Ejemplo n.º 1
        public AllocationDto CreateAllocation(AllocationDto allocationDto)
            var plan = _planDataStore.GetPlan(allocationDto.PlanId);

            if (plan == null)
                throw new RecordNotFoundException($"Unable to find plan with id {allocationDto.PlanId}.");

            if (allocationDto.Person == null && allocationDto.Project == null)
                throw new BusinessLogicException("Person and Project can not both be null");

            allocationDto.Person ??= "Any Person";
            allocationDto.Project ??= "Any Project";

            var currentAllocationSum = GetCurrentTotalAllocation(allocationDto.PlanId);
            var maxAllowedAllocation = plan.Currency - currentAllocationSum;

            if (maxAllowedAllocation < allocationDto.Currency)
                throw new BusinessLogicException($"{allocationDto.Currency} is more than the remaining allotment of {maxAllowedAllocation}.");

            var newAllocation = _planDataStore.CreateAllocation(_mapper.Map <Allocation>(allocationDto));

            return(_mapper.Map <AllocationDto>(newAllocation));
        public async Task StartAllocation_WhenStartNewAllocationWithWrongLicensePlate_ThenReturnBadRequest()
            var server = new TestServer(new WebHostBuilder()
                                        .UseStartup <TestStartup>());

            using (server)
                var client = server

                var context = server.Host.Services.GetService <ParkSharkContext>();


                AllocationDto allocationDto = new AllocationDto()
                    MemberPeronId      = 1,
                    ParkinglotId       = 1,
                    MemberLicensePlate = new LicensePlate("OtherPlate", "BE")

                var content       = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(allocationDto);
                var stringContent = new StringContent(content, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");

                var response = await client.PostAsync("api/allocations", stringContent);

        /// <summary>
        /// Calculate the actual for assets. Add into the dictionary
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="assets">All assets over the years</param>
        /// <returns>The max year in the assets </returns>
        private void GetActualYears(Asset[] assets)
            // calculate the actual allocations
            var years = assets.Select(x => x.AssetDate.Year).Distinct().ToArray();
            var minYr = years.Min();
            var maxYr = years.Max();

            for (var year = minYr; year <= maxYr; year++)
                var curAssets = assets.ForYear(year);
                var curTotal  = curAssets.Sum(x => x.AssetAmount);
                var preDto    = AllocationDict.ContainsKey(year - 1) ? AllocationDict[year - 1] : null;
                var preTotal  = preDto?.AssetTotal ?? 0m;

                var dto = new AllocationDto(year, AllocationStatusTypes.Actual, _settings.RetirementIncome)
                    AgeYear           = new RetirementAge(year - BirthYear, year).ToString(),
                    AssetTotal        = curTotal,
                    Assets            = curAssets,
                    PreAssets         = preDto?.Assets ?? new Asset[0],
                    AssetTotalChanged = AssetsHelper.GetTotalWithChange(curTotal, preTotal)

                AllocationDict.Add(year, dto);
        private void AllocateRetiredEarlyBeforeSocialAndPension(int r401KAge, int pensionAge, int maxAge)
            for (var year = r401KAge; year < pensionAge; year++)
                var preDto    = AllocationDict[year - 1];
                var preAssets = preDto.Assets;

                var assetDate   = new DateTime(year, 12, 31);
                var transformer = new SimpleTransformer(_settings.InvestmentReturnRate);
                var assets      = transformer.Transform(assetDate, preAssets);

                // 401K
                var r401Amount = SimpleR401KAllocator.Allocate(assets, maxAge, year);

                // Cash
                var target         = GetTarget(preDto);
                var cashAmount     = r401Amount >= target ? 0m : target - r401Amount;
                var cashWithdrawal = SimpleAllocator.Allocate(assets, assets.ForCash(), cashAmount);

                var preTotal = preDto.AssetTotal;
                var curTotal = assets.Sum(x => x.AssetAmount);

                var dto = new AllocationDto(year, AllocationStatusTypes.RetiredEstimated, target)
                    AgeYear           = new RetirementAge(year - BirthYear, year).ToString(),
                    CashAmount        = cashWithdrawal,
                    R401KAmount       = r401Amount,
                    Assets            = assets.ToArray(),
                    PreAssets         = preDto.Assets,
                    AssetTotalChanged = AssetsHelper.GetTotalWithChange(curTotal, preTotal)
                AllocationDict.Add(year, dto);
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculate transition years. Assume 4% increase and self-sustained.
        /// </summary>
        private void GetTransitionYears()
            var minYr = AllocationDict.Keys.Max() + 1;
            var maxYr = BirthYear + RetirementAge;

            for (var year = minYr; year <= maxYr; year++)
                var preDto    = AllocationDict[year - 1];
                var preAssets = preDto.Assets;

                var assetDate   = new DateTime(year, 12, 31);
                var transformer = new SimpleTransformer(_settings.InvestmentReturnRate, _settings.TransitionYear401KSaving);
                var assets      = transformer.Transform(assetDate, preAssets);

                var preTotal = preDto.AssetTotal;
                var curTotal = assets.Sum(x => x.AssetAmount);

                var dto = new AllocationDto(year, AllocationStatusTypes.Estimated, _settings.RetirementIncome)
                    AgeYear           = new RetirementAge(year - BirthYear, year).ToString(),
                    Assets            = assets.ToArray(),
                    PreAssets         = preDto.Assets,
                    AssetTotalChanged = AssetsHelper.GetTotalWithChange(curTotal, preTotal)
                AllocationDict.Add(year, dto);
        public async Task StartAllocation_WhenStartNewAllocation_ThenReturnStatusCode201WithAllocationGuid()
            var server = new TestServer(new WebHostBuilder()
                                        .UseStartup <TestStartup>());

            using (server)
                var client = server

                var context = server.Host.Services.GetService <ParkSharkContext>();


                AllocationDto allocationDto = new AllocationDto()
                    MemberPeronId      = 1,
                    ParkinglotId       = 1,
                    MemberLicensePlate = new LicensePlate("123", "BE")

                var content       = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(allocationDto);
                var stringContent = new StringContent(content, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");

                var response = await client.PostAsync("api/allocations", stringContent);

                var allocationGuid = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

                var pl_response = await client.GetAsync("api/parkinglots/1");

                var responseString = await pl_response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

                ParkinglotDto parkinglotDto = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ParkinglotDto>(responseString);

                //context = server.Host.Services.GetService<ParkSharkContext>();
                //var pl = context.Parkinglots.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id == 1);
                //Assert.Equal(4, pl.Capacity);

                Assert.Equal(4, parkinglotDto.AvailablePlaces);
        private void AllocateRetiredFully(int pensionAge, int maxAge)
            for (var year = pensionAge; year < maxAge; year++)
                var preDto    = AllocationDict[year - 1];
                var preAssets = preDto.Assets;

                var assetDate   = new DateTime(year, 12, 31);
                var transformer = new SimpleTransformer(_settings.InvestmentReturnRate);
                var assets      = transformer.Transform(assetDate, preAssets);

                // 401K
                var r401Amount = SimpleR401KAllocator.Allocate(assets, maxAge, year);

                // Cash
                var target         = GetTarget(preDto);
                var cashPortion    = (target - r401Amount - PensionIncome - SocialSecurityIncome);
                var cashAmount     = cashPortion >= 0 ? cashPortion : 0m;
                var cashWithdrawal = SimpleAllocator.Allocate(assets, assets.ForCash(), cashAmount);

                // Still missing target
                var shortAmount = target - cashWithdrawal - r401Amount - SocialSecurityIncome - PensionIncome;
                if (shortAmount > 0)
                    r401Amount += SimpleAllocator.Allocate(assets, assets.For401K(), shortAmount);

                var preTotal = preDto.AssetTotal;
                var curTotal = assets.Sum(x => x.AssetAmount);

                var dto = new AllocationDto(year, AllocationStatusTypes.RetiredEstimated, target)
                    AgeYear              = new RetirementAge(year - BirthYear, year).ToString(),
                    CashAmount           = cashWithdrawal,
                    R401KAmount          = r401Amount,
                    SocialSecurityAmount = SocialSecurityIncome,
                    PensionAmount        = PensionIncome,
                    Assets            = assets.ToArray(),
                    PreAssets         = preDto.Assets,
                    AssetTotalChanged = AssetsHelper.GetTotalWithChange(curTotal, preTotal)
                AllocationDict.Add(year, dto);
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public ActionResult <AllocationDto> UpdateAllocation(long planId, long allocationId, AllocationDto allocationDto)
     allocationDto.PlanId = planId;
     allocationDto.Id     = allocationId;
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public ActionResult <AllocationDto> CreateAllocation(long planId, AllocationDto allocationDto)
     allocationDto.PlanId = planId;
 private decimal GetTarget(AllocationDto preDto)
     return(preDto.Target == 0
         ? _settings.RetirementIncome
         : preDto.Target *(1 + _settings.RetirementIncomeAdjustmentRate));