Ejemplo n.º 1
        public HomeWin()
            colorItems = ViewHelper.NewColorItems;
            shapeItems = ViewHelper.NewShapeItems;
            this.Resources.Add("colorItems", colorItems);
            this.Resources.Add("shapeItems", shapeItems);

            modifyColorItems = ViewHelper.NewColorItems;
            modifyShapeItems = ViewHelper.NewShapeItems;
            this.Resources.Add("modifyColorItems", modifyColorItems);
            this.Resources.Add("modifyShapeItems", modifyShapeItems);


            btnSearch.IsEnabled = false;
            rbtnPic.IsChecked   = true;

            dlgOpenKeyPic       = newOpenFileDialog();
            dlgOpenKeyPic.Title = "请选择关键图";

            dlgOpenPics             = newOpenFileDialog();
            dlgOpenPics.Title       = "请选择多张图片进行导入";
            dlgOpenPics.Multiselect = true;

            dlgOpenPicFolder              = new System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog();
            dlgOpenPicFolder.Description  = "请选择文件夹以导入其下的所有图片(JPG, PNG, BMP)";
            dlgOpenPicFolder.SelectedPath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyPictures);
            //dlgOpenPicFolder.RootFolder = Environment.SpecialFolder.MyPictures;

            // It should be done by dependency injection here!!
            clothLibService    = new ClothLibService();
            clothSearchService = new ClothSearchService();
            imageMatcher       = ClothUtil.ImageMatcherInst;

            aDesc = new AlgorithmDesc();

            // temp
            rbtnCombine.IsEnabled   = false;
            txtModifyName.IsEnabled = false;

            //picNames = new List<string>();

            isValid = RegisterUtil.VerifyLogin();
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public MatchAlgorithmWin(AlgorithmDesc aDesc)

            this.aDesc = aDesc;

            // the first elements of these arrays are always the default ones.
            rLevels = new RecallLevel[] { RecallLevel.Default, RecallLevel.Recall1, RecallLevel.Recall2, RecallLevel.Recall3 };
            aTypes  = new AlgorithmType[] { AlgorithmType.Texture3, AlgorithmType.Texture2, AlgorithmType.Texture1, AlgorithmType.Color1 };
            rbtns   = new RadioButton[] { rbtnTexture3, rbtnTexture2, rbtnTexture1, rbtnColor1 };
            cmbs    = new ComboBox[] { cmbTexture3, cmbTexture2, cmbTexture1, cmbColor1 };

            int rLevelIndex = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < rLevels.Length; ++i)
                if (aDesc.RLevel == rLevels[i])
                    rLevelIndex = i;

            int aTypeIndex = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < aTypes.Length; ++i)
                if (aDesc.AType == aTypes[i])
                    aTypeIndex = i;

            rbtns[aTypeIndex].IsChecked    = true;
            cmbs[aTypeIndex].SelectedIndex = rLevelIndex;