Ejemplo n.º 1
        public override string[] ExportData()
            DataTable dtNew = DataTable.CopyForExport();

            //Get the response and treatment columns
            foreach (string columnName in dtNew.GetVariableNames())
                if (PValues != columnName && DatasetLabels != columnName)

            //if the response is blank then remove that row

            //...and export them
            string[] csvArray = dtNew.GetCSVArray();

            //fix any columns with illegal chars here (at the end)
            ArgumentFormatter argFormatter = new ArgumentFormatter();

            csvArray[0] = argFormatter.ConvertIllegalCharacters(csvArray[0]);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public override string[] ExportData()
            DataTable dtNew = DataTable.CopyForExport();

            //Get the response, treatment and covariate columns by removing all other columns from the new datatable
            foreach (string col in dtNew.GetVariableNames())
                if (Response != col && GroupingFactor != col && ResponseCategories != col)

            //if the response is blank then remove that row

            string[] csvArray = dtNew.GetCSVArray();

            //fix any columns with illegal chars here (at the end)
            ArgumentFormatter argFormatter = new ArgumentFormatter();

            csvArray[0] = argFormatter.ConvertIllegalCharacters(csvArray[0]);

        public override string[] ExportData()
            DataTable dtNew = DataTable.CopyForExport();

            //Get the response, treatment and covariate columns by removing all other columns from the new datatable
            foreach (string columnName in dtNew.GetVariableNames())
                if (!Responses.Contains(columnName))

            //Now do transformations
            foreach (string resp in Responses)
                dtNew.TransformColumn(resp, ResponseTransformation);

            string[] csvArray = dtNew.GetCSVArray();

            //fix any columns with illegal chars here (at the end)
            ArgumentFormatter argFormatter = new ArgumentFormatter();

            csvArray[0] = argFormatter.ConvertIllegalCharacters(csvArray[0]);

Ejemplo n.º 4
        public override string[] ExportData()
            DataTable dtNew = DataTable.CopyForExport();

            //Get the response, treatment and covariate columns by removing all other columns from the new datatable
            if (!IncludeAllVariables) //ONLY if "include all variables" is not selected
                foreach (string columnName in dtNew.GetVariableNames())
                    if (!Responses.Contains(columnName) && (SubjectFactor == null || !SubjectFactor.Contains(columnName)) && (SelectedVariables == null || !SelectedVariables.Contains(columnName)))

            string[] csvArray = dtNew.GetCSVArray();

            //fix any columns with illegal chars here (at the end)
            ArgumentFormatter argFormatter = new ArgumentFormatter();

            csvArray[0] = argFormatter.ConvertIllegalCharacters(csvArray[0]);

Ejemplo n.º 5
        public override string[] ExportData()
            DataTable dtNew = DataTable.CopyForExport();

            foreach (string col in this.DataTable.GetVariableNames())
                if (Response != col && XAxis != col && FirstCatFactor != col && SecondCatFactor != col && CaseIDFactor != col)

            //if the response is blank then remove that row

            //Now do transformations...
            dtNew.TransformColumn(Response, ResponseTransformation);

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(XAxis)) //check that an x axis var is selected
                dtNew.TransformColumn(XAxis, XAxisTransformation);

            string[] csvArray = dtNew.GetCSVArray();

            //fix any columns with illegal chars here (at the end)
            ArgumentFormatter argFormatter = new ArgumentFormatter();

            csvArray[0] = argFormatter.ConvertIllegalCharacters(csvArray[0]);

        public override string[] ExportData()
            DataTable dtNew = DataTable.CopyForExport();

            //Get the response, treatment and covariate columns by removing all other columns from the new datatable
            foreach (string columnName in dtNew.GetVariableNames())
                if (!Responses.Contains(columnName) && CategoricalPredictor != columnName && (ContinuousPredictors == null || !ContinuousPredictors.Contains(columnName)) && CaseID != columnName)

            //if the response is blank then remove that row
            foreach (string response in Responses)

            //Now do transformations...
            foreach (string response in Responses)
                dtNew.TransformColumn(response, ResponseTransformation);

            string[] csvArray = dtNew.GetCSVArray();

            //fix any columns with illegal chars here (at the end)
            ArgumentFormatter argFormatter = new ArgumentFormatter();

            csvArray[0] = argFormatter.ConvertIllegalCharacters(csvArray[0]);

        public override string[] ExportData()
            DataTable dtNew = DataTable.CopyForExport();

            //Get the response, treatment and covariate columns by removing all other columns from the new datatable
            foreach (string columnName in dtNew.GetVariableNames())
                if (Response != columnName && Treatment != columnName && (OtherDesignFactors == null || !OtherDesignFactors.Contains(columnName)) && Subject != columnName && (Covariates == null || !Covariates.Contains(columnName)))

            //if the response is blank then remove that row

            //Now do transformations...
            dtNew.TransformColumn(Response, ResponseTransformation);

            if (Covariates != null)
                foreach (string covariate in Covariates)
                    dtNew.TransformColumn(covariate, CovariateTransformation);

            //Finally, as numeric categorical variables get misinterpreted by r, we need to go through
            //each column and put them in quotes...
            if (OtherDesignFactors != null)
                foreach (string odf in OtherDesignFactors)
                    if (dtNew.CheckIsNumeric(odf))
                        foreach (DataRow row in dtNew.Rows)
                            row[odf] = "'" + row[odf] + "'";

            string[] csvArray = dtNew.GetCSVArray();

            //fix any columns with illegal chars here (at the end)
            ArgumentFormatter argFormatter = new ArgumentFormatter();

            csvArray[0] = argFormatter.ConvertIllegalCharacters(csvArray[0]);

Ejemplo n.º 8
        public void ConvertIllegalCharacters_StringWithAllIllegalChars_ReturnsCorrectString()
            System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
            ArgumentFormatter sut = new ArgumentFormatter();

            string nastyString = " ()/%#.-@:!\"£$^&{};|\\[]=<>'";
            string result      = sut.ConvertIllegalCharacters(nastyString);

            Assert.Equal("ivs_sp_ivsivs_ob_ivsivs_cb_ivsivs_div_ivsivs_pc_ivsivs_hash_ivsivs_pt_ivsivs_hyphen_ivsivs_at_ivsivs_colon_ivsivs_exclam_ivsivs_dblquote_ivsivs_pound_ivsivs_dollar_ivsivs_hat_ivsivs_amper_ivsivs_obrace_ivsivs_cbrace_ivsivs_semi_ivsivs_pipe_ivsivs_slash_ivsivs_osb_ivsivs_csb_ivsivs_eq_ivsivs_lt_ivsivs_gt_ivsivs_quote_ivs", result);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public override string[] ExportData()
            DataTable dtNew = DataTable.CopyForExport();

            //Get the response and treatment columns
            foreach (string columnName in dtNew.GetVariableNames())
                if (Response != columnName && Dose != columnName && QCResponse != columnName && QCDose != columnName && SamplesResponse != columnName && EquationYAxis != columnName && EquationXAxis != columnName)

            if (AnalysisType == AnalysisOption.FourParameter)
                //if the y axis column is blank then remove that row

            //Now do transformations...
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Response)) //transform ResponseVar
                dtNew.TransformColumn(Response, ResponseTransformation);

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(QCResponse)) //transform QCResponseVar
                dtNew.TransformColumn(QCResponse, ResponseTransformation);

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(SamplesResponse)) //transform SamplesVar
                dtNew.TransformColumn(SamplesResponse, ResponseTransformation);

            string[] csvArray = dtNew.GetCSVArray();

            //fix any columns with illegal chars here (at the end)
            ArgumentFormatter argFormatter = new ArgumentFormatter();

            csvArray[0] = argFormatter.ConvertIllegalCharacters(csvArray[0]);

Ejemplo n.º 10
        public override string[] ExportData()
            DataTable dtNew = DataTable.CopyForExport();

            //Get the response, treatment and covariate columns by removing all other columns from the new datatable
            foreach (string columnName in dtNew.GetVariableNames())
                if (!VariableA.Contains(columnName) && (VariableB == null || !VariableB.Contains(columnName)) && (VariableC == null || !VariableC.Contains(columnName) && (VariableD == null || !VariableD.Contains(columnName))))

            string[] csvArray = dtNew.GetCSVArray();

            //fix any columns with illegal chars here (at the end)
            ArgumentFormatter argFormatter = new ArgumentFormatter();

            csvArray[0] = argFormatter.ConvertIllegalCharacters(csvArray[0]);

Ejemplo n.º 11
        public override string[] ExportData()
            DataTable dtNew = DataTable.CopyForExport();

            //Get the response, treatment and covariate columns by removing all other columns from the new datatable
            foreach (string columnName in dtNew.GetVariableNames())
                if (Response != columnName && !Treatments.Contains(columnName) && (OtherDesignFactors == null || !OtherDesignFactors.Contains(columnName)) && (Covariates == null || !Covariates.Contains(columnName)))

            //if the response is blank then remove that row

            //Generate a "catfact" column from the CatFactors (used only in R)!
            DataColumn catFactor = new DataColumn("catfact");


            //Need to create a new column for the scatterplot data as we have to combine any interaction effects into one column
            dtNew.CreateCombinedEffectColumn(Treatments, "scatterPlotColumn");

            //If an interaction effect is selected then we need to combine values into single column
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(SelectedEffect))
                //create a new column and add it to the table
                if (SelectedEffect.Contains(" * ")) //then it is an interaction effect so we need to combine values from different columns
                    char[]   splitChar = { '*' };
                    string[] effects   = SelectedEffect.Split(splitChar, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); //get the effect names that make up the interaction effect

                    dtNew.CreateCombinedEffectColumn(effects, "mainEffect");
                else //just copy the column selected in the dropdown
                    DataColumn mainEffect = new DataColumn("mainEffect");
                    foreach (DataRow r in dtNew.Rows)
                        r["mainEffect"] = r[SelectedEffect].ToString();

            //Now do transformations...
            dtNew.TransformColumn(Response, ResponseTransformation);

            if (Covariates != null)
                foreach (string covariate in Covariates)
                    dtNew.TransformColumn(covariate, CovariateTransformation);

            //Finally, as numeric categorical variables get misinterpreted by r, we need to go through
            //each column and put them in quotes...
            foreach (string treat in Treatments)
                if (dtNew.CheckIsNumeric(treat))
                    foreach (DataRow row in dtNew.Rows)
                        row[treat] = "'" + row[treat] + "'";

            if (OtherDesignFactors != null)
                foreach (string odf in OtherDesignFactors)
                    if (dtNew.CheckIsNumeric(odf))
                        foreach (DataRow row in dtNew.Rows)
                            row[odf] = "'" + row[odf] + "'";

            string[] csvArray = dtNew.GetCSVArray();

            //fix any columns with illegal chars here (at the end)
            ArgumentFormatter argFormatter = new ArgumentFormatter();

            csvArray[0] = argFormatter.ConvertIllegalCharacters(csvArray[0]);

        public override string[] ExportData()
            DataTable dtNew = DataTable.CopyForExport();

            //Get the response, treatment and covariate columns by removing all other columns from the new datatable
            foreach (string columnName in dtNew.GetVariableNames())
                if (!Responses.Contains(columnName) && FirstCatFactor != columnName && SecondCatFactor != columnName && ThirdCatFactor != columnName && FourthCatFactor != columnName)

            //Generate a "catfact" column from the CatFactors!
            DataColumn catFactor = new DataColumn("catfact");


            foreach (DataRow r in dtNew.Rows) //go through each row...
                string firstCatFactorValue  = null;
                string secondCatFactorValue = null;
                string thirdCatFactorValue  = null;
                string fourthCatFactorValue = null;

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(FirstCatFactor))
                    firstCatFactorValue = r[FirstCatFactor].ToString() + " ";

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(SecondCatFactor))
                    secondCatFactorValue = r[SecondCatFactor].ToString() + " ";

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ThirdCatFactor))
                    thirdCatFactorValue = r[ThirdCatFactor].ToString() + " ";

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(FourthCatFactor))
                    fourthCatFactorValue = r[FourthCatFactor].ToString();

                string catFactorValue = firstCatFactorValue + secondCatFactorValue + thirdCatFactorValue + fourthCatFactorValue;
                r["catfact"] = catFactorValue.Trim(); //copy the cat factor to the new column

            //Now do transformations
            foreach (string resp in Responses)
                dtNew.TransformColumn(resp, Transformation);

            string[] csvArray = dtNew.GetCSVArray();

            //fix any columns with illegal chars here (at the end)
            ArgumentFormatter argFormatter = new ArgumentFormatter();

            csvArray[0] = argFormatter.ConvertIllegalCharacters(csvArray[0]);
