public void Non_ApiException_Type_Exceptions_Should_Not_Set_Response()
            // Arrange
            var apiExceptionFilter = new ApiExceptionFilterAttribute();

            var context = new HttpActionExecutedContext
                Exception = new Exception()

            // Act

            // Assert
        public void Unauthorized_ApiException_Should_Set_Correct_Unauthorized_Response()
            // Arrange
            var apiExceptionFilter = new ApiExceptionFilterAttribute();
            var context            = GetMockActionContext(new UnauthorizedException("Not Authorized"));

            // Act

            // Assert
            var response = context.Response;


            var errorModelList = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <ResponseErrorModel> >(response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result);

            errorModelList.First().ErrorDescription.Should().Be("Not Authorized");
        public void DefaultMetaAddedToExceptions()
            var logger = new Mock <ILogger <ApiExceptionFilterAttribute> >();
            var defaultMetaDataRetriever = new Mock <IDefaultMetaDataRetriever>();

            defaultMetaDataRetriever.Setup(r => r.GetDefaultMetaData()).Returns(new MetaCollection {
                { "mock", "meta" }

            var target = new ApiExceptionFilterAttribute(logger.Object, defaultMetaDataRetriever.Object);

            var testException = new NotImplementedException();

            var context = GetContext(testException);


            var response = (context.Result as ObjectResult)?.Value as IApiResponse;

            Assert.Contains(response.Meta, m => m.Key == "mock");
        public void OnExceptionTests()
            Logger.Init("", "CoreAccessControl.log", "CoreAccessControl", Severity.Information, mock: true);
            var actionContext = new ActionContext()
                HttpContext      = new DefaultHttpContext(),
                RouteData        = new RouteData(),
                ActionDescriptor = new ActionDescriptor()

            // The stacktrace message and source member variables are virtual and so we can stub them here.
            var mockException = new Mock <Exception>();

            mockException.Setup(e => e.StackTrace)
            .Returns("Test stacktrace");
            mockException.Setup(e => e.Message)
            .Returns("Test message");
            mockException.Setup(e => e.Source)
            .Returns("Test source");

            // the List<FilterMetadata> here doesn't have much relevance in the test but is required
            // for instantiation. So we instantiate a new instance of it with no members to ensure
            // it does not effect the test.
            var exceptionContext = new ExceptionContext(actionContext, new List <IFilterMetadata>())
                Exception = mockException.Object

            var filter = new ApiExceptionFilterAttribute();


            // Assumption here that your exception filter modifies status codes.
            // Just used as an example of how you can assert in this test.
            Assert.Equal(500, (int)exceptionContext.HttpContext.Response.StatusCode);