Ejemplo n.º 1
        public bool VehiclePassableInPolygon(ArbiterLane al, VehicleAgent va, Polygon p, VehicleState ourState, Polygon circ)
            Polygon vehiclePoly = va.GetAbsolutePolygon(ourState);

            vehiclePoly = Polygon.ConvexMinkowskiConvolution(circ, vehiclePoly);
            List <Coordinates>   pointsOutside = new List <Coordinates>();
            ArbiterLanePartition alp           = al.GetClosestPartition(va.ClosestPosition);

            foreach (Coordinates c in vehiclePoly)
                if (!p.IsInside(c))

            foreach (Coordinates m in pointsOutside)
                foreach (Coordinates n in pointsOutside)
                    if (!m.Equals(n))
                        if (GeneralToolkit.TriangleArea(alp.Initial.Position, m, alp.Final.Position) *
                            GeneralToolkit.TriangleArea(alp.Initial.Position, n, alp.Final.Position) < 0)

Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the next navigational stop relavant to us (stop or end) in the closest good lane or our current opposing lane
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="closestGood"></param>
        /// <param name="coordinates"></param>
        /// <param name="ignorable"></param>
        /// <param name="navStopSpeed"></param>
        /// <param name="navStopDistance"></param>
        /// <param name="navStopType"></param>
        /// <param name="navStop"></param>
        private void NextOpposingNavigationalStop(ArbiterLane opposing, ArbiterLane closestGood, Coordinates coordinates, double extraDistance,
                                                  out double navStopSpeed, out double navStopDistance, out StopType navStopType, out ArbiterWaypoint navStop)
            ArbiterWaypoint current = null;
            double          minDist = Double.MaxValue;
            StopType        st      = StopType.EndOfLane;

            #region Closest Good Parameterization

            foreach (ArbiterWaypoint aw in closestGood.WaypointList)
                if (aw.IsStop || aw.NextPartition == null)
                    double dist = closestGood.DistanceBetween(coordinates, aw.Position);

                    if (dist < minDist && dist >= 0)
                        current = aw;
                        minDist = dist;
                        st      = aw.IsStop ? StopType.StopLine : StopType.EndOfLane;


            #region Opposing Parameterization

            ArbiterWaypoint opStart    = opposing.GetClosestPartition(coordinates).Initial;
            int             startIndex = opposing.WaypointList.IndexOf(opStart);

            for (int i = startIndex; i >= 0; i--)
                ArbiterWaypoint aw = opposing.WaypointList[i];
                if (aw.IsStop || aw.PreviousPartition == null)
                    double dist = opposing.DistanceBetween(aw.Position, coordinates);

                    if (dist < minDist && dist >= 0)
                        current = aw;
                        minDist = dist;
                        st      = aw.IsStop ? StopType.StopLine : StopType.EndOfLane;


            double tmpDistanceIgnore;
            this.StoppingParams(current, closestGood, coordinates, extraDistance, out navStopSpeed, out tmpDistanceIgnore);
            navStop         = current;
            navStopDistance = minDist;
            navStopType     = st;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public bool VehiclePassableInPolygon(ArbiterLane al, Polygon p, VehicleState ourState, Polygon circ)
            List <Coordinates> vhcCoords = new List <Coordinates>();

            for (int i = 0; i < this.trackedCluster.relativePoints.Length; i++)
                vhcCoords.Add(this.TransformCoordAbs(this.trackedCluster.relativePoints[i], ourState));
            Polygon vehiclePoly = Polygon.GrahamScan(vhcCoords);

            vehiclePoly = Polygon.ConvexMinkowskiConvolution(circ, vehiclePoly);
            ArbiterLanePartition alp           = al.GetClosestPartition(this.trackedCluster.closestPoint);
            List <Coordinates>   pointsOutside = new List <Coordinates>();

            foreach (Coordinates c in vehiclePoly)
                if (!p.IsInside(c))

            foreach (Coordinates m in pointsOutside)
                foreach (Coordinates n in pointsOutside)
                    if (!m.Equals(n))
                        if (GeneralToolkit.TriangleArea(alp.Initial.Position, m, alp.Final.Position) *
                            GeneralToolkit.TriangleArea(alp.Initial.Position, n, alp.Final.Position) < 0)

        /// <summary>
        /// Startup the vehicle from a certain position, pass the next state back,
        /// and initialize the lane agent if possible
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="vehicleState"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IState Startup(VehicleState vehicleState, CarMode carMode)
            // check car mode
            if (carMode == CarMode.Run)
                // check areas
                ArbiterLane         al  = CoreCommon.RoadNetwork.ClosestLane(vehicleState.Front);
                ArbiterZone         az  = CoreCommon.RoadNetwork.InZone(vehicleState.Front);
                ArbiterIntersection ain = CoreCommon.RoadNetwork.InIntersection(vehicleState.Front);
                ArbiterInterconnect ai  = CoreCommon.RoadNetwork.ClosestInterconnect(vehicleState.Front, vehicleState.Heading);

                if (az != null)
                    // special zone startup
                    return(new ZoneStartupState(az));

                if (ain != null)
                    if (al != null)
                        // check lane stuff
                        PointOnPath lanePoint = al.PartitionPath.GetClosest(vehicleState.Front);

                        // get distance from front of car
                        double dist = lanePoint.pt.DistanceTo(vehicleState.Front);

                        // check dist to lane
                        if (dist < al.Width + 1.0)
                            // check orientation relative to lane
                            Coordinates laneVector = al.GetClosestPartition(vehicleState.Front).Vector().Normalize();

                            // get our heading
                            Coordinates ourHeading = vehicleState.Heading.Normalize();

                            // forwards or backwards
                            bool forwards = true;

                            // check dist to each other
                            if (laneVector.DistanceTo(ourHeading) > Math.Sqrt(2.0))
                                // not going forwards
                                forwards = false;

                            // stay in lane if forwards
                            if (forwards)
                                ArbiterOutput.Output("Starting up in lane: " + al.ToString());
                                return(new StayInLaneState(al, new Probability(0.7, 0.3), true, CoreCommon.CorePlanningState));
                                // Opposing lane
                                return(new OpposingLanesState(al, true, CoreCommon.CorePlanningState, vehicleState));

                    // startup intersection state
                    return(new IntersectionStartupState(ain));

                if (al != null)
                    // get a startup chute
                    ArbiterLanePartition startupChute = this.GetStartupChute(vehicleState);

                    // check if in a startup chute
                    if (startupChute != null && !startupChute.IsInside(vehicleState.Front))
                        ArbiterOutput.Output("Starting up in chute: " + startupChute.ToString());
                        return(new StartupOffChuteState(startupChute));
                    // not in a startup chute
                        PointOnPath lanePoint = al.PartitionPath.GetClosest(vehicleState.Front);

                        // get distance from front of car
                        double dist = lanePoint.pt.DistanceTo(vehicleState.Front);

                        // check orientation relative to lane
                        Coordinates laneVector = al.GetClosestPartition(vehicleState.Front).Vector().Normalize();

                        // get our heading
                        Coordinates ourHeading = vehicleState.Heading.Normalize();

                        // forwards or backwards
                        bool forwards = true;

                        // check dist to each other
                        if (laneVector.DistanceTo(ourHeading) > Math.Sqrt(2.0))
                            // not going forwards
                            forwards = false;

                        // stay in lane if forwards
                        if (forwards)
                            ArbiterOutput.Output("Starting up in lane: " + al.ToString());
                            return(new StayInLaneState(al, new Probability(0.7, 0.3), true, CoreCommon.CorePlanningState));
                            // opposing
                            return(new OpposingLanesState(al, true, CoreCommon.CorePlanningState, vehicleState));

                // fell out
                ArbiterOutput.Output("Cannot find area to startup in");
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public override void Process(object param)
            // inform the base that we're beginning processing
            if (!BeginProcess())

            // check if we were given a parameter
            if (param != null && param is StayInLaneBehavior)

            if (reverseGear)

            // figure out the planning distance
            double planningDistance = GetPlanningDistance();

            if (sparse && planningDistance > 10)
                planningDistance = 10;

            double?boundStartDistMin = null;
            double?boundEndDistMax   = null;

            if (laneID != null && Services.RoadNetwork != null)
                ArbiterLane          lane          = Services.RoadNetwork.ArbiterSegments[laneID.SegmentId].Lanes[laneID];
                AbsolutePose         pose          = Services.StateProvider.GetAbsolutePose();
                ArbiterLanePartition partition     = lane.GetClosestPartition(pose.xy);
                LinePath             partitionPath = partition.UserPartitionPath;
                LinePath.PointOnPath closestPoint  = partitionPath.GetClosestPoint(pose.xy);
                double remainingDist = planningDistance;
                double totalDist     = partitionPath.DistanceBetween(closestPoint, partitionPath.EndPoint);
                remainingDist -= totalDist;

                if (sparse)
                    // walk ahead and determine where sparsity ends
                    bool nonSparseFound = false;

                    while (remainingDist > 0)
                        // get the next partition
                        partition = partition.Final.NextPartition;
                        if (partition == null)

                        if (partition.Type != PartitionType.Sparse)
                            nonSparseFound = true;
                            double dist = partition.UserPartitionPath.PathLength;
                            totalDist     += dist;
                            remainingDist -= dist;

                    if (nonSparseFound)
                        boundStartDistMin = totalDist;
                    // determine if there is a sparse segment upcoming
                    bool sparseFound = false;
                    while (remainingDist > 0)
                        partition = partition.Final.NextPartition;

                        if (partition == null)

                        if (partition.Type == PartitionType.Sparse)
                            sparseFound = true;
                            double dist = partition.Length;
                            totalDist     += dist;
                            remainingDist -= dist;

                    if (sparseFound)
                        boundEndDistMax = totalDist;
                        sparse          = true;

            BehaviorManager.TraceSource.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Information, 0, "in stay in lane, planning distance {0}", planningDistance);

            // update the rndf path
            RelativeTransform relTransfrom    = Services.RelativePose.GetTransform(behaviorTimestamp, curTimestamp);
            LinePath          curRndfPath     = rndfPath.Transform(relTransfrom);
            ILaneModel        centerLaneModel = Services.RoadModelProvider.GetLaneModel(curRndfPath, rndfPathWidth + extraWidth, curTimestamp, numLanesLeft, numLanesRight);

            double avoidanceExtra = sparse ? 5 : 7.5;

            LinePath centerLine, leftBound, rightBound;

            if (boundEndDistMax != null || boundStartDistMin != null)
                LinearizeStayInLane(centerLaneModel, planningDistance + avoidanceExtra, null, boundEndDistMax, boundStartDistMin, null, curTimestamp, out centerLine, out leftBound, out rightBound);
                LinearizeStayInLane(centerLaneModel, planningDistance + avoidanceExtra, curTimestamp, out centerLine, out leftBound, out rightBound);
            BehaviorManager.TraceSource.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Verbose, 0, "in stay in lane, center line count: {0}, left bound count: {1}, right bound count: {2}", centerLine.Count, leftBound.Count, rightBound.Count);

            // calculate time to collision of opposing obstacle if it exists
            LinePath targetLine   = centerLine;
            double   targetWeight = default_lane_alpha_w;

            if (sparse)
                targetWeight = 0.00000025;
            else if (oncomingVehicleExists)
                double shiftDist = -(TahoeParams.T + 1);
                targetLine   = centerLine.ShiftLateral(shiftDist);
                targetWeight = 0.01;
            else if (opposingLaneVehicleExists)
                double timeToCollision = opposingLaneVehicleDist / (Math.Abs(vs.speed) + Math.Abs(opposingLaneVehicleSpeed));
                Services.Dataset.ItemAs <double>("time to collision").Add(timeToCollision, curTimestamp);
                if (timeToCollision < 5)
                    // shift to the right
                    double shiftDist = -TahoeParams.T / 2.0;
                    targetLine = centerLine.ShiftLateral(shiftDist);

            // set up the planning
            AddTargetPath(targetLine, targetWeight);
            if (!sparse || boundStartDistMin != null || boundEndDistMax != null)
                AddLeftBound(leftBound, true);
                if (!oncomingVehicleExists)
                    AddRightBound(rightBound, false);

            double targetDist = Math.Max(centerLine.PathLength - avoidanceExtra, planningDistance);

            smootherBasePath = centerLine.SubPath(centerLine.StartPoint, targetDist);
            maxSmootherBasePathAdvancePoint = smootherBasePath.EndPoint;

            double extraDist = (planningDistance + avoidanceExtra) - centerLine.PathLength;

            extraDist = Math.Min(extraDist, 5);

            if (extraDist > 0)
                centerLine.Add(centerLine[centerLine.Count - 1] + centerLine.EndSegment.Vector.Normalize(extraDist));
            avoidanceBasePath = centerLine;

            Services.UIService.PushLineList(centerLine, curTimestamp, "subpath", true);
            Services.UIService.PushLineList(leftBound, curTimestamp, "left bound", true);
            Services.UIService.PushLineList(rightBound, curTimestamp, "right bound", true);

            // get the overall max speed looking forward from our current point
            settings.maxSpeed = GetMaxSpeed(curRndfPath, curRndfPath.AdvancePoint(curRndfPath.ZeroPoint, vs.speed * TahoeParams.actuation_delay));
            // get the max speed at the end point
            settings.maxEndingSpeed = GetMaxSpeed(curRndfPath, curRndfPath.AdvancePoint(curRndfPath.ZeroPoint, planningDistance));
            useAvoidancePath        = false;
            if (sparse)
                // limit to 5 mph
                laneWidthAtPathEnd = 20;
                pathAngleCheckMax  = 50;
                pathAngleMax       = 5 * Math.PI / 180.0;
                settings.maxSpeed  = Math.Min(settings.maxSpeed, 2.2352);
                maxAvoidanceBasePathAdvancePoint = avoidanceBasePath.AdvancePoint(avoidanceBasePath.EndPoint, -2);
                //maxSmootherBasePathAdvancePoint = smootherBasePath.AdvancePoint(smootherBasePath.EndPoint, -2);

                LinePath leftEdge  = RoadEdge.GetLeftEdgeLine();
                LinePath rightEdge = RoadEdge.GetRightEdgeLine();
                if (leftEdge != null)
                    leftLaneBounds.Add(new Boundary(leftEdge, 0.1, 1, 100, false));
                if (rightEdge != null)
                    rightLaneBounds.Add(new Boundary(rightEdge, 0.1, 1, 100, false));

                PlanningResult            result           = new PlanningResult();
                ISteeringCommandGenerator commandGenerator = SparseArcVoting.SparcVote(ref prevCurvature, goalPoint);
                if (commandGenerator == null)
                    // we have a block, report dynamically infeasible
                    result = OnDynamicallyInfeasible(null, null);
                    result.steeringCommandGenerator = commandGenerator;
                    result.commandLabel             = commandLabel;
                Track(result, commandLabel);
            else if (oncomingVehicleExists)
                laneWidthAtPathEnd = 10;

            BehaviorManager.TraceSource.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Information, 0, "max speed set to {0}", settings.maxSpeed);

            disablePathAngleCheck = false;

            SmoothAndTrack(commandLabel, true);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        private void HandleBehavior(StayInLaneBehavior b)
            AbsoluteTransformer absTransform = Services.StateProvider.GetAbsoluteTransformer(b.TimeStamp);

            this.behaviorTimestamp = absTransform.Timestamp;

            this.rndfPath      = b.BackupPath.Transform(absTransform);
            this.rndfPathWidth = b.LaneWidth;
            this.numLanesLeft  = b.NumLaneLeft;
            this.numLanesRight = b.NumLanesRight;

            this.laneID = b.TargetLane;

            this.ignorableObstacles = b.IgnorableObstacles;
            Services.ObstaclePipeline.LastIgnoredObstacles = b.IgnorableObstacles;


            opposingLaneVehicleExists = false;
            oncomingVehicleExists     = false;
            extraWidth = 0;
            if (b.Decorators != null)
                foreach (BehaviorDecorator d in b.Decorators)
                    if (d is OpposingLaneDecorator)
                        opposingLaneVehicleExists = true;
                        opposingLaneVehicleDist   = ((OpposingLaneDecorator)d).Distance;
                        opposingLaneVehicleSpeed  = ((OpposingLaneDecorator)d).Speed;
                    else if (d is OncomingVehicleDecorator)
                        oncomingVehicleExists       = true;
                        oncomingVehicleDist         = ((OncomingVehicleDecorator)d).TargetDistance;
                        oncomingVehicleSpeed        = ((OncomingVehicleDecorator)d).TargetSpeed;
                        oncomingVehicleSpeedCommand = ((OncomingVehicleDecorator)d).SecondarySpeed;
                    else if (d is WidenBoundariesDecorator)
                        extraWidth = ((WidenBoundariesDecorator)d).ExtraWidth;

            if (oncomingVehicleExists)
                double timeToCollision = oncomingVehicleDist / Math.Abs(oncomingVehicleSpeed);
                if (oncomingVehicleDist > 30 || timeToCollision > 20 || numLanesRight > 0)
                    oncomingVehicleExists = false;

            if (laneID != null && Services.RoadNetwork != null)
                ArbiterLane  lane = Services.RoadNetwork.ArbiterSegments[laneID.SegmentId].Lanes[laneID];
                AbsolutePose pose = Services.StateProvider.GetAbsolutePose();
                sparse = (lane.GetClosestPartition(pose.xy).Type == PartitionType.Sparse);

                if (sparse)
                    LinePath.PointOnPath closest = b.BackupPath.GetClosestPoint(pose.xy);
                    goalPoint = b.BackupPath[closest.Index + 1];

            Services.UIService.PushAbsolutePath(b.BackupPath, b.TimeStamp, "original path1");
            Services.UIService.PushAbsolutePath(new LineList(), b.TimeStamp, "original path2");

            if (sparse)
                if (Services.ObstaclePipeline.ExtraSpacing == 0)
                    Services.ObstaclePipeline.ExtraSpacing = 0.5;
                Services.ObstaclePipeline.UseOccupancyGrid = false;
                Services.ObstaclePipeline.ExtraSpacing     = 0;
                Services.ObstaclePipeline.UseOccupancyGrid = true;
                smootherSpacingAdjust = 0;

                prevCurvature = double.NaN;