Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses given ASP .NET resource expression, returning result item
        /// </summary>
        public IList ParseResourceExpression(string text, BlockSpan blockSpan, LANGUAGE language)
            if (text == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("text");
            if (blockSpan == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("blockSpan");

            List <AspNetCodeReferenceResultItem> list = new List <AspNetCodeReferenceResultItem>();

            // test if is valid resource expression
            string regex = @"\s*(" + StringConstants.GlobalWebSiteResourcesNamespace + @")\s*:\s*(\w+)\s*,\s*(\w+)\s*";
            Match  match = Regex.Match(text, regex);

            if (!match.Success || match.Groups.Count != 4)

            string prefix    = StringConstants.GlobalWebSiteResourcesNamespace;
            string className = match.Groups[2].Value;
            string key       = match.Groups[3].Value;

            // create standard reference from the class name and key
            string reference = string.Format("{0}.{1}", className, key);

            // run trie lookup on standard reference
            Trie <CodeReferenceTrieElement> trie = GetActualTrie();
            CodeReferenceTrieElement        e    = trie.Root;

            foreach (char c in reference)
                e = trie.Step(e, c);
            if (!e.IsTerminal)
                return(list);               // no result was found, return empty list
            // select culture neutral result item
            CodeReferenceInfo info = null;

            foreach (var nfo in e.Infos)
                if (nfo.Origin.Namespace == prefix)
                    if (info == null || info.Origin.IsCultureSpecific())
                        info = nfo;
            if (info == null)
                return(list);             // no result was found, return empty list
            int startLineOffset, startIndex;

            GetLineOffset(text, match.Groups[1].Index, out startLineOffset, out startIndex);
            int endLineOffset, endIndex;

            GetLineOffset(text, match.Groups[3].Index + match.Groups[3].Length, out endLineOffset, out endIndex);

            // build result item
            AspNetCodeReferenceResultItem resultItem = new AspNetCodeReferenceResultItem();
            TextSpan span = new TextSpan();

            span.iStartLine  = blockSpan.StartLine + startLineOffset;
            span.iStartIndex = startLineOffset == 0 ? blockSpan.StartIndex + startIndex : startIndex;
            span.iEndLine    = blockSpan.StartLine + endLineOffset;
            span.iEndIndex   = endLineOffset == 0 ? blockSpan.StartIndex + endIndex : endIndex;

            resultItem.Value                    = info.Value;
            resultItem.SourceItem               = currentlyProcessedItem;
            resultItem.ReplaceSpan              = span;
            resultItem.AbsoluteCharOffset       = blockSpan.AbsoluteCharOffset + match.Groups[1].Index;
            resultItem.AbsoluteCharLength       = match.Groups[3].Index + match.Groups[3].Length - match.Groups[1].Index;
            resultItem.DestinationItem          = info.Origin;
            resultItem.FullReferenceText        = string.Format("{0}.{1}.{2}", info.Origin.Namespace, info.Origin.Class, key);
            resultItem.IsWithinLocalizableFalse = false;
            resultItem.Key = key;
            resultItem.OriginalReferenceText             = string.Format("{0}:{1},{2}", info.Origin.Namespace, info.Origin.Class, key);
            resultItem.ComesFromWebSiteResourceReference = true;
            resultItem.Language = language;


Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Generic test method
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="openFiles">True if the files should be opened first</param>
        /// <param name="fullName">True if the "Use full names" policy should be applied</param>
        /// <param name="mark">True if the "Mark with VL_NO_LOC policy should be applied"</param>
        /// <param name="testFiles">Files to test</param>
        /// <param name="targetFiles">ResX files where resources can be moved</param>
        private void InternalFileMoveTest(bool openFiles, bool fullName, bool mark, string[] testFiles, string[] targetFiles)
            // backup the files
            Dictionary <string, string> backups = CreateBackupsOf(testFiles);

            // run the "batch move" command to get result items
            List <CodeStringResultItem> items = BatchMoveLookup(testFiles);

            // open the necessary files
            SetFilesOpened(testFiles, openFiles);

            // initialize ResX destination files
            Dictionary <string, ResXProjectItem> resxItems = InitResxItems(targetFiles, Agent.GetDTE().Solution.FindProjectItem(testFiles[0]).ContainingProject);

            // initialize the "batch move" tool window and grid
            Dictionary <ResXProjectItem, int> resxCounts;
            Dictionary <ProjectItem, int>     sourceItemCounts;
            int expectedToBeMarked;
            BatchMoveToResourcesToolWindow_Accessor window = InitBatchToolWindow(resxItems.Values.ToList(), items, fullName, mark, out resxCounts, out sourceItemCounts, out expectedToBeMarked);

            try {
                // execute
                window.RunClick(null, null);
                VLDocumentViewsManager.CloseInvisibleWindows(typeof(BatchMoveCommand), false);

                // verify every ResX file contains the correct number of resources
                foreach (ResXProjectItem target in resxItems.Values)
                    Assert.AreEqual(resxCounts.ContainsKey(target) ? resxCounts[target] : 0, GetResourcesCountIn(target));

                // run the "inline" command to verify all references are valid
                int checkedCount = resxCounts.Sum((pair) => { return(pair.Value); });
                List <CodeReferenceResultItem> inlineResults = BatchInlineLookup(testFiles);
                VLDocumentViewsManager.CloseInvisibleWindows(typeof(BatchInlineCommand), false);
                Assert.AreEqual(checkedCount, inlineResults.Count);

                // test if every unchecked string result item was marked
                if (mark)
                    int markedAfter = BatchMoveLookup(testFiles).Count((item) => { return(item.IsMarkedWithUnlocalizableComment); });
                    VLDocumentViewsManager.CloseInvisibleWindows(typeof(BatchMoveCommand), false);
                    Assert.AreEqual(expectedToBeMarked, markedAfter, "mark");

                // test if qualified name was really used
                if (fullName)
                    foreach (var result in inlineResults)
                        AspNetCodeReferenceResultItem citem = result as AspNetCodeReferenceResultItem;
                        if (citem == null || !citem.ComesFromWebSiteResourceReference)
                            Assert.AreEqual(result.OriginalReferenceText, result.FullReferenceText);

                // check if no import statement has been added twice
                foreach (string path in testFiles)

                if (openFiles)
                    // use undo manager to revert the changes
                    foreach (string file in testFiles)
                        var         win   = VsShellUtilities.GetWindowObject(VLDocumentViewsManager.GetWindowFrameForFile(file, false));
                        ProjectItem pitem = Agent.GetDTE().Solution.FindProjectItem(file);
                        int         count = sourceItemCounts.ContainsKey(pitem) ? sourceItemCounts[pitem] : 0;

                        IOleUndoManager manager;
                        VLDocumentViewsManager.GetTextLinesForFile(file, false).GetUndoManager(out manager);
                        List <IOleUndoUnit> list = manager.RemoveTopFromUndoStack(count);
                        foreach (AbstractUndoUnit unit in list)

                        Assert.AreEqual(File.ReadAllText(backups[file]), File.ReadAllText(file));

                    // check that all changes were fully reverted
                    int sum = resxItems.Values.Sum((item) => { return(GetResourcesCountIn(item)); });
                    Assert.AreEqual(0, sum);
            } finally {
                // close the files
                SetFilesOpened(testFiles, false);

                // restore the backups

                // clear ResX files
                foreach (ResXProjectItem target in resxItems.Values)
                VLDocumentViewsManager.CloseInvisibleWindows(typeof(BatchMoveCommand), false);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Compares expected and actual result item
        /// </summary>
        internal static void ValidateItems(AbstractResultItem a, AbstractResultItem b)
            if (b is NetStringResultItem)
                NetStringResultItem an = a as NetStringResultItem;
                NetStringResultItem bn = b as NetStringResultItem;
                Assert.AreEqual(an.VariableElementName, bn.VariableElementName, "Variable names are not equal, " + a.Value);
                Assert.AreEqual(an.MethodElementName, bn.MethodElementName, "Method names are not equal, " + a.Value);
            if (b is CSharpStringResultItem)
                TestCSharpStringResultItem an = a as TestCSharpStringResultItem;
                CSharpStringResultItem     bn = b as CSharpStringResultItem;
                if (an.NamespaceElementName == null)
                    Assert.IsNull(bn.NamespaceElement, "Namespace null, " + a.Value);
                    Assert.AreEqual(an.NamespaceElementName, bn.NamespaceElement.FullName, "Namespace names are not equal, " + a.Value);
            if (b is VBStringResultItem)
                TestVBStringResultItem an = a as TestVBStringResultItem;
                VBStringResultItem     bn = b as VBStringResultItem;
                if (an.NamespaceElementName == null)
                    Assert.IsNull(bn.NamespaceElement, "Namespace null, " + a.Value);
                    Assert.AreEqual(an.NamespaceElementName, bn.NamespaceElement.FullName, "Namespace names are not equal, " + a.Value);
            if (b is AspNetStringResultItem)
                TestAspNetStringResultItem an = a as TestAspNetStringResultItem;
                AspNetStringResultItem     bn = b as AspNetStringResultItem;

                Assert.AreEqual(an.ComesFromClientComment, bn.ComesFromClientComment, "ComesFromClientComment are not equal, " + a.Value + " on line " + a.ReplaceSpan.iStartLine);
                Assert.AreEqual(an.ComesFromCodeBlock, bn.ComesFromCodeBlock, "ComesFromCodeBlock are not equal, " + a.Value + " on line " + a.ReplaceSpan.iStartLine);
                Assert.AreEqual(an.ComesFromDirective, bn.ComesFromDirective, "ComesFromDirective are not equal, " + a.Value + " on line " + a.ReplaceSpan.iStartLine);
                Assert.AreEqual(an.ComesFromElement, bn.ComesFromElement, "ComesFromElement are not equal, " + a.Value + " on line " + a.ReplaceSpan.iStartLine);
                Assert.AreEqual(an.ComesFromInlineExpression, bn.ComesFromInlineExpression, "ComesFromInlineExpression are not equal, " + a.Value + " on line " + a.ReplaceSpan.iStartLine);
                Assert.AreEqual(an.ComesFromPlainText, bn.ComesFromPlainText, "ComesFromPlainText are not equal, " + a.Value + " on line " + a.ReplaceSpan.iStartLine);
                Assert.AreEqual(an.ElementName, bn.ElementName, "ElementName are not equal, " + a.Value + " on line " + a.ReplaceSpan.iStartLine);
                Assert.AreEqual(an.ElementPrefix, bn.ElementPrefix, "ElementPrefix are not equal, " + a.Value + " on line " + a.ReplaceSpan.iStartLine);
                Assert.AreEqual(an.LocalizabilityProved, bn.LocalizabilityProved, "LocalizabilityProved are not equal, " + a.Value + " on line " + a.ReplaceSpan.iStartLine);
                Assert.AreEqual(an.Language, bn.Language, "Language are not equal, " + a.Value + " on line " + a.ReplaceSpan.iStartLine);
            if (b is CodeStringResultItem)
                CodeStringResultItem an = a as CodeStringResultItem;
                CodeStringResultItem bn = b as CodeStringResultItem;
                Assert.AreEqual(an.WasVerbatim, bn.WasVerbatim, "Verbatim options are not equal, " + a.Value + " on line " + a.ReplaceSpan.iStartLine);
                Assert.AreEqual(an.ClassOrStructElementName, bn.ClassOrStructElementName, "Class names are not equal, " + a.Value + " on line " + a.ReplaceSpan.iStartLine);

            if (b is CodeReferenceResultItem)
                CodeReferenceResultItem an = a as CodeReferenceResultItem;
                CodeReferenceResultItem bn = b as CodeReferenceResultItem;

                Assert.AreEqual(an.FullReferenceText, bn.FullReferenceText, "FullReferenceText are not equal" + " on line " + a.ReplaceSpan.iStartLine);
                Assert.AreEqual(an.OriginalReferenceText, bn.OriginalReferenceText, "OriginalReferenceText are not equal" + " on line " + a.ReplaceSpan.iStartLine);
            if (b is AspNetCodeReferenceResultItem)
                AspNetCodeReferenceResultItem an = a as AspNetCodeReferenceResultItem;
                AspNetCodeReferenceResultItem bn = b as AspNetCodeReferenceResultItem;

                Assert.AreEqual(an.ComesFromInlineExpression, bn.ComesFromInlineExpression, "ComesFromInlineExpression are not equal" + " on line " + a.ReplaceSpan.iStartLine);
                Assert.AreEqual(an.ComesFromWebSiteResourceReference, bn.ComesFromWebSiteResourceReference, "ComesFromWebSiteResourceReference are not equal" + " on line " + a.ReplaceSpan.iStartLine);
                Assert.AreEqual(an.Language, bn.Language, "Language are not equal" + " on line " + a.ReplaceSpan.iStartLine);

                if (an.ComesFromInlineExpression)
                    Assert.AreEqual(an.InlineReplaceSpan.StartLine, bn.InlineReplaceSpan.StartLine, "StartLine are not equal, " + a.Value + " on line " + a.ReplaceSpan.iStartLine);
                    Assert.AreEqual(an.InlineReplaceSpan.StartIndex, bn.InlineReplaceSpan.StartIndex, "StartIndex are not equal, " + a.Value + " on line " + a.ReplaceSpan.iStartLine);
                    Assert.AreEqual(an.InlineReplaceSpan.EndLine, bn.InlineReplaceSpan.EndLine, "EndLine are not equal, " + a.Value + " on line " + a.ReplaceSpan.iStartLine);
                    Assert.AreEqual(an.InlineReplaceSpan.EndIndex, bn.InlineReplaceSpan.EndIndex, "EndIndex are not equal, " + a.Value + " on line " + a.ReplaceSpan.iStartLine);

                    Assert.AreEqual(an.InlineReplaceSpan.AbsoluteCharOffset, bn.InlineReplaceSpan.AbsoluteCharOffset, "Offsets are not equal, " + a.Value + " on line " + a.ReplaceSpan.iStartLine);
                    Assert.AreEqual(an.InlineReplaceSpan.AbsoluteCharLength, bn.InlineReplaceSpan.AbsoluteCharLength, "AbsoluteLengths are not equal, " + a.Value + " on line " + a.ReplaceSpan.iStartLine);

            Assert.AreEqual(a.Value, b.Value, "Values are not equal on line " + a.ReplaceSpan.iStartLine);
            Assert.AreEqual(a.SourceItem, b.SourceItem, "Source items are not equal, " + a.Value + " on line " + a.ReplaceSpan.iStartLine);
            Assert.AreEqual(a.IsWithinLocalizableFalse, b.IsWithinLocalizableFalse, "[Localizable(false)] options are not equal, " + a.Value + " on line " + a.ReplaceSpan.iStartLine);
            Assert.AreEqual(a.IsMarkedWithUnlocalizableComment, b.IsMarkedWithUnlocalizableComment, "/*VL_NO_LOC*/ options are not equal, " + a.Value + " on line " + a.ReplaceSpan.iStartLine);
            Assert.AreEqual(a.ComesFromDesignerFile, b.ComesFromDesignerFile, "Designer file options are not equal, " + a.Value + " on line " + a.ReplaceSpan.iStartLine);

            Assert.AreEqual(a.ReplaceSpan.iStartLine, b.ReplaceSpan.iStartLine, "iStartLine are not equal, " + a.Value + " on line " + a.ReplaceSpan.iStartLine);
            Assert.AreEqual(a.ReplaceSpan.iStartIndex, b.ReplaceSpan.iStartIndex, "iStartIndex are not equal, " + a.Value + " on line " + a.ReplaceSpan.iStartLine);
            Assert.AreEqual(a.ReplaceSpan.iEndLine, b.ReplaceSpan.iEndLine, "iEndLine are not equal, " + a.Value + " on line " + a.ReplaceSpan.iStartLine);
            Assert.AreEqual(a.ReplaceSpan.iEndIndex, b.ReplaceSpan.iEndIndex, "iEndIndex are not equal, " + a.Value + " on line " + a.ReplaceSpan.iStartLine);

            Assert.AreEqual(a.AbsoluteCharOffset, b.AbsoluteCharOffset, "Offsets are not equal, " + a.Value + " on line " + a.ReplaceSpan.iStartLine);
            Assert.AreEqual(a.AbsoluteCharLength, b.AbsoluteCharLength, "AbsoluteLengths are not equal, " + a.Value + " on line " + a.ReplaceSpan.iStartLine);

            Assert.AreEqual(a.IsConst, b.IsConst, "IsConst are not equal on line " + a.ReplaceSpan.iStartLine);