Ejemplo n.º 1
         * public static void DrawGradientPath(Canvas canvas, List<TinyTypeLib.PointF> path, int gradientSize, Color color)
         * {
         *  if (path.Count < 3)
         *  {
         *      throw new Exception("Path must have at least three points");
         *  }
         *  // Add the first two points to the end to make it easier to assess direction
         *  int originalCount = path.Count;
         *  path.Add(path[0]);
         *  path.Add(path[1]);
         *  for (int i = 0; i < originalCount; i++ )
         *  {
         *      Line line = new Line(path[i], path[i + 1]);
         *      DrawGradientLine(canvas, line, gradientSize, color);
         *  }
         * }
         * public static void DrawGradientCap(Canvas canvas, TinyTypeLib.Rect middleSquare, int quadrant, int gradientSize, Color color)
         * {
         *  Paint paint = new Paint();
         *  paint.SetStyle(Paint.Style.Fill);
         *  Color transparent = color;
         *  transparent.A = 0;
         *  Point center = new Point(
         *      quadrant == 1 || quadrant == 4 ? middleSquare.Right : middleSquare.Left,
         *      quadrant == 1 || quadrant == 2 ? middleSquare.Top : middleSquare.Bottom);
         *  int startAngle = (4 - quadrant) * 90;
         *  paint.SetShader(new RadialGradient(center.X, center.Y, gradientSize, color, transparent, Shader.TileMode.Mirror));
         *  canvas.DrawArc(new RectF(
         *      center.X - gradientSize,
         *      center.Y - gradientSize,
         *      center.X + gradientSize,
         *      center.Y + gradientSize), startAngle, 90, true, paint);
         * }

        // gradientSize is the distance from the line to half-way through the gradient's fade
        // The direction of the gradient is controlled by the sign of signedGradientSize
        public static void DrawGradientLine(Canvas canvas, Line line, int signedGradientSize, Color color, TinyTypeLib.Rect clipRect)
            // Allow for a little overlap. For some reason, Android leaves a white line even though the clipRects were lining up.
            clipRect = new TinyTypeLib.Rect(clipRect.Left - 1, clipRect.Top - 1, clipRect.Right + 1, clipRect.Bottom + 1);

            int  gradientSizeAbs = Math.Abs(signedGradientSize);
            Line perpendicular   = line.GetPerpendicular(gradientSizeAbs);

            Paint paint = new Paint();

            paint.StrokeCap = Paint.Cap.Butt;

            // Here we need to solve for the gradient's start point, or the location of B. We'll solve for angle C and length a to find that out.
            double c = line.Length;
            double b = gradientSizeAbs;

             * B____c_____A
             *  \        /
             *    a\    /b
             *        \/
             *        C=90

            // Solve for angle B in radians. B = sin-1(b/c)
            double B = Math.Asin(b / c);

            // Solve for length a. a^2+b^2 = c^2, so a = sqrt(c^2-b^2)
            double a = Math.Sqrt((c * c) - (b * b));

            int    direction  = signedGradientSize > 0 ? -1 : 1;
            double finalAngle = direction * B + line.Angle;

            Line   test = new Line(866, 313.5f, 678, 313.5f);
            double ang  = test.Angle; // should be 3.14

            Line l            = new Line(line.Start, finalAngle, a);
            Line gradientLine = new Line(l.End, line.End);


            paint.StrokeWidth = gradientSizeAbs * 2;
            paint.SetShader(new LinearGradient(gradientLine.Start.X, gradientLine.Start.Y, gradientLine.End.X, gradientLine.End.Y, color, AndroidUtil.GetTransparentColor(color), Shader.TileMode.Mirror));

            canvas.DrawLine(l.Start.X, l.Start.Y, l.End.X, l.End.Y, paint);