Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Format the grid.
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual void FormatGrid()
            for (int i = 0; i < properties.Count; i++)
                IGridCell cell = grid.GetCell(1, i);

                if (properties[i] is VariableObject)
                    cell.EditorType = EditorTypeEnum.TextBox;

                    grid.SetRowAsSeparator(i, true);
                else if (properties[i].Display != null &&
                         properties[i].Display.Type == DisplayType.TableName)
                    cell.EditorType      = EditorTypeEnum.DropDown;
                    cell.DropDownStrings = storage.Reader.TableNames.ToArray();
                else if (properties[i].Display != null &&
                         properties[i].Display.Type == DisplayType.CultivarName)
                    cell.EditorType = EditorTypeEnum.DropDown;
                    IPlant crop = GetCrop(properties);
                    if (crop != null)
                        cell.DropDownStrings = GetCultivarNames(crop);
                else if (properties[i].Display != null &&
                         properties[i].Display.Type == DisplayType.FileName)
                    cell.EditorType = EditorTypeEnum.Button;
                else if (properties[i].Display != null &&
                         properties[i].Display.Type == DisplayType.FieldName)
                    cell.EditorType = EditorTypeEnum.DropDown;
                    List <string> fieldNames = GetFieldNames();
                    if (fieldNames != null)
                        fieldNames.Insert(0, string.Empty);
                        cell.DropDownStrings = fieldNames.ToArray();
                else if (properties[i].Display != null &&
                         properties[i].Display.Type == DisplayType.ResidueName &&
                         model is SurfaceOrganicMatter)
                    cell.EditorType = EditorTypeEnum.DropDown;
                    string[] fieldNames = GetResidueNames();
                    if (fieldNames != null)
                        cell.DropDownStrings = fieldNames;
                else if (properties[i].Display != null &&
                         (properties[i].Display.Type == DisplayType.CLEMResourceName))
                    cell.EditorType = EditorTypeEnum.DropDown;
                    List <string> fieldNames = new List <string>();

                    // add any extras elements provided to the list.
                    if (this.properties[i].Display.CLEMExtraEntries != null)

                    if (fieldNames.Count != 0)
                        cell.DropDownStrings = fieldNames.ToArray();
                else if (properties[i].Display != null &&
                         (properties[i].Display.Type == DisplayType.CLEMCropFileName))
                    cell.EditorType = EditorTypeEnum.DropDown;
                    List <string> fieldNames = new List <string>();
                    Simulation    clemParent = Apsim.Parent(this.model, typeof(Simulation)) as Simulation;
                    // get crop file names
                    fieldNames.AddRange(Apsim.ChildrenRecursively(clemParent, typeof(FileCrop)).Select(a => a.Name).ToList());
                    fieldNames.AddRange(Apsim.ChildrenRecursively(clemParent, typeof(FileSQLiteCrop)).Select(a => a.Name).ToList());
                    if (fieldNames.Count != 0)
                        cell.DropDownStrings = fieldNames.ToArray();
                else if (properties[i].Display != null &&
                         (properties[i].Display.Type == DisplayType.CLEMGraspFileName))
                    cell.EditorType = EditorTypeEnum.DropDown;
                    List <string> fieldNames = new List <string>();
                    Simulation    clemParent = Apsim.Parent(this.model, typeof(Simulation)) as Simulation;
                    // get GRASP file names
                    fieldNames.AddRange(Apsim.ChildrenRecursively(clemParent, typeof(FileGRASP)).Select(a => a.Name).ToList());
                    fieldNames.AddRange(Apsim.ChildrenRecursively(clemParent, typeof(FileSQLiteGRASP)).Select(a => a.Name).ToList());
                    if (fieldNames.Count != 0)
                        cell.DropDownStrings = fieldNames.ToArray();
                else if (properties[i].Display != null &&
                         properties[i].Display.Type == DisplayType.Model)
                    cell.EditorType = EditorTypeEnum.DropDown;

                    string[] modelNames = GetModelNames(properties[i].Display.ModelType);
                    if (modelNames != null)
                        cell.DropDownStrings = modelNames;
                    object cellValue = properties[i].ValueWithArrayHandling;
                    if (cellValue is DateTime)
                        cell.EditorType = EditorTypeEnum.DateTime;
                    else if (cellValue is bool)
                        cell.EditorType = EditorTypeEnum.Boolean;
                    else if (cellValue.GetType().IsEnum)
                        cell.EditorType      = EditorTypeEnum.DropDown;
                        cell.DropDownStrings = VariableProperty.EnumToStrings(cellValue);
                        Enum cellValueAsEnum = cellValue as Enum;
                        if (cellValueAsEnum != null)
                            cell.Value = VariableProperty.GetEnumDescription(cellValueAsEnum);
                    else if (cellValue.GetType() == typeof(IPlant))
                        cell.EditorType = EditorTypeEnum.DropDown;
                        List <string> cropNames = new List <string>();
                        foreach (Model crop in Apsim.FindAll(model, typeof(IPlant)))

                        cell.DropDownStrings = cropNames.ToArray();
                    else if (properties[i].DataType == typeof(IPlant))
                        List <string> plantNames = Apsim.FindAll(model, typeof(IPlant)).Select(m => m.Name).ToList();
                        cell.EditorType      = EditorTypeEnum.DropDown;
                        cell.DropDownStrings = plantNames.ToArray();
                    else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(properties[i].Display?.Values))
                        MethodInfo method = model.GetType().GetMethod(properties[i].Display.Values);
                        string[]   values = ((IEnumerable <object>)method.Invoke(model, null))?.Select(v => v?.ToString())?.ToArray();
                        cell.EditorType      = EditorTypeEnum.DropDown;
                        cell.DropDownStrings = values;
                        cell.EditorType = EditorTypeEnum.TextBox;
                cell.IsRowReadonly = !IsPropertyEnabled(i);

            IGridColumn descriptionColumn = grid.GetColumn(0);

            descriptionColumn.Width    = -1;
            descriptionColumn.ReadOnly = true;

            IGridColumn valueColumn = grid.GetColumn(1);

            valueColumn.Width = -1;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>Add a checkpoint</summary>
        /// <param name="name">Name of checkpoint</param>
        /// <param name="filesToCheckpoint">Files to checkpoint</param>
        public void AddCheckpoint(string name, IEnumerable <string> filesToCheckpoint = null)
            if (checkpointIDs.ContainsKey(name))

            Open(readOnly: false);

            int checkpointID    = checkpointIDs["Current"];
            int newCheckpointID = checkpointIDs.Values.Max() + 1;

            foreach (Table t in tables)
                List <string> columnNames = t.Columns.Select(column => column.Name).ToList();
                if (t.Name != "_CheckpointFiles" && columnNames.Contains("CheckpointID"))

                    string csvFieldNames = null;
                    foreach (string columnName in columnNames)
                        if (csvFieldNames != null)
                            csvFieldNames += ",";
                        csvFieldNames += "[" + columnName + "]";

                    connection.ExecuteNonQuery("INSERT INTO " + t.Name + " (" + "CheckpointID," + csvFieldNames + ")" +
                                               " SELECT " + newCheckpointID + "," + csvFieldNames +
                                               " FROM " + t.Name +
                                               " WHERE CheckpointID = " + checkpointID);
            string version = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString();
            string now     = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss");

            connection.ExecuteNonQuery("INSERT INTO _Checkpoints (ID, Name, Version, Date) VALUES (" + newCheckpointID + ", '" + name + "', '" + version + "', '" + now + "')");

            if (filesToCheckpoint != null)
                IntPtr insertQuery = connection.Prepare("INSERT INTO _CheckpointFiles (CheckpointID, FileName, Contents) VALUES (?, ?, ?)");

                // Add in all referenced files.
                Simulations sims   = Apsim.Parent(this, typeof(Simulations)) as Simulations;
                object[]    values = new object[3];
                values[0] = newCheckpointID;
                foreach (string fileName in filesToCheckpoint)
                    if (File.Exists(fileName))
                        values[1] = fileName;
                        values[2] = File.ReadAllBytes(fileName);
                        connection.BindParametersAndRunQuery(insertQuery, values);

            Open(readOnly: true);

            checkpointIDs.Add(name, newCheckpointID);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds a shared marketplace
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Market</returns>
        public Market FindMarket()
            IModel parentSim = Apsim.Parent(this, typeof(Simulation));

            return(Apsim.Children(parentSim, typeof(Market)).Where(a => a.Enabled).FirstOrDefault() as Market);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// A new method for finding a model/object from a path in the simulations tree.
        /// Finds the node (whose name is surrounded by square brackets). From there, it looks for each
        /// successive period-delimited child or property given in the path string.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="relativeTo">Object in the simulations tree.</param>
        /// <param name="objectName">Name of the object or model for which we want completion options.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static object GetNodeFromPath(Model relativeTo, string objectName)
            string modelNamePattern = @"\[[A-Za-z\s]+[A-Za-z0-9\s_]*\]";
            object node             = null;
            var    matches          = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Matches(objectName, modelNamePattern);

            if (matches.Count <= 0)
                // object name doesn't contain square brackets.
                string textBeforeFirstDot = objectName;
                if (objectName.Contains("."))
                    textBeforeFirstDot = textBeforeFirstDot.Substring(0, textBeforeFirstDot.IndexOf('.'));
                node = Apsim.Find(relativeTo, textBeforeFirstDot);
                // Get the raw model name without square brackets.
                string modelName = matches[0].Value.Replace("[", "").Replace("]", "");

                // Get the node in the simulations tree corresponding to the model name which was surrounded by square brackets.
                node = Apsim.Find(relativeTo, modelName);

                // If we're under replacements we won't be able to find some simulation-
                // related nodes such as weather/soil/etc. In this scenario, we should
                // search through all models, not just those in scope.
                if (node == null && Apsim.Parent(relativeTo, typeof(Replacements)) != null)
                    node = Apsim.ChildrenRecursively(Apsim.Parent(relativeTo, typeof(Simulations))).FirstOrDefault(child => child.Name == modelName);

            // If the object name string does not contain any children/properties
            // (e.g. it doesn't contain any periods), we can return immediately.
            if (!objectName.Contains("."))

            objectName = objectName.Substring(objectName.IndexOf('.') + 1);

            // Iterate over the 'child' models/properties.
            // childName is the next child we're looking for. e.g. in "[Wheat].Leaf", the first childName will be "Leaf".
            string[] namePathBits = StringUtilities.SplitStringHonouringBrackets(objectName, '.', '[', ']');
            for (int i = 0; i < namePathBits.Length; i++)
                if (node == null)
                string childName = namePathBits[i];

                int squareBracketIndex = childName.IndexOf('[');
                if (squareBracketIndex == 0)
                    // User has typed something like [Wheat].[...]
                    throw new Exception("Unable to parse child or property " + childName);
                if (squareBracketIndex > 0) // childName contains square brackets - it may be an IList element
                    childName = childName.Substring(0, squareBracketIndex);

                // First, check the child models.
                if (node is IModel)
                    node = (node as IModel).Children.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Name == childName) ?? node;

                // If we couldn't find a matching child model, we check the model/object's properties.

                // This expression evaluates to true if node is not an IModel.
                if ((node as IModel)?.Name != childName)
                    // Node cannot be null here.
                        Type         propertyType = node is Type ? node as Type : node.GetType();
                        PropertyInfo property     = propertyType.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance).FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name == childName);

                        // If we couldn't find any matching child models or properties, all we can do is return.
                        if (property == null)

                        // Try to set node to the value of the property.
                        node = ReflectionUtilities.GetValueOfFieldOrProperty(childName, node);
                        if (node == null)
                            // This property has the correct name. If the property's type provides a parameterless constructor, we can use
                            // reflection to instantiate an object of that type and assign it to the node variable.
                            // Otherwise, we assign the type itself to node.
                            if (property.PropertyType.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes) == null)
                                node = property.PropertyType;
                                node = Activator.CreateInstance(property.PropertyType);
                        // Any 'real' errors should be displayed to the user, so they should be caught
                        // in a presenter which can access the explorer presenter.
                        // Because of this, any unhandled exceptions here will kill the intellisense
                        // generation operation, and we still have a few tricks up our sleeve.

                if (squareBracketIndex > 0)
                    // We have found the node, but the node is an IList of some sort, and we are actually interested in a specific element.

                    int closingBracketIndex = namePathBits[i].IndexOf(']');
                    if (closingBracketIndex <= 0 || (closingBracketIndex - squareBracketIndex) < 1)

                    string textBetweenBrackets = namePathBits[i].Substring(squareBracketIndex + 1, closingBracketIndex - squareBracketIndex - 1);
                    if (node is IList)
                        int index = -1;
                        if (Int32.TryParse(textBetweenBrackets, out index))
                            IList nodeList = node as IList;
                            if (index > nodeList.Count || index <= 0)
                                node = node.GetType().GetInterfaces().Where(x => x.IsGenericType && x.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(IEnumerable <>)).Select(x => x.GetGenericArguments()[0]).FirstOrDefault();
                                node = nodeList[index - 1];
                            throw new Exception("Unable to access element \"" + textBetweenBrackets + "\" of list \"" + namePathBits[i] + "\"");
                    else if (node is IDictionary)
                        node = (node as IDictionary)[textBetweenBrackets];
                        throw new Exception("Unable to parse child or property name " + namePathBits[i]);
                squareBracketIndex = -1;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines how much labour is required from this activity based on the requirement provided
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="requirement">The details of how labour are to be provided</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override double GetDaysLabourRequired(LabourRequirement requirement)
            double daysNeeded  = 0;
            double numberUnits = 0;

            switch (requirement.UnitType)
            case LabourUnitType.Fixed:
                daysNeeded = requirement.LabourPerUnit;

            case LabourUnitType.perHa:
                CropActivityManageCrop    cropParent    = Apsim.Parent(this, typeof(CropActivityManageCrop)) as CropActivityManageCrop;
                CropActivityManageProduct productParent = Apsim.Parent(this, typeof(CropActivityManageProduct)) as CropActivityManageProduct;
                numberUnits = cropParent.Area * productParent.UnitsToHaConverter / requirement.UnitSize;
                if (requirement.WholeUnitBlocks)
                    numberUnits = Math.Ceiling(numberUnits);

                daysNeeded = numberUnits * requirement.LabourPerUnit;

            case LabourUnitType.perTree:
                cropParent    = Apsim.Parent(this, typeof(CropActivityManageCrop)) as CropActivityManageCrop;
                productParent = Apsim.Parent(this, typeof(CropActivityManageProduct)) as CropActivityManageProduct;
                numberUnits   = productParent.TreesPerHa * cropParent.Area * productParent.UnitsToHaConverter / requirement.UnitSize;
                if (requirement.WholeUnitBlocks)
                    numberUnits = Math.Ceiling(numberUnits);

                daysNeeded = numberUnits * requirement.LabourPerUnit;

            case LabourUnitType.perKg:
                cropParent    = Apsim.Parent(this, typeof(CropActivityManageCrop)) as CropActivityManageCrop;
                productParent = Apsim.Parent(this, typeof(CropActivityManageProduct)) as CropActivityManageProduct;
                numberUnits   = productParent.AmountHarvested;
                if (requirement.WholeUnitBlocks)
                    numberUnits = Math.Ceiling(numberUnits);

                daysNeeded = numberUnits * requirement.LabourPerUnit;

            case LabourUnitType.perUnit:
                cropParent    = Apsim.Parent(this, typeof(CropActivityManageCrop)) as CropActivityManageCrop;
                productParent = Apsim.Parent(this, typeof(CropActivityManageProduct)) as CropActivityManageProduct;
                numberUnits   = productParent.AmountHarvested / requirement.UnitSize;
                if (requirement.WholeUnitBlocks)
                    numberUnits = Math.Ceiling(numberUnits);

                daysNeeded = numberUnits * requirement.LabourPerUnit;

                throw new Exception(String.Format("LabourUnitType {0} is not supported for {1} in {2}", requirement.UnitType, requirement.Name, this.Name));
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model"></param>
        /// <param name="useFullDescription">Use full verbose description</param>
        /// <param name="htmlString"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string GetFullSummary(object model, bool useFullDescription, string htmlString)
            string html = "";

            html += "\n<div class=\"holdermain\" style=\"opacity: " + ((!this.Enabled) ? "0.4" : "1") + "\">";

            // get clock
            IModel parentSim = Apsim.Parent(this, typeof(Simulation));

            // find random number generator
            RandomNumberGenerator rnd = Apsim.Children(parentSim, typeof(RandomNumberGenerator)).FirstOrDefault() as RandomNumberGenerator;

            if (rnd != null)
                html += "\n<div class=\"clearfix defaultbanner\">";
                html += "<div class=\"namediv\">" + rnd.Name + "</div>";
                html += "<div class=\"typediv\">RandomNumberGenerator</div>";
                html += "</div>";
                html += "\n<div class=\"defaultcontent\">";
                html += "\n<div class=\"activityentry\">Random numbers are provided for this simultion.<br />";
                if (rnd.Seed == 0)
                    html += "Every run of this simulation will be different.";
                    html += "Each run of this simulation will be identical using the seed <span class=\"setvalue\">" + rnd.Seed.ToString() + "</span>";
                html += "\n</div>";
                html += "\n</div>";

            Clock clk = Apsim.Children(parentSim, typeof(Clock)).FirstOrDefault() as Clock;

            if (clk != null)
                html += "\n<div class=\"clearfix defaultbanner\">";
                html += "<div class=\"namediv\">" + clk.Name + "</div>";
                html += "<div class=\"typediv\">Clock</div>";
                html += "</div>";
                html += "\n<div class=\"defaultcontent\">";
                html += "\n<div class=\"activityentry\">This simulation runs from ";
                if (clk.StartDate == null)
                    html += "<span class=\"errorlink\">[START DATE NOT SET]</span>";
                    html += "<span class=\"setvalue\">" + clk.StartDate.ToShortDateString() + "</span>";
                html += " to ";
                if (clk.EndDate == null)
                    html += "<span class=\"errorlink\">[END DATE NOT SET]</span>";
                    html += "<span class=\"setvalue\">" + clk.EndDate.ToShortDateString() + "</span>";
                html += "\n</div>";
                html += "\n</div>";
                html += "\n</div>";

            foreach (CLEMModel cm in Apsim.Children(this, typeof(CLEMModel)).Cast <CLEMModel>())
                html += cm.GetFullSummary(cm, true, "");
Ejemplo n.º 7
        private void OnCommencing(object sender, EventArgs e)
            dataToWriteToDb = null;
            // sanitise the variable names and remove duplicates
            IModel        zone          = Apsim.Parent(this, typeof(Zone));
            List <string> variableNames = new List <string>();

            if (VariableNames != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < this.VariableNames.Length; i++)
                    // each variable name is now a GrazeFoodStoreType
                    bool isDuplicate = StringUtilities.IndexOfCaseInsensitive(variableNames, this.VariableNames[i].Trim()) != -1;
                    if (!isDuplicate && this.VariableNames[i] != string.Empty)
                        if (this.VariableNames[i].StartsWith("["))
                            string[] splitName = this.VariableNames[i].Split('.');
                            if (splitName.Count() == 2)
                                // get specified grazeFoodStoreType
                                grazeStore = Resources.GetResourceItem(this, typeof(GrazeFoodStore), splitName[0], OnMissingResourceActionTypes.Ignore, OnMissingResourceActionTypes.ReportErrorAndStop) as GrazeFoodStoreType;

                                // make each pool entry
                                for (int j = 0; j <= 12; j++)
//                                    variableNames.Add(splitName[0] + "-" + j.ToString() + "-" + splitName[1]);
                                    variableNames.Add("[Resources].GrazeFoodStore." + splitName[0] + ".Pool(" + j.ToString() + ")." + splitName[1] + " as " + splitName[0] + "" + j.ToString() + "" + splitName[1]);
                                if (splitName[1] == "Amount")
                                    // add amounts
                                    variableNames.Add("[Resources].GrazeFoodStore." + splitName[0] + ".Amount as TotalAmount");
                                    variableNames.Add("[Resources].GrazeFoodStore." + splitName[0] + ".KilogramsPerHa as TotalkgPerHa");
                                throw new ApsimXException(this, "Invalid report property. Expecting full property link or GrazeFoodStoreTypeName.Property");
                // check if clock.today was included.
                if (!variableNames.Contains("[Clock].Today"))
                    variableNames.Insert(0, "[Clock].Today");
            // Tidy up variable/event names.
            VariableNames = variableNames.ToArray();
            VariableNames = TidyUpVariableNames();
            EventNames    = TidyUpEventNames();

            // Subscribe to events.
            if (EventNames == null || EventNames.Count() == 0)
                events.Subscribe("[Clock].CLEMHerdSummary", DoOutputEvent);
                foreach (string eventName in EventNames)
                    if (eventName != string.Empty)
                        events.Subscribe(eventName.Trim(), DoOutputEvent);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Create the individual ruminant animals using the Cohort parameterisations.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <Ruminant> CreateIndividuals()
            List <Ruminant> individuals = new List <Ruminant>();

            RuminantType parent = Apsim.Parent(this, typeof(RuminantType)) as RuminantType;

            // get Ruminant Herd resource for unique ids
            RuminantHerd ruminantHerd = Resources.RuminantHerd();

            if (Number > 0)
                for (int i = 1; i <= Number; i++)
                    object ruminantBase  = null;
                    double u1            = ZoneCLEM.RandomGenerator.NextDouble();
                    double u2            = ZoneCLEM.RandomGenerator.NextDouble();
                    double randStdNormal = Math.Sqrt(-2.0 * Math.Log(u1)) *
                                           Math.Sin(2.0 * Math.PI * u2);
                    double weight = Weight + WeightSD * randStdNormal;

                    if (this.Gender == Sex.Male)
                        ruminantBase = new RuminantMale(Age, Gender, weight, parent);
                        ruminantBase = new RuminantFemale(Age, Gender, weight, parent);

                    Ruminant ruminant = ruminantBase as Ruminant;
                    ruminant.ID       = ruminantHerd.NextUniqueID;
                    ruminant.Breed    = parent.Breed;
                    ruminant.HerdName = parent.Name;
                    ruminant.SaleFlag = HerdChangeReason.None;
                    if (Suckling)

                    if (Sire)
                        if (this.Gender == Sex.Male)
                            RuminantMale ruminantMale = ruminantBase as RuminantMale;
                            ruminantMale.BreedingSire = true;
                            Summary.WriteWarning(this, "Breeding sire switch is not valid for individual females [r=" + parent.Name + "].[r=" + this.Parent.Name + "].[r=" + this.Name + "]");

                    // if weight not provided use normalised weight
                    ruminant.PreviousWeight = ruminant.Weight;

                    if (this.Gender == Sex.Female)
                        RuminantFemale ruminantFemale = ruminantBase as RuminantFemale;
                        ruminantFemale.DryBreeder         = true;
                        ruminantFemale.WeightAtConception = ruminant.Weight;
                        ruminantFemale.NumberOfBirths     = 0;

                    individuals.Add(ruminantBase as Ruminant);

Ejemplo n.º 9
        private string CreateHTML()
            int    maxErrors  = 100;
            string htmlString = "<!DOCTYPE html>\n" +
                                "<html>\n<head>\n<meta http-equiv=\"X-UA-Compatible\" content=\"IE=edge\" />\n<style>\n" +
                                "body {color: [FontColor]; max-width:1000px; font-size:10pt;}" +
                                ".errorbanner {background-color:red !important; border-radius:5px 5px 0px 0px; color:white; padding:5px; font-weight:bold }" +
                                ".errorcontent {background-color:[ContError] !important; margin-bottom:20px; border-radius:0px 0px 5px 5px; border-color:red; border-width:1px; border-style:none solid solid solid; padding:10px;}" +
                                ".warningbanner {background-color:orange !important; border-radius:5px 5px 0px 0px; color:white; padding:5px; font-weight:bold }" +
                                ".warningcontent {background-color:[ContWarn] !important; margin-bottom:20px; border-radius:0px 0px 5px 5px; border-color:orange; border-width:1px; border-style:none solid solid solid; padding:10px;}" +
                                ".messagebanner {background-color:CornflowerBlue !important; border-radius:5px 5px 0px 0px; color:white; padding:5px; font-weight:bold }" +
                                ".messagecontent {background-color:[ContMessage] !important; margin-bottom:20px; border-radius:0px 0px 5px 5px; border-color:CornflowerBlue; border-width:1px; border-style:none solid solid solid; padding:10px;}" +
                                ".okbanner {background-color:green !important; border-radius:5px 5px 0px 0px; color:white; padding:5px; font-weight:bold }" +
                                ".okcontent {background-color:[ContOK] !important; margin-bottom:20px; border-radius:0px 0px 5px 5px; border-color:green; border-width:1px; border-style:none solid solid solid; padding:10px;}" +
                                ".holdermain {margin: 20px 0px 20px 0px}" +
                                ".resourcelink {color:#996633; font-weight:bold; background-color:Cornsilk !important;border-color:#996633; border-width:1px; border-style:solid; padding:0px 5px 0px 5px; border-radius:3px; }" +
                                ".activitylink {color:#009999; font-weight:bold; background-color:floralwhite !important;border-color:#009999; border-width:1px; border-style:solid; padding:0px 5px 0px 5px; border-radius:3px; }" +
                                ".filterlink {border-color:#cc33cc; background-color:#f2e2f2 !important; color:#cc33cc; border-width:1px; border-style:solid; padding: 0px 5px 0px 5px; font-weight:bold; border-radius:3px;}" +
                                ".filelink {color:green; font-weight:bold; background-color:mintcream !important;border-color:green; border-width:1px; border-style:solid; padding:0px 5px 0px 5px; border-radius:3px; }" +
                                ".errorlink {color:white; font-weight:bold; background-color:red !important;border-color:darkred; border-width:1px; border-style:solid; padding:0px 5px 0px 5px; border-radius:3px; }" +
                                ".setvalue {font-weight:bold; background-color: [ValueSetBack] !important; Color: [ValueSetFont]; border-color:#697c7c; border-width:1px; border-style:solid; padding:0px 5px 0px 5px; border-radius:3px;}" +
                                ".otherlink {font-weight:bold; color:#333333; background-color:#eeeeee !important;border-color:#999999; border-width:1px; border-style:solid; padding:0px 5px 0px 5px; border-radius:3px;}" +
                                ".messageentry {padding:5px 0px 5px 0px; line-height: 1.7em; }" +
                                ".holdermain {margin: 20px 0px 20px 0px}" +
                                "@media print { body { -webkit - print - color - adjust: exact; }}" +

            // apply theme based settings
            if (!Utility.Configuration.Settings.DarkTheme)
                // light theme
                htmlString = htmlString.Replace("[FontColor]", "#000000");

                htmlString = htmlString.Replace("[ContError]", "#FFFAFA");
                htmlString = htmlString.Replace("[ContWarn]", "#FFFFFA");
                htmlString = htmlString.Replace("[ContMessage]", "#FAFAFF");
                htmlString = htmlString.Replace("[ContOK]", "#FAFFFF");
                // values
                htmlString = htmlString.Replace("[ValueSetBack]", "#e8fbfc");
                htmlString = htmlString.Replace("[ValueSetFont]", "#000000");
                // dark theme
                htmlString = htmlString.Replace("[FontColor]", "#E5E5E5");

                htmlString = htmlString.Replace("[ContError]", "#490000");
                htmlString = htmlString.Replace("[ContWarn]", "#A35D00");
                htmlString = htmlString.Replace("[ContMessage]", "#030028");
                htmlString = htmlString.Replace("[ContOK]", "#0C440C");
                // values
                htmlString = htmlString.Replace("[ValueSetBack]", "#49adc4");
                htmlString = htmlString.Replace("[ValueSetFont]", "#0e2023");

            // find IStorageReader of simulation
            IModel     simulation  = Apsim.Parent(model, typeof(Simulation));
            IModel     simulations = Apsim.Parent(simulation, typeof(Simulations));
            IDataStore ds          = Apsim.Children(simulations, typeof(IDataStore)).FirstOrDefault() as IDataStore;

            if (ds == null)
            if (ds.Reader.GetData(simulationName: simulation.Name, tableName: "_Messages") == null)
            DataRow[] dataRows = ds.Reader.GetData(simulationName: simulation.Name, tableName: "_Messages").Select();
            if (dataRows.Count() > 0)
                int errorCol = dataRows[0].Table.Columns["MessageType"].Ordinal; //7; // 8;
                int msgCol   = dataRows[0].Table.Columns["Message"].Ordinal;     //6; // 7;
                dataRows = ds.Reader.GetData(simulationName: simulation.Name, tableName: "_Messages").Select().OrderBy(a => a[errorCol].ToString()).ToArray();

                foreach (DataRow dr in dataRows)
                    // convert invalid parameter warnings to errors
                    if (dr[msgCol].ToString().StartsWith("Invalid parameter value in model"))
                        dr[errorCol] = "0";

                foreach (DataRow dr in dataRows.Take(maxErrors))
                    bool   ignore = false;
                    string msgStr = dr[msgCol].ToString();
                    if (msgStr.Contains("@i:"))
                        ignore = true;

                    if (!ignore)
                        // trim first two rows of error reporting file and simulation.
                        List <string> parts = new List <string>(msgStr.Split('\n'));
                        if (parts[0].Contains("ERROR in file:"))
                        if (parts[0].Contains("ERRORS in file:"))
                        if (parts[0].Contains("Simulation name:"))
                        msgStr = string.Join("\n", parts.Where(a => a.Trim(' ').StartsWith("at ") == false).ToArray());

                        // remove starter text
                        string[] starters = new string[]
                            "System.Exception: ",
                            "Models.Core.ApsimXException: "

                        foreach (string start in starters)
                            if (msgStr.Contains(start))
                                msgStr = msgStr.Substring(start.Length);

                        string type  = "Message";
                        string title = "Message";
                        switch (dr[errorCol].ToString())
                        case "2":
                            type  = "Error";
                            title = "Error";

                        case "1":
                            type  = "Warning";
                            title = "Warning";

                        if (msgStr.IndexOf(':') >= 0 && msgStr.StartsWith("@"))
                            switch (msgStr.Substring(0, msgStr.IndexOf(':')))
                            case "@error":
                                type   = "Error";
                                title  = "Error";
                                msgStr = msgStr.Substring(msgStr.IndexOf(':') + 1);

                            case "@validation":
                                type   = "Error";
                                title  = "Validation error";
                                msgStr = msgStr.Replace("PARAMETER:", "<b>Parameter:</b>");
                                msgStr = msgStr.Replace("DESCRIPTION:", "<b>Description:</b>");
                                msgStr = msgStr.Replace("PROBLEM:", "<b>Problem:</b>");
                                msgStr = msgStr.Substring(msgStr.IndexOf(':') + 1);
                        if (msgStr.Contains("terminated normally"))
                            type  = "Ok";
                            title = "Success";
                            DataTable dataRows2 = ds.Reader.GetDataUsingSql("Select * FROM _InitialConditions WHERE Name = 'Run on'"); // (simulationName: simulation.Name, tableName: "_InitialConditions");
                            int       clockCol  = dataRows2.Columns["Value"].Ordinal;                                                  // 8;
                            DateTime  lastrun   = DateTime.Parse(dataRows2.Rows[0][clockCol].ToString());
                            msgStr = "Simulation successfully completed at [" + lastrun.ToShortTimeString() + "] on [" + lastrun.ToShortDateString() + "]";

                        htmlString += "\n<div class=\"holdermain\">";
                        htmlString += "\n<div class=\"" + type.ToLower() + "banner\">" + title + "</div>";
                        htmlString += "\n<div class=\"" + type.ToLower() + "content\">";
                        msgStr      = msgStr.Replace("\n", "<br />");
                        msgStr      = msgStr.Replace("]", "</span>");
                        msgStr      = msgStr.Replace("[r=", "<span class=\"resourcelink\">");
                        msgStr      = msgStr.Replace("[a=", "<span class=\"activitylink\">");
                        msgStr      = msgStr.Replace("[f=", "<span class=\"filterlink\">");
                        msgStr      = msgStr.Replace("[x=", "<span class=\"filelink\">");
                        msgStr      = msgStr.Replace("[o=", "<span class=\"otherlink\">");
                        msgStr      = msgStr.Replace("[", "<span class=\"setvalue\">");
                        htmlString += "\n<div class=\"messageentry\">" + msgStr;
                        htmlString += "\n</div>";
                        htmlString += "\n</div>";
                        htmlString += "\n</div>";
                if (dataRows.Count() > maxErrors)
                    htmlString += "\n<div class=\"holdermain\">";
                    htmlString += "\n <div class=\"warningbanner\">Warning limit reached</div>";
                    htmlString += "\n <div class=\"warningcontent\">";
                    htmlString += "\n  <div class=\"activityentry\">In excess of " + maxErrors + " errors and warnings were generated. Only the first " + maxErrors + " are displayes here. PLease refer to the SummaryInformation for the full list of issues.";
                    htmlString += "\n  </div>";
                    htmlString += "\n </div>";
                    htmlString += "\n</div>";
                htmlString += "\n<div class=\"holdermain\">";
                htmlString += "\n <div class=\"messagebanner\">Message</div>";
                htmlString += "\n <div class=\"messagecontent\">";
                htmlString += "\n  <div class=\"activityentry\">This simulation has not been performed";
                htmlString += "\n  </div>";
                htmlString += "\n </div>";
                htmlString += "\n</div>";
            htmlString += "\n</body>\n</html>";
Ejemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Determine resources available and perform transmutation if needed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="resourceRequestList">List of requests</param>
        /// <param name="uniqueActivityID">Unique id for the activity</param>
        public void CheckResources(List <ResourceRequest> resourceRequestList, Guid uniqueActivityID)
            if ((resourceRequestList == null) || (resourceRequestList.Count() == 0))
                this.Status = ActivityStatus.Success;

            foreach (ResourceRequest request in resourceRequestList)
                request.ActivityID = uniqueActivityID;
                request.Available  = 0;

                // If resource group does not exist then provide required.
                // This means when resource is not added to model it will not limit simulations
                if (request.ResourceType == null || Resources.GetResourceGroupByType(request.ResourceType) == null)
                    request.Available = request.Required;
                    request.Provided  = request.Required;
                    if (request.ResourceType == typeof(Labour))
                        // get available labour based on rules.
                        request.Available = TakeLabour(request, false, this, Resources, this.OnPartialResourcesAvailableAction);
                        request.Available = TakeNonLabour(request, false);

            // are all resources available
            List <ResourceRequest> shortfallRequests = resourceRequestList.Where(a => a.Required > a.Available).ToList();
            int countShortfallRequests = shortfallRequests.Count();

            if (countShortfallRequests > 0)
                // check what transmutations can occur
                Resources.TransmutateShortfall(shortfallRequests, true);

            // check if need to do transmutations
            int  countTransmutationsSuccessful = shortfallRequests.Where(a => a.TransmutationPossible == true && a.AllowTransmutation).Count();
            bool allTransmutationsSuccessful   = (shortfallRequests.Where(a => a.TransmutationPossible == false && a.AllowTransmutation).Count() == 0);

            // OR at least one transmutation successful and PerformWithPartialResources
            if (((countShortfallRequests > 0) && (countShortfallRequests == countTransmutationsSuccessful)) || (countTransmutationsSuccessful > 0 && OnPartialResourcesAvailableAction == OnPartialResourcesAvailableActionTypes.UseResourcesAvailable))
                // do transmutations.
                // this uses the current zone resources, but will find markets if needed in the process
                Resources.TransmutateShortfall(shortfallRequests, false);

                // recheck resource amounts now that resources have been topped up
                foreach (ResourceRequest request in resourceRequestList)
                    // get resource
                    request.Available = 0;
                    if (request.Resource != null)
                        // get amount available
                        request.Available = Math.Min(request.Resource.Amount, request.Required);

            bool deficitFound = false;

            // report any resource defecits here
            foreach (var item in resourceRequestList.Where(a => a.Required > a.Available))
                ResourceRequestEventArgs rrEventArgs = new ResourceRequestEventArgs()
                    Request = item

                if (item.Resource != null && Apsim.Parent(item.Resource as Model, typeof(Market)).GetType() == typeof(Market))
                    ActivitiesHolder marketActivities = Apsim.Children(Resources.FindMarket, typeof(ActivitiesHolder)).FirstOrDefault() as ActivitiesHolder;
                    if (marketActivities != null)
                        marketActivities.ActivitiesHolder_ResourceShortfallOccurred(this, rrEventArgs);
                Status       = ActivityStatus.Partial;
                deficitFound = true;
            if (!deficitFound)
                this.Status = ActivityStatus.Success;
Ejemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>Called by the graph presenter to get a list of all actual series to put on the graph.</summary>
        /// <param name="definitions">A list of definitions to add to.</param>
        public void GetSeriesToPutOnGraph(List <SeriesDefinition> definitions)
            List <SeriesDefinition> ourDefinitions = new List <SeriesDefinition>();

            // If this series doesn't have a table name then it must be getting its data from other models.
            if (TableName == null)
                ourDefinitions.Add(CreateDefinition(Name, null, Colour, Marker, Line));
                Simulation parentSimulation = Apsim.Parent(this, typeof(Simulation)) as Simulation;
                Zone       parentZone       = Apsim.Parent(this, typeof(Zone)) as Zone;
                Experiment parentExperiment = Apsim.Parent(this, typeof(Experiment)) as Experiment;

                // If the graph is in a zone then just graph the zone.
                if (parentZone != null)
                    string filter = string.Format("Name='{0}' and ZoneName='{1}'", parentSimulation.Name, parentZone.Name);
                    ourDefinitions.Add(CreateDefinition(Name + " " + parentZone.Name, filter, Colour, Marker, Line));
                    List <Simulation> simulations = new List <Simulation>();
                    List <Experiment> experiments = new List <Experiment>();

                    // Graph is sitting in a simulation so graph just that simulation.
                    if (parentSimulation != null)
                        string filter = string.Format("Name='{0}'", parentSimulation.Name);
                        ourDefinitions.Add(CreateDefinition(Name, filter, Colour, Marker, Line));

                    // See if graph is inside an experiment. If so then graph all simulations in experiment.
                    else if (parentExperiment != null)
                        GraphExperiment(parentExperiment, ourDefinitions);

                    // Must be in a folder at the top level or at the top level of the .apsimx file.
                        IModel parentOfGraph = this.Parent.Parent;

                        // Look for experiments.
                        foreach (Experiment experiment in Apsim.ChildrenRecursively(parentOfGraph, typeof(Experiment)))

                        // Look for simulations if we didn't find any experiments.
                        if (experiments.Count == 0)
                            foreach (Simulation simulation in Apsim.ChildrenRecursively(parentOfGraph, typeof(Simulation)))

                    // Now create series definitions for each experiment found.
                    int colourIndex = 0;
                    foreach (Experiment experiment in experiments)
                        string filter = "SimulationName IN " + "(" + StringUtilities.Build(experiment.Names(), delimiter: ",", prefix: "'", suffix: "'") + ")";
                        CreateDefinitions(experiment.BaseSimulation, experiment.Name, filter, ref colourIndex, Marker, Line, ourDefinitions);

                    // Now create series definitions for each simulation found.
                    foreach (Simulation simulation in simulations)
                        string filter = "SimulationName = '" + simulation.Name + "'";
                        CreateDefinitions(simulation, simulation.Name, filter, ref colourIndex, Marker, Line, ourDefinitions);

            // We might have child models that wan't to add to our series definitions e.g. regression.
            foreach (IGraphable series in Apsim.Children(this, typeof(IGraphable)))

Ejemplo n.º 12
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets a list of names of simulations in scope.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public string[] GetValidSimNames()
     return((Apsim.Parent(this, typeof(Series)) as Series)?.FindSimulationDescriptions()?.Select(s => s.Name)?.ToArray());
Ejemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Provides the description of the model settings for summary (GetFullSummary)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="formatForParentControl">Use full verbose description</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override string ModelSummary(bool formatForParentControl)
            string html = "";

            if (!formatForParentControl)
                html += "\n<div class=\"activityentry\">";
                if (Number <= 0)
                    html += "<span class=\"errorlink\">" + Number.ToString() + "</span> x ";
                else if (Number > 1)
                    html += "<span class=\"setvalue\">" + Number.ToString() + "</span> x ";
                    html += "A ";
                html += "<span class=\"setvalue\">";
                html += Age.ToString("0") + "</span> month old ";
                html += "<span class=\"setvalue\">" + Gender.ToString() + "</span></div>";
                if (Suckling)
                    html += "\n<div class=\"activityentry\">" + ((Number > 1)?"These individuals are suckling":"This individual is a suckling") + "</div>";
                if (Sire)
                    html += "\n<div class=\"activityentry\">" + ((Number > 1) ? "These individuals are breeding sires" : "This individual is a breeding sire") + "</div>";

                RuminantType rumtype      = Apsim.Parent(this, typeof(RuminantType)) as RuminantType;
                Ruminant     newInd       = null;
                string       normWtString = "Unavailable";

                if (rumtype != null)
                    newInd       = new Ruminant(this.Age, this.Gender, 0, Apsim.Parent(this, typeof(RuminantType)) as RuminantType);
                    normWtString = newInd.NormalisedAnimalWeight.ToString("#,##0");

                if (WeightSD > 0)
                    html += "\n<div class=\"activityentry\">Individuals will be randomally assigned a weight based on a mean " + ((Weight == 0) ? "(using the normalised weight) " : "") + "of <span class=\"setvalue\">" + Weight.ToString("#,##0") + "</span> kg with a standard deviation of <span class=\"setvalue\">" + WeightSD.ToString() + "</span></div>";

                    if (newInd != null && Math.Abs(Weight - newInd.NormalisedAnimalWeight) / newInd.NormalisedAnimalWeight > 0.2)
                        html += "<div class=\"activityentry\">These individuals should weigh close to the normalised weight of <span class=\"errorlink\">" + normWtString + "</span> kg for their age</div>";
                    html += "\n<div class=\"activityentry\">" + ((Number > 1) ? "These individuals " : "This individual ") + "weigh" + ((Number > 1) ? "" : "s") + ((Weight == 0)?" the normalised weight of ":"") + " <span class=\"setvalue\">" + Weight.ToString("#,##0") + "</span> kg";
                    if (newInd != null && Math.Abs(Weight - newInd.NormalisedAnimalWeight) / newInd.NormalisedAnimalWeight > 0.2)
                        html += ", but should weigh close to the normalised weight of <span class=\"errorlink\">" + normWtString + "</span> kg for their age";
                    html += "</div>";
                html += "</div>";
                if (this.Parent is CLEMActivityBase)
                    // when formatted for parent control. i.e. child fo trade
                    html += "\n<div class=\"resourcebanneralone clearfix\">";
                    html += "Buy ";
                    if (Number > 0)
                        html += "<span class=\"setvalue\">";
                        html += Number.ToString();
                        html += "<span class=\"errorlink\">";
                        html += "NOT SET";
                    html += "</span> x ";
                    if (Age > 0)
                        html += "<span class=\"setvalue\">";
                        html += Number.ToString();
                        html += "<span class=\"errorlink\">";
                        html += "NOT SET";
                    html += "</span> month old ";
                    html += "<span class=\"setvalue\">";
                    html += Gender.ToString() + ((Number > 1) ? "s" : "");
                    html += "</span> weighing ";
                    if (Weight > 0)
                        html += "<span class=\"setvalue\">";
                        html += Weight.ToString();
                        html += "</span> kg ";
                        if (WeightSD > 0)
                            html += "with a standard deviation of <span class=\"setvalue\">";
                            html += WeightSD.ToString();
                            html += "</span>";
                        html += "<span class=\"setvalue\">";
                        html += "Normalised weight";
                        html += "</span>";
                    html += "\n</div>";
 private void OnStartOfSimulation(object sender, EventArgs e)
     parent = Apsim.Parent(this, typeof(LifeCyclePhase)) as LifeCyclePhase;
Ejemplo n.º 15
        /// <summary>
        /// Provides the description of the model settings for summary (GetFullSummary)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="formatForParentControl">Use full verbose description</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override string ModelSummary(bool formatForParentControl)
            string html = "";

            if (this.Parent.GetType() != typeof(LabourActivityFeed))
                html += "<div class=\"warningbanner\">This Labour Feed Group must be placed beneath a Labour Activity Feed component</div>";

            LabourFeedActivityTypes ft = (this.Parent as LabourActivityFeed).FeedStyle;

            html += "\n<div class=\"activityentry\">";
            switch (ft)
            case LabourFeedActivityTypes.SpecifiedDailyAmountPerAE:
            case LabourFeedActivityTypes.SpecifiedDailyAmountPerIndividual:
                html += "<span class=\"" + ((Value <= 0) ? "errorlink" : "setvalue") + "\">" + Value.ToString() + "</span>";


            ZoneCLEM           zoneCLEM  = Apsim.Parent(this, typeof(ZoneCLEM)) as ZoneCLEM;
            ResourcesHolder    resHolder = Apsim.Child(zoneCLEM, typeof(ResourcesHolder)) as ResourcesHolder;
            HumanFoodStoreType food      = resHolder.GetResourceItem(this, (this.Parent as LabourActivityFeed).FeedTypeName, OnMissingResourceActionTypes.Ignore, OnMissingResourceActionTypes.Ignore) as HumanFoodStoreType;

            if (food != null)
                html += " " + food.Units + " ";

            html += "<span class=\"setvalue\">";
            switch (ft)
            case LabourFeedActivityTypes.SpecifiedDailyAmountPerIndividual:
                html += " per individual per day";

            case LabourFeedActivityTypes.SpecifiedDailyAmountPerAE:
                html += " per AE per day";

            html += "</span> ";
            switch (ft)
            case LabourFeedActivityTypes.SpecifiedDailyAmountPerAE:
            case LabourFeedActivityTypes.SpecifiedDailyAmountPerIndividual:
                html += "is fed to each individual";
            html += " that matches the following conditions:";

            html += "</div>";
Ejemplo n.º 16
        /// <summary>
        /// Create the individual ruminant animals using the Cohort parameterisations.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <Ruminant> CreateIndividuals()
            List <Ruminant> Individuals = new List <Ruminant>();

            IModel       parentNode = Apsim.Parent(this, typeof(IModel));
            RuminantType parent     = parentNode as RuminantType;

            // get Ruminant Herd resource for unique ids
            RuminantHerd ruminantHerd = Resources.RuminantHerd();

            parent = this.Parent as RuminantType;

            if (StartingNumber > 0)
                //TODO: get random generator from global store with seed
                Random rand = new Random();
                for (int i = 1; i <= StartingNumber; i++)
                    object ruminantBase = null;
                    if (this.Gender == Sex.Male)
                        ruminantBase = new RuminantMale();
                        ruminantBase = new RuminantFemale();

                    Ruminant ruminant = ruminantBase as Ruminant;

                    ruminant.ID          = ruminantHerd.NextUniqueID;
                    ruminant.BreedParams = parent;
                    ruminant.Breed       = parent.Breed;
                    ruminant.HerdName    = parent.Name;
                    ruminant.Gender      = Gender;
                    ruminant.Age         = StartingAge;
                    ruminant.SaleFlag    = Common.HerdChangeReason.None;
                    if (Suckling)

                    double u1            = rand.NextDouble();
                    double u2            = rand.NextDouble();
                    double randStdNormal = Math.Sqrt(-2.0 * Math.Log(u1)) *
                                           Math.Sin(2.0 * Math.PI * u2);
                    ruminant.Weight         = StartingWeight + StartingWeightSD * randStdNormal;
                    ruminant.PreviousWeight = ruminant.Weight;

                    if (this.Gender == Sex.Female)
                        RuminantFemale ruminantFemale = ruminantBase as RuminantFemale;
                        ruminantFemale.DryBreeder         = true;
                        ruminantFemale.WeightAtConception = this.StartingWeight;
                        ruminantFemale.NumberOfBirths     = 0;

                    Individuals.Add(ruminantBase as Ruminant);
