Ejemplo n.º 1
    void DoObjectsRotation()
        string message      = rotate_player_left ? "RotateLeft" : "RotateRight";
        Player playerScript = BuildLevel.docentInstance.GetComponent <Player>();

        foreach (GameObject o in BuildLevel.amygdalaInstances)
            Amygdala amygdalaScript = o.GetComponent <Amygdala>();
Ejemplo n.º 2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            #region Yahrnam

            Console.Title = "Dane's Dungeon";

            Console.WriteLine("---------------------------------------You awake in a place called Yharnam---------------------------------------------");
            Console.WriteLine("\nYharnam is an imposing and sprawling metropolis characterized by Gothic and Victorian architecture.\nYharnam's Victorian architecture is reminiscent of late 19th Century European cities including Paris, Edinburgh, \nCologne and London. \nThe town appears rather grim and decadent and has been ravaged by a mysterious plague, becoming infested with dangerous beasts and demented citizens. \nEverywhere you look, there is what seems to be a path. You follow one..");
            int score = 0;

            #region Weapons

            Weapon   axe       = new Weapon(16, 1, "Hunter's Axe", 10, false);//Player has to have weapon so we have to make a weapon first.
            Weapon   cleaver   = new Weapon(20, 1, "Saw Cleaver", 10, false);
            Weapon   bm        = new Weapon(15, 3, "Blades of Mercy", 20, true);
            Weapon   hm        = new Weapon(23, 1, "Holy Moonlight Sword", 2, true);
            Weapon   kirk      = new Weapon(19, 2, "KirkHammer", 15, true);
            Weapon   lhb       = new Weapon(22, 1, "LudWigs Holy Blade", 10, true);
            Weapon[] Weapons   = { axe, cleaver, bm, hm, kirk, lhb };
            Random   rand      = new Random();
            int      randomNbr = rand.Next(Weapons.Length);
            Weapon   radWeapon = Weapons[randomNbr];

            #region Hunters
            Player player = new Player("Night Hunter", 70, 5, 40, 40, Race.Beast, radWeapon);


            //TODO 2. Create a do while
            bool exit = false;
                //room desc

                #region Beasts

                //Since all monsters are children of monster, we could store them in a monster[].
                Amygdala          amg = new Amygdala();
                MoonPresence      mp  = new MoonPresence();
                BloodStarvedBeast bsb = new BloodStarvedBeast();
                TheOneReborn      ob  = new TheOneReborn();
                ClericBeast       cb  = new ClericBeast();

                Monster[] Monsters = { amg, mp, bsb, ob, cb };

                //Randomly selsct a monster
                Random  rand1      = new Random();
                int     randomNbr1 = rand1.Next(Monsters.Length);
                Monster monster    = Monsters[randomNbr1];
                //show momster in the room
                Console.WriteLine("\nThe Beast in front of you: " + monster.Name);

                #region User Menu
                bool reload = false;
                    Console.WriteLine("\nPlease choose an action: \n" +
                                      "A) Attack the beast\n" +
                                      "R) Run\n" +
                                      "H) Hunter Info\n" +
                                      "B) Beast Info\n" +
                                      "E) Exit\n");
                    ConsoleKey userChoice = Console.ReadKey().Key;
                    //The above line captures a single keystroke of user input
                    // as a character value and allows us to deal with that single
                    // value instead of a string.

                    switch (userChoice)
                    case ConsoleKey.A:
                        //TODO Build out combat functionality
                        Combat.DoBattle(player, monster);
                        if (monster.Life <= 0)
                            //its dead, and player has won
                            //You could add some logic here for the player to get items, get life
                            //back, or something else
                            Console.WriteLine("\nYou defeated {0}!!\n", monster.Name);
                            score++;       //increases the score
                            reload = true; //get a new room

                    case ConsoleKey.R:

                        Console.WriteLine("Smart move, but the beast isn't happy..");
                        Combat.DoAttack(monster, player);
                        reload = true;

                    case ConsoleKey.H:
                        Console.WriteLine("Beasts slaughtered: " + score);

                    case ConsoleKey.B:


                    case ConsoleKey.E:
                    case ConsoleKey.X:
                        Console.WriteLine("You have chosen to exit the game. You weren't going to survive anyways.");
                        Console.WriteLine("You defeated {0} Beast{1}", score,
                                          ((score == 1)? "." : "s."));
                        exit = true;

                        Console.WriteLine("Invalid Response. Please try again");
                    if (player.Life <= 0)
                        Console.WriteLine("You defeated {0} monster{1}", score,
                                          ((score == 1) ? "." : "s."));
                        exit = true;
                } while (!exit && !reload);
            } while (!exit);
            Console.WriteLine("YOU DIED");

            // * ***DOWHILE inside DOWHILE***
            //A. Attack the monster
            //**If they win, they go out of 1 do while**

            //B. Run away
            //*****Fall out of 1 do while, but not the other***
            //*****If you choose to run, they hit you in the back****

            //C. Charcater info

            //D. Monster info

            //E. Exit
            // *******Fall out of both do whiles******

            // * *******Extras*******
            //1. Collect gems
            //2. Leveling up
            //3. Healing
            //4. Collect weapons
            // */