public AreaBuilding CreateAreaBuilding(GridCell minGridCell, GridCell maxGridCell, Vector2 size, int type)
        // setup for selection object
        Vector3 oldPosition = selection_object.transform.position;

        SetupPositionAndSize(minGridCell.gridPosition, size);
        selection_object.transform.position = UpdateSelectionObject(minGridCell, maxGridCell, size);

        // instantiate new gameObject and then position and parent it
        GameObject new_go = (GameObject)Instantiate(selection_object);

        new_go.transform.position = selection_object.transform.position;
        new_go.transform.position = new Vector3(selection_object.transform.position.x,
                                                selection_object.transform.position.y - 0.05f,
        new_go.transform.parent = areaBuildingContainer;
        new_go.GetComponent <Renderer>().material = areaBuildingMaterial;

        //don't forget to set layer
        new_go.layer = InterfaceController.LAYER_AREA_BUILDING;

        // add components, and add collider
        AreaBuilding new_area = new_go.AddComponent <AreaBuilding> ();

        new_go.AddComponent <BoxCollider> ();
        new_go.GetComponent <BoxCollider> ().size = new Vector3(0.99f, 0.99f, 0.99f);         // otherwise it's counts as outside and size ends up at +1 because of Setup
        new_area.Setup(type, buildingFactory);

        // reflect changes in grid

        // and finally add to airport list

        // reset position
        selection_object.transform.position = oldPosition;
