Ejemplo n.º 1
        public override void ProcessCommand()
            logger.Info("Get AniDB episode info: {0}", EpisodeID);

                // we don't use this command to update episode info
                // we actually use it to update the cross ref info instead
                // and we only use it for the "Other Episodes" section of the FILE command
                // because that field doesn't tell you what anime it belongs to

                CrossRef_File_EpisodeRepository repCrossRefs = new CrossRef_File_EpisodeRepository();
                List <CrossRef_File_Episode>    xrefs        = repCrossRefs.GetByEpisodeID(EpisodeID);
                if (xrefs.Count == 0)

                Raw_AniDB_Episode epInfo = JMMService.AnidbProcessor.GetEpisodeInfo(EpisodeID);
                if (epInfo != null)
                    AnimeSeriesRepository repSeries = new AnimeSeriesRepository();

                    foreach (CrossRef_File_Episode xref in xrefs)
                        int oldAnimeID = xref.AnimeID;
                        xref.AnimeID = epInfo.AnimeID;

                        AnimeSeries ser = repSeries.GetByAnimeID(oldAnimeID);
                        if (ser != null)
                            ser.UpdateStats(true, true, true);

                        ser = repSeries.GetByAnimeID(epInfo.AnimeID);
                        if (ser != null)
                            ser.UpdateStats(true, true, true);
            catch (Exception ex)
                logger.Error("Error processing CommandRequest_GetEpisode: {0} - {1}", EpisodeID, ex.ToString());
        public override void ProcessCommand()
            AnimeSeries ser = RepoFactory.AnimeSeries.GetByAnimeID(AnimeID);

            if (ser != null)
                ser.UpdateStats(true, true, true);
        public override void ProcessCommand()
            AnimeSeriesRepository repSeries = new AnimeSeriesRepository();
            AnimeSeries           ser       = repSeries.GetByAnimeID(AnimeID);

            if (ser != null)
                ser.UpdateStats(true, true, true);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public GroupStatusCollection GetReleaseGroupStatusUDP(int animeID)
            if (!Login())

            enHelperActivityType        ev     = enHelperActivityType.NoSuchCreator;
            AniDBCommand_GetGroupStatus getCmd = null;

            lock (lockAniDBConnections)

                getCmd = new AniDBCommand_GetGroupStatus();
                ev = getCmd.Process(ref soUdp, ref remoteIpEndPoint, curSessionID, new UnicodeEncoding(true, false));

            if (ev == enHelperActivityType.GotGroupStatus && getCmd.GrpStatusCollection != null)
                // delete existing records
                AniDB_GroupStatusRepository repGrpStat = new AniDB_GroupStatusRepository();
                AniDB_AnimeRepository       repAnime   = new AniDB_AnimeRepository();
                AniDB_EpisodeRepository     repAniEp   = new AniDB_EpisodeRepository();
                AnimeSeriesRepository       repSeries  = new AnimeSeriesRepository();


                // save the records
                foreach (Raw_AniDB_GroupStatus raw in getCmd.GrpStatusCollection.Groups)
                    AniDB_GroupStatus grpstat = new AniDB_GroupStatus(raw);

                // updated cached stats
                // we don't do it in the save method as it would be too many unecessary updates
                logger.Trace("Updating group stats by anime from GetReleaseGroupStatusUDP: {0}", animeID);

                if (getCmd.GrpStatusCollection.LatestEpisodeNumber > 0)
                    // update the anime with a record of the latest subbed episode
                    AniDB_Anime anime = repAnime.GetByAnimeID(animeID);
                    if (anime != null)
                        anime.LatestEpisodeNumber = getCmd.GrpStatusCollection.LatestEpisodeNumber;

                        // check if we have this episode in the database
                        // if not get it now by updating the anime record
                        List <AniDB_Episode> eps = repAniEp.GetByAnimeIDAndEpisodeNumber(animeID, getCmd.GrpStatusCollection.LatestEpisodeNumber);
                        if (eps.Count == 0)
                            CommandRequest_GetAnimeHTTP cr_anime = new CommandRequest_GetAnimeHTTP(animeID, true, false);

                        // update the missing episode stats on groups and children
                        AnimeSeries series = repSeries.GetByAnimeID(animeID);
                        if (series != null)
                            series.UpdateStats(true, true, true);
                            //series.TopLevelAnimeGroup.UpdateStatsFromTopLevel(true, true, true);

Ejemplo n.º 5
        public override void ProcessCommand()
            logger.Info("Get AniDB file info: {0}", VideoLocalID);

                AniDB_FileRepository repAniFile = new AniDB_FileRepository();
                VideoLocalRepository repVids    = new VideoLocalRepository();
                vlocal = repVids.GetByID(VideoLocalID);
                if (vlocal == null)

                AniDB_File aniFile = repAniFile.GetByHashAndFileSize(vlocal.Hash, vlocal.FileSize);

                /*// get anidb file info from web cache
                 *              if (aniFile == null && ServerSettings.WebCache_AniDB_File_Get)
                 *              {
                 *                      AniDB_FileRequest fr = XMLService.Get_AniDB_File(vlocal.Hash, vlocal.FileSize);
                 *                      if (fr != null)
                 *                      {
                 *                              aniFile = new AniDB_File();
                 *                              aniFile.Populate(fr);
                 *                              //overwrite with local file name
                 *                              string localFileName = Path.GetFileName(vlocal.FilePath);
                 *                              aniFile.FileName = localFileName;
                 *                              repAniFile.Save(aniFile, false);
                 *                              aniFile.CreateLanguages();
                 *                              aniFile.CreateCrossEpisodes(localFileName);
                 *                              StatsCache.Instance.UpdateUsingAniDBFile(vlocal.Hash);
                 *                      }
                 *              }*/

                Raw_AniDB_File fileInfo = null;
                if (aniFile == null || ForceAniDB)
                    fileInfo = JMMService.AnidbProcessor.GetFileInfo(vlocal);

                if (fileInfo != null)
                    // save to the database
                    if (aniFile == null)
                        aniFile = new AniDB_File();


                    //overwrite with local file name
                    string localFileName = Path.GetFileName(vlocal.FilePath);
                    aniFile.FileName = localFileName;

                    repAniFile.Save(aniFile, false);

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileInfo.OtherEpisodesRAW))
                        string[] epIDs = fileInfo.OtherEpisodesRAW.Split(',');
                        foreach (string epid in epIDs)
                            int id = 0;
                            if (int.TryParse(epid, out id))
                                CommandRequest_GetEpisode cmdEp = new CommandRequest_GetEpisode(id);
                    AnimeSeriesRepository repo      = new AnimeSeriesRepository();
                    AniDB_AnimeRepository animerepo = new AniDB_AnimeRepository();
                    AniDB_Anime           anime     = animerepo.GetByAnimeID(aniFile.AnimeID);
                    if (anime != null)
                        using (var session = JMMService.SessionFactory.OpenSession())
                    AnimeSeries series = repo.GetByAnimeID(aniFile.AnimeID);
                    series.UpdateStats(false, true, true);
//					StatsCache.Instance.UpdateUsingAniDBFile(vlocal.Hash);
            catch (Exception ex)
                logger.Error("Error processing CommandRequest_GetFile: {0} - {1}", VideoLocalID, ex.ToString());
Ejemplo n.º 6
        private void ProcessFile_AniDB(VideoLocal vidLocal)
            logger.Trace("Checking for AniDB_File record for: {0} --- {1}", vidLocal.Hash, vidLocal.FilePath);
            // check if we already have this AniDB_File info in the database

            AniDB_FileRepository            repAniFile   = new AniDB_FileRepository();
            AniDB_EpisodeRepository         repAniEps    = new AniDB_EpisodeRepository();
            AniDB_AnimeRepository           repAniAnime  = new AniDB_AnimeRepository();
            AnimeSeriesRepository           repSeries    = new AnimeSeriesRepository();
            VideoLocalRepository            repVidLocals = new VideoLocalRepository();
            AnimeEpisodeRepository          repEps       = new AnimeEpisodeRepository();
            CrossRef_File_EpisodeRepository repXrefFE    = new CrossRef_File_EpisodeRepository();

            AniDB_File aniFile = null;

            if (!ForceAniDB)
                aniFile = repAniFile.GetByHashAndFileSize(vidLocal.Hash, vlocal.FileSize);

                if (aniFile == null)
                    logger.Trace("AniDB_File record not found");

            int animeID = 0;

            if (aniFile == null)
                // get info from AniDB
                logger.Debug("Getting AniDB_File record from AniDB....");
                Raw_AniDB_File fileInfo = JMMService.AnidbProcessor.GetFileInfo(vidLocal);
                if (fileInfo != null)
                    // check if we already have a record
                    aniFile = repAniFile.GetByHashAndFileSize(vidLocal.Hash, vlocal.FileSize);

                    if (aniFile == null)
                        aniFile = new AniDB_File();


                    //overwrite with local file name
                    string localFileName = Path.GetFileName(vidLocal.FilePath);
                    aniFile.FileName = localFileName;

                    repAniFile.Save(aniFile, false);

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileInfo.OtherEpisodesRAW))
                        string[] epIDs = fileInfo.OtherEpisodesRAW.Split(',');
                        foreach (string epid in epIDs)
                            int id = 0;
                            if (int.TryParse(epid, out id))
                                CommandRequest_GetEpisode cmdEp = new CommandRequest_GetEpisode(id);

                    animeID = aniFile.AnimeID;

            bool missingEpisodes = false;

            // if we still haven't got the AniDB_File Info we try the web cache or local records
            if (aniFile == null)
                // check if we have any records from previous imports
                List <CrossRef_File_Episode> crossRefs = repXrefFE.GetByHash(vidLocal.Hash);
                if (crossRefs == null || crossRefs.Count == 0)
                    // lets see if we can find the episode/anime info from the web cache
                    if (ServerSettings.WebCache_XRefFileEpisode_Get)
                        List <JMMServer.Providers.Azure.CrossRef_File_Episode> xrefs = JMMServer.Providers.Azure.AzureWebAPI.Get_CrossRefFileEpisode(vidLocal);

                        crossRefs = new List <CrossRef_File_Episode>();
                        if (xrefs == null || xrefs.Count == 0)
                            logger.Debug("Cannot find AniDB_File record or get cross ref from web cache record so exiting: {0}", vidLocal.ED2KHash);
                            foreach (JMMServer.Providers.Azure.CrossRef_File_Episode xref in xrefs)
                                CrossRef_File_Episode xrefEnt = new CrossRef_File_Episode();
                                xrefEnt.Hash           = vidLocal.ED2KHash;
                                xrefEnt.FileName       = Path.GetFileName(vidLocal.FullServerPath);
                                xrefEnt.FileSize       = vidLocal.FileSize;
                                xrefEnt.CrossRefSource = (int)JMMServer.CrossRefSource.WebCache;
                                xrefEnt.AnimeID        = animeID;
                                xrefEnt.EpisodeID      = xref.EpisodeID;
                                xrefEnt.Percentage     = xref.Percentage;
                                xrefEnt.EpisodeOrder   = xref.EpisodeOrder;

                                // in this case we need to save the cross refs manually as AniDB did not provide them
                        logger.Debug("Cannot get AniDB_File record so exiting: {0}", vidLocal.ED2KHash);

                // we assume that all episodes belong to the same anime
                foreach (CrossRef_File_Episode xref in crossRefs)
                    animeID = xref.AnimeID;

                    AniDB_Episode ep = repAniEps.GetByEpisodeID(xref.EpisodeID);
                    if (ep == null)
                        missingEpisodes = true;
                // check if we have the episode info
                // if we don't, we will need to re-download the anime info (which also has episode info)

                if (aniFile.EpisodeCrossRefs.Count == 0)
                    animeID = aniFile.AnimeID;

                    // if we have the anidb file, but no cross refs it means something has been broken
                    logger.Debug("Could not find any cross ref records for: {0}", vidLocal.ED2KHash);
                    missingEpisodes = true;
                    foreach (CrossRef_File_Episode xref in aniFile.EpisodeCrossRefs)
                        AniDB_Episode ep = repAniEps.GetByEpisodeID(xref.EpisodeID);
                        if (ep == null)
                            missingEpisodes = true;

                        animeID = xref.AnimeID;

            // get from DB
            AniDB_Anime anime = repAniAnime.GetByAnimeID(animeID);
            bool        animeRecentlyUpdated = false;

            if (anime != null)
                TimeSpan ts = DateTime.Now - anime.DateTimeUpdated;
                if (ts.TotalHours < 4)
                    animeRecentlyUpdated = true;

            // even if we are missing episode info, don't get data  more than once every 4 hours
            // this is to prevent banning
            if (missingEpisodes && !animeRecentlyUpdated)
                logger.Debug("Getting Anime record from AniDB....");
                anime = JMMService.AnidbProcessor.GetAnimeInfoHTTP(animeID, true, ServerSettings.AutoGroupSeries);

            // create the group/series/episode records if needed
            AnimeSeries ser = null;

            if (anime != null)
                logger.Debug("Creating groups, series and episodes....");
                // check if there is an AnimeSeries Record associated with this AnimeID
                ser = repSeries.GetByAnimeID(animeID);
                if (ser == null)
                    // create a new AnimeSeries record
                    ser = anime.CreateAnimeSeriesAndGroup();


                // check if we have any group status data for this associated anime
                // if not we will download it now
                AniDB_GroupStatusRepository repStatus = new AniDB_GroupStatusRepository();
                if (repStatus.GetByAnimeID(anime.AnimeID).Count == 0)
                    CommandRequest_GetReleaseGroupStatus cmdStatus = new CommandRequest_GetReleaseGroupStatus(anime.AnimeID, false);

                // update stats
                ser.EpisodeAddedDate = DateTime.Now;

                AnimeGroupRepository repGroups = new AnimeGroupRepository();
                foreach (AnimeGroup grp in ser.AllGroupsAbove)
                    grp.EpisodeAddedDate = DateTime.Now;


            // update stats for groups and series
            if (ser != null)
                // update all the groups above this series in the heirarchy
                ser.UpdateStats(true, true, true);

            // Add this file to the users list
            if (ServerSettings.AniDB_MyList_AddFiles)
                CommandRequest_AddFileToMyList cmd = new CommandRequest_AddFileToMyList(vidLocal.ED2KHash);

            // lets also try adding to the users trakt collecion by sync'ing the series
            if (ser != null)
                if (ServerSettings.WebCache_Trakt_Send && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(ServerSettings.Trakt_Username))
                    CommandRequest_TraktSyncCollectionSeries cmdTrakt = new CommandRequest_TraktSyncCollectionSeries(ser.AnimeSeriesID, ser.GetAnime().MainTitle);

            // sync the series on MAL
            if (ser != null)
                CommandRequest_MALUpdatedWatchedStatus cmdMAL = new CommandRequest_MALUpdatedWatchedStatus(ser.AniDB_ID);
        public override void ProcessCommand()
            logger.Info("Processing CommandRequest_AddFileToMyList: {0}", Hash);

                VideoLocalRepository   repVids     = new VideoLocalRepository();
                AnimeEpisodeRepository repEpisodes = new AnimeEpisodeRepository();

                vid = repVids.GetByHash(this.Hash);
                if (vid != null)
                    // when adding a file via the API, newWatchedStatus will return with current watched status on AniDB
                    // if the file is already on the user's list

                    bool isManualLink = false;
                    List <CrossRef_File_Episode> xrefs = vid.EpisodeCrossRefs;
                    if (xrefs.Count > 0)
                        isManualLink = xrefs[0].CrossRefSource != (int)CrossRefSource.AniDB;

                    // mark the video file as watched
                    DateTime?watchedDate      = null;
                    bool     newWatchedStatus = false;

                    if (isManualLink)
                        newWatchedStatus = JMMService.AnidbProcessor.AddFileToMyList(xrefs[0].AnimeID, xrefs[0].Episode.EpisodeNumber, ref watchedDate);
                        newWatchedStatus = JMMService.AnidbProcessor.AddFileToMyList(vid, ref watchedDate);

                    // do for all AniDB users
                    JMMUserRepository repUsers   = new JMMUserRepository();
                    List <JMMUser>    aniDBUsers = repUsers.GetAniDBUsers();

                    List <AnimeEpisode> animeEpisodes = vid.GetAnimeEpisodes();
                    if (aniDBUsers.Count > 0)
                        JMMUser juser = aniDBUsers[0];
                        vid.ToggleWatchedStatus(newWatchedStatus, false, watchedDate, false, false, juser.JMMUserID, false, true);
                        logger.Info("Adding file to list: {0} - {1}", vid.ToString(), watchedDate);

                        // if the the episode is watched we may want to set the file to watched as well
                        if (ServerSettings.Import_UseExistingFileWatchedStatus && !newWatchedStatus)
                            if (animeEpisodes.Count > 0)
                                AnimeEpisode      ep     = animeEpisodes[0];
                                AnimeEpisode_User epUser = null;

                                foreach (JMMUser tempuser in aniDBUsers)
                                    // only find the first user who watched this
                                    if (epUser == null)
                                        epUser = ep.GetUserRecord(tempuser.JMMUserID);

                                if (epUser != null)
                                    logger.Info("Setting file as watched, because episode was already watched: {0} - user: {1}", vid.ToString(), juser.Username);
                                    vid.ToggleWatchedStatus(true, true, epUser.WatchedDate, false, false, epUser.JMMUserID, false, true);

                    AnimeSeries ser = animeEpisodes[0].GetAnimeSeries();
                    // all the eps should belong to the same anime
                    ser.UpdateStats(true, true, true);
            catch (Exception ex)
                logger.Error("Error processing CommandRequest_AddFileToMyList: {0} - {1}", Hash, ex.ToString());