Ejemplo n.º 1
        public async Task TestLocalAnalytics()
            int eventCount = 10000;

            // Create a LocalAnalytics instance that uses only memory stores for testing:
            LocalAnalytics localAnalytics = new LocalAnalytics(new InMemoryKeyValueStore());

            localAnalytics.createStoreFor = (_) => new InMemoryKeyValueStore().GetTypeAdapter <AppFlowEvent>();

            // Pass this local analytics system to the app flow impl. as the target store:
            AppFlowToStore appFlow = new AppFlowToStore(localAnalytics);

            await TestAppFlowWithStore(eventCount, appFlow); // Run the tests

            // Get the store that contains only the events of a specific category:
            var catMethodStore = localAnalytics.GetStoreForCategory(EventConsts.catMethod);
            { // Check that all events so far are of the method category:
                var all = await localAnalytics.GetAll();

                var allForCat = await catMethodStore.GetAll();

                Assert.Equal(all.Count(), allForCat.Count());
            { // Add an event of a different category and check that the numbers again:
                appFlow.TrackEvent(EventConsts.catUi, "Some UI event");
                var all = await localAnalytics.GetAll();

                var allForCat = await catMethodStore.GetAll();

                Assert.Equal(all.Count(), allForCat.Count() + 1);
                var catUiStore = localAnalytics.GetStoreForCategory(EventConsts.catUi);
                Assert.Single(await catUiStore.GetAll());
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private async Task TestAppFlowWithStore(int eventCount, AppFlowToStore appFlow)
            Assert.Empty(await appFlow.store.GetAllKeys());

            var t1 = Log.MethodEntered($"Track {eventCount} events via appFlow.TrackEvent");

            for (int i = 0; i < eventCount; i++)
                appFlow.TrackEvent(EventConsts.catMethod, "action " + i);

            var t2     = Log.MethodEntered("GetAll events in store");
            var events = await appFlow.store.GetAll();

            Assert.Equal(eventCount, events.Count());

            var t3       = Log.MethodEntered("GetAll again but for specific category");
            var filtered = events.Filter(x => x.cat == EventConsts.catMethod);

            Assert.Equal(filtered, events);
            Assert.Empty(events.Filter(x => x.cat == EventConsts.catUi));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public async Task TestAppFlowToStore()
            int eventCount = 1000;

            var s1 = Log.MethodEntered("InMemoryKeyValueStore");
                IKeyValueStore store   = new InMemoryKeyValueStore();
                AppFlowToStore appFlow = new AppFlowToStore(store.GetTypeAdapter <AppFlowEvent>());
                await TestAppFlowWithStore(eventCount, appFlow); // Run the tests

                Log.MethodDone(s1, maxAllowedTimeInMs: 1000);
            var s2 = Log.MethodEntered("InMemory FileSystem");
                var            dir1    = EnvironmentV2.instance.GetNewInMemorySystem().GetChildDir("TestAppFlowToFiles");
                IKeyValueStore store   = new FileBasedKeyValueStore(dir1.CreateV2());
                AppFlowToStore appFlow = new AppFlowToStore(store.GetTypeAdapter <AppFlowEvent>());
                await TestAppFlowWithStore(eventCount, appFlow); // Run the tests

                Assert.Equal(eventCount, dir1.GetFiles().Count());
                Log.MethodDone(s2, maxAllowedTimeInMs: 10000);
            var s3 = Log.MethodEntered("Real FileSystem");
                var dir2 = EnvironmentV2.instance.GetRootTempFolder().GetChildDir("TestAppFlowToFiles");
                dir2.DeleteV2(); // Cleanup from last test
                IKeyValueStore store   = new FileBasedKeyValueStore(dir2.CreateV2());
                AppFlowToStore appFlow = new AppFlowToStore(store.GetTypeAdapter <AppFlowEvent>());
                await TestAppFlowWithStore(eventCount, appFlow); // Run the tests

                Assert.Equal(eventCount, dir2.GetFiles().Count());
                Log.MethodDone(s3, maxAllowedTimeInMs: 10000);
            float ratioInMemVsReadFs = s2.ElapsedMilliseconds / (float)s3.ElapsedMilliseconds;

            Assert.True(0.01 < ratioInMemVsReadFs && ratioInMemVsReadFs < 1, $"s2={s2} > s3={s3}, ratioInMemVsReadFs={ratioInMemVsReadFs}");