public Form1() { ExitMenu exitMenu = new ExitMenu(); exitMenu.ExitMenuClick += new EventHandler(exitMenu_ExitMenuClick); InitializeComponent(); InitDefaultHost(); HostSelected hostSelected = CreateHostSelected(); EditMenu editMenu = CreateEditMenu(); this.contextMenuStrip1.Items.AddRange( AppMenu.CreateAppMenu(). Builder(HostManagerFactory.GetInstance().GetHostList(), hostSelected, Server.GetInstance().ReadCurrentHostKey()). Builder("-"). Builder("编辑", editMenu). Builder("退出", exitMenu).ToMenuList().ToArray() ); this.Hide(); this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized; this.ShowInTaskbar = false; }
public virtual JsonResult GetApplicationMenu() { var appMenu = new List <dynamic>(); var cacheKey = string.Empty; try { if (UserClaims != null) { //Creates a cacheKey using user login cacheKey = "appMenu" + UserClaims.FirstOrDefault(uc => uc.ClaimType == ClaimTypes.WindowsAccountName).Value; appMenu = (List <dynamic>)HttpContext.Cache.Get(cacheKey); } if (appMenu == null || appMenu.Count <= 0) { var menu = AppMenu.GetApplicationMenu(); appMenu = AppMenu.CastToDynamicMenuList(menu); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cacheKey)) { HttpContext.Cache.Add(cacheKey, appMenu, null, DateTime.Now.AddHours(1), Cache.NoSlidingExpiration, CacheItemPriority.Default, null); } } } catch (Exception ex) { } return(Json(appMenu, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public void CreateMap() { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Name.text)) { GenericPopup.ShowPopup(GenericPopup.PopupTypes.OneButton, "Warning", "Name must not be empty!", "OK", null); return; } MapPath = EnvPaths.GetMapsPath(); string Error = ""; if (!Directory.Exists(MapPath)) { Error = "Maps folder not exist: " + MapPath; Debug.LogError(Error); GenericPopup.ShowPopup(GenericPopup.PopupTypes.OneButton, "Warning", "The map folder does not exist:\n" + MapPath, "OK", null); return; } FolderName = AppMenu.ForceVersionControllValue(Name.text, 1); // Name.text.Replace(" ", "_") + ".v0001"; string path = MapPath + FolderName; Debug.Log(path); if (Directory.Exists(path)) { Error = "Map folder already exist: " + path; Debug.LogError(Error); GenericPopup.ShowPopup(GenericPopup.PopupTypes.OneButton, "Warning", "Map already exist: \n" + path, "OK", null); return; } StartCoroutine(CreateFiles()); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Insert(string menu_name, string menu_icon, string menu_url, string menu_type, double menu_sort, int parent_menu_id) { try { AppMenu appMenu = new AppMenu() { MenuIcon = menu_icon, MenuName = menu_name, MenuSort = menu_sort, MenuType = menu_type, MenuUrl = menu_url, ParentMenuId = parent_menu_id }; await context.AppMenus.AddAsync(appMenu); await context.SaveChangesAsync(); logger.LogError(HttpContext.Session.GetString("who") + "新增成功"); return(Json(new { code = 200, msg = "新增成功" })); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.LogError(HttpContext.Session.GetString("who") + "新增菜单出错:" + ex.Message); return(Json(new { code = 300, msg = "新增失败,请联系管理员" })); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { AppMenu menu = new AppMenu(); while (true) { menu.writeMenu(); var userInput = Console.ReadLine(); switch (userInput.ToLower()) { case "0": return; case "1": SetCors(); break; case "2": MoveAssets(); break; case "3": DeleteAssets(); break; case "4": CopyProductTemplateFromProduction(); break; default: break; } } }
private void SetHeader() { time.Attributes.Add("title", DateTime.Now.ToString(@"HH:mm:ss, G\MT zzz")); time.InnerText = DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm") + " | "; if (AunthUI.Handheld) { date.InnerText = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString() + " | "; } else { date.InnerText = DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString() + " | "; } string Name = AunthUI.CurrentUser.AdminUser.Name; useredit.HRef = "/logix/user-edit.aspx?UserID=" + AunthUI.CurrentUser.AdminUser.ID; useredit.InnerText = (Name.Length > 20 ? Name.Substring(0, 19) + "..." : Name); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Tab_Name)) { IAppMenuService AppMenuSvc = CurrentRequest.Resolver.Resolve <IAppMenuService>(); AMSResult <AppMenu> result = AppMenuSvc.GetApplicationMenus(AunthUI.CurrentUser, Tab_Name, Request.QueryString); if (result.ResultType != AMSResultType.Success) { lblErrorMsg.Text = result.GetLocalizedMessage(AunthUI.LanguageID); return; } AppMenu appMenu = result.Result; AppMenuEventArg e = new AppMenuEventArg(); e.AppMenu = appMenu; if (OnOverridePageMenu != null) { OnOverridePageMenu(this, e); } SetUpMenu(e.AppMenu); } }
private void SetUpMenu(AppMenu appMenu) { int counter = 1; foreach (CMS.AMS.Models.Menu menu in appMenu.Menus) { if (menu != null) { HyperLink hyp = new HyperLink(); hyp.NavigateUrl = menu.NavigateURL; hyp.CssClass = menu.Highlighet? "on": ""; if (counter < 10) { hyp.Attributes["accesskey"] = counter.ToString(); counter++; } hyp.ID = "tab" + (menu.AppMenuID).ToString(); hyp.ClientIDMode = ClientIDMode.Static; hyp.Attributes["title"] = menu.TitlePhraseID == 0?menu.Caption:AunthUI.PhraseLib.Lookup(menu.TitlePhraseID, AunthUI.LanguageID); hyp.Text = menu.PhraseID == 0?menu.Caption:AunthUI.PhraseLib.Lookup(menu.PhraseID, AunthUI.LanguageID); phMenu.Controls.Add(hyp); phMenu.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("\n")); if (menu.Highlighet) { SetUpSubMenu(menu); } } } }
public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(int id, [Bind("Id,Name,Grade,Sequence,Follow,Ico,Url,Area,Controller,Action,Valid,Description,State")] AppMenu appMenu) { if (id != appMenu.Id) { return(NotFound()); } if (ModelState.IsValid) { try { _context.Update(appMenu); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!AppMenuExists(appMenu.Id)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } return(PartialView("~/Areas/AppIdentity/Views/AppMenu/CreateEdit.cshtml", appMenu)); }
void logix_tcp_edit_OnOverridePageMenu(object myObject, AppMenuEventArg args) { AppMenu appmenu = args.AppMenu; //Top Level TAB var menu = (from m in appmenu.Menus where m.Highlighet == true select m).SingleOrDefault(); if (menu == null) { return; } var submenu = (from m in menu.Menus where m.Highlighet == true select m ).SingleOrDefault(); if (submenu == null) { return; } if (Request.QueryString["tcprogramid"].ConvertToInt32() == 0) { var pagemenus = from m in submenu.Menus where m.Highlighet == true && m.PageSpecific == true select m; submenu.Menus = pagemenus.ToList(); } }
// Custom-defined Menu // public string CreateMenu(string menu) { string accessToken = GetAccessToken(); string relativeUri = string.Format("/cgi-bin/menu/create?access_token={0}", accessToken); HttpContent content = new StringContent(menu, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"); // {"errcode":0,"errmsg":"ok"} // {"errcode":40018,"errmsg":"invalid button name size"} string json = ApiPost(relativeUri, content); Dictionary <string, object> result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, object> >(json); if (result.ContainsKey("errcode")) { if (result["errcode"].ToString() == "0") { Log4.Logger.Debug(json); AppMenu.Save(menu); } else { Log4.Logger.Error(json); } } else { Log4.Logger.Error(json); } return(json); }
public List <AppMenu> getAllbyRol(int rolid, ref string mensaje) { List <AppMenu> menus = new List <AppMenu>(); sql = new ConsultasSQL(); sql.Comando.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; sql.Comando.CommandText = "pa_getMenu"; sql.Comando.Parameters.AddWithValue("@RolID", rolid); try { sql.AbrirConexion(); IDataReader reader = sql.EjecutaReader(ref mensaje); while (reader.Read()) { menus.Add(AppMenu.CreateAppMenuFromDataRecord(reader)); } } catch (Exception ex) { mensaje = ex.Message; } finally { sql.CerrarConexion(); } return(menus); }
public void Update(AppMenu menu) { if (!_context.Exists(menu)) { _context.Menus.Attach(menu); } _context.Entry(menu).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified; }
/// <summary> /// 调用 <see cref="CQ_Menu"/> 方法 /// </summary> /// <param name="appMenu">目标菜单信息</param> /// <exception cref="ObjectDisposedException">当前对象已经被释放</exception> /// <exception cref="MissingMethodException">尝试访问未公开的函数</exception> /// <returns>返回函数处理结果</returns> public int InvokeCQMenu(AppMenu appMenu) { if (appMenu is null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(appMenu)); } return(this.GetFunction <CQ_Menu> (appMenu.Function) ()); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { AppSoftware = GameObject.Find("Applications"); HackingSoftware = GameObject.Find("Hacking"); SysSoftware = GameObject.Find("System"); //Computer = GameObject.Find("Computer"); //System clk = SysSoftware.GetComponent <Clock>(); defalt = SysSoftware.GetComponent <Defalt>(); am = SysSoftware.GetComponent <AppMenu>(); cmd = SysSoftware.GetComponent <CLI>(); com = SysSoftware.GetComponent <Computer>(); sc = SysSoftware.GetComponent <SoundControl>(); appman = SysSoftware.GetComponent <AppMan>(); boot = SysSoftware.GetComponent <Boot>(); post = SysSoftware.GetComponent <POST>(); os = SysSoftware.GetComponent <OS>(); mouse = SysSoftware.GetComponent <Mouse>(); desk = SysSoftware.GetComponent <Desktop>(); //Applications al = AppSoftware.GetComponent <AccLog>(); sm = AppSoftware.GetComponent <SystemMap>(); ib = AppSoftware.GetComponent <InternetBrowser>(); //Hacking prog = HackingSoftware.GetComponent <Progtive>(); trace = HackingSoftware.GetComponent <Tracer>(); cy = HackingSoftware.GetComponent <Descy>(); ds = HackingSoftware.GetComponent <DirSearch>(); mb = GetComponent <MissionBrow>(); cc = GetComponent <CurContracts>(); sl = GetComponent <SiteList>(); note = GetComponent <Notepad>(); fav = GetComponent <Favs>(); tv = GetComponent <TreeView>(); mPass = GetComponent <MonitorBypass>(); wsv = GetComponent <WebSecViewer>(); sdp = GetComponent <ShutdownProm>(); Audio = GetComponent <AudioSource>(); windowRect.x = Customize.cust.windowx[windowID]; windowRect.y = Customize.cust.windowy[windowID]; Audio.volume = Customize.cust.Volume; DesktopY = -50; StartTime = 0.030f; Snap = false; if (Size == 0) { Size = 21; } }
public static List <AppMenu> GetSideMenu(User user) { List <AppMenu> userMenuList = new List <AppMenu>(); try { using (var context = new PYMFEEEntities()) { var appMenus = (from m in context.AppMenus select m).ToList(); //Check menu which user have role to display var roleMenuList = appMenus.Where(b => user.RoleList.Any(a => a.RoleID.Equals(b.RoleForDisplay, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) || user.RoleList.Any(a => a.RoleID.Equals(b.RoleForManage, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))).ToList(); //var groupMenuList = appMenus.Where(b => b.MenuType.Equals("GROUP", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).ToList(); var groupMenuList = appMenus.Where(b => b.MenuType == "GROUP").ToList(); //Find parent menu int maxParent = 10; //Prevent infinity loop foreach (var item in roleMenuList) { bool findParent = true; int countParent = 0; var parentMenuCode = item.ParentMenuCode; userMenuList.Add(item); while (findParent && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(parentMenuCode) && countParent < maxParent) { AppMenu parentMenu = appMenus.FirstOrDefault(b => b.MenuCode.Equals(parentMenuCode, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); if (!parentMenu.MenuCode.Equals(ConstantVariableService.RootMenuCode, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { findParent = true; parentMenuCode = parentMenu.ParentMenuCode; userMenuList.Add(parentMenu); } else { findParent = false; } countParent++; } } //Remove duplicate menu userMenuList = userMenuList.Distinct().ToList(); } } catch (Exception ex) { } return(userMenuList); }
public MainForm() { //Application.Run(new Splash()); //Application.Run(new Login()); InitializeComponent(); AppMenu.ConstructMenu(this); ConstructLogo(); }
void Start() { SysSoftware = GameObject.Find("System"); AppSoftware = GameObject.Find("Applications"); HackingSoftware = GameObject.Find("Hacking"); com = SysSoftware.GetComponent <Computer>(); ib = AppSoftware.GetComponent <InternetBrowser>(); note = AppSoftware.GetComponent <Notepad>(); prog = HackingSoftware.GetComponent <Progtive>(); al = SysSoftware.GetComponent <AccLog>(); trace = HackingSoftware.GetComponent <Tracer>(); cy = SysSoftware.GetComponent <Descy>(); ds = SysSoftware.GetComponent <DirSearch>(); tv = SysSoftware.GetComponent <TreeView>(); al = AppSoftware.GetComponent <AccLog>(); cmd = SysSoftware.GetComponent <CLI>(); sm = AppSoftware.GetComponent <SystemMap>(); clk = SysSoftware.GetComponent <Clock>(); defalt = SysSoftware.GetComponent <Defalt>(); sc = SysSoftware.GetComponent <SoundControl>(); appmenu = SysSoftware.GetComponent <AppMenu>(); appman = SysSoftware.GetComponent <AppMan>(); windowRect.x = Customize.cust.windowx[windowID]; windowRect.y = Customize.cust.windowy[windowID]; native_height = Customize.cust.native_height; native_width = Customize.cust.native_width; UpdateUI(); for (Index = 0; Index < GameControl.control.ProgramFiles.Count; Index++) { if (GameControl.control.ProgramFiles[Index].Name == "Gateway") { TestCheck = true; } } if (Index >= GameControl.control.ProgramFiles.Count) { if (TestCheck == false) { Test(); } } X = -350; Speed = 600; windowID = appmenu.windowID; }
public async Task <IActionResult> Create([Bind("Id,Name,Grade,Sequence,Follow,Ico,Url,Area,Controller,Action,Valid,Description,State")] AppMenu appMenu) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { _context.Add(appMenu); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } return(PartialView("~/Areas/AppIdentity/Views/AppMenu/CreateEdit.cshtml", appMenu)); }
public void DownloadMenus(int appId) { var apps = _CommonService.GetApps(); var app = apps.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Value == appId.ToString()); if (app == null) { throw new Exception("app not found. appId:" + appId); } var accessToken = _CommonService.GetAccessToken(app.Key); var menus = _MenuService.GetMenus(accessToken, appId.ToString()); // 删除旧的菜单 var list = _Repository.FindBy(appId, null, 1, int.MaxValue); foreach (var m in list) { _Repository.Remove(m); } // 添加新的菜单 var parentSortOrder = 1; foreach (var m in menus) { var parent = new AppMenu(); parent.Id = IdentityGenerator.NewSequentialGuid(); parent.Created = DateTime.UtcNow; parent.Name = m.Menu.Name; parent.SortOrder = parentSortOrder++; parent.AppId = appId; _Repository.Add(parent); var childSortOrder = 10; foreach (var c in m.Childs) { var child = new AppMenu(); child.Id = IdentityGenerator.NewSequentialGuid(); child.Created = DateTime.UtcNow; child.Name = c.Name; child.Key = c.Key; child.Url = c.Url; child.SortOrder = childSortOrder++; child.AppId = appId; child.Parent = parent; _Repository.Add(child); } } //commit unit of work _Repository.UnitOfWork.Commit(); }
private void ValidateModel(AppMenu model) { if (model.Name.IsNullOrBlank()) { throw new DefinedException(CommonMessageResources.Name_Empty); } if (_Repository.Exists(model)) { throw new DataExistsException(string.Format(WeixinMessagesResources.AppMenu_Exists_WithValue, model.Name)); } }
static void Main() { _connString = "mongodb://localhost:27017/"; _DbName = "SocialNetwork"; _connNeo4j = "http://localhost:7474/db/data/"; _login = "******"; _pass = "******"; ConfigureContainer(); AppMenu.ShowEntry(); }
public virtual List <MenuModel> GetAboutMenu() { var aboutMenu = new List <MenuModel>(); try { aboutMenu = AppMenu.GetAboutMenu(HeaderModel.LabelMenuHelp, HeaderModel.LabelMenuOpenTicket, HeaderModel.LabelMenuAbout); } catch (Exception ex) { } return(aboutMenu); }
public virtual List <MenuModel> GetMyAppsMenu() { var myAppsMenu = new List <MenuModel>(); try { myAppsMenu = AppMenu.GetMyAppsMenu(AppCode, HeaderModel.LabelMenuMyApps); } catch (Exception ex) { } return(myAppsMenu); }
public virtual List <MenuModel> GetApplicationMenu() { var appMenu = new List <MenuModel>(); try { appMenu = AppMenu.GetApplicationMenu(); } catch (Exception ex) { } return(appMenu); }
public virtual JsonResult GetAboutMenu() { var aboutMenu = new List <dynamic>(); try { var menuList = AppMenu.GetAboutMenu(Header.LabelMenuHelp, Header.LabelMenuOpenTicket, Header.LabelMenuAbout); aboutMenu = AppMenu.CastToDynamicMenuList(menuList); } catch (Exception ex) { } return(Json(aboutMenu, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public AppShell() { if (_shell != null) { throw new Exception("Application shell has already been initialized"); } InitializeComponent(); _shell = this; Menu = new AppMenu(InnerFrame); PopupContent.PopupOpening += OnPopupOpening; PopupContent.PopupClosed += OnPopupClosed; }
private List <AppMenu> GetSideMenu(List <AppSingleRole> rolelist) { List <AppMenu> userMenuList = new List <AppMenu>(); var appMenus = _unitOfWork.GetRepository <AppMenu>().GetCache(); //Check menu which user have role to display var roleMenuList = appMenus.Where(b => rolelist.Any(a => a.RoleId.Equals(b.RoleForDisplay, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) || rolelist.Any(a => a.RoleId.Equals(b.RoleForManage, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))).ToList(); var groupMenuList = appMenus.Where(b => b.MenuType.Equals("GROUP", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).ToList(); //Find parent menu int maxParent = 10; //Prevent infinity loop foreach (var item in roleMenuList) { bool findParent = true; int countParent = 0; var parentMenuCode = item.ParentMenuCode; userMenuList.Add(item); while (findParent && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(parentMenuCode) && countParent < maxParent) { AppMenu parentMenu = appMenus.FirstOrDefault(b => b.MenuCode.Equals(parentMenuCode, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); if (!parentMenu.MenuCode.Equals(ConstantValue.RootMenuCode, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { findParent = true; parentMenuCode = parentMenu.ParentMenuCode; userMenuList.Add(parentMenu); } else { findParent = false; } countParent++; } } //Remove duplicate menu userMenuList = userMenuList.Distinct().ToList(); return(userMenuList); }
private void ShowSubMenuLinks() { //Get current user roles string[] userRoles; userRoles = Roles.GetRolesForUser(); // Get submenus and submenu links per column string[] subMenuLinks; AppMenu appMenu = new AppMenu(); subMenuLinks = appMenu.GetSubMenuLinks((int)TopMenuID.Personnel, userRoles, 3); //Assign submenu and submenu links to their column in the page Column1.InnerHtml = subMenuLinks[0]; Column2.InnerHtml = subMenuLinks[1]; Column3.InnerHtml = subMenuLinks[2]; }
private async void MenuItems_OnItemTapped(object sender, ItemTappedEventArgs e) { var item = (MenuPageItem)e.ItemData; var page = item.TargetType; var appMenu = new AppMenu(); if (page != typeof(LogoutPage)) { await Navigation.PushAsync(appMenu); appMenu.Detail = new NavigationPage((Page)Activator.CreateInstance(page)); appMenu.IsPresented = false; } else { await Navigation.PushAsync(new Login()); } }
/// <summary> /// Binding Menu to ViewModel. /// </summary> /// <param name="userMenuList">The Menu current user can be visible.</param> /// <param name="menu">The current menu.</param> /// <param name="userRoleList">The user role list.</param> /// <returns></returns> private List <MenuViewModel> GetMenuItem(IEnumerable <AppMenu> userMenuList, AppMenu menu, IEnumerable <AppCompositeRoleItem> userRoleList, string url = null) { List <MenuViewModel> result = new List <MenuViewModel>(); url = string.Format("{0}/{1}", url, menu.MenuCode); if (menu.MenuType.Equals("GROUP", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { List <AppMenu> childMenuList = userMenuList.Where(a => a.ParentMenuCode.Equals(menu.MenuCode, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).OrderBy(a => a.Sequence).ToList(); MenuViewModel mItem = new MenuViewModel { Name = menu.MenuName, DisplayOnly = false, Icon = menu.Icon, Url = url, Parent = new List <MenuViewModel>() }; foreach (var item in childMenuList) { mItem.Parent.AddRange(this.GetMenuItem(userMenuList, item, userRoleList, url)); } if (mItem.Parent.Count <= 0) { mItem.Parent = null; } result.Add(mItem); } else if (menu.MenuType.Equals("ITEM", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { MenuViewModel sItem = new MenuViewModel { Name = menu.MenuName, DisplayOnly = !userRoleList.Any(x => x.RoleMenu == menu.RoleForManage), Icon = menu.Icon, Url = url, Parent = null, }; result.Add(sItem); } return(result); }