Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static void _revert()
            var fonts = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(Font));

            Font[] lst = new Font[0];
            foreach (var p in LucidaGrande)
                var fontAsset = (Font)ArrayUtility.Find(fonts, a => a.name == p);
                ArrayUtility.Add(ref lst, fontAsset);

            //foreach( var aa in lst ) {
            //	Debug.Log(aa.name);

            try {
                if (!_set(lst))
                s_Apply = false;
            catch (System.Exception e) {
            EditorApplication.update -= _revert;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private static bool CanToggle()
            var window          = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll <EditorWindow>();
            var inspectorWindow = ArrayUtility.Find(window, c => c.GetType().Name == "InspectorWindow");

            return(inspectorWindow != null);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 private static void ProcessState(AnimatorState state)
     if (!ArrayUtility.Find(state.behaviours, x => x is AnimatorRelay))
         state.AddStateMachineBehaviour <AnimatorRelay> ();
Ejemplo n.º 4
    private AudioSource CheckForHiddenAudioSources()
        AudioSource[]      sources         = script.gameObject.GetComponents <AudioSource>();
        List <AudioSource> eligibleSources = new List <AudioSource>();

        foreach (AudioSource aSource in sources)
            if (aSource.hideFlags == (HideFlags.HideInInspector | HideFlags.NotEditable))

        if (eligibleSources.Count == 0)

        AudioSourcePro[] pros = script.gameObject.GetComponents <AudioSourcePro>();

        foreach (AudioSource eligibleSource in eligibleSources)
            AudioSourcePro tempPro = ArrayUtility.Find <AudioSourcePro>(pros, delegate(AudioSourcePro obj) {
                return(obj.audioSource == eligibleSource);

            if (tempPro == null)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    static void RigOptimizeGameObject()
        Regex[]       extraTransformNames = { new Regex("Bip\\d+ HeadNub"), new Regex("Bip\\d+ Spine") };
        Object[]      models = Selection.GetFiltered(typeof(GameObject), SelectionMode.DeepAssets);
        List <string> extraTransformPaths = new List <string>();

        foreach (GameObject model in models)
            string        path           = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(model);
            ModelImporter mi             = AssetImporter.GetAtPath(path) as ModelImporter;
            string[]      transformPaths = mi.transformPaths;
            foreach (Regex regex in extraTransformNames)
                string transformPath = ArrayUtility.Find(transformPaths, (string p) =>
                    var name = Path.GetFileName(p);
                if (transformPath != null)

            mi.optimizeGameObjects = true;
            if (extraTransformPaths.Count > 0)
                mi.extraExposedTransformPaths = extraTransformPaths.ToArray();

        public Hash128 GetAssetBundleHash(string assetBundleName)
            var v = ArrayUtility.Find(builds, (a) => a.assetBundleName == assetBundleName);

            if (v == null)
        public string[] GetDirectDependencies(string assetBundleName)
            var v = ArrayUtility.Find(builds, (a) => a.assetBundleName == assetBundleName);

            if (v == null)
                return(new string[0]);
        void ReplaceCustomStyle(string name)
            GUIStyle style = ArrayUtility.Find(_skinOriginal.customStyles, s => s.name == name.ToString());
            int      index = ArrayUtility.FindIndex(_skinTarget.customStyles, s => s.name == name.ToString());

            if (style != null && index > -1)
                _skinTarget.customStyles[index] = style;
        public void PatchAsset(string path, PatchBy patch)
            var asset = ArrayUtility.Find(assets, bundleAsset => bundleAsset.path.Equals(path));

            if (asset != null)
                asset.patch = patch;
            ArrayUtility.Add(ref assets, new AssetBuild()
                path  = path,
                patch = patch,
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public void GroupAsset(string path, BundleNameBy nameBy = BundleNameBy.Filename)
            var asset = ArrayUtility.Find(assets, assetBuild => assetBuild.path.Equals(path));

            if (asset != null)
                asset.nameBy = nameBy;
            ArrayUtility.Add(ref assets, new AssetBuild()
                path   = path,
                nameBy = nameBy,
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public void GroupAsset(string path, GroupBy groupBy = GroupBy.Filename)
            var asset = ArrayUtility.Find(assets, build => build.path.Equals(path));

            if (asset != null)
                asset.groupBy = groupBy;
            ArrayUtility.Add(ref assets, new AssetBuild()
                path    = path,
                groupBy = groupBy,
Ejemplo n.º 12
    private static UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorState CreateState(UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorStateMachine machine, string name, AnimationClip anim, Vector3 pos)
        foreach (var item in machine.states)
            if (item.state.name == name)
        UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorState state = machine.AddState(name);
        state.motion = anim;
        var state1 = ArrayUtility.Find <UnityEditor.Animations.ChildAnimatorState>(machine.states, x => x.state == state);

        state1.position = pos;
        //state.position = pos;
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public void GroupAsset(string path, GroupBy groupBy = GroupBy.Filename)
            bool Match(AssetBuild bundleAsset)

            var asset = ArrayUtility.Find(assets, Match);

            if (asset != null)
                asset.groupBy = groupBy;
            ArrayUtility.Add(ref assets, new AssetBuild()
                path    = path,
                groupBy = groupBy,
Ejemplo n.º 14
    [MenuItem("Tools/Inspector DebugMode %t")] // Ctrl + t
    static void DebugModeInspector()
        var window          = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll <EditorWindow>();
        var inspectorWindow = ArrayUtility.Find(window, c => c.GetType().Name == "InspectorWindow");

        if (inspectorWindow == null)

        var inspectorType = inspectorWindow.GetType();
        var tracker       = ActiveEditorTracker.sharedTracker;
        var isNormal      = tracker.inspectorMode == InspectorMode.Normal;
        var methodName    = isNormal ? "SetDebug" : "SetNormal";

        var methodInfo = inspectorType.GetMethod(methodName, System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance);

        methodInfo.Invoke(inspectorWindow, null);
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public void PatchAsset(string path, PatchId patch)
            bool Match(AssetBuild bundleAsset)

            var asset = ArrayUtility.Find(assets, Match);

            if (asset != null)
                asset.patch = patch;
            ArrayUtility.Add(ref assets, new AssetBuild()
                path  = path,
                patch = patch,
    void OnEnable()
        string styleMode = EditorPrefs.GetString(KEY_STYLE, "Settings");
        string stateMode = EditorPrefs.GetString(KEY_STATE, "Settings");

        styleEditMode       = (GUIStyleEditMode)System.Enum.Parse(typeof(GUIStyleEditMode), styleMode);
        stateEditMode       = (GUIStateEditMode)System.Enum.Parse(typeof(GUIStateEditMode), stateMode);
        previewControlIndex = EditorPrefs.GetInt(KEY_PREV_ID, 0);

        foldBorder = foldMargin = foldOverflow = foldPadding = foldFont = false;


        GUISkin editor = EditorGUIUtility.GetBuiltinSkin(EditorSkin.Inspector);

        findStyleName       = "ToolbarSeachTextField";
        searchTextField     = ArrayUtility.Find <GUIStyle>(editor.customStyles, MatchCustomStyle);
        findStyleName       = "ToolbarSeachCancelButton";
        searchClearButton   = ArrayUtility.Find <GUIStyle>(editor.customStyles, MatchCustomStyle);
        findStyleName       = "ToolbarPopup";
        previewToolbarPopup = ArrayUtility.Find <GUIStyle>(editor.customStyles, MatchCustomStyle);
Ejemplo n.º 17
        private void TryBuild(Entity entity, GameObject prefab, GameObject instance, string directory, string prefabPath, IDictionary <int, IDictionary <int, Sprite> > folders)
            var controllerPath = string.Format("{0}/{1}.controller", directory, entity.name);
            var animator       = instance.GetComponent <Animator> ();      //Fetches the prefab's Animator

            if (animator == null)
                animator = instance.AddComponent <Animator> ();                              //Or creates one if it doesn't exist
            AnimatorController controller = null;

            if (animator.runtimeAnimatorController != null)                              //The controller we use is hopefully the controller attached to the animator
                controller = animator.runtimeAnimatorController as AnimatorController ?? //Or the one that's referenced by an OverrideController
            if (controller == null)               //Otherwise we have to check the AssetDatabase for our controller
                controller = (AnimatorController)AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(controllerPath, typeof(AnimatorController));
                if (controller == null)
                    controller = AnimatorController.CreateAnimatorControllerAtPath(controllerPath);                      //Or create a new one if it doesn't exist.
                animator.runtimeAnimatorController = controller;
            var transforms = new Dictionary <string, Transform> ();       //All of the bones and sprites, identified by TimeLine.name, because those are truly unique

            transforms ["rootTransform"] = instance.transform;            //The root GameObject needs to be part of this hierarchy as well
            var defaultBones   = new Dictionary <string, SpatialInfo> (); //These are basically the object states on the first frame of the first animation
            var defaultSprites = new Dictionary <string, SpriteInfo> ();  //They are used as control values in determining whether something has changed
            var animBuilder    = new AnimationBuilder(ProcessingInfo, folders, transforms, defaultBones, defaultSprites, prefabPath, controller);
            var firstAnim      = true;                                    //The prefab's graphic will be determined by the first frame of the first animation

            foreach (var animation in entity.animations)
                var timeLines = new Dictionary <int, TimeLine> ();
                foreach (var timeLine in animation.timelines)                 //TimeLines hold all the critical data such as positioning and graphics used
                    timeLines [timeLine.id] = timeLine;
                foreach (var key in animation.mainlineKeys)
                    var parents = new Dictionary <int, string> ();      //Parents are referenced by different IDs V_V
                    parents [-1] = "rootTransform";                     //This is where "-1 == no parent" comes in handy
                    var boneRefs = new Queue <Ref> (key.boneRefs ?? new Ref[0]);
                    while (boneRefs.Count > 0)
                        var bone     = boneRefs.Dequeue();
                        var timeLine = timeLines [bone.timeline];
                        parents [bone.id] = timeLine.name;
                        if (!transforms.ContainsKey(timeLine.name))                            //We only need to go through this once, so ignore it if it's already in the dict
                            if (parents.ContainsKey(bone.parent))                              //If the parent cannot be found, it will probably be found later, so save it
                                var parentID = parents [bone.parent];
                                var parent   = transforms [parentID];
                                var child    = parent.Find(timeLine.name);           //Try to find the child transform if it exists
                                if (child == null)                                   //Or create a new one
                                    child = new GameObject(timeLine.name).transform;
                                transforms [timeLine.name] = child;
                                var spatialInfo = defaultBones [timeLine.name] = ArrayUtility.Find(timeLine.keys, x => x.id == bone.key).info;
                                if (!spatialInfo.processed)
                                    SpatialInfo parentInfo;
                                    defaultBones.TryGetValue(parentID, out parentInfo);
                                child.localPosition = new Vector3(spatialInfo.x, spatialInfo.y, 0f);
                                child.localRotation = spatialInfo.rotation;
                                child.localScale    = new Vector3(spatialInfo.scale_x, spatialInfo.scale_y, 1f);
                    foreach (var oref in key.objectRefs)
                        var timeLine = timeLines [oref.timeline];
                        if (!transforms.ContainsKey(timeLine.name))                            //Same as above
                            var parentID = parents [oref.parent];
                            var parent   = transforms [parentID];
                            var child    = parent.Find(timeLine.name);
                            if (child == null)
                                child = new GameObject(timeLine.name).transform;
                            transforms [timeLine.name] = child;
                            var swapper = child.GetComponent <TextureController> ();                            //Destroy the Sprite Swapper, we'll make a new one later
                            if (swapper != null)
                            var renderer = child.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer> ();                            //Get or create a Sprite Renderer
                            if (renderer == null)
                                renderer = child.gameObject.AddComponent <SpriteRenderer> ();
                            var spriteInfo = defaultSprites [timeLine.name] = (SpriteInfo)ArrayUtility.Find(timeLine.keys, x => x.id == 0).info;
                            renderer.sprite = folders [spriteInfo.folder] [spriteInfo.file];
                            if (!spriteInfo.processed)
                                SpatialInfo parentInfo;
                                defaultBones.TryGetValue(parentID, out parentInfo);
                            child.localPosition    = new Vector3(spriteInfo.x, spriteInfo.y, oref.z_index);                           //Z-index helps determine draw order
                            child.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(0f, 0f, spriteInfo.angle);                                           //The reason I don't use layers or layer orders is because
                            child.localScale       = new Vector3(spriteInfo.scale_x, spriteInfo.scale_y, 1f);                         //There tend to be a LOT of body parts, it's better to treat
                            var color = renderer.color;                                                                               //The entity as a single sprite for layer sorting purposes.
                            color.a        = spriteInfo.a;
                            renderer.color = color;
                            if (!firstAnim)
                                child.gameObject.SetActive(false);                                          //Disable the GameObject if this isn't the first frame of the first animation
                    if (firstAnim)
                        firstAnim = false;
                try {
                    animBuilder.Build(animation, timeLines);                      //Builds the currently processed AnimationClip, see AnimationBuilder for more info
                catch (Exception e) {
                    Debug.LogErrorFormat("Unable to build animation '{0}' for '{1}', reason: {2}", animation.name, entity.name, e);
            if (instance.GetComponent <EntityRenderer> () == null)
                instance.AddComponent <EntityRenderer> ();                                                              //Adds an EntityRenderer if one is not already present
            PrefabUtility.ReplacePrefab(instance, prefab, ReplacePrefabOptions.ConnectToPrefab);
            DestroyImmediate(instance);              //Apply the instance's changes to the prefab, then destroy the instance.
        void AddCopyCustomStyle(string name)
            GUIStyle style = ArrayUtility.Find(_skinOriginal.customStyles, s => s.name == name.ToString());

            AddCopyCustomStyle(_skinTarget, style);
Ejemplo n.º 19
        //This is for curves that are tracked slightly differently from regular curves: Active curve and Z-index curve
        private void SetAdditionalCurves(Transform child, MainLineKey[] keys, TimeLine timeLine, AnimationClip clip, float defaultZ)
            var positionChanged = false;
            var kfsZ            = new List <Keyframe> ();
            var changedZ        = false;
            var active          = child.gameObject.activeSelf; //If the sprite or bone isn't present in the mainline,
            var kfsActive       = new List <Keyframe> ();      //Disable the GameObject if it isn't already disabled
            var childPath       = GetPathToChild(child);

            foreach (var key in keys)               //If it is present, enable the GameObject if it isn't already enabled
                var mref = ArrayUtility.Find(key.objectRefs, x => x.timeline == timeLine.id);
                if (mref != null)
                    if (defaultZ == inf)
                        defaultZ        = mref.z_index;
                        positionChanged = true;
                    if (!changedZ && mref.z_index != defaultZ)
                        changedZ = true;
                        if (key.time > 0)
                            kfsZ.Add(new Keyframe(0f, defaultZ, inf, inf));
                    if (changedZ)
                        kfsZ.Add(new Keyframe(key.time, mref.z_index, inf, inf));
                    if (!active)
                        if (kfsActive.Count <= 0 && key.time > 0)
                            kfsActive.Add(new Keyframe(0f, 0f, inf, inf));
                        kfsActive.Add(new Keyframe(key.time, 1f, inf, inf));
                        active = true;
                else if (active)
                    if (kfsActive.Count <= 0 && key.time > 0)
                        kfsActive.Add(new Keyframe(0f, 1f, inf, inf));
                    kfsActive.Add(new Keyframe(key.time, 0f, inf, inf));
                    active = false;
            }             //Only add these curves if there is actually a mutation
            if (kfsZ.Count > 0)
                clip.SetCurve(childPath, typeof(Transform), "localPosition.z", new AnimationCurve(kfsZ.ToArray()));
                if (!positionChanged)
                    var info = timeLine.keys [0].info;                     //If these curves don't actually exist, add some empty ones
                    clip.SetCurve(childPath, typeof(Transform), "localPosition.x", new AnimationCurve(new Keyframe(0f, info.x)));
                    clip.SetCurve(childPath, typeof(Transform), "localPosition.y", new AnimationCurve(new Keyframe(0f, info.y)));
            if (kfsActive.Count > 0)
                clip.SetCurve(childPath, typeof(GameObject), "m_IsActive", new AnimationCurve(kfsActive.ToArray()));
        static public void UpdateCache()
            // Deserialize the cache from the unity resources
            if (eventCache == null)
                eventCache = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(CacheAssetFullName, typeof(EventCache)) as EventCache;
                if (eventCache == null || eventCache.cacheVersion != EventCache.CurrentCacheVersion)
                    UnityEngine.Debug.Log("FMOD Studio: Cannot find serialized event cache or cache in old format, creating new instance");
                    eventCache = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <EventCache>();
                    eventCache.cacheVersion = EventCache.CurrentCacheVersion;

                    AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(eventCache, CacheAssetFullName);

            if (EditorUtils.GetBankDirectory() == null)

            string defaultBankFolder = null;

            if (!Settings.Instance.HasPlatforms)
                defaultBankFolder = EditorUtils.GetBankDirectory();
                FMODPlatform platform = RuntimeUtils.GetEditorFMODPlatform();
                if (platform == FMODPlatform.None)
                    platform = FMODPlatform.PlayInEditor;

                defaultBankFolder = Path.Combine(EditorUtils.GetBankDirectory(), Settings.Instance.GetBankPlatform(platform));

            string[] bankPlatforms = EditorUtils.GetBankPlatforms();
            string[] bankFolders   = new string[bankPlatforms.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < bankPlatforms.Length; i++)
                bankFolders[i] = Path.Combine(EditorUtils.GetBankDirectory(), bankPlatforms[i]);

            List <String> stringBanks = new List <string>(0);

                var files = Directory.GetFiles(defaultBankFolder, "*." + StringBankExtension);
                stringBanks = new List <string>(files);

            // Strip out OSX resource-fork files that appear on FAT32
            stringBanks.RemoveAll((x) => Path.GetFileName(x).StartsWith("._"));

            if (stringBanks.Count == 0)
                bool wasValid = eventCache.StringsBankWriteTime != DateTime.MinValue;
                if (wasValid)
                    UnityEngine.Debug.LogError(String.Format("FMOD Studio: Directory {0} doesn't contain any banks. Build from the tool or check the path in the settings", defaultBankFolder));

            // If we have multiple .strings.bank files find the most recent
            stringBanks.Sort((a, b) => File.GetLastWriteTime(b).CompareTo(File.GetLastWriteTime(a)));

            // Use the most recent string bank timestamp as a marker for the most recent build of any bank because it gets exported every time
            DateTime lastWriteTime = File.GetLastWriteTime(stringBanks[0]);

            if (lastWriteTime == eventCache.StringsBankWriteTime)
                countdownTimer = CountdownTimerReset;

            if (EditorUtils.IsFileOpenByStudio(stringBanks[0]))
                countdownTimer = CountdownTimerReset;

            // Most recent strings bank is newer than last cache update time, recache.

            // Get a list of all banks
            HashSet <string> bankFileNames          = new HashSet <string>();
            List <string>    reducedStringBanksList = new List <string>();
            HashSet <Guid>   stringBankGuids        = new HashSet <Guid>();

            foreach (string stringBankPath in stringBanks)
                FMOD.Studio.Bank stringBank;
                EditorUtils.CheckResult(EditorUtils.System.loadBankFile(stringBankPath, FMOD.Studio.LOAD_BANK_FLAGS.NORMAL, out stringBank));

                if (!stringBank.isValid())
                    countdownTimer = CountdownTimerReset;

                    Guid stringBankGuid;
                    EditorUtils.CheckResult(stringBank.getID(out stringBankGuid));

                    if (!stringBankGuids.Add(stringBankGuid))
                        // If we encounter multiple string banks with the same GUID then only use the first. This handles the scenario where
                        // a Studio project is cloned and extended for DLC with a new master bank name.


                    // Iterate every string in the strings bank and look for any that identify banks
                    int stringCount;
                    stringBank.getStringCount(out stringCount);

                    for (int stringIndex = 0; stringIndex < stringCount; stringIndex++)
                        string currentString;
                        Guid   currentGuid;
                        stringBank.getStringInfo(stringIndex, out currentGuid, out currentString);
                        const string BankPrefix       = "bank:/";
                        int          BankPrefixLength = BankPrefix.Length;
                        if (currentString.StartsWith(BankPrefix))
                            string bankFileName = currentString.Substring(BankPrefixLength) + "." + BankExtension;
                            if (!bankFileName.Contains(StringBankExtension)) // filter out the strings bank
                    // Unload the strings bank

            stringBanks = reducedStringBanksList;

            // Check if any of the files are still being written by studio
            foreach (string bankFileName in bankFileNames)
                string bankPath = Path.Combine(defaultBankFolder, bankFileName);

                if (!File.Exists(bankPath))
                    // TODO: this is meant to catch the case where we're in the middle of a build and a bank is being built
                    // for the first time. But it also stops someone trying to import an incomplete set of banks without any error message.
                    countdownTimer = CountdownTimerReset;

                EditorBankRef bankRef = eventCache.EditorBanks.Find((x) => bankPath == x.Path);
                if (bankRef == null)
                    if (EditorUtils.IsFileOpenByStudio(bankPath))
                        countdownTimer = CountdownTimerReset;

                if (bankRef.LastModified != File.GetLastWriteTime(bankPath))
                    if (EditorUtils.IsFileOpenByStudio(bankPath))
                        countdownTimer = CountdownTimerReset;

            // Count down the timer in case we catch studio in-between updating two files.
            if (countdownTimer-- > 0)

            eventCache.StringsBankWriteTime = lastWriteTime;

            // All files are finished being modified by studio so update the cache

            // Stop editor preview so no stale data being held

            // Reload the strings banks
            List <FMOD.Studio.Bank> loadedBanks = new List <FMOD.Studio.Bank>();


                eventCache.EditorBanks.ForEach((x) => x.Exists = false);
                HashSet <string> masterBankFileNames = new HashSet <string>();

                foreach (string stringBankPath in stringBanks)
                    FMOD.Studio.Bank stringBank;
                    EditorUtils.CheckResult(EditorUtils.System.loadBankFile(stringBankPath, FMOD.Studio.LOAD_BANK_FLAGS.NORMAL, out stringBank));

                    if (!stringBank.isValid())


                    FileInfo stringBankFileInfo = new FileInfo(stringBankPath);

                    string masterBankFileName = Path.GetFileName(stringBankPath).Replace(StringBankExtension, BankExtension);

                    EditorBankRef stringsBankRef = eventCache.StringsBanks.Find(x => stringBankPath == x.Path);

                    if (stringsBankRef == null)
                        stringsBankRef           = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <EditorBankRef>();
                        stringsBankRef.FileSizes = new List <EditorBankRef.NameValuePair>();
                        AssetDatabase.AddObjectToAsset(stringsBankRef, eventCache);

                    stringsBankRef.Path         = stringBankPath;
                    stringsBankRef.LastModified = stringBankFileInfo.LastWriteTime;
                    stringsBankRef.Exists       = true;

                    if (Settings.Instance.HasPlatforms)
                        for (int i = 0; i < bankPlatforms.Length; i++)
                            stringsBankRef.FileSizes.Add(new EditorBankRef.NameValuePair(bankPlatforms[i], stringBankFileInfo.Length));
                        stringsBankRef.FileSizes.Add(new EditorBankRef.NameValuePair("", stringBankFileInfo.Length));

                string[] folderContents = Directory.GetFiles(defaultBankFolder);

                foreach (string bankFileName in bankFileNames)
                    // Get the true file path, can't trust the character case we got from the string bank
                    string bankPath = ArrayUtility.Find(folderContents, x => (string.Equals(bankFileName, Path.GetFileName(x), StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)));

                    FileInfo      bankFileInfo = new FileInfo(bankPath);
                    EditorBankRef bankRef      = eventCache.EditorBanks.Find((x) => bankFileInfo.FullName == x.Path);

                    // New bank we've never seen before
                    if (bankRef == null)
                        bankRef = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <EditorBankRef>();
                        AssetDatabase.AddObjectToAsset(bankRef, eventCache);
                        bankRef.Path         = bankFileInfo.FullName;
                        bankRef.LastModified = DateTime.MinValue;
                        bankRef.FileSizes    = new List <EditorBankRef.NameValuePair>();

                    bankRef.Exists = true;

                    // Timestamp check - if it doesn't match update events from that bank
                    if (bankRef.LastModified != bankFileInfo.LastWriteTime)
                        bankRef.LastModified = bankFileInfo.LastWriteTime;

                    // Update file sizes
                    if (Settings.Instance.HasPlatforms)
                        for (int i = 0; i < bankPlatforms.Length; i++)
                            string platformBankPath = Path.Combine(bankFolders[i], bankFileName);
                            var    fileInfo         = new FileInfo(platformBankPath);
                            if (fileInfo.Exists)
                                bankRef.FileSizes.Add(new EditorBankRef.NameValuePair(bankPlatforms[i], fileInfo.Length));
                        string platformBankPath = Path.Combine(EditorUtils.GetBankDirectory(), bankFileName);
                        var    fileInfo         = new FileInfo(platformBankPath);
                        if (fileInfo.Exists)
                            bankRef.FileSizes.Add(new EditorBankRef.NameValuePair("", fileInfo.Length));

                    if (masterBankFileNames.Contains(bankFileInfo.Name))
                        if (!eventCache.MasterBanks.Exists(x => bankFileInfo.FullName == x.Path))

                // Remove any stale entries from bank and event lists
                eventCache.EditorBanks.FindAll((x) => !x.Exists).ForEach(RemoveCacheBank);
                eventCache.EditorBanks.RemoveAll((x) => !x.Exists);
                eventCache.EditorEvents.RemoveAll((x) => x.Banks.Count == 0);

                // Unload the strings banks
                loadedBanks.ForEach(x => x.unload());
Ejemplo n.º 21
 public static VeryAnimationRig GetVeryAnimationRig(GameObject gameObject)
     return(ArrayUtility.Find(gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <VeryAnimationRig>(true), x => x.name == AnimationRiggingRigName && x.transform.parent == gameObject.transform));
        private static void HeaderGUI(Editor editor)
            var type = editor.target.GetType();

            if (type == MONO_SCRIPT_TYPE)

            using (new EditorGUILayout.HorizontalScope())
                var path       = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(editor.target);
                var oldEnabled = GUI.enabled;

                GUI.enabled = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(path);

                if (GUILayout.Button("Explorer"))
                    if (AssetDatabase.IsValidFolder(path))
                        var dataPath   = Application.dataPath;
                        var startIndex = dataPath.Length - REMOVE_DATA_PATH_COUNT;
                        dataPath = dataPath.Remove(startIndex, REMOVE_DATA_PATH_COUNT);
                        Process.Start(dataPath + path);

                GUI.enabled = oldEnabled;

                if (GUILayout.Button("Lock"))
                    var tracker = ActiveEditorTracker.sharedTracker;
                    tracker.isLocked = !tracker.isLocked;

                if (GUILayout.Button("Debug"))
                    var window          = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll <EditorWindow>();
                    var inspectorWindow = ArrayUtility.Find(window, c => c.GetType().Name == "InspectorWindow");

                    if (inspectorWindow == null)

                    var inspectorType = inspectorWindow.GetType();
                    var tracker       = ActiveEditorTracker.sharedTracker;
                    var isNormal      = tracker.inspectorMode == InspectorMode.Normal;
                    var methodName    = isNormal ? "SetDebug" : "SetNormal";
                    var attr          = BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance;
                    var methodInfo    = inspectorType.GetMethod(methodName, attr);

                    methodInfo?.Invoke(inspectorWindow, null);