Ejemplo n.º 1

        /// <summary>
        /// Get the passkey to send to the ServiceBroker. Return null if the ServiceBroker's name is not in the list.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="index"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string GetLsToSbPasskey(string caller)
            string lsToSbPasskey = null;

            if (caller != null)
                // Remove whitespace
                caller = caller.Trim();

                // Scan the allowed caller list for a matching entry
                for (int i = 0; i < this.allowedCallerList.Count; i++)
                    AllowedCaller allowedCaller = this.allowedCallerList[i];

                    // Compare sbName - comparison is not case-sensitive
                    if (allowedCaller.sbName.Equals(caller, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == true)
                        // Save the lsToSbPasskey
                        lsToSbPasskey = allowedCaller.lsToSbPasskey;

Ejemplo n.º 2
 public RocketCommandAttribute(string Name, string Help, string Syntax = "", AllowedCaller AllowedCaller = AllowedCaller.Both)
     name          = Name;
     help          = Help;
     syntax        = Syntax;
     allowedCaller = AllowedCaller;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 internal RocketAttributeCommand(string Name, string Help, string Syntax, AllowedCaller AllowedCaller, List <string> Permissions, List <string> Aliases, MethodInfo Method)
     name          = Name;
     help          = Help;
     syntax        = Syntax;
     permissions   = Permissions;
     aliases       = Aliases;
     method        = Method;
     allowedCaller = AllowedCaller;
Ejemplo n.º 4

        /// <summary>
        /// Search the allowed caller list for the specified ServiceBroker GUID and passkey.
        /// Return the ServiceBroker's name if found, otherwise return null.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sbGuid"></param>
        /// <param name="sbToLsPasskey"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string Authentication(string sbGuid, string sbToLsPasskey)
            //const string STRLOG_MethodName = "Authentication";

            //Logfile.WriteCalled(STRLOG_ClassName, STRLOG_MethodName);

            string caller = null;

            // Check special case where call is made directly from the LabServerWebService web page
            // on the localhost during application development and testing.
            if (this.isAuthenticating == false && sbGuid == null && sbToLsPasskey == null)
                // Caller is localhost where SOAP header contains no information
                caller = STR_localhost;
                    // Check for ServiceBroker GUID
                    if (sbGuid == null)
                        throw new ArgumentNullException(STR_sbGuid);

                    // Check for Passkey
                    if (sbToLsPasskey == null)
                        throw new ArgumentNullException(STR_sbToLsPassKey);

                    // Remove whitespace
                    sbGuid        = sbGuid.Trim();
                    sbToLsPasskey = sbToLsPasskey.Trim();

                    // Check if the GUID and passkey should be logged
                    if (this.isLoggingCaller == true)
                        // Log caller's id and passkey
                        Logfile.Write(STRLOG_sbGuid + sbGuid);
                        Logfile.Write(STRLOG_sbToLsPassKey + sbToLsPasskey);

                    // Scan the allowed caller list for a matching entry
                    for (int i = 0; i < this.allowedCallerList.Count; i++)
                        AllowedCaller allowedCaller = this.allowedCallerList[i];

                        // Find matching GUID - comparison is not case-sensitive
                        if (sbGuid.Equals(allowedCaller.sbGuid, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == true)
                            // Found GUID, now check the passkey - comparison is not case-sensitive
                            if (sbToLsPasskey.Equals(allowedCaller.sbToLsPassKey, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == true)
                                // Caller found, now check if caller is allowed
                                if (allowedCaller.isAllowed == false)
                                    // Caller is not allowed
                                    throw new ArgumentException(STRERR_CallerNotAllowed, allowedCaller.sbName);

                                // Caller is allowed
                                caller = allowedCaller.sbName;
                                // Passkey does not match, caller not allowed
                                throw new ArgumentException(STRERR_IncorrectPasskey, allowedCaller.sbName);

                    if (caller == null)
                        // Caller not found in list
                        throw new ArgumentException(STRERR_CallerNotFound);

                    // Caller found
                    Logfile.Write(STRLOG_CallerAuthenticated + caller);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    // Log the message but don't throw the exception back to the caller

            //Logfile.WriteCompleted(STRLOG_ClassName, STRLOG_MethodName);

Ejemplo n.º 5

        /// <summary>
        /// <para>Exceptions:</para>
        /// <para>System.ArgumentNullException</para>
        /// <para>System.FormatException</para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="allowedCallers"></param>
        /// <param name="authenticate"></param>
        /// <param name="logCaller"></param>
        public AllowedCallers(string[] allowedCallers, bool authenticate, bool logCaller)
            const string STR_MethodName = "AllowedCallers";

            Logfile.WriteCalled(null, STR_MethodName);


            // Create the allowed callers list
            this.allowedCallerList = new List <AllowedCaller>();

            bool configFileValues = false;

            if (allowedCallers == null)
                configFileValues = true;
                    // Get the allowed caller values from the Application's configuration file
                    allowedCallers = Utilities.GetAppSettings(Consts.STRCFG_AllowedCaller);
                    // No allowed callers in configuration file, but that's ok

                // Process the allowed callers
                for (int i = 0; allowedCallers != null && i < allowedCallers.Length; i++)
                    if (allowedCallers[i] == null)
                        throw new ArgumentNullException(Consts.STRCFG_AllowedCaller);

                    // Split the allowed caller CSV string into its parts
                    string[] strSplit = allowedCallers[i].Split(new char[] { Consts.CHR_CsvSplitterChar });
                    if (strSplit.Length != (int)CsvFields.Length)
                        throw new FormatException(STRERR_CsvStringFieldCount);

                    // Create an empty allowed caller ready to fill in
                    AllowedCaller allowedCaller = new AllowedCaller();

                    // Store ServiceBroker's name
                    allowedCaller.sbName = strSplit[(int)CsvFields.SbName].Trim();
                    if (allowedCaller.sbName.Length == 0)
                        throw new ArgumentNullException(STR_sbName, STRERR_CsvStringEmptyField);

                    // Store ServiceBroker's GUID
                    allowedCaller.sbGuid = strSplit[(int)CsvFields.SbGuid].Trim();
                    if (allowedCaller.sbGuid.Length == 0)
                        throw new ArgumentNullException(STR_sbGuid, STRERR_CsvStringEmptyField);

                    // Store ServiceBroker to LabServer passkey
                    allowedCaller.sbToLsPassKey = strSplit[(int)CsvFields.SbToLsPasskey].Trim();
                    if (allowedCaller.sbToLsPassKey.Length == 0)
                        throw new ArgumentNullException(STR_sbToLsPassKey, STRERR_CsvStringEmptyField);

                    // Store ServiceBroker's web service URL
                    allowedCaller.sbNotifyUrl = strSplit[(int)CsvFields.SbNotifyUrl].Trim();
                    if (allowedCaller.sbNotifyUrl.Length == 0)
                        throw new ArgumentNullException(STR_sbNotifyUrl, STRERR_CsvStringEmptyField);

                    // Store LabServer to ServiceBroker passkey
                    allowedCaller.lsToSbPasskey = strSplit[(int)CsvFields.LsToSbPasskey].Trim();
                    if (allowedCaller.lsToSbPasskey.Length == 0)
                        throw new ArgumentNullException(STR_lsToSbPasskey, STRERR_CsvStringEmptyField);

                    // Store allow access flag
                    string str = strSplit[(int)CsvFields.IsAllowed].Trim();
                    if (str.Length == 0)
                        throw new ArgumentNullException(STR_isAllowed, STRERR_CsvStringEmptyField);
                        allowedCaller.isAllowed = bool.Parse(str);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        throw new ArgumentException(ex.Message, STR_isAllowed);

                    // Add allowed caller to the list

                    Logfile.Write(" " + allowedCaller.sbName);

                Logfile.Write(STRLOG_CallersCached + this.allowedCallerList.Count.ToString());

                // Determine if caller authentication should be disabled
                if (configFileValues == true)
                    string authenticateCaller = null;
                        // Get authenticate flag from the Application Configuration file
                        authenticateCaller = Utilities.GetAppSetting(Consts.STRCFG_AuthenticateCaller);
                        // Athenticate flag not specified

                    this.isAuthenticating = false;
                    if (authenticateCaller != null)
                            this.isAuthenticating = bool.Parse(authenticateCaller);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            throw new ArgumentException(ex.Message, Consts.STRCFG_AuthenticateCaller);
                    // Set authenticate directly
                    this.isAuthenticating = authenticate;

                Logfile.Write(STRLOG_IsAuthenticating + isAuthenticating.ToString());

                // Check that we are not authenticating an empty allowed caller list
                if (this.isAuthenticating == true && this.allowedCallerList.Count == 0)
                    // Access to LabServer would always be denied
                    throw new ArgumentException(STRERR_AuthenticatingEmptyList);

                // Determine if caller identification should be logged
                if (configFileValues == true)
                    string logCallerIdPasskey = null;
                        // Get the caller logging flag from the Application's configuration file
                        logCallerIdPasskey = Utilities.GetAppSetting(Consts.STRCFG_LogCallerIdPasskey);
                        // Caller logging not specified

                    this.isLoggingCaller = false;
                    if (logCallerIdPasskey != null)
                            this.isLoggingCaller = bool.Parse(logCallerIdPasskey);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            throw new ArgumentException(ex.Message, Consts.STRCFG_LogCallerIdPasskey);
                    // Set log caller directly
                    this.isLoggingCaller = logCaller;

                Logfile.Write(STRLOG_IsLoggingCaller + isLoggingCaller.ToString());
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Log the message and throw the exception back to the caller

            Logfile.WriteCompleted(null, STR_MethodName);
        /// <summary>
        /// <para>Exceptions:</para>
        /// <para>System.ArgumentNullException</para>
        /// <para>System.FormatException</para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="allowedCallers"></param>
        /// <param name="authenticate"></param>
        /// <param name="logCaller"></param>
        public AllowedCallers(string[] allowedCallers, bool authenticate, bool logCaller)
            const string STR_MethodName = "AllowedCallers";

            Logfile.WriteCalled(null, STR_MethodName);


            // Create the allowed callers list
            this.allowedCallerList = new List<AllowedCaller>();

            bool configFileValues = false;

            if (allowedCallers == null)
                configFileValues = true;
                    // Get the allowed caller values from the Application's configuration file
                    allowedCallers = Utilities.GetAppSettings(Consts.STRCFG_AllowedCaller);
                    // No allowed callers in configuration file, but that's ok

                // Process the allowed callers
                for (int i = 0; allowedCallers != null && i < allowedCallers.Length; i++)
                    if (allowedCallers[i] == null)
                        throw new ArgumentNullException(Consts.STRCFG_AllowedCaller);

                    // Split the allowed caller CSV string into its parts
                    string[] strSplit = allowedCallers[i].Split(new char[] { Consts.CHR_CsvSplitterChar });
                    if (strSplit.Length != (int)CsvFields.Length)
                        throw new FormatException(STRERR_CsvStringFieldCount);

                    // Create an empty allowed caller ready to fill in
                    AllowedCaller allowedCaller = new AllowedCaller();

                    // Store ServiceBroker's name
                    allowedCaller.sbName = strSplit[(int)CsvFields.SbName].Trim();
                    if (allowedCaller.sbName.Length == 0)
                        throw new ArgumentNullException(STR_sbName, STRERR_CsvStringEmptyField);

                    // Store ServiceBroker's GUID
                    allowedCaller.sbGuid = strSplit[(int)CsvFields.SbGuid].Trim();
                    if (allowedCaller.sbGuid.Length == 0)
                        throw new ArgumentNullException(STR_sbGuid, STRERR_CsvStringEmptyField);

                    // Store ServiceBroker to LabServer passkey
                    allowedCaller.sbToLsPassKey = strSplit[(int)CsvFields.SbToLsPasskey].Trim();
                    if (allowedCaller.sbToLsPassKey.Length == 0)
                        throw new ArgumentNullException(STR_sbToLsPassKey, STRERR_CsvStringEmptyField);

                    // Store ServiceBroker's web service URL
                    allowedCaller.sbNotifyUrl = strSplit[(int)CsvFields.SbNotifyUrl].Trim();
                    if (allowedCaller.sbNotifyUrl.Length == 0)
                        throw new ArgumentNullException(STR_sbNotifyUrl, STRERR_CsvStringEmptyField);

                    // Store LabServer to ServiceBroker passkey
                    allowedCaller.lsToSbPasskey = strSplit[(int)CsvFields.LsToSbPasskey].Trim();
                    if (allowedCaller.lsToSbPasskey.Length == 0)
                        throw new ArgumentNullException(STR_lsToSbPasskey, STRERR_CsvStringEmptyField);

                    // Store allow access flag
                    string str = strSplit[(int)CsvFields.IsAllowed].Trim();
                    if (str.Length == 0)
                        throw new ArgumentNullException(STR_isAllowed, STRERR_CsvStringEmptyField);
                        allowedCaller.isAllowed = bool.Parse(str);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        throw new ArgumentException(ex.Message, STR_isAllowed);

                    // Add allowed caller to the list

                    Logfile.Write(" " + allowedCaller.sbName);

                Logfile.Write(STRLOG_CallersCached + this.allowedCallerList.Count.ToString());

                // Determine if caller authentication should be disabled
                if (configFileValues == true)
                    string authenticateCaller = null;
                        // Get authenticate flag from the Application Configuration file
                        authenticateCaller = Utilities.GetAppSetting(Consts.STRCFG_AuthenticateCaller);
                        // Athenticate flag not specified

                    this.isAuthenticating = false;
                    if (authenticateCaller != null)
                            this.isAuthenticating = bool.Parse(authenticateCaller);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            throw new ArgumentException(ex.Message, Consts.STRCFG_AuthenticateCaller);
                    // Set authenticate directly
                    this.isAuthenticating = authenticate;

                Logfile.Write(STRLOG_IsAuthenticating + isAuthenticating.ToString());

                // Check that we are not authenticating an empty allowed caller list
                if (this.isAuthenticating == true && this.allowedCallerList.Count == 0)
                    // Access to LabServer would always be denied
                    throw new ArgumentException(STRERR_AuthenticatingEmptyList);

                // Determine if caller identification should be logged
                if (configFileValues == true)
                    string logCallerIdPasskey = null;
                        // Get the caller logging flag from the Application's configuration file
                        logCallerIdPasskey = Utilities.GetAppSetting(Consts.STRCFG_LogCallerIdPasskey);
                        // Caller logging not specified

                    this.isLoggingCaller = false;
                    if (logCallerIdPasskey != null)
                            this.isLoggingCaller = bool.Parse(logCallerIdPasskey);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            throw new ArgumentException(ex.Message, Consts.STRCFG_LogCallerIdPasskey);
                    // Set log caller directly
                    this.isLoggingCaller = logCaller;

                Logfile.Write(STRLOG_IsLoggingCaller + isLoggingCaller.ToString());
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Log the message and throw the exception back to the caller

            Logfile.WriteCompleted(null, STR_MethodName);
Ejemplo n.º 7
 internal RocketAttributeCommand(string Name,string Help,string Syntax,AllowedCaller allowedCaller,List<string>Permissions,List<string>Aliases,MethodInfo Method)
     name = Name;
     help = Help;
     syntax = Syntax;
     permissions = Permissions;
     aliases = Aliases;
     method = Method;
     allowedCaller = AllowedCaller;