void InterpretGestures()
        //note: for the rush segments, we care more about current state
        //than changes in state, but other games will be slightly different

        if (arm_states.Count == 0)

        ArmsSnapshot cur_state = arm_states[arm_states.Count - 1];

        /*float left_out;
         * float right_out;
         * float arm_length = cur_state.GetLength();*/

        //order is hand, elbow, shoulder
        //we're going to generate angles on elbow joint and shoulder joint
        if (!train)
            List <float> angles = cur_state.GenerateAngles();
            foreach (BayesianClassifier classifier in classifiers)
                if (best < classifier.GetProbablity(angles))
                    best = classifier.GetProbablity(angles);
                    Debug.Log(classifier.pose_name + " " + best);

                //Debug.Log(classifier.pose_name + " " + classifier.GetProbablity(angles));
                if (classifier.GetProbablity(angles) > .001)
                    Debug.Log("POSE DETECTED: " + classifier.pose_name);

/*		//reset droplet movements
 *              droplet.back = droplet.left = droplet.right = droplet.up = droplet.down = 0f;
 *              //left_out and right_out are going to be on a scale from 0 to 1
 *              //	0 all the way in, 1 all the way out
 *              left_out = (cur_state.left_joints[2].position.x - cur_state.left_joints[0].position.x)/arm_length;
 *              right_out = (cur_state.right_joints[0].position.x - cur_state.right_joints[2].position.x)/arm_length;
 *              //back, left, right
 *              //back - both hands forward
 *              if(left_out < 0.5 && right_out < 0.5){
 *                      droplet.back = 1 - (left_out + right_out)/2;
 *                      state = "stop";
 *              }
 *              //left - both arms out, left down, right up
 *              else if(cur_state.left_joints[0].position.y < cur_state.left_joints[2].position.y - 3*arm_length/4
 *                 && cur_state.right_joints[0].position.y > cur_state.right_joints[2].position.y - arm_length/4){
 *                      droplet.left = (cur_state.left_joints[2].position.y - cur_state.left_joints[0].position.y)/arm_length;
 *                      state = "left";
 *              }
 *              //right - both arms out, left up, right down
 *              else if(cur_state.left_joints[0].position.y > cur_state.left_joints[2].position.y - arm_length/4
 *                       && cur_state.right_joints[0].position.y < cur_state.right_joints[2].position.y - 3*arm_length/4){
 *                      droplet.right = (cur_state.right_joints[2].position.y - cur_state.right_joints[0].position.y)/arm_length;
 *                      state = "right";
 *              }
 *              //INVERTED controls - up and down
 *              else if(cur_state.left_joints[0].position.y < cur_state.left_joints[2].position.y - 3*arm_length/4
 *                 && cur_state.right_joints[0].position.y < cur_state.right_joints[2].position.y - 3*arm_length/4){
 *                      //set their up movement based on extremity of their arm motion
 *                      float displacement = (cur_state.left_joints[2].position.y - cur_state.left_joints[0].position.y);
 *                      droplet.up = displacement/arm_length;
 *                      state = "up";
 *              }
 *              else if(cur_state.left_joints[0].position.y > cur_state.left_joints[2].position.y - arm_length/4
 *                 && cur_state.right_joints[0].position.y > cur_state.right_joints[2].position.y - arm_length/4){
 *                      float displacement = (cur_state.left_joints[0].position.y - cur_state.left_joints[2].position.y);
 *                      droplet.down = displacement/arm_length;
 *                      state = "down";
 *              }
 *              else
 *                      state = "none";
 *              Vector3 arm = cur_state.right_joints[0].position - cur_state.right_joints[2].position;
 *              Vector3 down = new  Vector3(cur_state.right_joints[2].position.x,
 *                      cur_state.right_joints[2].position.y-1,
 *                      cur_state.right_joints[2].position.z) - cur_state.right_joints[2].position;
 *              Vector3 larm = cur_state.left_joints[0].position - cur_state.left_joints[2].position;
 *              Vector3 ldown = new  Vector3(cur_state.left_joints[2].position.x,
 *                      cur_state.left_joints[2].position.y-1,
 *                      cur_state.left_joints[2].position.z) - cur_state.left_joints[2].position;
 *              //get angle between the vectors
 *              float angle = Vector3.Angle(down, arm);
 *              //Debug.Log(right_out + " Angle is " + angle + " " + reset_timer + " " + Time.deltaTime);
 *              float langle = Vector3.Angle(ldown, larm);
 *              //arm must be seventy percent extended and shoulder to hand is twenty to forty degrees from downwards
 *              if(right_out > .5 && (5 < angle && angle < 60) && langle < 15 ){
 *                      reset_timer += Time.deltaTime;
 *                      state = "reset";
 *              }
 *              else
 *                      reset_timer = 0f;
 *              //there is an arm forward and it is tilted skyward, go up
 *              if(left_out < 0.3f){
 *                      if(cur_state.left_joints[0].position.y > cur_state.left_joints[2].position.y)
 *                              droplet.up = 1f;
 *                      else if(cur_state.left_joints[0].position.y < cur_state.left_joints[2].position.y)
 *                              droplet.down = 1f;
 *              }
 *              //there is an arm forward and tilted down, go down
 *              else if(right_out < 0.3f){
 *                      if(cur_state.right_joints[0].position.y > cur_state.right_joints[2].position.y)
 *                              droplet.up = 1f;
 *                      else if(cur_state.right_joints[0].position.y < cur_state.right_joints[2].position.y)
 *                              droplet.down = 1f;
 *              }*/
    void OnGUI()
        if (train)
            train_name = GUI.TextField(new Rect(25, 100, 100, 25), train_name);
            if (recording)
                if (GUI.Button(new Rect(Screen.width - 150, 50, 100, 50), "Rec"))
                    recorded_states.Add(new ArmsSnapshot(left_arm, right_arm));

                if (GUI.Button(new Rect(25, 25, 100, 50), "Stop and Save"))
                    recording = false;
                if (GUI.Button(new Rect(150, 25, 100, 50), "Stop (Don't Save)"))
                    recording = false;
                if (GUI.Button(new Rect(25, 25, 100, 50), "Record"))
                    recording = true;
            if (GUI.Button(new Rect(275, 25, 100, 50), "Stop Training"))
                train = false;
            if (GUI.Button(new Rect(25, 25, 100, 50), "Train"))
                train = true;
            if (GUI.Button(new Rect(150, 25, 100, 50), "Update Library"))

            ArmsSnapshot cur_state = arm_states[arm_states.Count - 1];
            List <float> angles    = cur_state.GenerateAngles();
            string       line      = "";
            foreach (float angle in angles)
                line += angle + " ";
            GUI.Label(new Rect(50, Screen.height - 100, 200, 50), line);
            for (int i = 0; i < classifiers.Count; i++)
                if (classifiers[i].GetProbablity(angles) > best_prob)
                    identification = i;
                    best_data      = angles;
                    best_changed   = true;
                    best_prob      = classifiers[i].GetProbablity(angles);
                    best_name      = classifiers[i].pose_name;

                string l = classifiers[i].pose_name + " " + classifiers[i].GetProbablity(angles);
                GUI.Label(new Rect(50, Screen.height - 150 - 50 * i, 200, 50), l);

        if (best_changed)
            GUI.Label(new Rect(50, 200, 500, 50), "Best " + best_name + " is " + best_prob + ". Accept?");
            if (GUI.Button(new Rect(50, 250, 100, 25), "Accept"))
                best_changed = false;
            if (GUI.Button(new Rect(50, 250, 100, 25), "Reject"))
                best_changed = false;
            best_prob = 0;