rows until we get the one we want
                vo = VoArray.ReadBinaryVoArray(CacheReader, VoaLength);

            CacheReaderPosition = ri;

            if (DebugCaching)
                DebugLog.Message(string.Format("Row: {0} in Cache (cacheSize: {1}, bufferSize: {2})", ri, RowsWrittenToCache, RowBuffer.Count));

Ejemplo n.º 30
		/// <summary>
		/// Execute query
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="eqp"></param>

		public override void ExecuteQuery(
				ExecuteQueryParms eqp)
			MetaTable mt;
			MetaColumn mc;
			Query q;
			QueryTable qt;
			QueryColumn qc;
			ResultsPage rp;
			ResultsViewProps view;
			CompoundStructureActivityData cd1, cd2;

			bool smallerIsbetter;
			double r1, r2, r3, r4;
			int di, di2, pdi, pdi2, i3;
			string tok;

			qt = eqp.QueryTable;
			qc = qt.GetQueryColumnByNameWithException(SasMapParms.ParametersMetaColumnName);
			AssertMx.IsDefined(qc.Criteria, qc.Label + " criteria not defined");

			if (Lex.Eq(qc.Criteria, LastCriteriaString)) // if same criteria as last time then use existing data
				VoListPos = -1; // init list position

			VoList = new List<object[]>();
			VoListPos = -1; // init list position

			LastCriteriaString = qc.Criteria;
			ParsedSingleCriteria psc = ParsedSingleCriteria.Parse(qc);
			SMP = SasMapParms.Deserialize(psc.Value);

			mc = SMP.EndpointMc;
			smallerIsbetter = mc.MultiPoint;

			List<CompoundStructureActivityData> ds1 = ReadData(SMP); // read in the data to analyze
			if (ds1 == null || ds1.Count == 0) return; //  throw new QueryException("No data retrieved");

			List<CompoundStructureActivityData> ds2 = ds1; // just one set for now

			// Calculate difference or ratio coefficents for each pair

			List<PairData> pd = new List<PairData>();
			int minCoef = -1; // index of minimum coefficent selected so far
			double molFactor = AssayAttributes.GetMolarConcFactor(SMP.EndpointMc);

			for (di = 0; di < ds1.Count; di++)
			{ // process all compounds in 1st set
				//		if (ds1[di].Nearest == 0) continue; // any data?
				if (ds2 == ds1) di2 = di + 1; // only do lower rt diagonal if one dataset
				else di2 = 0; // must do all compares, check for dups later

				for ( /* start at di2 */; di2 < ds2.Count; di2++)
					//			if (ds2[di2].Nearest == 0) continue; // any data?
					if (ds1[di].Cid == ds2[di2].Cid) continue; // avoid self compare

					double sim = // similarity
					 CalculateSimilarity(ds1[di], ds2[di2]);
					//if (sim==1.0 && !stereo) // eliminate stereo pairs if requested
					// continue; // a more careful check may be needed

					if (sim < SMP.MinimumSimilarity) continue; // below cutoff value?

					double denom = 1 - sim; // denominator is 1 - sim
					if (denom == 0) denom = .00000000001f; // avoid divide by zero

					double actChange = 0;

					if (smallerIsbetter && ds1[di].Activity < ds2[di2].Activity)
						cd1 = ds1[di];
						cd2 = ds2[di2];

						cd1 = ds2[di2];
						cd2 = ds1[di];

					double a1 = cd1.Activity;
					double a2 = cd2.Activity;

					if (a1 == NullValue.NullNumber || a2 == NullValue.NullNumber)
						actChange = 0;

					else switch (SMP.ActDiffCalcType)
							case ActDiffCalcType.SimpleDifference: // activity difference
									actChange = a1 - a2;

							case ActDiffCalcType.NegativeLog:
									actChange = -Math.Log10(a1) - -Math.Log10(a2);

							case ActDiffCalcType.MolarNegativeLog:
									actChange = (-Math.Log10(a1 * molFactor)) - (-Math.Log10(a2 * molFactor));

							case ActDiffCalcType.Ratio: // activity ratio
									r1 = a1;
									if (r1 == 0) r1 = .00000000001f;
									r2 = a2;
									if (r2 == 0) r2 = .00000000001f;
									r3 = r1 / r2;
									r4 = r2 / r1;

									actChange = r3;
									if (SMP.UseAbsoluteValue && r4 > r3) // take the max value
										actChange = r4;


							case ActDiffCalcType.Advanced:
									throw new InvalidOperationException("SarMapCalcType.Advanced");

								throw new InvalidOperationException("SarMapCalcType: " + (int)SMP.ActDiffCalcType);

					if (SMP.UseAbsoluteValue && SMP.ActDiffCalcType != ActDiffCalcType.Ratio)
						actChange = Math.Abs(actChange);

					double coef = actChange / denom;

					if (pd.Count < SMP.MaxPairCount)  // just add this pair to end
						pdi = pd.Count;
						pd.Add(new PairData());

					{ // see if this value is greater than anything in list
						if (minCoef < 0)
						{ // find element with minimum coef
							minCoef = 0;
							for (i3 = 1; i3 < pd.Count; i3++)
								if (pd[i3].Coef < pd[minCoef].Coef)
									minCoef = i3;
						if (coef <= pd[minCoef].Coef) continue; // if this one better?

						//if (ds1 != ds2)
						//{ // be sure not a duplicate of what we have in list
						//	for (i3 = 0; i3 < pd.Count; i3++)
						//	{ // check for pair in list already
						//		if ((di == pd[i3].CD1 && di2 == pd[i3].CD2) ||
						//				(di == pd[i3].CD2 && di2 == pd[i3].CD1)) break;
						//	}
						//	if (i3 < pd.Count) continue; // continue to next pair if found

						pdi = minCoef; // replace this item
						minCoef = -1; // reset to get new minimum next time

					// Save data for the pair

					pd[pdi].CD1 = cd1;
					pd[pdi].CD2 = cd2;
					pd[pdi].Sim = sim;
					pd[pdi].ActChange = actChange;
					pd[pdi].Coef = coef;

			// Build the list of pair Vos

			int voLen = qt.SetSimpleVoPositions();

			PairData pdItem;
			for (pdi = 1; pdi < pd.Count; pdi++) // sort from max to min coef value
				pdItem = pd[pdi];
				for (pdi2 = pdi - 1; pdi2 >= 0; pdi2--)
					if (pdItem.Coef < pd[pdi2].Coef) break;
					pd[pdi2 + 1] = pd[pdi2];
				pd[pdi2 + 1] = pdItem;

			for (pdi = 0; pdi < pd.Count; pdi++)
				pdItem = pd[pdi];
				cd1 = pdItem.CD1;
				cd2 = pdItem.CD2;

				object[] vo = new object[voLen];

				VoArray.SetVo(qt, "PAIR_ID", vo, new NumberMx(pdi + 1));
				VoArray.SetVo(qt, "COMPOUND1", vo, new StringMx(cd1.Cid));
				VoArray.SetVo(qt, "STRUCTURE1", vo, cd1.Structure);
				VoArray.SetVo(qt, "ACTIVITY1", vo, new NumberMx(cd1.Activity));

				VoArray.SetVo(qt, "COMPOUND2", vo, new StringMx(cd2.Cid));
				VoArray.SetVo(qt, "STRUCTURE2", vo, cd2.Structure);
				VoArray.SetVo(qt, "ACTIVITY2", vo, new NumberMx(cd2.Activity));

				VoArray.SetVo(qt, "SIMILARITY", vo, new NumberMx(pdItem.Sim));
				VoArray.SetVo(qt, "ACTIVITY_DIFF", vo, new NumberMx(pdItem.ActChange));
				VoArray.SetVo(qt, "ACT_SIM_COEF", vo, new NumberMx(pdItem.Coef));


			VoListPos = -1; // init list position