/// <summary>
        /// Not all exceptions are bad. Some just mean there is nothing to do, which is fine.
        /// This method will ignore expected exceptions, and rethrow any that are really issues.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ex">The exception we need to deal with</param>
        /// <exception cref="AmazonCloudFormationException">The supplied exception if it really is an error</exception>
        private bool DealWithUpdateException(AmazonCloudFormationException ex)
            Guard.NotNull(ex, "ex can not be null");

            // Unfortunately there are no better fields in the exception to use to determine the
            // kind of error than the message. We are forced to match message strings.
            if (ex.Message.Contains("No updates are to be performed"))
                Log.Info("No updates are to be performed");

            if (ex.ErrorCode == "AccessDenied")
                throw new PermissionException(
                          "AWS-CLOUDFORMATION-ERROR-0011: The AWS account used to perform the operation does not have " +
                          "the required permissions to update the stack.\n" +
                          ex.Message + "\n" +
                          "For more information visit https://g.octopushq.com/AwsCloudFormationDeploy#aws-cloudformation-error-0011");

            throw new UnknownException(
                      "AWS-CLOUDFORMATION-ERROR-0011: An unrecognised exception was thrown while updating a CloudFormation stack.\n" +
                      "For more information visit https://g.octopushq.com/AwsCloudFormationDeploy#aws-cloudformation-error-0011",
        /// <summary>
        /// Not all exceptions are bad. Some just mean there is nothing to do, which is fine.
        /// This method will ignore expected exceptions, and rethrow any that are really issues.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ex">The exception we need to deal with</param>
        /// <exception cref="AmazonCloudFormationException">The supplied exception if it really is an error</exception>
        private bool DealWithUpdateException(AmazonCloudFormationException ex)
            Guard.NotNull(ex, "ex can not be null");

            // Unfortunately there are no better fields in the exception to use to determine the
            // kind of error than the message. We are forced to match message strings.
            if (ex.Message.Contains("No updates are to be performed"))
                Log.Info("No updates are to be performed");

            if (ex.ErrorCode == "AccessDenied")
                throw new PermissionException(
                          "The AWS account used to perform the operation does not have the required permissions to update the stack.\n" + "Please ensure the current account has permission to perfrom action 'cloudformation:UpdateStack'.\n" + ex.Message);

            throw new UnknownException("An unrecognised exception was thrown while updating a CloudFormation stack.\n", ex);