private static void GraphicsAPIMaskModified(ref ArtifactInfoDifference diff, List <string> msgsList)
     if (diff.diffType == DiffType.Modified)
         var oldGraphicsAPIValue = diff.oldDependencies[diff.key].value;
         var newGraphicsAPIValue = diff.newDependencies[diff.key].value;
         diff.message = $"the project's GraphicsAPIMask changed from '{oldGraphicsAPIValue}' to '{newGraphicsAPIValue}'";
     else if (diff.diffType == DiffType.Added)
         var assetName           = GetAssetName(diff.newDependencies);
         var newGraphicsAPIValue = diff.newDependencies[diff.key].value;
         diff.message = $"a dependency on the Graphics API '{newGraphicsAPIValue}' was added to '{assetName}'";
     else if (diff.diffType == DiffType.Removed)
         var assetName           = GetAssetName(diff.oldDependencies);
         var oldGraphicsAPIValue = diff.oldDependencies[diff.key].value;
         diff.message = $"the dependency on the Graphics API '{oldGraphicsAPIValue}' was removed from '{assetName}'";
        private static void ArtifactFileIdOfMainObjectModified(ref ArtifactInfoDifference diff, List <string> msgsList)
            //The propertyName is special, in the sense that
            //the key contains both the name (i.e. "Artifact/Property" and a value "SomeProperty")
            //so we split it in order to report it in a more legible way
            var propertyName = diff.key.Split('/')[2];

            if (diff.diffType == DiffType.Modified)
                var oldVersion = diff.oldDependencies[diff.key].value;
                var newVersion = diff.newDependencies[diff.key].value;
                var assetName  = GetAssetName(diff.newDependencies);
                diff.message = $"the property '{propertyName}' was changed from '{oldVersion}' to '{newVersion}', which is registered as a dependency of '{assetName}'";
            else if (diff.diffType == DiffType.Added)
                diff.message = $"a dependency on the property '{propertyName}' was added";
            else if (diff.diffType == DiffType.Removed)
                diff.message = $"a dependency on the property '{propertyName}' was removed";
        private static bool ContainsGuidOfPathLocationChange(ref ArtifactInfoDifference diff, out string pathOfDependency)
            pathOfDependency = string.Empty;

            var startIndex = diff.key.LastIndexOf('/') + 1;

            if (startIndex < 0)

            var guid = diff.key.Substring(startIndex, 32);

            pathOfDependency = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(guid);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pathOfDependency))

            //lowercase and replace slashes
            var goodPath = pathOfDependency.ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            goodPath = goodPath.Replace("\\", "/");
            goodPath = goodPath.Replace("//", "/");

            var guidOfPathLocationKey = $"{kSourceAsset_GuidOfPathLocation}/{goodPath}";

        private static void GuidOfPathLocationModified(ref ArtifactInfoDifference diff, List <string> msgsList)
            if (diff.diffType == DiffType.Added)
                var    entry = diff.newDependencies[diff.key];
                string guid  = entry.value.ToString();

                var pathOfDependency = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(guid);

                var assetName = GetAssetName(diff.newArtifactInfo);

                diff.message = $"a dependency on '{pathOfDependency}' was added to '{assetName}'";
            else if (diff.diffType == DiffType.Removed)
                var    entry = diff.oldDependencies[diff.key];
                string guid  = entry.value.ToString();

                var pathOfDependency = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(guid);

                var assetName = GetAssetName(diff.newArtifactInfo);
                diff.message = $"a dependency on '{pathOfDependency}' was removed from '{assetName}'";
 internal ArtifactInfoDifference(ArtifactInfoDifference other)
     this.key             = other.key;
     this.diffType        = other.diffType;
     this.oldArtifactInfo = other.oldArtifactInfo;
     this.newArtifactInfo = other.newArtifactInfo;
     this.message         = other.message;
        private static void NameOfAssetModified(ref ArtifactInfoDifference diff, List <string> msgsList)
            var oldName = diff.oldDependencies[diff.key].value;
            var newName = diff.newDependencies[diff.key].value;

            diff.message = $"the name of the asset was changed from '{oldName}' to '{newName}'";
        private static void ImporterTypeModified(ref ArtifactInfoDifference diff, List <string> msgsList)
            var newImporterTypeName = diff.newDependencies[diff.key].value;
            var oldImporterTypeName = diff.oldDependencies[diff.key].value;
            var assetName           = GetAssetName(diff.newArtifactInfo);

            diff.message = $"the importer associated with '{assetName}' changed from '{oldImporterTypeName}' now it is '{newImporterTypeName}'";
        private static void PostProcessorVersionHashModified(ref ArtifactInfoDifference diff, List <string> msgsList)
            var oldPostProcessorKey = diff.oldDependencies.Keys.FirstOrDefault(key => key.StartsWith(kImporterRegistry_PostProcessorVersionHash, StringComparison.Ordinal));
            var newPostProcessorKey = diff.newDependencies.Keys.FirstOrDefault(key => key.StartsWith(kImporterRegistry_PostProcessorVersionHash, StringComparison.Ordinal));

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(oldPostProcessorKey) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(newPostProcessorKey) && oldPostProcessorKey != newPostProcessorKey)
                var assetName            = GetAssetName(diff.newDependencies);
                var key                  = newPostProcessorKey;
                var start                = key.LastIndexOf("/") + 1;
                var newPostProcessorName = key.Substring(start, key.Length - start);

                key   = oldPostProcessorKey;
                start = key.LastIndexOf("/") + 1;
                var oldPostProcessorName = key.Substring(start, key.Length - start);

                diff.message = $"a PostProcessor associated with '{assetName}' changed from '{oldPostProcessorName}' to '{newPostProcessorName}'";
            else if (diff.diffType == DiffType.Modified)
                var assetName = GetAssetName(diff.newDependencies);
                var key       = newPostProcessorKey;
                var start     = key.LastIndexOf("/") + 1;

                var postProcessor = key.Substring(start, key.Length - start);

                var oldValue = diff.oldDependencies[key].value;
                var newValue = diff.newDependencies[key].value;
                diff.message = $"the value for the PostProcessor '{postProcessor}' was changed from '{oldValue}' to '{newValue}'";
                if (diff.diffType == DiffType.Removed)
                    var assetName = GetAssetName(diff.oldDependencies);
                    var key       = oldPostProcessorKey;
                    var start     = key.LastIndexOf("/") + 1;

                    var postProcessor = key.Substring(start, key.Length - start);

                    diff.message = $"the PostProcessor '{postProcessor}' associated with '{assetName}' was removed as a dependency";
                else if (diff.diffType == DiffType.Added)
                    var assetName = GetAssetName(diff.newDependencies);
                    var key       = newPostProcessorKey;
                    var start     = key.LastIndexOf("/") + 1;

                    var postProcessor = key.Substring(start, key.Length - start);
                    diff.message = $"the PostProcessor '{postProcessor}' was added as a dependency for '{assetName}'";
        internal IEnumerable <string> GatherDifferences(ArtifactInfo oldInfo, ArtifactInfo newInfo, ref IEnumerable <ArtifactInfoDifference> differences)
            m_AllDiffs = newInfo.dependencies.Except(oldInfo.dependencies)
                         .Select(e => e.Key)
                         .Select(key =>
                // Default is modified, since all non-changed dependencies are filtered out
                var diffType = DiffType.Modified;

                // check if it is a new dependency
                if (!oldInfo.dependencies.ContainsKey(key))
                    diffType = DiffType.Added;

                // check if dependency was removed from the asset
                if (!newInfo.dependencies.ContainsKey(key))
                    diffType = DiffType.Removed;

                return(new ArtifactInfoDifference(key, diffType, oldInfo, newInfo));

            var msgs = new List <string>();

            for (int i = 0; i < m_AllDiffs.Count(); ++i)
                var artifactInfoDiff = m_AllDiffs[i];
                foreach (var formatter in getMessageFormatters())
                    // we're invoking all of the formatters if the condition is true
                    // formatter methods should probably return the value instead of adding it to the list
                    // in that case we could yield it here
                    if (artifactInfoDiff.key.StartsWith(formatter.startsWith, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                        formatter.formatterMethod.Invoke(ref artifactInfoDiff, msgs);
                        artifactInfoDiff.categoryKey = formatter.startsWith;

            if (m_AllDiffs.Count() == 0 && newInfo.artifactID != oldInfo.artifactID)
                var indeterministicImporterDifference = new ArtifactInfoDifference(kIndeterministicImporter, DiffType.Modified, oldInfo, newInfo);
                indeterministicImporterDifference.message = "the importer used is non-deterministic, as it has produced a different result even though all the dependencies are the same";

            differences = m_AllDiffs;

 private static void ImporterVersionModified(ref ArtifactInfoDifference diff, List <string> msgsList)
     if (diff.diffType == DiffType.Modified)
         var oldImporterVersion = diff.oldDependencies[diff.key].value;
         var newImporterVersion = diff.newDependencies[diff.key].value;
         var importerName       = diff.newDependencies[kImportParameter_ImporterType].value;
         diff.message = $"The version of the importer '{importerName}' changed from '{oldImporterVersion}' to '{newImporterVersion}'";
 private static void GlobalArtifactFormatVersionModified(ref ArtifactInfoDifference diff, List <string> msgsList)
     if (diff.diffType == DiffType.Modified)
         var oldVersion = diff.oldDependencies[diff.key].value;
         var newVersion = diff.newDependencies[diff.key].value;
         diff.message = $"the global artifact format version changed from '{oldVersion}' to '{newVersion}'";
         Debug.LogError($"{kGlobal_artifactFormatVersion} cannot be added or removed as a dependency");
 private static void ColorSpaceModified(ref ArtifactInfoDifference diff, List <string> msgsList)
     if (diff.diffType == DiffType.Removed)
         var assetName = GetAssetName(diff.newArtifactInfo);
         diff.message = $"the asset '{assetName}' no longer depends color space";
     else if (diff.diffType == DiffType.Modified)
         var oldColorSpace = diff.oldDependencies[diff.key].value;
         var newColorSpace = diff.newDependencies[diff.key].value;
         diff.message = $"the project's color space changed from {oldColorSpace} to {newColorSpace}";
        private static void HashOfSourceAssetModified(ref ArtifactInfoDifference diff, List <string> msgs)
            //This means that a source asset that this asset depends on was modified, so we need to do some extra work
            //to get the name out
            if (ContainsGuidOfPathLocationChange(ref diff, out var pathOfDependency))
                GuidOfPathLocationModifiedViaHashOfSourceAsset(ref diff, msgs, pathOfDependency);

            var startIndex = diff.key.IndexOf('(') + 1;
            var guid       = diff.key.Substring(startIndex, 32);

            diff.message = $"the source asset was changed";
 private static void GuidOfPathLocationModifiedViaHashOfSourceAsset(ref ArtifactInfoDifference diff, List <string> msgsList, string pathOfDependency)
     if (diff.diffType == DiffType.Modified)
         var assetName = GetAssetName(diff.newDependencies);
         diff.message = $"the asset '{pathOfDependency}' was changed, which is registered as a dependency of '{assetName}'";
     else if (diff.diffType == DiffType.Added)
         var assetName = GetAssetName(diff.newDependencies);
         diff.message = $"a dependency on '{pathOfDependency}' was added to '{assetName}'";
     else if (diff.diffType == DiffType.Removed)
         var assetName = diff.oldDependencies[kImportParameter_NameOfAsset].value;
         diff.message = $"a dependency on '{pathOfDependency}' was removed from '{assetName}'";
        private static void MetaFileHashModified(ref ArtifactInfoDifference diff, List <string> msgsList)
            var startIndex = diff.key.LastIndexOf('/') + 1;
            var guid       = diff.key.Substring(startIndex, 32);
            var path       = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(guid);

            if (diff.diffType == DiffType.Added)
                diff.message = $"a dependency on the .meta file '{path}.meta' was added";
            else if (diff.diffType == DiffType.Removed)
                diff.message = $"a dependency on the .meta file '{path}.meta' was removed";
            else if (diff.diffType == DiffType.Modified)
                diff.message = $"the .meta file '{path}.meta' was changed";
 private static void PlatformDependencyModified(ref ArtifactInfoDifference diff, List <string> msgsList)
     if (diff.diffType == DiffType.Removed)
         var assetName = GetAssetName(diff.newArtifactInfo);
         diff.message = $"the dynamic dependency for the current build target was removed for '{assetName}'";
     else if (diff.diffType == DiffType.Added)
         var assetName = GetAssetName(diff.newArtifactInfo);
         diff.message = $"a dynamic dependency which makes '{assetName}' dependent on the current build target was added";
     else if (diff.diffType == DiffType.Modified)
         var oldPlatformValue = diff.oldDependencies[diff.key].value;
         var newPlatformValue = diff.newDependencies[diff.key].value;
         diff.message = $"the project's build target was changed from '{oldPlatformValue}' to '{newPlatformValue}'";
 private static void ScriptingRuntimeVersionModified(ref ArtifactInfoDifference diff, List <string> msgsList)
     if (diff.diffType == DiffType.Modified)
         var oldVersion = diff.oldDependencies[diff.key].value;
         var newVersion = diff.newDependencies[diff.key].value;
         diff.message = $"the project's ScriptingRuntimeVersion changed from '{oldVersion}' to '{newVersion}";
     else if (diff.diffType == DiffType.Added)
         var addedVersion = diff.newDependencies[diff.key].value;
         diff.message = $"a dependency on the selected Scripting Runtime Version '{addedVersion}' was added";
     else if (diff.diffType == DiffType.Removed)
         var removedVersion = diff.oldDependencies[diff.key].value;
         diff.message = $"a dependency on the selected Scripting Runtime Version '{removedVersion}' was removed";
        private static void ArtifactHashOfContentDifference(ref ArtifactInfoDifference diff, List <string> msgsList)
            var startIndex = diff.key.IndexOf('(') + 1;
            var guid       = diff.key.Substring(startIndex, 32);
            var path       = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(guid);
            var assetName  = GetAssetName(diff.newArtifactInfo);

            if (diff.diffType == DiffType.Added)
                diff.message = $"the asset at '{path}' was added as a dependency of '{assetName}'";
            else if (diff.diffType == DiffType.Removed)
                diff.message = $"the asset at '{path}' was removed as a dependency of '{assetName}'";
            else if (diff.diffType == DiffType.Modified)
                diff.message = $"the asset at '{path}' changed, which is registered as a dependency of '{assetName}'";
        private static void TextureCompressionModified(ref ArtifactInfoDifference diff, List <string> msgsList)
            if (diff.diffType == DiffType.Removed)
                var assetName = GetAssetName(diff.newDependencies);

                diff.message = $"the asset '{assetName}' no longer depends on texture compression";
            else if (diff.diffType == DiffType.Added)
                diff.message = $"a dependency on the project's texture compression was added";
            else if (diff.diffType == DiffType.Modified)
                var oldTextureCompressionSetting = diff.oldDependencies[diff.key].value;
                var newTextureCompressionSetting = diff.newDependencies[diff.key].value;

                diff.message = $"the project's texture compression setting changed from {oldTextureCompressionSetting} to {newTextureCompressionSetting}";
 private static void GlobalArtifactFormatVersionModified(ref ArtifactInfoDifference diff, List <string> msgsList)
     if (diff.diffType == DiffType.Modified)
         var oldVersion = diff.oldDependencies[diff.key].value;
         var newVersion = diff.newDependencies[diff.key].value;
         diff.message = $"the global artifact format version changed from '{oldVersion}' to '{newVersion}'";
     else if (diff.diffType == DiffType.Added)
         var assetName  = GetAssetName(diff.newDependencies);
         var addedValue = diff.newDependencies[diff.key].value;
         diff.message = $"a dependency on the Global Artifact Format Version with value {addedValue} was added to {assetName}";
     else if (diff.diffType == DiffType.Removed)
         var assetName = GetAssetName(diff.oldDependencies);
         diff.message = $"a dependency on the Global Artifact Format Version was removed from {assetName}";
        private static void ArtifactFileIdOfMainObjectModified(ref ArtifactInfoDifference diff, List <string> msgsList)
            var propertyName = diff.key.Split('/')[2];

            if (diff.diffType == DiffType.Modified)
                var oldVersion = diff.oldDependencies[diff.key].value;
                var newVersion = diff.newDependencies[diff.key].value;
                var assetName  = GetAssetName(diff.newArtifactInfo);
                diff.message = $"the property '{propertyName}' was changed from '{oldVersion}' to '{newVersion}', which is registered as a dependency of '{assetName}'";
            else if (diff.diffType == DiffType.Added)
                diff.message = $"a dependency on the property '{propertyName}' was added";
            else if (diff.diffType == DiffType.Removed)
                diff.message = $"a dependency on the property '{propertyName}' was removed";
 private static void PlatformGroupModified(ref ArtifactInfoDifference diff, List <string> msgsList)
     if (diff.diffType == DiffType.Modified)
         var oldPlatformGroup = diff.oldDependencies[diff.key].value;
         var newPlatformGroup = diff.newDependencies[diff.key].value;
         diff.message = $"the PlatformGroup value was changed from '{oldPlatformGroup}' to '{newPlatformGroup}'";
     else if (diff.diffType == DiffType.Added)
         var platformGroup = diff.newDependencies[diff.key].value;
         var assetName     = GetAssetName(diff.newArtifactInfo);
         diff.message = $"a dependency on the PlatformGroup '{platformGroup}' was added";
     else if (diff.diffType == DiffType.Removed)
         var platformGroup = diff.oldDependencies[diff.key].value;
         var assetName     = GetAssetName(diff.newArtifactInfo);
         diff.message = $"a dependency on the PlatformGroup '{platformGroup}' was removed";
 // formatter methods below
 private static void EnvironmentCustomDependencyDifference(ref ArtifactInfoDifference diff, List <string> msgsList)
     if (diff.diffType == DiffType.Added)
         var newCustomDependencyValue = diff.newDependencies[diff.key].value;
         var customDependencyName     = diff.key.Substring(kEnvironment_CustomDependency.Length + 1);
         diff.message = $"the custom dependency '{customDependencyName}' was added with value '{newCustomDependencyValue}'";
     else if (diff.diffType == DiffType.Removed)
         var customDependencyName = diff.key.Substring(kEnvironment_CustomDependency.Length + 1);
         diff.message = $"the custom dependency '{customDependencyName}' was removed";
     else if (diff.diffType == DiffType.Modified)
         var oldCustomDependencyValue = diff.oldDependencies[diff.key].value;
         var newCustomDependencyValue = diff.newDependencies[diff.key].value;
         var customDependencyName     = diff.key.Substring(kEnvironment_CustomDependency.Length + 1);
         diff.message = $"the value of the custom dependency '{customDependencyName}' was changed from '{oldCustomDependencyValue}' to '{newCustomDependencyValue}'";
        private static void ArtifactHashOfGuidsOfChildrenContentDifference(ref ArtifactInfoDifference diff, List <string> msgsList)
            var startIndex = diff.key.LastIndexOf('/') + 1;
            var guid       = diff.key.Substring(startIndex, 32);
            var folderpath = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(guid);

            if (diff.diffType == DiffType.Removed)
                diff.message = $"a dependency on the Hash of all the GUIDs belonging to assets inside of the folder '{folderpath}' was removed";
            else if (diff.diffType == DiffType.Added)
                diff.message = $"a dependency on the Hash of all the GUIDs belonging to assets inside of the folder '{folderpath}' was added";
            else if (diff.diffType == DiffType.Modified)
                var oldHash = diff.oldDependencies[diff.key].value;
                var newHash = diff.newDependencies[diff.key].value;
                diff.message = $"the Hash of all the GUIDs belonging to assets inside the folder '{folderpath}' changed from '{oldHash}' to '{newHash}'";
 internal static void Test_GuidOfPathLocationModifiedViaHashOfSourceAsset(ref ArtifactInfoDifference diff, List <string> msgsList, string pathOfDependency)
     GuidOfPathLocationModifiedViaHashOfSourceAsset(ref diff, msgsList, pathOfDependency);
 internal static void Test_TextureCompressionModified(ref ArtifactInfoDifference diff, List <string> msgsList)
     TextureCompressionModified(ref diff, msgsList);
 internal static void Test_PostProcessorVersionHashModified(ref ArtifactInfoDifference diff, List <string> msgsList)
     PostProcessorVersionHashModified(ref diff, msgsList);
 internal static void Test_PlatformDependencyModified(ref ArtifactInfoDifference diff, List <string> msgsList)
     PlatformDependencyModified(ref diff, msgsList);
 internal static void Test_ScriptingRuntimeVersionModified(ref ArtifactInfoDifference diff, List <string> msgsList)
     //Only way to test internals
     ScriptingRuntimeVersionModified(ref diff, msgsList);
 internal static void Test_ArtifactFileIdOfMainObjectModified(ref ArtifactInfoDifference diff, List <string> msgsList)
     //Only way to test internals
     ArtifactFileIdOfMainObjectModified(ref diff, msgsList);