Ejemplo n.º 1
        internal AirCreateReservationRsp AirBook(AirPricingSolution lowestPrice, AirService.AirItinerary airItinerary)
            AirCreateReservationReq reservationReq = new AirCreateReservationReq();
            AirCreateReservationRsp reservationRsp;

            BillingPointOfSaleInfo billSaleInfo = new BillingPointOfSaleInfo();

            billSaleInfo.OriginApplication = "UAPI";

            reservationReq.BillingPointOfSaleInfo = billSaleInfo;

            reservationReq.ContinuityCheckOverride = new ContinuityCheckOverride()
                Key   = "1T",
                Value = "true"

            reservationReq.BookingTraveler = AddBookingTraveler(airItinerary);

            reservationReq.FormOfPayment = AddFormOfPayment();

            reservationReq.AirPricingSolution = AddAirPriceSolution(lowestPrice, airItinerary);

            List <ActionStatus> statusList = new List <ActionStatus>();

            ActionStatus actionStatus = new ActionStatus()
                ProviderCode = "1G",
                Type         = ActionStatusType.TAW,
                TicketDate   = reservationReq.AirPricingSolution.AirPricingInfo[0].LatestTicketingTime

            reservationReq.ActionStatus      = statusList.ToArray();
            reservationReq.TargetBranch      = CommonUtility.GetConfigValue(ProjectConstants.G_TARGET_BRANCH);
            reservationReq.RetainReservation = typeRetainReservation.Both;
            AirCreateReservationPortTypeClient client = new AirCreateReservationPortTypeClient("AirCreateReservationPort", WsdlService.AIR_ENDPOINT);

            client.ClientCredentials.UserName.UserName = Helper.RetrunUsername();
            client.ClientCredentials.UserName.Password = Helper.ReturnPassword();
                var httpHeaders = Helper.ReturnHttpHeader();
                client.Endpoint.EndpointBehaviors.Add(new HttpHeadersEndpointBehavior(httpHeaders));
                reservationRsp = client.service(null, reservationReq);
            catch (Exception se)
                Console.WriteLine("Error : " + se.Message);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private AirPricingSolution AddAirPriceSolution(AirService.AirPricingSolution lowestPrice, AirService.AirItinerary airItinerary)
            AirPricingSolution finalPrice = new AirPricingSolution()
                Key                   = lowestPrice.Key,
                TotalPrice            = lowestPrice.TotalPrice,
                BasePrice             = lowestPrice.BasePrice,
                ApproximateTotalPrice = lowestPrice.ApproximateTotalPrice,
                ApproximateBasePrice  = lowestPrice.ApproximateBasePrice,
                Taxes                 = lowestPrice.Taxes,
                ApproximateTaxes      = lowestPrice.ApproximateTaxes,
                QuoteDate             = lowestPrice.QuoteDate
            List <typeBaseAirSegment> finalSegments  = new List <typeBaseAirSegment>();
            List <AirPricingInfo>     finalPriceInfo = new List <AirPricingInfo>();

            foreach (var segmentRef in lowestPrice.AirSegmentRef)
                foreach (var segment in airItinerary.AirSegment)
                    if (segmentRef.Key.CompareTo(segment.Key) == 0)
                        typeBaseAirSegment univSeg = new typeBaseAirSegment()
                            ArrivalTime             = segment.ArrivalTime,
                            AvailabilityDisplayType = segment.AvailabilityDisplayType,
                            AvailabilitySource      = segment.AvailabilitySource,
                            Carrier                   = segment.Carrier,
                            ChangeOfPlane             = segment.ChangeOfPlane,
                            ClassOfService            = segment.ClassOfService,
                            DepartureTime             = segment.DepartureTime,
                            Destination               = segment.Destination,
                            Distance                  = segment.Distance,
                            Equipment                 = segment.Equipment,
                            FlightNumber              = segment.FlightNumber,
                            FlightTime                = segment.FlightTime,
                            Group                     = segment.Group,
                            Key                       = segment.Key,
                            LinkAvailability          = segment.LinkAvailability,
                            OptionalServicesIndicator = segment.OptionalServicesIndicator,
                            Origin                    = segment.Origin,
                            ParticipantLevel          = segment.ParticipantLevel,
                            PolledAvailabilityOption  = segment.PolledAvailabilityOption,
                            ProviderCode              = segment.ProviderCode,
                            TravelTime                = segment.TravelTime,


            foreach (var priceInfo in lowestPrice.AirPricingInfo)
                AirPricingInfo info = new AirPricingInfo()
                    ApproximateBasePrice  = priceInfo.ApproximateBasePrice,
                    ApproximateTotalPrice = priceInfo.ApproximateTotalPrice,
                    BasePrice             = priceInfo.BasePrice,
                    ETicketability        = (typeEticketability)priceInfo.ETicketability,
                    IncludesVAT           = priceInfo.IncludesVAT,
                    Key = priceInfo.Key,
                    LatestTicketingTime = priceInfo.LatestTicketingTime,
                    //PlatingCarrier = priceInfo.PlatingCarrier, Optional but might be required for some carriers
                    PricingMethod = (typePricingMethod)priceInfo.PricingMethod,
                    ProviderCode  = priceInfo.ProviderCode,
                    Taxes         = priceInfo.Taxes,
                    TotalPrice    = priceInfo.TotalPrice,

                List <FareInfo> fareInfoList = new List <FareInfo>();

                List <ManualFareAdjustment> fareAdjustmentList = new List <ManualFareAdjustment>();

                ManualFareAdjustment adjustment = new ManualFareAdjustment()
                    AdjustmentType = typeAdjustmentType.Amount,
                    AppliedOn      = typeAdjustmentTarget.Base,
                    Value          = +40,
                    PassengerRef   = "gr8AVWGCR064r57Jt0+8bA=="


                info.AirPricingModifiers = new AirPricingModifiers()
                    ManualFareAdjustment = fareAdjustmentList.ToArray()

                foreach (var fareInfo in priceInfo.FareInfo)
                    FareInfo createInfo = new FareInfo()
                        Amount            = fareInfo.Amount,
                        DepartureDate     = fareInfo.DepartureDate,
                        Destination       = fareInfo.Destination,
                        EffectiveDate     = fareInfo.EffectiveDate,
                        FareBasis         = fareInfo.FareBasis,
                        Key               = fareInfo.Key,
                        NotValidAfter     = fareInfo.NotValidAfter,
                        NotValidBefore    = fareInfo.NotValidBefore,
                        Origin            = fareInfo.Origin,
                        PassengerTypeCode = fareInfo.PassengerTypeCode,
                        PrivateFare       = (typePrivateFare)fareInfo.PrivateFare,
                        PseudoCityCode    = fareInfo.PseudoCityCode,
                        FareRuleKey       = new FareRuleKey()
                            FareInfoRef  = fareInfo.FareRuleKey.FareInfoRef,
                            ProviderCode = fareInfo.FareRuleKey.ProviderCode,
                            Value        = fareInfo.FareRuleKey.Value

                    List <Endorsement> endorsementList = new List <Endorsement>();

                    if (fareInfo.Endorsement != null)
                        foreach (var endorse in fareInfo.Endorsement)
                            Endorsement createEndorse = new Endorsement()
                                Value = endorse.Value


                        createInfo.Endorsement = endorsementList.ToArray();


                info.FareInfo = fareInfoList.ToArray();

                List <BookingInfo> bInfo = new List <BookingInfo>();

                foreach (var bookingInfo in priceInfo.BookingInfo)
                    BookingInfo createBookingInfo = new BookingInfo()
                        BookingCode = bookingInfo.BookingCode,
                        CabinClass  = bookingInfo.CabinClass,
                        FareInfoRef = bookingInfo.FareInfoRef,
                        SegmentRef  = bookingInfo.SegmentRef


                info.BookingInfo = bInfo.ToArray();

                List <typeTaxInfo> taxes = new List <typeTaxInfo>();

                foreach (var tax in priceInfo.TaxInfo)
                    typeTaxInfo createTaxInfo = new typeTaxInfo()
                        Amount   = tax.Amount,
                        Category = tax.Category,
                        Key      = tax.Key


                info.TaxInfo = taxes.ToArray();

                info.FareCalc = priceInfo.FareCalc;

                List <PassengerType> passengers = new List <PassengerType>();

                /*foreach (var pass in priceInfo.PassengerType)
                 * {
                 *  PassengerType passType = new PassengerType()
                 *  {
                 *      BookingTravelerRef = pass.BookingTravelerRef,
                 *      Code = pass.BookingTravelerRef
                 *  };
                 *  passengers.Add(passType);
                 * }*/

                passengers.Add(new PassengerType()
                    Code = "ADT",
                    BookingTravelerRef = "gr8AVWGCR064r57Jt0+8bA=="

                info.PassengerType = passengers.ToArray();

                if (priceInfo.ChangePenalty != null)
                    info.ChangePenalty = new typeFarePenalty()
                        Amount = priceInfo.ChangePenalty.Amount

                List <BaggageAllowanceInfo> baggageInfoList = new List <BaggageAllowanceInfo>();

                foreach (var allowanceInfo in priceInfo.BaggageAllowances.BaggageAllowanceInfo)
                    BaggageAllowanceInfo createBaggageInfo = new BaggageAllowanceInfo()
                        Carrier      = allowanceInfo.Carrier,
                        Destination  = allowanceInfo.Destination,
                        Origin       = allowanceInfo.Origin,
                        TravelerType = allowanceInfo.TravelerType

                    List <URLInfo> urlInfoList = new List <URLInfo>();

                    foreach (var url in allowanceInfo.URLInfo)
                        URLInfo urlInfo = new URLInfo()
                            URL = url.URL


                    createBaggageInfo.URLInfo = urlInfoList.ToArray();

                    List <ConsoleApplication1.UniversalService.TextInfo> textInfoList = new List <UniversalService.TextInfo>();

                    foreach (var textData in allowanceInfo.TextInfo)
                        ConsoleApplication1.UniversalService.TextInfo textInfo = new UniversalService.TextInfo()
                            Text = textData.Text


                    createBaggageInfo.TextInfo = textInfoList.ToArray();

                    List <BagDetails> bagDetailsList = new List <BagDetails>();

                    foreach (var bagDetails in allowanceInfo.BagDetails)
                        BagDetails bag = new BagDetails()
                            ApplicableBags        = bagDetails.ApplicableBags,
                            ApproximateBasePrice  = bagDetails.ApproximateBasePrice,
                            ApproximateTotalPrice = bagDetails.ApproximateTotalPrice,
                            BasePrice             = bagDetails.BasePrice,
                            TotalPrice            = bagDetails.TotalPrice,

                        List <BaggageRestriction> bagRestictionList = new List <BaggageRestriction>();
                        foreach (var restriction in bagDetails.BaggageRestriction)
                            List <ConsoleApplication1.UniversalService.TextInfo> restrictionTextList = new List <UniversalService.TextInfo>();
                            foreach (var bagResTextInfo in restriction.TextInfo)
                                ConsoleApplication1.UniversalService.TextInfo resText = new UniversalService.TextInfo()
                                    Text = bagResTextInfo.Text


                            BaggageRestriction bagRes = new BaggageRestriction()
                                TextInfo = restrictionTextList.ToArray()


                        bag.BaggageRestriction = bagRestictionList.ToArray();

                    createBaggageInfo.BagDetails = bagDetailsList.ToArray();


                List <CarryOnAllowanceInfo> carryOnAllowanceList = new List <CarryOnAllowanceInfo>();

                foreach (var carryOnBag in priceInfo.BaggageAllowances.CarryOnAllowanceInfo)
                    CarryOnAllowanceInfo carryOn = new CarryOnAllowanceInfo()
                        Carrier     = carryOnBag.Carrier,
                        Destination = carryOnBag.Destination,
                        Origin      = carryOnBag.Origin


                List <BaseBaggageAllowanceInfo> embargoInfoList = new List <BaseBaggageAllowanceInfo>();

                if (priceInfo.BaggageAllowances.EmbargoInfo != null)
                    foreach (AirService.BaseBaggageAllowanceInfo embargoInfo in priceInfo.BaggageAllowances.EmbargoInfo)
                        BaseBaggageAllowanceInfo embargo = new BaseBaggageAllowanceInfo()
                            Carrier     = embargoInfo.Carrier,
                            Destination = embargoInfo.Destination,
                            Origin      = embargoInfo.Origin

                        List <URLInfo> embargoURLList = new List <URLInfo>();
                        foreach (var embargoUrl in embargoInfo.URLInfo)
                            URLInfo url = new URLInfo()
                                URL  = embargoUrl.URL,
                                Text = embargoUrl.Text


                        embargo.URLInfo = embargoURLList.ToArray();

                        List <ConsoleApplication1.UniversalService.TextInfo> embargoTextList = new List <UniversalService.TextInfo>();
                        foreach (var embargoText in embargoInfo.TextInfo)
                            ConsoleApplication1.UniversalService.TextInfo text = new UniversalService.TextInfo()
                                Text = embargoText.Text


                        embargo.TextInfo = embargoTextList.ToArray();


                info.BaggageAllowances = new BaggageAllowances()
                    BaggageAllowanceInfo = baggageInfoList.ToArray(),
                    CarryOnAllowanceInfo = carryOnAllowanceList.ToArray(),
                    EmbargoInfo          = embargoInfoList.ToArray()


            finalPrice.AirPricingInfo = finalPriceInfo.ToArray();
            finalPrice.AirSegment     = finalSegments.ToArray();

Ejemplo n.º 3
        private BookingTraveler[] AddBookingTraveler(AirService.AirItinerary airItinerary)
            List <BookingTraveler> travelers = new List <BookingTraveler>();

            //Adding First Booking Traveler
            BookingTraveler traveler = new BookingTraveler();

            traveler.DOB          = DateTime.Now.AddYears(-28);
            traveler.Gender       = "M";
            traveler.TravelerType = "ADT";
            traveler.Key          = "gr8AVWGCR064r57Jt0+8bA==";
            traveler.Nationality  = "US";

            traveler.BookingTravelerName = new BookingTravelerName()
                First  = "Jack",
                Last   = "Smith",
                Prefix = "Mr"

            DeliveryInfoShippingAddress shipping = new DeliveryInfoShippingAddress()
                AddressName = "Home",
                Street      = new string[] { "2914 N. Dakota Avenue" },
                City        = "Denver",
                State       = new State()
                    Value = "CO"
                PostalCode = "80206",
                Country    = "US"

            List <DeliveryInfo> deliveryInfoList = new List <DeliveryInfo>();
            DeliveryInfo        deliveryInfo     = new DeliveryInfo()
                ShippingAddress = shipping


            traveler.DeliveryInfo = deliveryInfoList.ToArray();

            List <PhoneNumber> phoneList = new List <PhoneNumber>();

            PhoneNumber phoneNum = new PhoneNumber()
                AreaCode    = "303",
                CountryCode = "1",
                Number      = "3333333",
                Location    = "DEN"


            traveler.PhoneNumber = phoneList.ToArray();

            List <Email> emailList = new List <Email>();

            Email email = new Email()
                EmailID = "*****@*****.**",
                Type    = "Home"


            traveler.Email = emailList.ToArray();

            List <SSR> ssrList = new List <SSR>();

            //This part is optional but required for some airlines like UA etc.
            if (airItinerary.AirSegment != null)
                IEnumerator segments = airItinerary.AirSegment.GetEnumerator();
                while (segments.MoveNext())
                    AirService.typeBaseAirSegment seg = (AirService.typeBaseAirSegment)segments.Current;
                    SSR ssr = new SSR()
                        Carrier    = seg.Carrier,
                        SegmentRef = seg.Key,
                        Status     = "HK",
                        Type       = "DOCS",
                        FreeText   = "P/" + traveler.Nationality + "/F1234567/" + traveler.Nationality + "/"
                                     + traveler.DOB.ToString("ddMMMyy") + "/"
                                     + traveler.Gender + "/" + DateTime.Now.AddYears(2).ToString("ddMMMyy") + "/" + traveler.BookingTravelerName.Last
                                     + "/" + traveler.BookingTravelerName.First


            traveler.SSR = ssrList.ToArray();

            List <typeStructuredAddress> addressList = new List <typeStructuredAddress>();

            typeStructuredAddress address = new typeStructuredAddress()
                AddressName = "Home",
                Street      = new string[] { "2914 N. Dakota Avenue" },
                City        = "Denver",
                State       = new State()
                    Value = "CO"
                PostalCode = "80206",
                Country    = "US"


            traveler.Address = addressList.ToArray();


            //Adding Second Booking Traveler
            BookingTraveler traveler1 = new BookingTraveler();

            traveler1.DOB          = DateTime.Now.AddYears(-20);
            traveler1.Gender       = "F";
            traveler1.TravelerType = "ADT";
            traveler1.Key          = "8s04Fns2SiizjV5Zn7T6Xw==";//The key should be unique for each traveler
            traveler1.Nationality  = "US";

            traveler1.BookingTravelerName = new BookingTravelerName()
                First  = "Mary",
                Last   = "Smith",
                Prefix = "Ms"

            List <PhoneNumber> phoneList1 = new List <PhoneNumber>();

            PhoneNumber phoneNum1 = new PhoneNumber()
                AreaCode    = "303",
                CountryCode = "1",
                Number      = "3333333",
                Location    = "DEN"


            traveler1.PhoneNumber = phoneList.ToArray();

            List <Email> emailList1 = new List <Email>();

            Email email1 = new Email()
                EmailID = "*****@*****.**",
                Type    = "Home"


            traveler1.Email = emailList1.ToArray();

            List <SSR> ssrList1 = new List <SSR>();

            //This part is optional but required for some airlines like UA etc.
            if (airItinerary.AirSegment != null)
                IEnumerator segments = airItinerary.AirSegment.GetEnumerator();
                while (segments.MoveNext())
                    AirService.typeBaseAirSegment seg = (AirService.typeBaseAirSegment)segments.Current;
                    SSR ssr = new SSR()
                        Carrier    = seg.Carrier,
                        SegmentRef = seg.Key,
                        Status     = "HK",
                        Type       = "DOCS",
                        FreeText   = "P/" + traveler1.Nationality + "/F1234567/" + traveler1.Nationality + "/"
                                     + traveler1.DOB.ToString("ddMMMyy") + "/"
                                     + traveler1.Gender + "/" + DateTime.Now.AddYears(2).ToString("ddMMMyy") + "/" + traveler1.BookingTravelerName.Last
                                     + "/" + traveler1.BookingTravelerName.First


            traveler1.SSR = ssrList1.ToArray();

