Ejemplo n.º 1
        // Gets max velocity in SV
        private static double GetMaxVelocity(SlideratorVm viewModel, IReadOnlyList <IGraphAnchor> anchors)
            double maxValue;

            if (viewModel.GraphModeSetting == SlideratorVm.GraphMode.Velocity) // Integrate the graph to get the end value
            // Here we use SvGraphMultiplier to get an accurate conversion from SV to slider completion per beat
            // Completion = (100 * SliderMultiplier / PixelLength) * SV * Beats
                maxValue = Math.Max(AnchorCollection.GetMaxValue(anchors), -AnchorCollection.GetMinValue(anchors));
                maxValue = Math.Max(AnchorCollection.GetMaxDerivative(anchors), -AnchorCollection.GetMinDerivative(anchors)) / viewModel.SvGraphMultiplier;

Ejemplo n.º 2
        private string Sliderate(SlideratorVm arg, BackgroundWorker worker)
            // Make a position function for Sliderator
            Classes.Tools.Sliderator.PositionFunctionDelegate positionFunction;
            // Test if the function is a constant velocity
            bool constantVelocity;

            // We convert the graph GetValue function to a function that works like ms -> px
            // d is a value representing the number of milliseconds into the slider
            if (arg.GraphModeSetting == SlideratorVm.GraphMode.Velocity)
                // Here we use SvGraphMultiplier to get an accurate conversion from SV to slider completion per beat
                // Completion = (100 * SliderMultiplier / PixelLength) * SV * Beats
                positionFunction = d =>
                                   arg.GraphState.GetIntegral(0, d * arg.BeatsPerMinute / 60000) * arg.SvGraphMultiplier *

                constantVelocity = Precision.AlmostEquals(AnchorCollection.GetMaxValue(arg.GraphState.Anchors),
                positionFunction = d => arg.GraphState.GetValue(d * arg.BeatsPerMinute / 60000) * arg.PixelLength;

                constantVelocity = Precision.AlmostEquals(AnchorCollection.GetMaxDerivative(arg.GraphState.Anchors),

            // Dont do Sliderator if the velocity is constant AND equal to the new velocity
            var simplifyShape = constantVelocity && Precision.AlmostEquals(
                arg.PixelLength / arg.GraphBeats / arg.GlobalSv / 100,

            // Get the highest velocity occuring in the graph
            double velocity = arg.NewVelocity; // Velocity is in SV

            // Do bad stuff to the velocity to make sure its the same SV as after writing it to .osu code
            velocity = -100 / double.Parse((-100 / velocity).ToInvariant(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            // Other velocity is in px / ms
            var otherVelocity = velocity * arg.SvGraphMultiplier * arg.PixelLength * arg.BeatsPerMinute / 60000;

            // Time between timeline ticks for stream export
            var deltaT = 60000 / arg.BeatsPerMinute / arg.BeatSnapDivisor;

            // Update progressbar
            if (worker != null && worker.WorkerReportsProgress)

            List <Vector2> slideration = new List <Vector2>();
            var            sliderator  = new Classes.Tools.Sliderator {
                PositionFunction  = positionFunction, MaxT = arg.GraphBeats / arg.BeatsPerMinute * 60000,
                Velocity          = otherVelocity,
                MinDendriteLength = arg.MinDendrite

            if (!simplifyShape)
                // Get slider path like from the hit object preview
                var sliderPath = new SliderPath(arg.VisibleHitObject.SliderType,
                                                GetMaxCompletion(arg, arg.GraphState.Anchors) * arg.PixelLength);
                var path = new List <Vector2>();
                sliderPath.GetPathToProgress(path, 0, 1);

                // Update progressbar
                if (worker != null && worker.WorkerReportsProgress)

                // Do Sliderator

                slideration = arg.ExportAsStream ?
                              sliderator.SliderateStream(deltaT) :

                // Check for some illegal output
                if (double.IsInfinity(sliderator.MaxS) || double.IsNaN(sliderator.MaxS) ||
                    slideration.Any(v => double.IsNaN(v.X) || double.IsNaN(v.Y)))
                    return("Encountered unexpected values from Sliderator. Please check your input.");

            // Update progressbar
            if (worker != null && worker.WorkerReportsProgress)

            // Exporting stuff
            BeatmapEditor editor;
            bool          editorRead = false;

            if (arg.DoEditorRead)
                editor = EditorReaderStuff.GetNewestVersionOrNot(arg.Path, out _, out var exception);

                if (exception == null)
                    editorRead = true;

                arg.DoEditorRead = false;
                editor = new BeatmapEditor(arg.Path);

            var beatmap = editor.Beatmap;
            var timing  = beatmap.BeatmapTiming;

            // Get hit object that might be present at the export time or make a new one
            var hitObjectHere = beatmap.HitObjects.FirstOrDefault(o => Math.Abs(arg.ExportTime - o.Time) < 5) ??
                                new HitObject(arg.ExportTime, 0, SampleSet.Auto, SampleSet.Auto);

            // Clone the hit object to not affect the already existing hit object instance with changes
            var clone = new HitObject(hitObjectHere.GetLine())
                IsCircle = arg.ExportAsStream, IsSpinner = false, IsHoldNote = false, IsSlider = !arg.ExportAsStream

            // Update progressbar
            if (worker != null && worker.WorkerReportsProgress)

            if (!arg.ExportAsStream)
                // Give the new hit object the sliderated anchors
                if (simplifyShape)
                    // The velocity is constant, so you can simplify to the original slider shape
                    clone.SliderType = arg.VisibleHitObject.SliderType;
                    clone.SliderType = PathType.Bezier;

                clone.PixelLength    = sliderator.MaxS;
                clone.SliderVelocity = -100 / velocity;

                // Add hit object
                if (arg.ExportModeSetting == SlideratorVm.ExportMode.Add)

                // Add SV
                var timingPointsChanges = new List <TimingPointsChange>();

                if (arg.DelegateToBpm)
                    var tpAfter = timing.GetRedlineAtTime(clone.Time).Copy();
                    var tpOn    = tpAfter.Copy();

                    tpAfter.Offset = clone.Time;
                    tpOn.Offset    = clone.Time - 1; // This one will be on the slider

                    tpAfter.OmitFirstBarLine = true;
                    tpOn.OmitFirstBarLine    = true;

                    // Express velocity in BPM
                    tpOn.MpB /= -100 / clone.SliderVelocity;
                    // NaN SV results in removal of slider ticks
                    clone.SliderVelocity = arg.RemoveSliderTicks ? double.NaN : -100;

                    // Add redlines
                    timingPointsChanges.Add(new TimingPointsChange(tpOn, mpb: true, inherited: true, omitFirstBarLine: true, fuzzyness: 0));
                    timingPointsChanges.Add(new TimingPointsChange(tpAfter, mpb: true, inherited: true, omitFirstBarLine: true, fuzzyness: 0));

                    clone.Time -= 1;

                // Add SV for every hit object so the SV doesnt change for anything else than the sliderated slider
                timingPointsChanges.AddRange(beatmap.HitObjects.Select(ho => {
                    var sv    = ho == clone ? ho.SliderVelocity : timing.GetSvAtTime(ho.Time);
                    var tp    = timing.GetTimingPointAtTime(ho.Time).Copy();
                    tp.MpB    = sv;
                    tp.Offset = ho.Time;
                    return(new TimingPointsChange(tp, mpb: true, fuzzyness: 0));

                TimingPointsChange.ApplyChanges(timing, timingPointsChanges);
                // Add hit objects
                if (arg.ExportModeSetting == SlideratorVm.ExportMode.Override)

                double t = arg.ExportTime;
                foreach (var pos in slideration)
                    clone.Pos  = pos;
                    clone.Time = t;

                    clone = new HitObject(clone.GetLine())
                        IsCircle = true, IsSpinner = false, IsHoldNote = false, IsSlider = false, NewCombo = false
                    t += deltaT;

            // Update progressbar
            if (worker != null && worker.WorkerReportsProgress)



            // Complete progressbar
            if (worker != null && worker.WorkerReportsProgress)

            // Do stuff
            if (arg.Quick)
                RunFinished?.Invoke(this, new RunToolCompletedEventArgs(true, editorRead));

            return(arg.Quick ? string.Empty : "Done!");