Ejemplo n.º 1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");

            using var portableDeviceManager = new PortableDeviceManager();


            int i;

            for (i = 0; i < portableDeviceManager.PortableDevices.Count; i++)
                Console.WriteLine($"{i}: {portableDeviceManager.PortableDevices[i].DeviceFriendlyName}");

            Console.WriteLine("Please choose a device.");

            if (uint.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out uint uintResult) && uintResult < i)
                IPortableDevice portableDevice = portableDeviceManager.PortableDevices[(int)uintResult];

                portableDevice.Open(new ClientVersion("PortableDeviceTests", 1, 0, 0), new PortableDeviceOpeningOptions(GenericRights.Read | GenericRights.Write, FileShareOptions.Read | FileShareOptions.Write, false));

                i = 0;

                var b = new ArrayBuilder <IPortableDeviceObject>();

                foreach (IPortableDeviceObject portableDeviceObject in portableDevice)
                    if (portableDeviceObject.Type == new Guid(Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.PortableDevices.Guids.PropertySystem.ContentType.FunctionalObject))
                        _ = b.AddLast(portableDeviceObject);

                        Console.WriteLine($"{i++}: {portableDeviceObject.Name}");

                Console.WriteLine("Please enter a memory id.");

                if (uint.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out uintResult) && uintResult < i)
                    i = 0;

                    var enumerable = (IEnumerablePortableDeviceObject)b.ToArray()[(int)uintResult];


                    foreach (IPortableDeviceObject portableDeviceObject in enumerable)
                        if (portableDeviceObject is IPortableDeviceFolder folder)
                            _ = b.AddLast(folder);

                            Console.WriteLine($"{i++}: {folder.Name}");

                    Console.WriteLine("Enter the id of the action to perform on the device.");
                    Console.WriteLine("0: Transfer content.");
                    Console.WriteLine("1: Delete content.");

                    string _menuId = Console.ReadLine();

                    if (int.TryParse(_menuId, out int menuId))
                        if (menuId == 0)
                            Console.WriteLine("Please enter the id of the folder to copy the file to.");

                            if (uint.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out uintResult) && uintResult < i)
                                var _folder = (IPortableDeviceFolder)b.ToArray()[(int)uintResult];


                                Console.WriteLine("Please enter a file to copy to the portable device.");

                                string path = Console.ReadLine();

                                Console.WriteLine("Enter the file content type GUID.");

                                string contentType = Console.ReadLine();

                                if (Guid.TryParse(contentType, out Guid guidContentType))
                                    Console.WriteLine("Enter the file format GUID.");

                                    string format = Console.ReadLine();

                                    if (Guid.TryParse(format, out Guid guidFormat))
                                        var stream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open);

                                        uint totalWritten = 0;

                                        _folder.PortableDeviceObjectAdded += PortableDevice_PortableDeviceObjectAdded;

                                        _folder.TransferTo(stream, 4000, false, guidContentType, guidFormat, written =>
                                            Console.WriteLine($"{written} bytes written during the last write operation; {(totalWritten += written)} total. Continue (Y/y: yes; other input: no)?");

                                            return(true); // Console.ReadLine().ToUpper() == "Y"

                                i = 0;

                                foreach (IPortableDeviceObject file in _folder)
                                    if (file is IPortableDeviceFile _file)
                                        _ = b.AddLast(_file);

                                        Console.WriteLine($"{i++}: {_file.Name}");

                                if (uint.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out uintResult) && uintResult < i)
                                    var portableDeviceFile = (IPortableDeviceFile)b.ToArray()[(int)uintResult];


                                    Console.WriteLine("Please enter a destination file.");

                                    path = Console.ReadLine();

                                    path = $"{System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(path)}\\{Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path)} - Copy{Path.GetExtension(path)}";

                                    uint totalWritten = 0;

                                    var stream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.CreateNew);

                                    portableDeviceFile.TransferFrom(stream, 4000, false, written =>
                                        Console.WriteLine($"Written: {written}; total: {(totalWritten += written)}.");




                        else if (menuId == 1)
                            Console.WriteLine("Please enter the id of the folder of the file to delete.");

                            if (uint.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out uintResult) && uintResult < i)
                                var _folder = (IPortableDeviceFolder)b.ToArray()[(int)uintResult];


                                if (_folder.Count == 1)
                                    if (_folder[0] is IPortableDeviceFile item)
                                        _folder.PortableDeviceObjectRemoved += PortableDevice_PortableDeviceObjectRemoved;


                                        Console.WriteLine("The folder of the given id does not contain a file.");

                                    Console.WriteLine("The folder of the given id is empty or contains more than one file.");

                            Console.WriteLine("Incorrect menu id.");

                        Console.WriteLine("Incorrect menu id.");

                Console.WriteLine("Incorrect device id.");