Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static string[,] GenerateExcelData(int ashramID)
            string[,] contents = new string [1, 1];

            SMCHDBEntities _entities = new SMCHDBEntities();

            //var viewModel = _entities.InternationalGMApplicationInfos.Where(a=>a.AshramID == ashramID && a.ApplicationStatusID == 1).OrderByDescending(a => a.ID).ToList();
            var viewModel = GetLatestInternationalApplicationStatus(2, false);              // Screening approved.

            viewModel = viewModel.Where(a => a.InternationalGMApplicationInfo.AshramID == ashramID).ToList();

            if (viewModel.Count > 0)
                if (ashramID == 3)                 // penang
                    contents = new string[viewModel.Count, 36 + 1];
                    int i = 0;
                    foreach (InternationalGMApplicationInfo1 aigm1 in viewModel)
                        int j = 0;
                        InternationalGMApplicationInfo aigm = aigm1.InternationalGMApplicationInfo;
                        AshramAndCenterInfo            ashramAndCenterInfo = aigm.MemberInfo.AshramAndCenterInfo;
                        //MembershipUser user = Membership.GetUser(ashramAndCenterInfo.Name);
                        MembershipUser user = Membership.GetUser(aigm.MemberID);
                        contents[i, j++] = aigm.ID.ToString();
                        contents[i, j++] = (i + 1).ToString();
                        //contents[i, j++] = string.Format("{0: dd-MMM-yyyy}", aigm.ApplyDate);
                        contents[i, j++] = string.Format("{0: dd-MMM-yyyy}", DateTime.Today.ToUniversalTime().AddHours(8));
                        string CPName  = Roles.GetUsersInRole("Contact Person").FirstOrDefault();
                        string CPEmail = Membership.GetUser(CPName).Email;
                        contents[i, j++] = ashramAndCenterInfo.Email + "; " + CPEmail;
                        contents[i, j++] = null;
                        contents[i, j++] = ashramAndCenterInfo.Country.Name;
                        contents[i, j++] = ashramAndCenterInfo.Name;
                        contents[i, j++] = aigm.MemberInfo.CountryOfBirth;
                        contents[i, j++] = aigm.MemberInfo.AshramAndCenterInfo.Name;
                        contents[i, j++] = string.Format("{0: dd-MMM-yyyy}", aigm.ArrivalDate);
                        contents[i, j++] = string.Format("{0: dd-MMM-yyyy}", aigm.DepartureDate);
                        contents[i, j++] = aigm.MemberInfo.IDCardNo;
                        contents[i, j++] = aigm.MemberInfo.Name;
                        contents[i, j++] = aigm.MemberInfo.Gender.Name.Substring(0, 1);
                        if (aigm.MemberInfo.DateOfBirth.HasValue)
                            contents[i, j++] = string.Format("{0: dd-MMM-yyyy}", aigm.MemberInfo.DateOfBirth.Value);
                            contents[i, j++] = GetAge(aigm.MemberInfo.DateOfBirth.Value).ToString();
                            j += 2;
                        if (aigm.MemberInfo.DateOfInitiation.HasValue)
                            contents[i, j] = string.Format("{0: dd-MMM-yyyy}", aigm.MemberInfo.DateOfInitiation.Value);
                        contents[i, j++] = aigm.MemberInfo.InitiateType.Name.Substring(0, 1);

                        List <InternationalTransport> transportStations = _entities.InternationalTransports.Where(a => a.AshramID == ashramID).ToList();
                        foreach (InternationalTransport ts in transportStations)
                            if (_entities.InternationalGMApplicationTransportInfos.Any(a => a.InternationalGMApplicationInfoID == aigm.ID && a.InternationalTransportID == ts.ID && a.InBound))
                                InternationalGMApplicationTransportInfo transportInfo = _entities.InternationalGMApplicationTransportInfos.Single(a => a.InternationalGMApplicationInfoID == aigm.ID && a.InternationalTransportID == ts.ID && a.InBound);
                                contents[i, j++] = string.Format("{0: dd-MMM-yyyy}", transportInfo.DateTime);
                                if (ts.StationName.ToLower().Contains("airport"))
                                    contents[i, j++] = transportInfo.FlightNo;
                                contents[i, j++] = string.Format("{0: HH:mm}", transportInfo.DateTime);
                                j = j + 2;
                                if (ts.StationName.ToLower().Contains("airport"))

                            if (_entities.InternationalGMApplicationTransportInfos.Any(a => a.InternationalGMApplicationInfoID == aigm.ID && a.InternationalTransportID == ts.ID && !a.InBound))
                                InternationalGMApplicationTransportInfo transportInfo = _entities.InternationalGMApplicationTransportInfos.Single(a => a.InternationalGMApplicationInfoID == aigm.ID && a.InternationalTransportID == ts.ID && !a.InBound);
                                contents[i, j++] = string.Format("{0: dd-MMM-yyyy}", transportInfo.DateTime);
                                if (ts.StationName.ToLower().Contains("airport"))
                                    contents[i, j++] = transportInfo.FlightNo;
                                contents[i, j++] = string.Format("{0: HH:mm}", transportInfo.DateTime);
                                j = j + 2;
                                if (ts.StationName.ToLower().Contains("airport"))
                        contents[i++, j] = aigm.Remark;
                else if (ashramID == 2 || ashramID == 4)
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static void SaveContentAndSendEmail(int ashramID)
            string[,] content = GenerateExcelData(ashramID);
            if (content.GetLength(1) <= 1)

            StringBuilder sbHeader = GetHeaderStringBuilder(ashramID);
            StringBuilder sb       = GetDataStringBuilder(content);

            string excelFilePath = @"C:\SMCH\Penang Ashram GM Application Form (Spore) " + string.Format("{0: dd-MMM-yyyy}", DateTime.Today.ToUniversalTime().AddHours(8)) + ".xls";

            EmailMessage   em        = new EmailMessage();
            SMCHDBEntities _entities = new SMCHDBEntities();

            AshramAndCenterInfo ashramAndCenterInfo = _entities.AshramAndCenterInfos.SingleOrDefault(a => a.ID == ashramID);

            //"Attending Group Meditation At " + Penang Ashram [Feb 2012] (Singapore Centre, 2012-Jan-31)"
            em.Subject = "Attending Group Meditation At " + ashramAndCenterInfo.Name + " (Singapore Centre, " + string.Format("{0: dd-MMM-yyyy}", DateTime.Today.ToUniversalTime().AddHours(8)) + ")";

//            Hallo Noble Saint Yeap,
//CP of Penang Centre,

//Kindly refer to the attached application form for the month of February 2012 revision 3.
//A new applicant is reflected in row 4.

//Brother Quek Chin Chye does attend group meditation at Singapore Centre.
//With your kind permission, please allow him to attend group meditation over there while he is in Penang.

//Kindly acknowledge receipt of this message.
//Thank you.

//Wishing you Master's Love & Blessings,
//Singapore Centre
            string temp = ashramAndCenterInfo.Name.Replace("Ashram", "");

            em.Message = "Hallo Noble Saint " + ashramAndCenterInfo.CPname + "\r\nContact Person of " + temp + "Center,\r\n";
            //em.Message += "\r\nKindly refer to the attached application form from " + string.Format("{0: dd-MMM-yyyy}", DateTime.Today.AddDays(-3)) + " To " + string.Format("{0: dd-MMM-yyyy}", DateTime.Today.AddDays(-1)) + "\r\n";
            em.Message += "\r\nKindly refer to the attached application form dated " + string.Format("{0: dd-MMM-yyyy}", DateTime.Today.ToUniversalTime().AddHours(8)) + ".\r\n";

            em.Message += "\r\nTotal applicants = " + content.GetLength(0).ToString() + ".";
            em.Message += "\r\nThey do attend group meditation at Singapore Centre." + "\r\nWith your kind permission, please allow them to attend group meditation over there while they are in Penang.\r\n";
            em.Message += "\r\nKindly acknowledge receipt of this message.\r\nThank you.\r\n";
            em.Message += "\r\nWishing you Master's Love & Blessings,\r\nSingapore Centre\r\n";

            em.From = "*****@*****.**";

            string CPName  = Roles.GetUsersInRole("Contact Person").FirstOrDefault();
            string CPEmail = Membership.GetUser(CPName).Email;

            string localCenterEmail = _entities.AshramAndCenterInfos.SingleOrDefault(a => a.ID == 1).Email; // "Singapore Center"

            em.To  = localCenterEmail;                                                                      //ashramAndCenterInfo.Email
            em.cc  = localCenterEmail + ", " + CPEmail;
            em.bcc = "*****@*****.**";

            em.AttachFilePath = excelFilePath;
            //em.sb = sb;
            em.AttachedString = sbHeader.ToString() + sb.ToString();

            EmailService es = new EmailService();

                // change status
                for (int i = 0; i < content.GetLength(0); i++)
                    AddApplicationStatus(_entities, int.Parse(content[i, 0]), 4);