public static string GetAppStateString(AppIdTuple t, AppState?appState) { if (appState is null) { return(string.Empty); } var flags = GetAppStateFlags(appState); var now = DateTime.UtcNow; var stateStr = String.Format( System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "APP:{0}:{1}:{2}:{3:0.00}:{4}:{5}:{6}:{7}", t.ToString(), flags, appState.ExitCode, (now - appState.LastChange).TotalSeconds, appState.CPU, appState.GPU, appState.Memory, appState.PlanName ); return(stateStr); }
protected override async ValueTask OnInitialize() { var stateDirectoryPath = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "../state/ui-desktop"); var temporaryDirectoryPath = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "../temp/ui-desktop"); var bytesPool = BytesPool.Shared; _state = await AppState.Factory.CreateAsync(stateDirectoryPath, temporaryDirectoryPath, bytesPool); this.Model = new MainWindowModel(_state); this.FileViewControl.Model = new FileViewControlModel(_state); }
internal IotCentralAppData(ResourceIdentifier id, string name, ResourceType resourceType, SystemData systemData, IDictionary <string, string> tags, AzureLocation location, AppSkuInfo sku, SystemAssignedServiceIdentity identity, ProvisioningState?provisioningState, string applicationId, string displayName, string subdomain, string template, AppState?state, PublicNetworkAccess?publicNetworkAccess, NetworkRuleSets networkRuleSets, IReadOnlyList <IotCentralPrivateEndpointConnectionData> privateEndpointConnections) : base(id, name, resourceType, systemData, tags, location) { Sku = sku; Identity = identity; ProvisioningState = provisioningState; ApplicationId = applicationId; DisplayName = displayName; Subdomain = subdomain; Template = template; State = state; PublicNetworkAccess = publicNetworkAccess; NetworkRuleSets = networkRuleSets; PrivateEndpointConnections = privateEndpointConnections; }
public static string GetAppStateFlags(AppState?appState) { if (appState is null) { return(string.Empty); } var sbFlags = new StringBuilder(); if (appState.Started) { sbFlags.Append("S"); } if (appState.StartFailed) { sbFlags.Append("F"); } if (appState.Running) { sbFlags.Append("R"); } if (appState.Killed) { sbFlags.Append("K"); } if (appState.Initialized) { sbFlags.Append("I"); } if (appState.PlanApplied) { sbFlags.Append("P"); } if (appState.Dying) { sbFlags.Append("D"); } if (appState.Restarting) { sbFlags.Append("X"); } return(sbFlags.ToString()); }
/// <summary> /// Get an existing App resource's state with the given name, ID, and optional extra /// properties used to qualify the lookup. /// </summary> /// /// <param name="name">The unique name of the resulting resource.</param> /// <param name="id">The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.</param> /// <param name="state">Any extra arguments used during the lookup.</param> /// <param name="options">A bag of options that control this resource's behavior</param> public static App Get(string name, Input <string> id, AppState?state = null, CustomResourceOptions?options = null) { return(new App(name, id, state, options)); }
private App(string name, Input <string> id, AppState?state = null, CustomResourceOptions?options = null) : base("aws:pinpoint/app:App", name, state, MakeResourceOptions(options, id)) { }
private App(string name, Input <string> id, AppState?state = null, CustomResourceOptions?options = null) : base("digitalocean:index/app:App", name, state, MakeResourceOptions(options, id)) { }
private App(string name, Input <string> id, AppState?state = null, CustomResourceOptions?options = null) : base("alicloud:apigateway/app:App", name, state, MakeResourceOptions(options, id)) { }
public PictureWindow(AppState state, NestedPath path) : this() { _state = state; _path = path; }
public void DrawUI() { ImGui.PushID(_uniqueUiId); AppDef?appDef = _appDef ?? _ctrl.GetAppDef(_id); AppState?appState = _ctrl.GetAppState(_id); PlanState?planState = null; if (appState != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(appState.PlanName)) { planState = _ctrl.GetPlanState(appState.PlanName); } string statusText = appState != null?Tools.GetAppStateText(appState, planState, appDef) : string.Empty; string?planName = _appDef?.PlanName ?? appState?.PlanName; // prefer plan from appdef ImGui.PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol.Text, new System.Numerics.Vector4(1.0f, 0f, 1f, 1f)); bool opened = ImGui.TreeNodeEx($"{_id}##{_id}", ImGuiTreeNodeFlags.FramePadding); ImGui.PopStyleColor(); if (ImGui.BeginPopupContextItem()) { if (ImGui.MenuItem("Start")) { _ctrl.Send(new Net.StartAppMessage(_ctrl.Name, _id, planName)); } if (ImGui.MenuItem("Kill")) { _ctrl.Send(new Net.KillAppMessage(_ctrl.Name, _id)); } if (ImGui.MenuItem("Restart")) { _ctrl.Send(new Net.RestartAppMessage(_ctrl.Name, _id)); } ImGui.EndPopup(); } ImGui.SameLine(); ImGui.SetCursorPosX(ImGui.GetWindowWidth() * 3 / 4f); //if( ImGui.Button("S") ) _ctrl.Send( new Net.StartAppMessage( _id, planName ) ); if (ImGuiTools.ImgBtn(_txStart)) { _ctrl.Send(new Net.StartAppMessage(_ctrl.Name, _id, planName)); } ImGui.SameLine(); if (ImGuiTools.ImgBtn(_txKill)) { _ctrl.Send(new Net.KillAppMessage(_ctrl.Name, _id)); } ImGui.SameLine(); if (ImGuiTools.ImgBtn(_txRestart)) { _ctrl.Send(new Net.RestartAppMessage(_ctrl.Name, _id)); } // enabled checkbox just for apps from a plan if (_appDef is not null && _appDef.PlanName is not null) { ImGui.SameLine(); bool enabled = !_appDef.Disabled; if (ImGui.Checkbox("##enabled", ref enabled)) { _ctrl.Send(new Net.SetAppEnabledMessage(_ctrl.Name, _appDef.PlanName, _id, enabled)); } } ImGui.SameLine(); ImGui.SetCursorPosX(ImGui.GetWindowWidth() / 4 * 2f); ImGui.TextColored(GetAppStateColor(statusText, appDef), statusText); //ImGui.SameLine(); //ImGui.SetCursorPosX( ImGui.GetWindowWidth()/4f); //DrawOptions(); if (opened) { //DrawUIBody(); string jsonString = JsonSerializer.Serialize(appDef, new JsonSerializerOptions() { WriteIndented = true, IncludeFields = true }); ImGui.TextWrapped(jsonString.Replace("%", "%%")); // TextWrapped doesn't like %s etc, percent signs needs to be doubled ImGui.TreePop(); } ImGui.PopID(); }