Ejemplo n.º 1
     * Make the tile at (x, y) in the grid disappear (this method is called when the player step on this tile)
    public IEnumerator effrite(int x, int y)                    // DEGUEULASSE
        int[] w = { x, y };
        if (!tilesCurrentlyAltered.Contains(w))
            print("Starting the coroutine");

            Vector3Int tilePosition = new Vector3Int(x, y, 0);

            // Making the tile disappear

             * while (grid.GetColor(tilePosition).a > 0f) {		// while the tile is not transparent
             *      Color tmpColor = grid.GetColor(tilePosition);
             *      tmpColor.a = Mathf.Clamp (tmpColor.a, 0, 1);
             *      tmpColor.a -= Time.deltaTime / timeDisappearing;
             *      grid.SetColor(tilePosition, tmpColor);		// XXX
             *      yield return null;
             * }

            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(timeDisappearing));

            grid.SetTile(tilePosition, null);                           // Disabling the tile

            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(tileRespawnTime));

            // Waiting for the player not to be on the tile (this assumes the player is 1x2)
            GameObject player = GameObject.FindWithTag("Player");
            while (Annex.isInRange(player.transform.position.x, x - 0.5f, x + 1.5f) && Annex.isInRange(player.transform.position.y, y - 1f, y + 2f))                    // while the player is in the zone of the tile
                yield return(null);

            grid.SetTile(tilePosition, friableTile);                            // Reenabling the tile
            // Making the tile reappear

             * while (grid.GetColor(tilePosition).a < 1f) {		// while the tile is not fully opaque
             *      Color tmpColor = grid.GetColor (tilePosition);
             *      tmpColor.a += Time.deltaTime / timeReappearing;
             *      grid.SetColor(tilePosition, tmpColor);
             *      yield return null;
             * }
