// _////////////////////////////////////////////////_ _____ Joyple _____ JCE _____ public static void JceUrgentNoticePT(AmUser User) { Ag.LogStartWithStr(2, " JceUrgentNoticePT >> Started ......... . . . . . . "); WebClient webClient = new WebClient(); webClient.QueryString.Add("game_code", "113"); webClient.QueryString.Add("client_secret", "5423b620768434b2a928e2cc62af2785"); string result; if (!JCE.WebDownloadString(webClient, JCE.NoticeUrl + "urgent-notice/info", out result)) { return; } JSONNode jnObj = JSON.Parse(result); (" JceUrgentNoticePT >> Received ::: " + result).HtLog(); if (AgUtil.IsNullJson(jnObj ["result"] ["info"])) { return; } JSONNode imgNtc = jnObj ["result"] ["info"]; Ag.LogString(" JceUrgentNoticePT :: Count " + imgNtc.Count); JceTextNotice img = new JceTextNotice(jnObj ["timestamp"]); img.ParseFrom(imgNtc); if (img.platform == 0 || img.platform == AgStt.JoyplePlatformID) { Joycity.UrgentNotice = img; } }
public NodeActions(AmUser myAmUser) { MySocket = new NodeSocket(myAmUser.WAS.KkoID); MyUser = myAmUser; Ag.LogIntenseWord("NodeActions :: Creating >>>>>>> " + MySocket.mName + " <<<<<<< "); MySocket.dlgtConnect += () => { MySocket.ActionUser(); }; MySocket.dlgtJoinAsVisitor += () => { if (AmHost.HasValue) { Ag.LogString(MySocket.mName + "_____ AmHost.HasValue _____ " + AmHost.Value + " will be set as false "); } AmHost = false; }; MySocket.dlgtReverseHostVstr += () => { Ag.LogIntenseWord(MySocket.mName + " MySocket.dlgtReverseHostVstr += () => From " + AmHost); AmHost = !AmHost; }; MakeConnect(); }
string MessageItem(AmUser muser, string id) { string MessageItem = ""; for (int i = 0; i < muser.arrItem.Count; i++) { if (muser.arrItem [i].WAS.itemTypeID == id) { MessageItem = muser.arrItem [i].WAS.msg; } } return(MessageItem); }
// //////////////////////////////////////////////// Game Support Function public void CopyTextureFrom(AmUser pFrom) { mShirt.CopyFrom(pFrom.mShirt); mPants.CopyFrom(pFrom.mPants); mShoes.CopyFrom(pFrom.mShoes); mSocks.CopyFrom(pFrom.mSocks); mGlove.CopyFrom(pFrom.mGlove); mGlShirt.CopyFrom(pFrom.mGlShirt); mGlPants.CopyFrom(pFrom.mGlPants); mGlShoes.CopyFrom(pFrom.mGlShoes); mGlSocks.CopyFrom(pFrom.mGlSocks); mGlGlove.CopyFrom(pFrom.mGlGlove); }
public void ActionRefuse(AmUser pMe) { Ag.LogStartWithStr(2, mName + " ActionRefuse Emit ... \t\t\t\t <<< Action :: Join >>>"); Dictionary <string, string> dRef = new Dictionary <string, string> (); dRef ["invite_from_user_id"] = CurEnemy.id; dRef ["invite_to_user_id"] = pMe.WAS.KkoID; dRef ["invite_channel_id"] = CurEnemy.channel_id; MySocket.Emit("INVITEREFUSE", dRef); Ag.LogIntense(1, false); }
public bool ParseExchange(JSONNode pData, AmUser pEnemy) { Ag.LogStartWithStr(3, "NodeGameObject :: Parse Exchange "); pEnemy = EnAmUser = new AmUser(); Ag.LogString(" >>> User <<< " + pData ["User"].ToString()); JSONNode user = JSON.Parse(pData ["User"].ToString().RecoverFromDodgeStr(" ` ", true)); EnAmUser.WAS.KkoID = user ["KkoID"]; EnAmUser.WAS.KkoNick = user ["KkoNick"]; EnAmUser.KkoNickEncode = user ["KNickEncode"]; Ag.LogString(" >>> " + EnAmUser.WAS.KkoID + EnAmUser.WAS.KkoNick); Ag.LogString(" >>> Item <<< " + pData ["arrItemWas"]); JSONNode arrItm = JSON.Parse(pData ["arrItemWas"].ToString().RecoverFromDodgeStr(" ` ", true)); for (int k = 0; k < arrItm.Count; k++) { Ag.LogString(arrItm [k].ToString()); try { AmItem itm = new AmItem(); itm.ParseFrom(arrItm [k]); itm.ShowMyself(); EnAmUser.arrItem.Add(itm); } catch { Ag.LogString(" :: >>> Item Parse !!!!! E R R O R !!!!! ", pWichtig: true); } } Ag.LogNewLine(2); Ag.LogString(" >>> Uniform <<< " + pData ["arrUniform"]); arrItm = JSON.Parse(pData ["arrUniform"].ToString().RecoverFromDodgeStr(" ` ", true)); for (int k = 0; k < arrItm.Count; k++) { Ag.LogString(arrItm [k].ToString()); AmUniform nUni = new AmUniform(); EnAmUser.arrUniform.Add(nUni); try { nUni.Parse(arrItm [k]); nUni.WasParseColorStringToKickKeepObj(); } catch { Ag.LogString(" :: >>> ParseColorInfo !!!!! E R R O R !!!!! ", pWichtig: true); } } Ag.LogString("NodeGameObject :: Parse Exchange >>>>> >>>>> "); Ag.LogIntense(5, false); return(true); }
void SetFinalScores() { AmGameLogic myGame = Ag.NodeObj.myGameLogic, enGame = Ag.NodeObj.enGameLogic; AmUser myslf = Ag.mySelf, enemy = Ag.NodeObj.EnemyUser; // Ag.NodeObj.myGameLogic.CurAccumTotal; MyFinalScore = (int)myGame.GetTotalScore(Ag.mySelf.GetApplyIDofItem("CeremonyDefault")); // 내 점수 EnFinalScore = (int)enGame.GetTotalScore(Ag.NodeObj.EnemyUser.GetApplyIDofItem("CeremonyDefault")); // 상대 점수 // Week Score Ag.LogString("MyCeremonyDefault " + Ag.mySelf.GetApplyIDofItem("CeremonyDefault") + " EnCeremonyDefault " + Ag.myEnem.GetApplyIDofItem("CeremonyDefault")); Ag.LogString("MyFinalScore " + MyFinalScore + " EnFinalScore " + EnFinalScore); Ag.LogString("myWeekScr " + myWeekScr + " enWeekScr " + enWeekScr); // 차감되는 패자 포인트 TotalLoserPoint = Ag.mgDidWin ? myGame.GetLoserTotalScore(Ag.NodeObj.EnemyLeague, MyFinalScore, (int)enWeekScr) : enGame.GetLoserTotalScore(Ag.mySelf.WAS.League, EnFinalScore, (int)myWeekScr); TotalWinerPoint = Ag.mgDidWin ? MyFinalScore : EnFinalScore; // Deck Apply 5000, 2500 ==> 5500, 2200 FinalWinPoDeck = Ag.mgDidWin ? myGame.ApplyDeckIncrease(TotalWinerPoint, myslf.WAS.DeckItem, myslf.DeckItemEA) : enGame.ApplyDeckIncrease(TotalWinerPoint, enemy.WAS.DeckItem, enemy.DeckItemEA); FinalLosPoDeck = Ag.mgDidWin ? enGame.ApplyDeckLosingScore(TotalLoserPoint, enemy.WAS.DeckItem, enemy.DeckItemEA) : myGame.ApplyDeckLosingScore(TotalLoserPoint, myslf.WAS.DeckItem, myslf.DeckItemEA); Ag.LogString("TotalLoserPoint " + TotalLoserPoint + " TotalWinerPoint " + TotalWinerPoint); // 차감되는 패자 포인트 (Week Score Applied) if (Ag.mgDidWin) { MyScoreAfterGame = (int)(myWeekScr + FinalWinPoDeck); // TotalWinerPoint); // winner EnemyScoreAfterGame = (int)(enWeekScr - (int)FinalLosPoDeck); // (int)TotalLoserPoint); } else { EnemyScoreAfterGame = (int)(enWeekScr + FinalWinPoDeck); // TotalWinerPoint); // winner MyScoreAfterGame = (int)(myWeekScr - (int)FinalLosPoDeck); // (int)TotalLoserPoint); } Ag.LogString("FinalWinPoDeck " + FinalWinPoDeck + " FinalLosPoDeck " + FinalLosPoDeck); // 4 score animation effMyTotalScore = (int)myWeekScr; effEnemTotalScore = (int)enWeekScr; Ag.LogString("effMyTotalScore " + effMyTotalScore + " effEnemTotalScore " + effEnemTotalScore); Ag.LogString("MyScoreAfterGame " + MyScoreAfterGame + " EnemyScoreAfterGame " + EnemyScoreAfterGame); }
public static void InitialWASJobs(AmUser user) { WasUserInfo bObj = new WasUserInfo() { User = user, flag = 1 }; bObj.messageAction = (int pInt2) => { WasItemPrice cObj = new WasItemPrice() { User = user, DiscountOnly = false }; cObj.messageAction = (int pInt3) => { }; }; }
public static void JceImageNotice(AmUser User) { Ag.LogStartWithStr(2, " JceImageNotice >> Started ......... . . . . . . "); WebClient webClient = new WebClient(); webClient.QueryString.Add("game_code", "113"); webClient.QueryString.Add("client_secret", "5423b620768434b2a928e2cc62af2785"); //NoticeUrl = "http://dev-sys.m.joycity.com/"; //string result = webClient.DownloadString (JCE.NoticeUrl + "image-notice/list"); Joycity.arrImageNoti.Clear(); string result; if (!JCE.WebDownloadString(webClient, JCE.NoticeUrl + "image-notice/list", out result)) { return; } (" JceImageNotice >> Received ::: " + result).HtLog(); JSONNode jnObj = JSON.Parse(result); if (jnObj ["status"].AsInt == 1) { JSONNode imgNtc = jnObj ["result"] ["imageNotice"]; Ag.LogString(" JceImageNotice :: Count " + imgNtc.Count); for (int k = 0; k < imgNtc.Count; k++) { JceImgNotice img = new JceImgNotice(jnObj ["timestamp"]); img.ParseFrom(imgNtc [k]); if (img.platform == 0 || img.platform == AgStt.JoyplePlatformID) { Joycity.arrImageNoti.Add(img); } } } else { Ag.LogIntenseWord("Joyple Login Failed .... Error .... "); } return; }
public static string AddCodeKeyKKOID(this string pS, AmUser usr, int code, bool withComma = true) { if (usr == null) { Ag.LogString(" AddCodeKeyKKOID :: User is Null ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ", pWichtig: true); } pS = pS.AddKeyValue("serviceCode", code); if (Ag.mGuest) { pS = pS.AddKeyValue("userType", 0); } else { pS = pS.AddKeyValue("userType", 1); } pS = pS.AddKeyValue("userID", usr.WAS.KkoID); pS = pS.AddKeyValue("deviceUUID", usr.DeviceID); //pS = pS.AddKeyValue ("formatVersion", 1); return(pS.AddKeyValue("key", usr.WAS.WasKey, withComma)); }
public static void JceNotiMessage(AmUser user, string pUrl) { // logout, alarmOn, alarmOff Ag.LogStartWithStr(2, " JceNotiLogMessage >> Started ......... . . . . . . " + pUrl); WebClient webClient = new WebClient(); webClient.QueryString.Add("uid", Ag.mySelf.WAS.KkoID); webClient.QueryString.Add("gcode", "113"); webClient.QueryString.Add("token", JCE.GetToken()); string result; string pushUrl = AgStt.PushURI + "/token/" + pUrl + ".json"; if (!JCE.WebDownloadString(webClient, pushUrl, out result)) { return; } (" JceNotiLogMessage >> Received ::: " + result).HtLog(); //JSONNode jnObj = JSON.Parse (result); return; }
public static void GuestLogin(AmUser user) { StNet.GuestUserType0Tried = false; WasLogin aObj = new WasLogin() { User = user, osVer = "1.1" }; aObj.messageAction = (int pInt) => { Ag.LogIntenseWord(" Result :: " + pInt); if (pInt == 0) // OK.. { InitialWASJobs(user); } if (pInt == -1) { GuestUserType1Login(user); } }; }
// _////////////////////////////////////////////////_ _____ 카드 전체를 업데이트 할 때 _____ Update _____ public static void UpdateAllCards(AmUser usr) { int tNum = usr.arrCard.Count; List <AmCard> upCards = usr.GetUpdateCards(); int cardCounts = upCards.Count; //for (int kk = 0; kk < tNum; kk++) { // while (cardCounts > 0) { // // WasCardUpdate aObj = new WasCardUpdate () { User = usr, arrSendCard = cardArr }; // aObj.messageAction = (int pInt) => { // switch (pInt) { // 0:성공, -1:캐쉬 부족, 1:잘못된 단위 // case 0: // Ag.LogString (" result : Success "); // return; // } // }; // cardArr = new List<AmCard> (); // } // } }
public static void GuestUserType1Login(AmUser user) { StNet.GuestUserType0Tried = true; WasLogin aObj = new WasLogin() { User = user, osVer = "1.1" }; aObj.messageAction = (int bInt) => { Ag.LogIntenseWord(" Result :: " + bInt); if (bInt == 0) { InitialWASJobs(user); } else { Ag.LogIntenseWord(" Login Error Guest Case .... Critical "); } }; }
public static void JceNotiTokenSetting(AmUser user) { Ag.LogStartWithStr(2, " JceNotiTokenSetting >> Started ......... . . . . . . "); WebClient webClient = new WebClient(); webClient.QueryString.Add("uid", Ag.mySelf.WAS.KkoID); //"88865833564111728"); webClient.QueryString.Add("gcode", "113"); #if UNITY_IPHONE RemoteNotificationType arrNotiType = NotificationServices.enabledRemoteNotificationTypes; Ag.LogString(" Device Model :: " + SystemInfo.deviceModel); // if (SystemInfo.deviceModel.Substring (0, 4) == "iPad") // webClient.QueryString.Add ("device", "3"); // else webClient.QueryString.Add("device", "2"); #endif #if UNITY_ANDROID webClient.QueryString.Add("device", "1"); #endif string tken = JCE.GetToken(); AgStt.PushURI.HtLog(); if (tken == "ERROR") { Ag.LogIntenseWord(" Notification Token Error "); return; } webClient.QueryString.Add("token", JCE.GetToken()); string result; string pushUrl = AgStt.PushURI + "/token/setting.json"; if (!JCE.WebDownloadString(webClient, pushUrl, out result)) { return; } (" JceNotiTokenSetting >> Received ::: " + result).HtLog(); //JSONNode jnObj = JSON.Parse (result); return; }
public void xx4Debug_MakeMyCardsGradeS(AmUser pUser) { int kickOdr = 1; bool keep = false; for (int k = 0; k < arrCard.Count; k++) { AmCard curCd = arrCard [k]; curCd.WAS.grade = "S"; curCd.WAS.InitDirectionAndSkill(); if (curCd.WAS.isKicker) { curCd.WAS.kickOrder = kickOdr < 6 ? kickOdr++ : -1; } else { curCd.WAS.kickOrder = keep ? -1 : 0; if (keep) { curCd.WAS.kickOrder = -1; } else { curCd.WAS.kickOrder = 0; keep = true; } } } // WasCardUpdate aObj = new WasCardUpdate () { User = pUser }; // aObj.messageAction = (int pInt) => { // switch (pInt) { // 0:성공, -1:캐쉬 부족, 1:잘못된 단위 // case 0: // Ag.LogString (" result : Success "); // return; // } // }; // }
/// <summary> /// GameStart /// </summary> /// /// //int mFriendmode = 1; //friend Mode void SendWasGamestart(AmUser MyCard, AmUser Enemcard) { // 1 : retry, 2 : no if (Ag.SingleTry > 0) { return; } int contwinEnFlag = Ag.mSingleMode ? 1 : (Ag.NodeObj.EnemyUser.ContWinStarted ? 1 : 2); if (Enemcard.WAS.KkoID == "BOT") { Ag.mFriendMode = 0; } WasGameStart aObj = new WasGameStart() { User = Ag.mySelf, enemyID = Enemcard.WAS.KkoID, friendGame = Ag.mFriendMode, contWinMyFlag = (Ag.mySelf.ContWinCoolTimeRemainPercent() > 0) ? 1 : 2, contWinEnemFlag = contwinEnFlag, arrCardId = Ag.mySelf.GetMainCardIDs(), arrayEnemyId = Enemcard.GetMainCardIDs() }; aObj.messageAction = (int pInt) => { switch (pInt) // 0:성공, -1:캐쉬 부족, 1:잘못된 단위 { case 0: Ag.LogString(" result : Success "); break; default: EnemyLeftflag = true; //Ag.NodeObj.LeaveMyself (); break; } }; }
public static void JceNotiSendMessage(AmUser user, string pMsg, string title = "This is Title", string image = "http://blog.ccbcmd.edu/connection/files/2012/09/No-Smoking-Sign-K-2685.gif") { Ag.LogStartWithStr(2, " JceNotiSendMessage >> Started ......... . . . . . . " + pMsg); WebClient webClient = new WebClient(); webClient.QueryString.Add("uid", Ag.mySelf.WAS.KkoID); webClient.QueryString.Add("gcode", "113"); webClient.QueryString.Add("msg", pMsg); //#if UNITY_ANDROID webClient.QueryString.Add("img", image); webClient.QueryString.Add("title", title); //#endif string result; string pushUrl = AgStt.PushURI + "/msg/insert.json"; if (!JCE.WebDownloadString(webClient, pushUrl, out result)) { return; } (" JceNotiSendMessage >> Received ::: " + result).HtLog(); //JSONNode jnObj = JSON.Parse (result); return; }
public AmUser ParseFrom(JSONNode pJData) { AmUser rUsr = new AmUser(true, "NodeEnemyAmUserParse"); "NodeRltd :: NodeAmUser :: ParseFrom ".HtLog(); try { rUsr.WAS.KkoID = pJData ["KkoID"]; //.ToString ().RemoveQuotationMark (); rUsr.WAS.KkoNick = pJData ["KkoNick"]; //.ToString ().RemoveQuotationMark (); rUsr.KkoNickEncode = pJData ["KNickEncode"]; rUsr.TeamNameEncoded = pJData ["TeamNameEncoded"]; rUsr.WAS.League = pJData ["League"]; //Ag.NetExcpt.GamingEnemyID = rUsr.WAS.KkoID; } catch { Ag.LogString(" NodeRltd :: ParseFrom :: >>> KkoID KkoNick !!!!! E R R O R !!!!! ", pWichtig: true); } if (rUsr.KkoNickEncode == "%E0%B8%B8") { Ag.LogIntenseWord(" >>> KkoNick <<< " + rUsr.KkoNickEncode); rUsr.KkoNickEncode = ".."; } try { string contWinTryNot = pJData ["contWin"]; rUsr.ContWinStarted = contWinTryNot == "TRY"; Ag.LogString(" NodeRltd :: " + rUsr.ContWinStarted.ShowBool(" ContWin ", " Try", " Not")); } catch { Ag.LogString(" NodeRltd :: ParseFrom :: >>> ContWin TRY NOT"); } Ag.LogString(" NodeRltd :: ParseFrom :: >>> KkoID : " + rUsr.WAS.KkoID + " KkoNick : " + rUsr.WAS.KkoNick + " !!!!! "); JSONNode itemArr = pJData ["arrItemWas"]; (" NodeRltd :: NodeAmUser :: ParseFrom >> Item Array Parsing ____________" + itemArr.Count + "_____________ ").HtLog(); for (int k = 0; k < itemArr.Count; k++) { try { AmItem itm = new AmItem(); itm.ParseEnemyFrom(itemArr [k]); //itm.WAS = JsonMapper.ToObject<WasItem> (itemArr [k].ToJson ()); itm.ShowMyself(); rUsr.arrItem.Add(itm); } catch { Ag.LogString(" NodeRltd :: ParseFrom :: >>> Item Parse !!!!! E R R O R !!!!! ", pWichtig: true); } } JSONNode uniformArr = pJData ["arrWasUniform"]; Ag.LogStartWithStr(1, " NodeRltd :: NodeAmUser :: ParseFrom >> Uniform Array Parsing ____________" + uniformArr.Count + "_____________ "); for (int k = 0; k < uniformArr.Count; k++) { AmUniform nUni = new AmUniform(); rUsr.arrUniform.Add(nUni); try { nUni.Parse(uniformArr [k]); nUni.WasParseColorStringToKickKeepObj(); } catch { Ag.LogString(" NodeRltd :: ParseFrom :: >>> ParseColorInfo !!!!! E R R O R !!!!! ", pWichtig: true); } } JSONNode cardArr = pJData ["arrCard"]; Ag.LogStartWithStr(1, " NodeRltd :: NodeAmUser :: ParseFrom >> Card Array Parsing ____________" + cardArr.Count + "_____________ "); //cardArr.ToJson ().ToString ().HtLog (); for (int k = 0; k < cardArr.Count; k++) { try { AmCard nCard = new AmCard(); nCard.WAS.WasCardParse(cardArr [k]); nCard.ScouterParse(); rUsr.arrCard.Add(nCard); } catch { Ag.LogString(" NodeRltd :: ParseFrom :: >>> Card Parsing Failure !!!!! E R R O R !!!!! ", pWichtig: true); } } // JSONNode cstmdArr = pJData ["arrCostume"]; // Should be deprecate .... // (" NodeRltd :: NodeAmUser :: ParseFrom >> Costume Array Parsing ____________" + cstmdArr.Count + "_____________ ").HtLog (); // for (int k = 0; k < cstmdArr.Count; k++) { // arrCostume.Add (new AmCostume (cstmdArr [k])); // } JSONNode cstmWasArr = pJData ["arrCostumeWas"]; (" NodeRltd :: NodeAmUser :: ParseFrom >> Costume Was Array Parsing ____________" + cstmWasArr.Count + "_____________ ").HtLog(); for (int k = 0; k < cstmWasArr.Count; k++) { AmCostume nObj = new AmCostume(); nObj.WAS.ParseFrom(cstmWasArr [k]); rUsr.arrCostume.Add(nObj); } rUsr.ApplyCurrentDeck(); //rUsr.ApplyDeckItemBeforeGame (); return(rUsr); }
void ResGameMsg(IMessage theData) { // {"name":"RES_GAMEMSG","args":[{"status":"FAIL","code":"ERR_NOOPPONENT"}] TimerStop(); Ag.LogStartWithStr(2, mName + " ResGameMsg Rcvd ... " + IsGameHost.Value.ShowBool("I am ", "Host", "Vstr") + "\t\t\t\t >>> Re Action <<<"); JSONNode argsJ = GetArguments(theData, mName); try { gameMsgCode = argsJ ["code"]; } catch { Ag.LogString(mName + " ResGameMsg :: No code "); } if (NoOpponentProcess(gameMsgCode)) { return; } JSONNode gData = argsJ ["data"];// JsonMapper.ToObject (argsJ ["data"]); string msgType = gData ["msgType"]; gData = gData ["content"]; string dodgeStr = gData.ToString().DodgeBackSlashQuoMark(); (" ResGameMsg :: dodgeStr ::: " + dodgeStr).HtLog(); dodgeStr = dodgeStr.Substring(1, dodgeStr.Length - 2); gData = JSON.Parse(dodgeStr); (" ResGameMsg :: gData ::: " + gData.ToString()).HtLog(); Ag.LogString(mName + " msgType >>>>> " + msgType + " <<<<< "); NodeGameBase theObj = null; switch (msgType) { case "GameStartMsg": GameStartMsg.Enem = true; return; case "SceneLoadComplete": SceneLoadComplete.Enem = true; return; case "RematchApply": ReMatchSent.Enem = true; return; case "RematchRefuse": ReMatchRefuseSend.Enem = true; return; case "AmUser": gData = JSON.Parse(dodgeStr.RecoverFromDodgeStr("@#@")); Ag.LogString(" ResGameMsg :: " + gData.ToString()); EnemyUser = new AmUser(true, "DodgeDeviceID"); EnemyUser = (new NodeAmUser()).ParseFrom(gData); " NodeSocket :: ResGameMsg :: case ''AmUser'' >>>>> Parsing Ended ..... ".HtLog(); //AgStt.IsGaming = EnemyUser.Parsed = true; //AgStt.IsGaming = true; Ag.GameStt.EnemyInfoExchangeParsed(" AmUser "); if (!IsGameHost.Value) { ExchangeInfo(); } //EnemyUser.ShowMyself (); return; case "PREPARE": AgStt.EnemyNodePrepareObj = new NodeGamePrepare(); AgStt.MyNodePrepareObj = new NodeGamePrepare(); AgStt.EnemyNodePrepareObj.Parse(gData); AgStt.EnemyNodePrepareObj.ShowMyself(); if (!IsGameHost.Value) { if (AgStt.EnemyNodePrepareObj.sessionKey != null && AgStt.EnemyNodePrepareObj.sessionKey.Length > 5) { sessionKey = MyUser.WAS.GameSessionKey = AgStt.EnemyNodePrepareObj.sessionKey; } ActionGamePrepare(AgStt.MyNodePrepareObj); } return; case "TURN_RSLT": Ag.LogString(mName + " Parsing NodeGameTurnRslt Object "); theObj = new NodeGameTurnRslt(); ((NodeGameTurnRslt)theObj).Parse(gData); //theObj = JsonMapper.ToObject<NodeGameTurnRslt> (gData.ToJson ()); if (!IsGameHost.Value) // 받는 부분 { sessionKey = ((NodeGameTurnRslt)theObj).sessionKey; } Ag.LogString(mName + " Parsing Data" + theObj.ToString()); Ag.LogString(mName + " Parsing NodeGameTurnRslt Object ... End "); break; case "HOST_SEND": Ag.LogString(mName + " Parsing Game Void Received ... End "); Ag.LogIntense(2, false); //theObj = JsonMapper.ToObject<NodeGameHostSend> (gData.ToJson ()); return;//break; case "REVERSE": Ag.LogString(mName + " ResGameMsg REVERSE ... End "); dlgtReverseHostVstr(); return; case "GOLDENBALL": Ag.LogString(mName + " ResGameMsg GOLDENBALL " + gData ["BallKind"].ToString()); Ag.LogString(mName + " ResGameMsg GOLDENBALL ... End "); return; } Ag.LogString(mName + " ResGameMsg Rcvd ... End "); arrGameRcvd.Add(theObj); dlgtGameGotResult(); Ag.LogIntense(2, false); }
public static string AddCodeKey(this string pS, AmUser usr, int code, bool withComma = true) { pS = pS.AddKeyValue("serviceCode", code); return(pS.AddKeyValue("key", usr.WAS.WasKey, withComma)); }
public void GameReport(AmUser WinnerUser, AmUser LoserUser, int WinPoint, int LoserPoint) { string winID, losID, myID = Ag.mGuest ? Ag.mySelf.DeviceID : Ag.mySelf.WAS.KkoID; myWeekScr = Ag.mySelf.myRank.WAS.weekScore; enWeekScr = Ag.NodeObj.MySocket.CurEnemy.rankObj.weekScore; if (Ag.SingleTry > 0) { Ag.NodeObj.MyUser.myRank.WAS.contWinNum = 0; Wincheck(); WasCardUniformCostume aaObj = new WasCardUniformCostume() { User = Ag.mySelf, code = 240 }; aaObj.messageAction = (int pInt) => { switch (pInt) // 0:성공 { case 0: Wincheck(); Ag.SingleTry = 0; return; } }; return; } if (Ag.mgDidWin) { if (Ag.mFriendMode != 1) { Ag.mySelf.CoolTimeChooseOneMoreGameWin(); } winID = myID; losID = LoserUser.WAS.KkoID; } else { winID = WinnerUser.WAS.KkoID; losID = myID; } WasGameReport aObj = new WasGameReport() { User = Ag.mySelf, winnerID = winID, loserID = losID, winPo = (int)TotalWinerPoint, losPo = (int)TotalLoserPoint }; aObj.messageAction = (int pInt) => { switch (pInt) // 0:성공, -1:캐쉬 부족, 1:잘못된 단위 { case 0: if (mNetworkError) { WincheckNetworkError(); mRscrcMan.FindChild(dicGameSceneMenuList ["popup"], "rematch_accept/btngrid/btn_rematch", false); } else { Wincheck(); } myCard.WAS.ResetWidthAndSkill(); GameSceneCardUpdate(); aObj = null; Ag.LogString(" result : Success "); return; } }; }
public override void Start() { Ag.LogIntenseWord(" Test.cs :: Start "); myGUI = new AmUI(); myGUI.SetColumns(3, 18); ndGUI.SetColumns(2, 18); mTimeLooseAtStartPoint = 0.5f; base.Start(); // Test ID Setting .... WAS, Node related ...... etc... Ag.mySelf = myUser = new AmUser(); // Kakao Login case myUser.WAS.KkoID = "88214690633939999"; //"00000690633939993";//(CAMERA) // "88214690633939999"; // <FakeKKO> 88299368562514961 <Legend Card> // Ag.mGuest = true; // myUser.DeviceID = "MOONTEST0000"; myUser.WAS.TeamName = "TeamName22"; // 01604eb9f3657ae65bb9d8382b36d4c7 <Rolco DID> // "90973535271650928";//(CAMERA) myUser.WAS.KkoNick = "Nick2424"; myUser.WAS.Country = 11; user2 = new AmUser(); user2.DeviceID = user2.DeviceID + "Alt"; user2.WAS.KkoID = "91278098233517152"; //"90060594732486160"; //"88894476708738001";//"APPS_TEST_ID_0002"; 90060594732486160 88306087115705857 90060594732486160 <KimDR> user2.WAS.TeamName = "Teamamama"; // 88214690633939121<Rolco> 91278098233517152 <Moon iPAD> 88712330645978192 <Moon> 88159078716546208 <Cho> user2.WAS.KkoNick = "Nickkkkk"; user2.WAS.Country = 22; Ag.LogString("// _////////////////////////////////////////////////_ _____ Test _____ Test Started _____"); Ag.LogString(" abc_34 >>> " + "abc_34".GetContinuousInteger()); Ag.LogString(" Pro_5 >>> " + "Pro_5".GetContinuousInteger()); Ag.LogString(" empty >>> " + "".GetContinuousInteger()); MtCompact aCom = new MtCompact(60); aCom.AddNum(10); aCom.AddNum(5); aCom.AddNum(8); aCom.AddNum(9); aCom.AddNum(31); aCom.AddNum(29); aCom.AddNum(48); aCom.AddNum(59); aCom.AddNum(9); aCom.AddNum(59); for (int k = 0; k < 10; k++) { Ag.LogString(" nth >> " + k + " val >> " + aCom.GetNth(k)); } aCom.ParseSelf(); Ag.LogString(" time span check " + DateTime.Now + " is now " + (DateTime.Now - TimeSpan.FromHours(24))); #if UNITY_IPHONE AgStt.mIAP.TheUser = myUser; NotificationServices.RegisterForRemoteNotificationTypes(RemoteNotificationType.Alert | RemoteNotificationType.Badge | RemoteNotificationType.Sound); // Ag.LogIntenseWord ("NotificationServices.RegisterForRemoteNotificationTypes "); // Ag.LogString (" string Null Check " + string.IsNullOrEmpty (null)); // IsNullOrEmpty string ... // Ag.LogString (" string Null Check " + string.IsNullOrEmpty ("")); true // Ag.LogString (" string Null Check " + string.IsNullOrEmpty (" ")); false Ag.LogString("// _////////////////////////////////////////////////_ _____ Test _____ Time & Date _____"); DateTime dtNow = DateTime.Now; Ag.LogString(" theNow.ToLongTimeString () " + dtNow.ToLongTimeString()); Ag.LogString(" 1398369347000 theNow.ToFileTime () " + dtNow.ToFileTime()); Ag.LogString(" theNow.ToFileTimeUtc () " + dtNow.ToFileTimeUtc()); long lgNow = dtNow.ToFileTimeUtc(); Ag.LogString(" Recover >>> " + DateTime.FromFileTimeUtc(lgNow).ToString()); (" dtNow " + dtNow.ToString()).HtLog(); dtNow = dtNow.AddSeconds(1234567); (" dtNow " + dtNow.ToString()).HtLog(); (" 10,000 sec :: " + UtTimestamp.ToDateTime(100000).ToString()).HtLog(); int iNow = UtTimestamp.ToTimestamp(DateTime.Now); (" UtTimestamp.ToTimestamp : Now ==> " + iNow).HtLog(); (" Back to Not :: " + UtTimestamp.ToDateTime(iNow).ToString()).HtLog(); DateTime after10min = UtTimestamp.ToDateTime(iNow + 600); Ag.LogString(" After 10 Min :: " + after10min.Minute.ToString() + " : " + after10min.Second.ToString()); // _////////////////////////////////////////////////_ _____ Test _____ Score _____ GameLogic(); // _////////////////////////////////////////////////_ _____ Test _____ Encript _____ // TestEncript(); // _////////////////////////////////////////////////_ _____ Test _____ Deck System _____ Ag.LogString("// _////////////////////////////////////////////////_ _____ Test _____ Deck System Case 1 >> _____"); AmGameLogic aGLogic = new AmGameLogic("", ""); Ag.LogString(" Score " + 5000 + " 1 * 7% " + aGLogic.ApplyDeckIncrease(5000f, new int[] { 0, 1, 0 }, 1)); Ag.LogString(" Score " + 5000 + " 2 * 7% " + aGLogic.ApplyDeckIncrease(5000f, new int[] { 1, 1, 0 }, 2)); Ag.LogString(" Score " + 5000 + " 3 * 7% " + aGLogic.ApplyDeckIncrease(5000f, new int[] { 1, 1, 1 }, 3)); Ag.LogString(" Score " + 5000 + " 1 * 10% " + aGLogic.ApplyDeckLosingScore(5000f, new int[] { 2, 7, 3 }, 2)); Ag.LogString(" Score " + 5000 + " 2 * 10% " + aGLogic.ApplyDeckLosingScore(5000f, new int[] { 7, 7, 3 }, 2)); Ag.LogString(" Score " + 5000 + " 3 * 10% " + aGLogic.ApplyDeckLosingScore(5000f, new int[] { 7, 7, 7 }, 2)); // _////////////////////////////////////////////////_ _____ Test _____ Meta Programming _____ Ag.LogDouble(" Meta Programming >>> " + char.Parse("3") + " " + char.Parse("4") + char.Parse("K")); // char ch3 = char.Parse ("3"), ch4 = char.Parse ("4"); // (ch3 > ch4).ToString ().HtLog (); // (ch3 < ch4).ToString ().HtLog (); // (" 0 : to Byte " + Convert.ToByte ("0").ToString () + " -> char -> byte : " + Convert.ToByte (char.Parse ("0"))).HtLog (); // (" 1 : to Byte " + Convert.ToByte ("1").ToString () + " -> char -> byte : " + Convert.ToByte (char.Parse ("1"))).HtLog (); // (" 9 : to Byte " + Convert.ToByte ("9").ToString () + " -> char -> byte : " + Convert.ToByte (char.Parse ("9"))).HtLog (); // ("00345 parse :: " + int.Parse ("000345")).HtLog (); // // ("GetContinuousInteger Test >> abcde345dkdk :: " + "abcde345dkdk".GetContinuousInteger ()).HtLog (); // ("GetContinuousInteger Test >> abcde00345dkdk34399 :: " + "abcde00345dkdk34399".GetContinuousInteger ()).HtLog (); // ("GetContinuousInteger Test >> abcde002345dkdk34399 :: " + "abcde002345dkdk34399".GetContinuousInteger ()).HtLog (); // ("GetContinuousInteger Test >> abcdewlwlwl :: " + "abcdewlwlwl".GetContinuousInteger ()).HtLog (); // _////////////////////////////////////////////////_ _____ Test _____ Game Win / Lose _____ // bool goal = AgUtilGame.DidKickerWinThisTurn(5, 3, 0, 0); // Ag.LogString (" goal >>> " + goal); // goal = AgUtilGame.DidKickerWinThisTurn(5, 3, 1, 2); // Ag.LogString (" goal >>> " + goal); // _////////////////////////////////////////////////_ _____ Test _____ ?? _____ // // // string str = "1~`aA+_';\"지금"; // // Encoding unicode = Encoding.Unicode; // Encoding utf8 = Encoding.UTF8; // // byte[] unicodeBytes = unicode.GetBytes(str); // // byte[] utf8Bytes = Encoding.Convert( unicode, // utf8, // unicodeBytes ); // // //Console.WriteLine( "UTF Bytes:" ); // StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); // foreach( byte b in utf8Bytes ) { // sb.Append( b ).Append(" : "); // } // // // Ag.LogIntenseWord (" UTF 16 :: " + sb.ToString()); // Ag.LogString(" Jail Break Result >>>>> Fb.JailBreakIOS : " + Fb.JailBreakIOS); #endif timerObj.WaitTimeFor(0, 0, 8); #if UNITY_EDITOR " #if UNITY_EDITOR ".HtLog(); #endif // _////////////////////////////////////////////////_ _____ Test _____ T e s t _____ // # 참고... String 이 너무 짧아 crash 되는 소스. iOS try 문에서 잡아줌. ... //NotificationServices.enabledRemoteNotificationTypes.ToString ().HtLog (); // Ag.LogStartWithStr (3, " Card WAS SetDirection () "); // AmCard tCrd = new AmCard (); // tCrd.WAS.grade = "S"; // tCrd.WAS.isKicker = true; // tCrd.WAS.SetDirection (); // tCrd.WAS.ShowMySelf (); //Ag.SingleTry = 1; string hanTest = WWW.UnEscapeURL("%EC%9E%AC%EA%B2%BD%EA%B8%B0%EC%88%98%EB%9D%BD%20%EC%8B%9C%EA%B0%84%EC%B4%88%EA%B3%BC"); hanTest = "%E0%B8%B8%32"; if (hanTest == "%E0%B8%B8") { Ag.LogIntenseWord(" if (hanTest "); } WWW.EscapeURL("ุ").HtLog(); hanTest = WWW.UnEscapeURL(null); string errhanTest = WWW.UnEscapeURL(WWW.EscapeURL("종국이 총각 김치")); // Error Ag.LogStartWithStr(3, " 0.ToFixedWidth (jarisu++).HtLog();" + hanTest + errhanTest); int jarisu = 0; 0.ToFixedWidth (jarisu++).HtLog(); // AgUtil.ToJson int 어레이를 Json 으로. (" AgUtil.ToJson Test :: " + AgUtil.IntArrToJson("AgUtil.ToJson", new int[] { 3, 4, 5 })).HtLog(); (" AgUtil.ToJson Empty :: " + AgUtil.IntArrToJson("AgUtil.ToJson >> ", new int[] { })).HtLog(); Ag.LogNewLine(1); // Null Parsing string strNullInclude = " {\"WasKey\":null}"; JSONNode aNde = JSON.Parse(strNullInclude); string strNullParsed = aNde ["WasKey"]; Ag.LogString(" if (aNde['WasKey'] == null) is true " + aNde ["WasKey"] + aNde ["WasKey"].ToString()); if (AgUtil.IsNullJson(aNde ["WasKey"])) { Ag.LogString(" OK print this line ...... AgUtil.IsNullJson Success ...... "); } (" this is null parse to Int test >>> " + aNde ["Nooo"].AsInt).HtLog(); (" this is null parsing >>>> " + aNde ["WasKey"]).HtLog(); // null (" this is null parsed String >>>> " + strNullParsed + " Length : " + strNullParsed.Length).HtLog(); // null4 .. ?? // Simple JSON Test ATestClass aObb = new ATestClass(); string jsStr = JsonMapper.ToJson(aObb); // LitJson 으로 인코딩.. int 355 (" object ==> JsonMapper.ToJson ==> jsStr :: >> " + jsStr).HtLog(); JSONNode jsLitSim = JSON.Parse(jsStr); (" Parsed as >>>> " + jsLitSim.ToString()).HtLog(); (" If no info JSON Parsing :: This will Crash ??? " + jsLitSim ["Empty"].AsBool.ToString() + " << AsBool == false ... ").HtLog(); (" If no info JSON Parsing :: This will Crash ??? " + jsLitSim ["Empty"].AsInt.ToString() + " << AsInt == false ... ").HtLog(); (" Just[\"sB\"] : " + jsLitSim ["sB"] + " Add ToString() : " + jsLitSim ["sB"].ToString()).HtLog(); //public string nameOfYourVariable = MemberInfoGetting.GetMemberName(() => MyVariable); Ag.LogNewLine(1); // Print Name of variables .... Reflection ??? int nameOfInt = 35; string nameOfYourVariable = AgUtil.GetN(() => nameOfInt); (" nameOfYourVariable >> Test :: Key : " + nameOfYourVariable + " Value : " + nameOfInt).HtLog(); Ag.LogNewLine(1); // Null test ... (" { } Test IsJsonNull >> All True ?? >> " + " { } ".IsJsonNull() + " {} ".IsJsonNull() + "null".IsJsonNull() + "{ }".IsJsonNull()).HtLog(); (" { } Test IsJsonNull >> All True ?? >> " + " { _ } ".IsJsonNull() + " }{ ".IsJsonNull()).HtLog(); Ag.LogIntense(5, false); }
// _////////////////////////////////////////////////_ _///////////////////////_ _____ Ag _____ Static Class _____ static Ag() { LogIntenseWord(" static Ag() "); if (mVirServer != null) { LogIntenseWord(" static Ag() .. Abort .. "); return; } else { mVirServer = new AmServer(); // [2012:11:11:MOON] Single Mode... } Ag.mySelf = new AmUser(); Ag.myEnem = new AmUser(); //Ag.mFBobj = new AmFacebook(); //Ag.DeviceUID = SystemInfo.deviceUniqueIdentifier; //SystemInfo.deviceModel SystemInfo.deviceUniqueIdentifier SystemInfo.operatingSystem SystemInfo.deviceName // //////////////////////////////////////////////// Debugging ... mIsDebug = true; //AgNoShare.GenTempID (); mgScrX = Screen.width; mgScrY = Screen.height; Ag.LogString("Ag::Init mgScrX: " + mgScrX + ", mgScrY: " + mgScrY); // //////////////////////////////////////////////// Global Variables : Initial Value Setting Ag.mSingleMode = false; mgServerLoggedIn = mGameStartAlready = mNetPackWaiting = false; //Ag.mLoginPhase = "LP"; //Ag.mgLanguage = Application.systemLanguage.ToString (); //Ag.mgLanguage = "KOR"; Ag.mgLanguage = "KOR"; //Ag.mgLanguage.Substring (0, 3); if (Ag.mgLanguage != "Chi" && Ag.mgLanguage != "Kor" && Ag.mgLanguage != "Jap" && Ag.mgLanguage != "Spa" && Ag.mgLanguage != "Ger") { Ag.mgLanguage = "Eng"; } mCountryData = new DataBaseCountry(); // //////////////////////////////////////////////// Deprecate Nominee ss .... // Some variables ... put here ... #if UNITY_IPHONE Ag.LogString("IPhone Setting "); // if (iPhone.generation == iPhoneGeneration.iPhone4 || iPhone.generation == iPhoneGeneration.iPhone4S || iPhone.generation == iPhoneGeneration.iPhone5) { // Ag.mgIsRetina = true; // Ag.mgIsIPhone = true; // } // if (iPhone.generation == iPhoneGeneration.iPhone3GS) { // Ag.mgIsRetina = false; // Ag.mgIsIPhone = true; // } #endif #if UNITY_ANDROID Ag.LogString("Android Setting "); //AgUtil.mAppleReviewURL = "https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.appsgraphy.psykickbattle&feature=search_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwyLDEsImNvbS5hcHBzZ3JhcGh5LnBzeWtpY2tiYXR0bGUiXQ"; //AgUtil.mAppStoreURL = AgUtil.mAppleReviewURL; mgScrX = Screen.height / 2 * 3; mgScrY = Screen.height; #endif if (mgScrX < mgScrY) { mgScrY = mgScrX; mgScrX = Screen.height; } Ag.LogString("Ag () Creation ..... >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> OK "); //GitIgnoreThis.GitIgnoreSetup (); Ag.LogNewLine(3); }
public void SetSkillPositions(AmCard pCard, bool pDidBuyPotion, bool pEventPotion, bool pMinusPotion, AmUser pUser, int costumeNum) {//[2012:11:09:LJK] Random Item Acc Good Perfect modified arrArea = new ArrayList(); //case 0: good = 20f; better = .5f; break; //Debug.Log ("Card Good :: SetSkillPositions" + pCard.WAS.skill[0] + "Perfect" + pCard.WAS.skill[1] + " CardGRADE " + pCard.WAS.grade); int good, prft; if (AgStt.mgGameTutorial) { mGood = pCard.WAS.skill [0]; mPerfect = pCard.WAS.skill [1]; } else { WAS.GetSkillFinalValue(pUser.arrUniform [0].Kick.Shirt.Texture, pUser.arrUniform [0].Kick.Pants.Texture, pUser.arrUniform [0].Kick.Socks.Texture, costumeNum, out good, out prft, Ag.mgDirection); mGood = good; mPerfect = prft; } //Debug.Log ("mGood :: SetSkillPositions" + mGood + "mPerfect :: SetSkillPositions"+ mPerfect); // Potion... if (pDidBuyPotion) { mGood *= 1.2f; mPerfect += 30f; } //[2012:11:09:LJK] Random Item Acc Good Perfect modified if (pEventPotion) { mPerfect += 20f; }//[2012:11:09:LJK] Random Item Acc Good Perfect modified float cen, sta; if (AgStt.mgGameTutorial) { cen = 241f; sta = cen - mGood * 0.5f; } else { cen = 300f; sta = cen - mGood * 0.5f; } //Ag.LogIntenseWord (" SetSkillPositions >>>>> mGood :: " + mGood + " mPerfect :: " + mPerfect + " sta : " + sta); arrArea.Add(new int[] { 1, (int)sta, (int)(sta + mGood) }); if (mPerfect > 0) // Regend card has no perfect area .... { InsertSmallArea(2, (int)(cen - 0.5f * mPerfect), (int)(cen + 0.5f * mPerfect)); } }