//Watch When clicked, it will add the job post to the user’s watch list(EMP_MOB_04/04)
        //Icon should refelect that post was added by changing the color or shape

        async void ProcessWatchCommand()
            if (!IsViewMode)

            // Add current Job Post to watch list.
            ApiService api      = new ApiService();
            bool       watching = false;

            if (IsWatching)
                bool removed = await api.DeleteJobPostFromWatchListAsync(JobDetails.JobPostId);

                IsWatching = false;
                IsWatching = await api.AddJobPostToWatchListAsync(JobDetails.JobPostId);

            // Need to change the text of toolbar item - need to do this at page load too.

            MessagingCenter.Send(this, "WatchEntryUpdated");