protected void btnDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ArrayList ar = new ArrayList(); foreach (DataGridItem m_Item in dgrListAppro.Items) { CheckBox chk_Select = (CheckBox)m_Item.FindControl("optSelect"); if (chk_Select != null && chk_Select.Checked) { ar.Add(double.Parse(dgrListAppro.DataKeys[int.Parse(m_Item.ItemIndex.ToString())].ToString())); } } if (ar.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < ar.Count; i++) { int _ID = int.Parse(ar[i].ToString()); AnhDAL _DAL = new AnhDAL(); _DAL.DeleteFromT_Anh(_ID); } } else { System.Web.UI.ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, typeof(string), "Message", "alert('Chưa chọn ảnh muốn xóa.!!')", true); return; } LoadDataApprovied(); }
public void LoadDataApprovied() { string where = " TieuDe IS NULL And NguoiTao =" + _user.UserID; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.txt_FromDate.Text.Trim())) { where += " AND " + string.Format(" NgayTao >='{0}'", UltilFunc.ToDate(this.txt_FromDate.Text.Trim(), "dd/MM/yyyy").ToShortDateString() + " 00:00:00 "); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.txt_ToDate.Text.Trim())) { where += " AND " + string.Format(" NgayTao <='{0}'", UltilFunc.ToDate(this.txt_ToDate.Text.Trim(), "dd/MM/yyyy").ToShortDateString() + " 23:59:59 "); } where += " ORDER BY NgayTao DESC "; AnhDAL _DAL = new AnhDAL(); DataSet _ds; pageappro.PageSize = 5; _ds = _DAL.BindGridT_Anh(pageappro.PageIndex, pageappro.PageSize, where); int TotalRecords = Convert.ToInt32(_ds.Tables[1].Rows[0].ItemArray[0].ToString()); int TotalRecord = Convert.ToInt32(_ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count); if (TotalRecord == 0) { _ds = _DAL.BindGridT_Anh(pageappro.PageIndex - 1, pageappro.PageSize, where); } dgrListAppro.DataSource = _ds; dgrListAppro.DataBind(); pageappro.TotalRecords = CurrentPage1.TotalRecords = TotalRecords; CurrentPage1.TotalPages = pageappro.CalculateTotalPages(); CurrentPage1.PageIndex = pageappro.PageIndex; Session["CurrentPage"] = pageappro.PageIndex; }
protected void btnXoaAnh_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { AnhDAL _dalanh = new AnhDAL(); string SqlUpdate = string.Empty; foreach (DataListItem m_Item in dgrListImages.Items) { int _ID = int.Parse(this.dgrListImages.DataKeys[m_Item.ItemIndex].ToString()); CheckBox chk_Select = (CheckBox)m_Item.FindControl("optSelect"); Label lbFileAttach = m_Item.FindControl("lbFileAttach") as Label; if (chk_Select != null && chk_Select.Checked) { _dalanh.DeleteFromT_Anh(_ID); string path = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("/" + System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["viewimg"].ToString() + lbFileAttach.Text); System.IO.FileInfo fi = new System.IO.FileInfo(path); try { if (File.Exists(path)) { fi.Delete(); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } } } LoadDataImage(); }
public bool SaveImagesAttachAll() { T_Anh objimage = new T_Anh(); AnhDAL _dalanh = new AnhDAL(); int _ID = 0; if (dgrListImages.Items.Count > 0) { foreach (DataListItem m_Item in dgrListImages.Items) { _ID = Convert.ToInt32(dgrListImages.DataKeys[m_Item.ItemIndex].ToString()); TextBox txtTacgia = m_Item.FindControl("txtTacgia") as TextBox; TextBox hdnValueTacGiaAnh = m_Item.FindControl("hdnValueTacGiaAnh") as TextBox; TextBox txtChuthich = m_Item.FindControl("txtChuthich") as TextBox; if (_ID != 0) { objimage = _dalanh.GetOneFromT_AnhByID(_ID); string _chuthich = ""; string _tacgia = ""; int _tacgiaID = 0; if (txtChuthich.Text != Global.RM.GetString("Nhapchuthichanh")) { _chuthich = UltilFunc.RemoveEnterCode(txtChuthich.Text.Trim().Replace("'", "''")); } if (objimage != null && objimage.Ma_Nguoichup != 0) { _tacgia = txtTacgia.Text.Replace(" -- ", "|").Split('|')[0]; _tacgiaID = objimage.Ma_Nguoichup; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(hdnValueTacGiaAnh.Text)) { _tacgia = txtTacgia.Text.Replace(" -- ", "|").Split('|')[0]; _tacgiaID = int.Parse(hdnValueTacGiaAnh.Text.ToString()); } if (txtChuthich.Text == Global.RM.GetString("Nhapchuthichanh")) { FuncAlert.AlertJS(this, "bạn chưa nhập chú thích ảnh"); return(false); } if (_tacgiaID == 0) { FuncAlert.AlertJS(this, "bạn chưa nhập tác giả ảnh"); return(false); } string SqlUpdate = ""; SqlUpdate = "update T_Anh set Chuthich=N'" + _chuthich + "',NguoiChup=N'" + _tacgia + "',Ma_Nguoichup=" + _tacgiaID + " where Ma_Anh=" + _ID; Ulti.ExecSql(SqlUpdate); } } } return(true); }
public void dgrListAppro_EditCommand(object source, DataGridCommandEventArgs e) { if (e.CommandArgument.ToString().ToLower() == "edit") { dgrListAppro.EditItemIndex = e.Item.ItemIndex; LoadDataApprovied(); } if (e.CommandArgument.ToString().ToLower() == "delete") { AnhDAL _DAL = new AnhDAL(); int _ID = Convert.ToInt32(dgrListAppro.DataKeys[e.Item.ItemIndex].ToString()); _DAL.DeleteFromT_Anh(_ID); LoadDataApprovied(); } }
public void dgrListAppro_UpdateCommand(object source, DataGridCommandEventArgs e) { T_Anh objimage = new T_Anh(); AnhDAL _DAL = new AnhDAL(); int _ID = Convert.ToInt32(dgrListAppro.DataKeys[e.Item.ItemIndex].ToString()); TextBox txtTieude = e.Item.FindControl("txtTieude") as TextBox; TextBox txtChuthich = e.Item.FindControl("txtChuthich") as TextBox; TextBox txtTacgia = e.Item.FindControl("txtTacgia") as TextBox; string _tieude = ""; string _chuthich = ""; string _tacgia = ""; int _tacgiaID = 0; if (txtTieude != null) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtTieude.Text.Trim())) { _tieude = txtTieude.Text.Trim(); } } if (txtChuthich != null) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtChuthich.Text.Trim())) { _chuthich = txtChuthich.Text.Trim(); } } if (txtTacgia != null) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtTacgia.Text.Trim())) { _tacgia = txtTacgia.Text; _tacgiaID = Convert.ToInt32(UltilFunc.GetTacgiaID(_tacgia).ToString()); } } objimage.Ma_Anh = _ID; objimage.TieuDe = _tieude; objimage.Chuthich = _chuthich; objimage.NguoiChup = _tacgia; objimage.Ma_Nguoichup = _tacgiaID; _DAL.InsertUpdateT_Anh(objimage); //_DAL.UpdateinfoT_Anh("TieuDe=N'" + _tieude + "',Chuthich=N'" + _chuthich + "',NguoiChup=N'" + _tacgia + "',Ma_Nguoichup=" + _tacgiaID + " WHERE Ma_Anh=" + _ID); dgrListAppro_CancelCommand(source, e); }
public void LoadDataApprovied() { string where = " TieuDe IS NOT NULL "; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtSearchName.Text.Trim())) { where += " AND " + string.Format(" TieuDe like N'%{0}%' OR dbo.ClearVNMark(TieuDe) Like N'%{0}%'", UltilFunc.SqlFormatText(this.txtSearchName.Text.Trim())); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.txt_FromDate.Text.Trim())) { where += " AND " + string.Format(" NgayTao >='{0}'", UltilFunc.ToDate(this.txt_FromDate.Text.Trim(), "dd/MM/yyyy").ToShortDateString() + " 00:00:00 "); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.txt_ToDate.Text.Trim())) { where += " AND " + string.Format(" NgayTao <='{0}'", UltilFunc.ToDate(this.txt_ToDate.Text.Trim(), "dd/MM/yyyy").ToShortDateString() + " 23:59:59 "); } where += " ORDER BY NgayTao DESC "; AnhDAL _DAL = new AnhDAL(); DataSet _ds; pageappro.PageSize = 5; _ds = _DAL.BindGridT_Anh(pageappro.PageIndex, pageappro.PageSize, where); if (_ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { int TotalRecords = Convert.ToInt32(_ds.Tables[1].Rows[0].ItemArray[0].ToString()); int TotalRecord = Convert.ToInt32(_ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count); if (TotalRecord == 0) { _ds = _DAL.BindGridT_Anh(pageappro.PageIndex - 1, pageappro.PageSize, where); } dgrListAppro.DataSource = _ds; dgrListAppro.DataBind(); pageappro.TotalRecords = CurrentPage1.TotalRecords = TotalRecords; CurrentPage1.TotalPages = pageappro.CalculateTotalPages(); CurrentPage1.PageIndex = pageappro.PageIndex; Session["CurrentPage"] = pageappro.PageIndex; panelReport.Visible = false; panelContent.Visible = true; } else { panelReport.Visible = true; panelContent.Visible = false; Session["CurrentPage"] = null; } }
public void dgrListImages_EditCommand(object source, DataListCommandEventArgs e) { T_Anh objimage = new T_Anh(); AnhDAL _dalanh = new AnhDAL(); ImageButton btnAdd = e.Item.FindControl("btnAdd") as ImageButton; ImageButton btnUpdate = e.Item.FindControl("btnUpdate") as ImageButton; ImageButton btnCancel = e.Item.FindControl("btnCancel") as ImageButton; ImageButton btndelete = e.Item.FindControl("Imagebuttondelete") as ImageButton; TextBox hdnValueTacGiaAnh = e.Item.FindControl("hdnValueTacGiaAnh") as TextBox; TextBox txtTacgia = e.Item.FindControl("txtTacgia") as TextBox; TextBox txtChuthich = e.Item.FindControl("txtChuthich") as TextBox; Label lbdesc = e.Item.FindControl("lbdesc") as Label; Label lbtacgia = e.Item.FindControl("lbtacgia") as Label; int _ID = Convert.ToInt32(dgrListImages.DataKeys[e.Item.ItemIndex].ToString()); objimage = _dalanh.GetOneFromT_AnhByID(_ID); if (e.CommandArgument.ToString().ToLower() == "delete") { Label lbFileAttach = e.Item.FindControl("lbFileAttach") as Label; string path = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~" + lbFileAttach.Text); System.IO.FileInfo fi = new System.IO.FileInfo(path); try { if (File.Exists(path)) { fi.Delete(); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } _dalanh.DeleteFromT_Anh(_ID); string thaotac = "Thao tác xóa ảnh đính kèm: " + objimage.Duongdan_Anh + " tại " + Request["MaDoiTuong"].ToString() + " thuộc tin bài: " + Txt_tieude.Text.Trim(); UltilFunc.Log_Action(_user.UserID, _user.UserName, DateTime.Now, int.Parse(Request["Menu_ID"].ToString()), thaotac); LoadDataImage(); } if (e.CommandArgument.ToString().ToLower() == "editinfo") { btndelete.Visible = false; btnAdd.Visible = false; btnUpdate.Visible = true; btnCancel.Visible = true; lbdesc.Visible = false; lbtacgia.Visible = false; txtTacgia.Visible = true; txtChuthich.Visible = true; if (objimage != null && objimage.Ma_Nguoichup != 0) { hdnValueTacGiaAnh.Text = objimage.Ma_Nguoichup.ToString(); } else { hdnValueTacGiaAnh.Text = ""; } if (objimage.NguoiChup != "") { txtTacgia.Text = objimage.NguoiChup; } else { txtTacgia.Text = Global.RM.GetString("Nhaptacgiaanh"); } if (objimage.Chuthich.Length > 0) { txtChuthich.Text = objimage.Chuthich; } else { txtChuthich.Text = Global.RM.GetString("Nhapchuthichanh"); } } if (e.CommandArgument.ToString().ToLower() == "update") { string _chuthich = ""; string _tacgia = ""; int _tacgiaID = 0; if (txtChuthich.Text != Global.RM.GetString("Nhapchuthichanh")) { _chuthich = UltilFunc.RemoveEnterCode(txtChuthich.Text.Trim().Replace("'", "''")); } if (objimage != null && objimage.Ma_Nguoichup != 0) { _tacgia = txtTacgia.Text.Replace(" -- ", "|").Split('|')[0]; _tacgiaID = objimage.Ma_Nguoichup; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(hdnValueTacGiaAnh.Text)) { _tacgia = txtTacgia.Text.Replace(" -- ", "|").Split('|')[0]; _tacgiaID = int.Parse(hdnValueTacGiaAnh.Text.ToString()); } if (txtChuthich.Text == Global.RM.GetString("Nhapchuthichanh")) { FuncAlert.AlertJS(this, "bạn chưa nhập chú thích ảnh"); return; } if (_tacgiaID == 0) { FuncAlert.AlertJS(this, "bạn chưa nhập tác giả ảnh"); return; } string SqlUpdate = ""; SqlUpdate = "update T_Anh set Chuthich=N'" + _chuthich + "',NguoiChup=N'" + _tacgia + "',Ma_Nguoichup=" + _tacgiaID + " where Ma_Anh=" + _ID; Ulti.ExecSql(SqlUpdate); LoadDataImage(); lbdesc.Text = txtChuthich.Text; lbtacgia.Text = txtTacgia.Text; btnAdd.Visible = true; btnUpdate.Visible = false; btnCancel.Visible = false; lbdesc.Visible = true; lbtacgia.Visible = true; txtChuthich.Visible = false; txtTacgia.Visible = false; } if (e.CommandArgument.ToString().ToLower() == "cancel") { btndelete.Visible = true; btnAdd.Visible = true; btnUpdate.Visible = false; btnCancel.Visible = false; lbdesc.Visible = true; lbtacgia.Visible = true; txtTacgia.Visible = false; txtChuthich.Visible = false; } }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; context.Response.Write("Hello World"); try { string[] sArrProdID = null; char[] sep = { '?' }; string[] sArrVkey = null; string strUserID = ""; char[] sep2 = { ',' }; sArrProdID = context.Request.QueryString["user"].ToString().Trim().Split(sep); sArrVkey = sArrProdID[0].ToString().Trim().Split(sep2); user = DAL.GetUserByUserName(sArrVkey[0].ToString()); strUserID = user.UserID.ToString(); int matinbai = 0; if (sArrVkey[1].ToString() != "") { matinbai = int.Parse(sArrVkey[1].ToString()); } HttpPostedFile postedFile = context.Request.Files["Filedata"]; string tempPath = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["UploadPath"].ToString() + DateTime.Now.Year.ToString() + "/" + DateTime.Now.Month.ToString() + "/" + DateTime.Now.Day.ToString() + "/"; //Create forder CreateFolderByUserName(tempPath); string savepath = context.Server.MapPath("/" + tempPath); string filename = postedFile.FileName; string[] sArrTenfile = null; char[] cat = { '.' }; sArrTenfile = filename.ToString().Trim().Split(cat); string _extenfile = GetDateTimeStringUnique() + "." + sArrTenfile[1].ToString(); string _tenfilegoc = UltilFunc.RemoveSign4VietnameseString(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename)) + "." + _extenfile.ToString(); _tenfilegoc = _tenfilegoc.Replace(" ", ""); postedFile.SaveAs(savepath + @"\" + _tenfilegoc); int startchar = tempPath.Substring(1, tempPath.Length - 1).IndexOf("/"); startchar += 1; string _PathFile = tempPath.Substring(startchar, tempPath.Length - startchar); string _savePath = _PathFile + "" + _tenfilegoc; AnhDAL _DAL = new AnhDAL(); T_Anh _obj = new T_Anh(); _obj = SetItem(_savePath, _tenfilegoc, _tenfilegoc); int _MaAnhReturn = _DAL.InsertUpdateT_Anh(_obj); if (matinbai > 0 && _MaAnhReturn > 0) { TinBaiAnhDAL _daltinanh = new TinBaiAnhDAL(); T_Tinbai_Anh _objTA = new T_Tinbai_Anh(); _objTA.ID = 0; _objTA.Ma_Anh = _MaAnhReturn; _objTA.Ma_TinBai = matinbai; _objTA.ChuThich = ""; _daltinanh.InsertUpdateTin_Anh(_objTA); } context.Response.Write(tempPath + "/" + filename); context.Response.StatusCode = 200; } catch (Exception ex) { context.Response.Write("Error: " + ex.Message); } }