internal static AnalyticsReportFilter GetStringAnalyticsReportFilter(string Name, String searchPhrase, int searchOperator, bool specifyAttributes, bool specifyDatatype, bool specifyOperator)
            //Assigning the filter as defined on the RightNow Analytics Report
            AnalyticsReportFilter filter = new AnalyticsReportFilter();

            if (specifyAttributes)
                AnalyticsReportFilterAttributes attribute = new AnalyticsReportFilterAttributes();
                attribute.Editable = false;
                attribute.Required = false;
                filter.Attributes  = attribute;

            if (specifyDatatype)
                NamedID datatype = new NamedID();
                datatype.Name   = Name.GetType().ToString();
                filter.DataType = datatype;

            filter.Name = Name;
            if (specifyOperator)
                filter.Operator = new NamedID {
                    ID = new ID {
                        id = searchOperator, idSpecified = true
            filter.Values = new String[] { searchPhrase };

        internal RunAnalyticsResponse GetAnalyticsReportResults(long reportId,
                                                                int limit = 100, int start = 0, string delimiter = ",")
            //Create a filter and specify the filter name
            //Assigning the filter created in desktop agent to the new analytics filter
            AnalyticsReportFilter filter = new AnalyticsReportFilter();

            //Apply the filter to the AnalyticsReport object
                                             new AnalyticsReportFilter[] { filter }, limit, start, delimiter));
        public AnalyticsReport getAnalyticsReport(long reportID)
            AnalyticsReport analyticsReport = new AnalyticsReport();
            ID analyticsReportID            = new ID();

            = reportID;
            analyticsReportID.idSpecified = true;
            analyticsReport.ID            = analyticsReportID;

            AnalyticsReportFilter filter = new AnalyticsReportFilter();

            analyticsReport.Filters = (new AnalyticsReportFilter[] { filter });

            GetProcessingOptions processingOptions = new GetProcessingOptions();

            processingOptions.FetchAllNames = true;

            RNObject[]      getAnalyticsObjects = new RNObject[] { analyticsReport };
            RNObject[]      rnObjects           = _client.Get(_clientInfoHeader, getAnalyticsObjects, processingOptions);
            AnalyticsReport report = (AnalyticsReport)rnObjects[0];

        internal static AnalyticsReportFilter GetDateTimeRangeAnalyticsReportFilter(string Name, DateTime fromDateTime, DateTime toDateTime, bool specifyAttributes, bool specifyDatatype, bool specifyOperator, bool appendEndingZ)
            //Assigning the filter as defined on the RightNow Analytics Report
            AnalyticsReportFilter filter = new AnalyticsReportFilter();

            if (specifyAttributes)
                AnalyticsReportFilterAttributes attribute = new AnalyticsReportFilterAttributes();
                attribute.Editable = false;
                attribute.Required = false;
                filter.Attributes  = attribute;

            if (specifyDatatype)
                NamedID datatype = new NamedID();
                datatype.Name   = "Date Time";
                filter.DataType = datatype;

            filter.Name = Name;
            if (fromDateTime > DateTime.MinValue && toDateTime > DateTime.MinValue)
                if (specifyDatatype)
                    filter.Operator = new NamedID {
                        ID = new ID {
                            id = ANALYTICS_FILTER_RANGE, idSpecified = true
                if (appendEndingZ)
                    filter.Values = new[] { fromDateTime.ToString("s") + "Z", toDateTime.ToString("s") + "Z" }
                    filter.Values = new[] { fromDateTime.ToString("s"), toDateTime.ToString("s") }
                if (fromDateTime > DateTime.MinValue)
                    if (specifyDatatype)
                        filter.Operator = new NamedID {
                            ID = new ID {
                                id = ANALYTICS_FILTER_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL, idSpecified = true
                    if (appendEndingZ)
                        filter.Values = new[] { fromDateTime.ToString("s") + "Z" }
                        filter.Values = new[] { fromDateTime.ToString("s") }
                else if (toDateTime > DateTime.MinValue)
                    if (specifyDatatype)
                        filter.Operator = new NamedID {
                            ID = new ID {
                                id = ANALYTICS_FILTER_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL, idSpecified = true
                    if (appendEndingZ)
                        filter.Values = new[] { toDateTime.ToString("s") + "Z" }
                        filter.Values = new[] { toDateTime.ToString("s") }

Ejemplo n.º 5
        /*  this method is called from framework to show the report row (data)
         *  It combines the incident report (ConfigurationSetting.incidentsByContactReportID)
         *  and the ServiceRequest.LookupSRbyContactPartyID(contactPartyID)
         *  Currently this list is only showing certain fields (because of combining 2 lists with common fields)
         *  The Right Now incidents by a contact report is hidden, meaning the Report control of a contact
         *  workspace tab is based on the EBS Service Request List Table report definition
         *  Also, do not change the default column heading of Right Now incidents by a contact report
         *  (they are hard coded to uppercase). Because they are hidden anyway.
         *  The EBS Service Request List Table report definition column headings can be changed and those are
         *  the ones being displayed.
        public override IList <IReportRow> GetRows(IList <string> columns, IReportFilterNode filterNode)
            IList <IReportRow> reportRows = new List <IReportRow>();
            IRecordContext     _context   = ((EBSVirtualReportTablesPackage)this.Parent)._globalContext.AutomationContext.CurrentWorkspace;

            if (_context == null)

            IContact contactRecord = _context.GetWorkspaceRecord(RightNow.AddIns.Common.WorkspaceRecordType.Contact) as IContact;

            /* report framework refresh every 30 sec (default) even though the tab is not active
             * so need to check contactRecord for null (when the editor is different)
            if (contactRecord == null)

            int contactPartyID = 0;

            // get the ebs contact party custom attribute on the contact workspace
            contactPartyID = getContactPartyIdCustomAttr(contactRecord);

            // following to get the rNow incidents report and filter is the rNow contactID
            AnalyticsReport reportIncident = new AnalyticsReport();
            ID rId = new ID();

              = ConfigurationSetting.incidentsByContactReportID;
            rId.idSpecified   = true;
            reportIncident.ID = rId;
            byte[] outByte = new byte[1000];

            AnalyticsReportFilter[] filter = new AnalyticsReportFilter[3];
            filter[0] = new AnalyticsReportFilter();

            String[] filterString = new String[1];
            filterString[0]  = "" + contactRecord.ID;
            filter[0].Values = filterString;
            filter[0].Name   = "Contact"; // incidents by a contact, thus Contact filter

            NamedID datatype = new NamedID();

            datatype.Name      = "Integer";
            filter[0].DataType = datatype;

            reportIncident.Filters = filter;

            ClientInfoHeader _cih = new ClientInfoHeader();

            _cih.AppID = "Accelerator Report Add-In";

            Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();

            CSVTableSet tableSet = ConfigurationSetting.client.RunAnalyticsReport(
                _cih, reportIncident, 100, 0, "\t", false, false, out outByte

            string logMessage = "Called RightNowSyncPortClient.RunAnalyticsReport." +
                                "reportID: " + ConfigurationSetting.incidentsByContactReportID;

            ConfigurationSetting.logWrap.DebugLog(0, contactRecord.ID, logMessage: logMessage, timeElapsed: (int)stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds);

            CSVTable[] csvTables = tableSet.CSVTables;
            CSVTable   table     = csvTables[0];

            string[] rowData             = table.Rows;
            int      rNowIncidentCount   = table.Rows.Length;
            int      srVirtualTableCount = this.Columns.Count;

            string[] colHeadingIncidentReport = table.Columns.Split('\t');

            foreach (String commaRow in table.Rows)
                ReportDataRow reportDataRow = new ReportDataRow(srVirtualTableCount);
                string[]      colValue      = commaRow.Split('\t');

                // the report output is stored as <columnHeading, value>
                Dictionary <string, string> dictRow = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                int i = 0;
                foreach (string val in colValue)
                {   /* make the column heading upper case (because the custom attribute heading
                     * in the report designer sometime all in lower case, sometime the reverse)
                    dictRow.Add(colHeadingIncidentReport[i].ToUpper(), val);

                addRnowIncidentRow(ref columns, ref reportDataRow, ref reportRows, dictRow);

            if (contactPartyID > 0)
                ServiceRequest[] sRs = ServiceRequest.LookupSRbyContactPartyID(contactPartyID, 0, contactRecord.ID);

                foreach (ServiceRequest req in sRs)
                    ReportDataRow reportDataRow = new ReportDataRow(this.Columns.Count);
                    if (req != null) // live ebs row 316 of 319 of contact 4431 return null
                        addEBSsrRow(ref columns, ref reportDataRow, ref reportRows, req);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /*  this method is called from framework to show the report row (data)
         *  refer to QA 140910-000144 for the story
         *  It combines the incident report (ConfigurationSetting.incidentsByContactReportID)
         *  and the ServiceRequest.LookupSRbyContactPartyID(contactPartyID)
         *  Currently this list is only showing certain fields (because of combining 2 lists with common fields)
         *  The Right Now incidents by a contact report is hidden, meaning the Report control of a contact
         *  workspace tab is based on the Siebel Service Request List Table report definition
         *  Also, do not change the default column heading of Right Now incidents by a contact report
         *  (they are hard coded to uppercase). Because they are hidden anyway.
         *  The Siebel Service Request List Table report definition column headings can be changed and those are
         *  the ones being displayed.
        public override IList<IReportRow> GetRows(IList<string> columns, IReportFilterNode filterNode)
            IList<IReportRow> reportRows = new List<IReportRow>();
            IRecordContext _context = ((SiebelVirtualReportTablesPackage)this.Parent)._globalContext.AutomationContext.CurrentWorkspace;

            if (_context == null)
                return reportRows;

            IContact contactRecord = _context.GetWorkspaceRecord(RightNow.AddIns.Common.WorkspaceRecordType.Contact) as IContact;

             /* if auto refresh every x sec is enabled even though the tab is not active
             * so need to check contactRecord for null (when the editor is different)
            if (contactRecord == null)
                return reportRows;

            string contactPartyID = null;
            // get the ebs contact party custom attribute on the contact workspace
            contactPartyID = getContactPartyIdCustomAttr(contactRecord);

            // following to get the rNow incidents report and filter is the rNow contactID
            AnalyticsReport reportIncident = new AnalyticsReport();
            ID rId = new ID();
   = ConfigurationSetting.incidentsByContactReportID;
            rId.idSpecified = true;
            reportIncident.ID = rId;
            byte[] outByte = new byte[1000];

            AnalyticsReportFilter[] filter = new AnalyticsReportFilter[3];
            filter[0] = new AnalyticsReportFilter();

            String[] filterString = new String[1];
            filterString[0] = "" + contactRecord.ID;
            filter[0].Values = filterString;
            filter[0].Name = "Contact"; // incidents by a contact, thus Contact filter

            NamedID datatype = new NamedID();
            datatype.Name = "Integer";
            filter[0].DataType = datatype;

            reportIncident.Filters = filter;

            ClientInfoHeader _cih = new ClientInfoHeader();
            _cih.AppID = "Accelerator Report Add-In";
            Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
            CSVTableSet tableSet = ConfigurationSetting.client.RunAnalyticsReport(
              _cih, reportIncident, 100, 0, "\t", false, false, out outByte
            string logMessage = "Called RightNowSyncPortClient.RunAnalyticsReport." +
                "reportID: " + ConfigurationSetting.incidentsByContactReportID;
            ConfigurationSetting.logWrap.DebugLog(0, contactRecord.ID, logMessage: logMessage, timeElapsed: (int)stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds);

            CSVTable[] csvTables = tableSet.CSVTables;
            CSVTable table = csvTables[0];
            string[] rowData = table.Rows;
            int rNowIncidentCount = table.Rows.Length;
            int srVirtualTableCount = this.Columns.Count;
            string[] colHeadingIncidentReport = table.Columns.Split('\t');

            foreach (String commaRow in table.Rows)
                ReportDataRow reportDataRow = new ReportDataRow(srVirtualTableCount);
                string[] colValue = commaRow.Split('\t');

                // the report output is stored as <columnHeading, value>
                Dictionary<string, string> dictRow = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                int i = 0;
                foreach (string val in colValue)
                {   /* make the column heading upper case (because the custom attribute heading
                     * in the report designer sometime all in lower case, sometime the reverse)
                    dictRow.Add(colHeadingIncidentReport[i].ToUpper(), val);

                addRnowIncidentRow(ref columns, ref reportDataRow, ref reportRows, dictRow);

            if (contactPartyID != null)
                ServiceRequest[] sRs = ServiceRequest.LookupSRbyContactPartyID(columns, contactPartyID, 0, contactRecord.ID);

                if (sRs == null)
                    return reportRows;

                foreach (ServiceRequest req in sRs)
                    ReportDataRow reportDataRow = new ReportDataRow(this.Columns.Count);
                    if (req != null) // live ebs row 316 of 319 of contact 4431 return null
                        addSiebelSrRow(ref columns, ref reportDataRow, ref reportRows, req);
            return reportRows;
        // Check whether selected EBS Contact has associated to a RightNow Contact - using search report (via SOAP API)
        private String checkEBSContactPartyID(String contactPartyId, String email)
            //Create a filter and specify the filter name
            //Assigning the filter created in desktop agent to the new analytics filter
            List<AnalyticsReportFilter> filterList = new List<AnalyticsReportFilter>();

            if (contactPartyId != null)
                AnalyticsReportFilter contactPartyIdFilter = new AnalyticsReportFilter();
                contactPartyIdFilter.Name = "EBS Contact Party ID";
                contactPartyIdFilter.Values = new String[] { contactPartyId };

            if (email != null)
                AnalyticsReportFilter emailFilter = new AnalyticsReportFilter();
                emailFilter.Name = "Email";
                emailFilter.Values = new String[] { email };

            String[] searchResults = null;
            // Get Report Search Result
                searchResults = _rnSrv.getReportResult(_contactSearchReportId, filterList);
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (_log != null)
                    string logMessage = "Error in running contact search report via CWSS. Report ID = " + _contactSearchReportId + "; Error: " + ex.Message;
                    string logNote = "";
                    _log.ErrorLog(_logIncidentId, _logContactId, logMessage, logNote);
                MessageBox.Show("Error in checking selected contact. Please check log for detail. ", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                return "0";

            // get associated id, if searched EBS Contact has been related to a RNow Contact
            String[] rowData = null;
            String associatedContactId = null;
            foreach (String row in searchResults)
                rowData = row.Split(',');
                associatedContactId = rowData[0];
            return associatedContactId;
        private void bw_SearchRnContact(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            string logMessage;
            string logNote;
            this.isSearchingRnContact = true;
            Dictionary<string, string> searchField = (Dictionary<string, string>)e.Argument;
            string email = searchField["email"];
            string phoneDigits = searchField["phone"];
            //Retireve RNow Contact Search Result
            //Check contact search report Id before running report
            if (_contactSearchReportId == 0)
                logMessage = "Contact search report is not assigned in configuration.";
                logNote = "";
                _log.ErrorLog(_logIncidentId, _logContactId, logMessage, logNote);
                e.Cancel = true;

            logMessage = "Search contacts from CWSS. Search Report ID = " + _contactSearchReportId.ToString();
            logNote = "";
            _log.DebugLog(_logIncidentId, _logContactId, logMessage, logNote);

            //Create a filter and specify the filter name
            //Assigning the filter created in desktop agent to the new analytics filter
            List<AnalyticsReportFilter> filterList = new List<AnalyticsReportFilter>();
             * EBS Contact Search API does not support firstname/lastname search.
            AnalyticsReportFilter lastNameFilter = new AnalyticsReportFilter();
            lastNameFilter.Name = "Contact Last Name";
            lastNameFilter.Values = new String[] { lastname };

            AnalyticsReportFilter firstNameFilter = new AnalyticsReportFilter();
            firstNameFilter.Name = "Contact First Name";
            firstNameFilter.Values = new String[] { firstname };
            AnalyticsReportFilter emailFilter = new AnalyticsReportFilter();
            emailFilter.Name = "Email";
            emailFilter.Values = new String[] { email };

            AnalyticsReportFilter phoneFilter = new AnalyticsReportFilter();
            phoneFilter.Name = "Phone";
            phoneFilter.Values = new String[] { phoneDigits };

            String[] searchResults = null;
                searchResults = _rnSrv.getReportResult(_contactSearchReportId, filterList);
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (_log != null)
                    logMessage = "Error in searching Oracle Service Cloud contacts from CWSS. Error in running report: " + _contactSearchReportId + ": " + ex.Message;
                    logNote = "";
                    _log.ErrorLog(_logIncidentId, _logContactId, logMessage, logNote);
                MessageBox.Show("Exception in searching Oracle Service Cloud contacts via CWSS. Please check log for detail. ", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                e.Cancel = true;

            e.Result = searchResults;
            logMessage = "Report result is returned. Count = " + searchResults.Length;
            logNote = "";
            _log.DebugLog(_logIncidentId, _logContactId, logMessage, logNote); ;
        /// <summary>
        /// Generic helper method to create a lookup table
        /// This is used for performance reasons, so that main lookups all occur in memory instead of database lookups
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="query"></param>
        /// <param name="limit"></param>
        /// <param name="useCache"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <CSVTable> GetAnalyticsReport(long reportId, AnalyticsReportFilter[] filters, string delimiter = ",")
            bool mustRetry  = false;    // used to determine if we should retry a failed job
            int  retryTimes = 0;        // we don't want to endlessly retry, so we only will retry 3 times

            if (filters == null)
                filters = new AnalyticsReportFilter[] { };
                    List <CSVTable> resultTableList = new List <CSVTable>();

                    int  limit             = 10000;
                    long rowsReturned      = Int64.MaxValue;
                    long totalRowsReturned = 0;

                    int offset = 0;
                    while (rowsReturned >= limit)
                        var queryResult = GetAnalyticsReportResults(reportId, filters.ToArray(), limit, offset, delimiter); // "|");
                        if (!queryResult.Successful)
                            throw new Exception(queryResult.Details);

                        CSVTableSet thisset = queryResult.RunAnalyticsTableSet;
                        foreach (CSVTable table in thisset.CSVTables)
                            rowsReturned       = table.Rows.Length;
                            totalRowsReturned += rowsReturned;
                        offset = offset + limit;

                    GlobalContext.Log(string.Format("GetAnalyticsReport Added {0} tables with a total of {1} records for ReportID {2}",
                                                    resultTableList.Count, totalRowsReturned, reportId), false);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    GlobalContext.Log(string.Format("GetAnalyticsReport Error calling ReportID {0}: Retry {1}: {2}\n{3}",
                                                    reportId, retryTimes, ex.Message, ex.StackTrace), false);
                    if (retryTimes < 4)
                        // if we haven't retried 4 times then we retry the load again
                        mustRetry = true;
                        throw ex;      // don't retry for 4th retry
                GlobalContext.Log(string.Format("GetAnalyticsReport Must Retry {0}", mustRetry), false);
            } while (mustRetry);
            GlobalContext.Log("GetAnalyticsReport End: This code should never be hit.", false);
            return(null);        // this code should never be hit